In RavenDB my document (ID = 1234) is
"datacontainer": {
"data": [
"#idx": "1",
"#idy": "a",
"value": {
"#text": "test 2010"
"#idx": "2",
"#idy": "b",
"value": {
"#text": "test 2011"
"#idx": "3",
"#idy": "c",
"value": {
"#text": "test 2012"
I want to create an Index, where I choose my favourite values (for example idx = "2" and idy = "b") and the output will be:
(ID, value_text) = (1234, "test 2011")
Now I can select a single element and check its value in Linq:
where[0]["#idx"] == "2" &&[0]["#idy"] == "b"
How can I search the right element in my list?
In RavenDB, you don't search for a list value, you are searching for a document with a given document that matches the query you have.
In your case, what does your entity looks like?
I solved my problem! In RavenDB the index, called "MyIndex", is:
from p in docs
select new
{ Id =,
M = => x["#idx"] == "2").First(x => x["#idy"] == "b").value["#text"]
from test in results
group test by new {test.Id, test.M } into g
select new { g.Key.Id, g.Key.M }
Now I can use this Index in my queries, so I will search for a document that contains a particular value, for example:
var results = from p in session.Query<QueryResult>("MyIndex")
where p.M == "test 2011"
select p;
Maybe there is a better solution, but now it works!
I've this schema for my db:
"_id" : "test_schema",
"t" : 5,
"p" : [
"id" : "207",
"v" : 4
"id" : "309",
"v" : 1
I'm trying to $inc the v value of equal to "207".
I'm currently able to inc the t value with this code:
var result = collection.UpdateOneAsync(new BsonDocument("_id", "test_schema"}), new BsonDocument("$inc", new BsonDocument("t", 4)), new UpdateOptions() { IsUpsert = true }).Result;
but whe i try to update a value on array nothing happen(even no error!):
var result = collection.UpdateOneAsync(new BsonDocument(new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "_id", "test_schema" }, { "", "207" } }), new BsonDocument("$inc", new BsonDocument("p.v", 4)), new UpdateOptions() { IsUpsert = true }).Result;
Following MongoDB documentation i noticed that "p.v", 4 should be "p.$.v" but in cosmodb raise a not valid $ symbol exception.
Any suggestion?
Cosmos DB doesn't yet support positional operator, it is on the roadmap. The feedback item is filed to track interest in this feature. Please vote there if you need this support.
I have a JSON that have a JSONArray as a value in one of the json inside it. here is the example of it.
"id": 1,
"symptoms" : [{\"key\":\"sample1\",\"value\":5},{\"key\":\"sample2\",\"value\":5}]
"id": 2,
"symptoms" : [{\"key\":\"sample3\",\"value\":1}]
{ "id": 3,
"symptoms" : []
"id": 4,
"symptoms": [{\"key\":\"sample4\",\"value\":1}]
So what I am doing is that I am parsing the inner JSON and place it in a String Array. But whenever I look up to symptoms it skips the empty JSONArray. So whenever i print the String Array it goes like this (with the given sample on top) ["sample1", "sample2", "sample3", "sample4"]. But i want to do is to append an "" to the String Array whenever the JSONArray is empty so it should be like this ["sample1", "sample2", "sample3", "", "sample4"]. Anyone can help me with this? Here is my code
var arrayHolder: [String] = []
var idHolder: [Int] = []
for item in swiftyJSON.arrayValue {
//for the inner JSON
let innerJSON = JSON(data: item["symptoms"].dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!)
for symptoms in innerJSON.arrayValue {
print(idHolder) // [1,2,3,4]
print(arrayHolder) // ["sample1","sample2","sample3","sample4"]
Just check if innerJSON is empty:
for item in swiftyJSON.arrayValue {
//for the inner JSON
let innerJSON = item["symptoms"].arrayValue // non need to create a new JSON object
if innerJSON.isEmpty {
} else {
for symptoms in innerJSON {
Hi i have collection which contains around 200 documents looks like
"_id": 0,
"name": "Demarcus Audette",
"scores": [
"type": "exam",
"score": 30.61740640636871
"type": "quiz",
"score": 14.23233821353732
"type": "homework",
"score": 31.41421298576332
"type": "homework",
"score": 30.09304792394713
now i wrote code like
DBCursor cursor = collection.find().sort(new BasicDBObject("scores.score":1));
while( cursor.hasNext() )
BasicDBList list=(BasicDBList) Bobj.get("scores");
// Now here i am getting list of documents which consists of an scores array and i need to remove 3rd elements of it and save collection.... but how to do?
if i use for loop like
for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++)
list.remove(2);------ it gives an error here;
Are you sure that you can sort it as 'scores.score'. As 'scores' is a list of objects you cant reference objects inside list using dot notation. Error should be on that line.
DBCursor cursor = collection.find();
while ( cursor.hasNext()) {
DBObject dbObject =;
BasicDBList dbList = (BasicDBList) (dbObject.get("score"));
//then use java Collections.sort() to sort the List (refer to two methods at the bottom)
Use one of the following to sort the DBList
1 . Using Lambda expression
Collections.sort(dbList, (o1, o2) -> o1).getDouble("score"), ((BasicDBObject) o2).getDouble("score")));
or java 7 <
Collections.sort(dbList, new Comparator<Object>() {
public int compare(Object o, Object o2) {
if (((BasicDBObject) o).getDouble("score") >= ((BasicDBObject) o2).getDouble("score")) {
return 1;
return -1;
See this link
I`m has been
[some symbol for post this message)))]
I get the above exception at this line of code of jqGrid.src.js
fmt = $.jgrid.formatter.integer || {};
I can't for the life of me tell you what that means or why I can't get the damn thing to work. I suspect it has to do with how I am building my json object.
for(int j = rowstart; (j <= rowend && variable.Template.Count > j); j++){
PatientACOModel patMod = variable.Template[j];
var rowData = new{
id = patMod.EncounterId,
cell = new {
MRN = patMod.MRN,
Hospital_Fin = patMod.HospitalFinNumber,
First_Name = patMod.FirstName,
Last_Name = patMod.LastName,
Date_of_birth = patMod.DateOfBirth
var griddata = new {
total = variable.Template.Count % rows > 0 ? (variable.Template.Count / rows) + 1 : (variable.Template.Count / rows),
page = page,
records = al.Count,
rows = al.ToArray()
I have no clue what I am doing wrong? It looks like everything is set up correctly?
This would be the json data that is being sent back to my jqGRid... These are just a small selection of rows, and columns. Am I missing something here?
{"total": 2,
"page": 1,
"records": 15,
"rows": [{
"id": 2148,
"cell": {
"MRN": "840134833",
"Hospital_Fin": "987141516",
"First_Name": "YELLOW",
"Last_Name": "CRAYON",
"Date_of_birth": "\/Date(1253160000000)\/"
"id": 1898,
"cell": {
"MRN": "785528039",
"Hospital_Fin": "6669511596226",
"First_Name": "RAYFIELD",
"Last_Name": "BOYD",
"Date_of_birth": "\/Date(-720298800000)\/"
To eliminate this error, you need to make sure that you are including the localization file
<script src="~/Scripts/i18n/grid.locale-en.js"></script>
before the jqGrid file. That eliminated the problem for me.
I am new to RavenDB and it's been frustrating try to get the Any() LINQ query to work correctly. Here is what my document looks like:
"Key": "BKey",
"Text": "B Key",
"IsLocal": false,
"Category": null,
"_destroy": false,
"Translations": [
"CultureCode": "es-ES",
"Text": null
"CultureCode": "ja-JP",
"Text": "Hello"
I would expect the following query to give me all entries that don't have translations for "es-ES":
var nonTranslatedEntries =
_docs.Query<ResourceEntry>().Where( e => e.Translations == null || e.Translations.Count == 0 || !e.Translations.Any(t => t.CultureCode == "es-ES" && t.Text != null))
However, this isn't working. It's bringing back the entries even when a translation for the specified CultureCode exists. It works if I have only have one item inside the translations array. But as soon as I have more than one item inside the translations array, then the query stops working.
As an alternative solution, I tried to do the following:
var translatedEntries = from re in _docs.Query<ResourceEntry>()
where re.Translations.Any(t => t.CultureCode == cultureCode && t.Text != null)
select new {Id = re.Id};
var translatedIds = translatedEntries.ToList().Select(e => e.Id).ToList();
var nonTranslatedEntries =
_docs.Query<ResourceEntry>().Where(e => !e.Id.In(translatedEntryIds));
But that just brings back an empty list.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
A static index that will get the job done:
public class Resources_ByTranslation :
AbstractIndexCreationTask<ResourceEntry, Resources_ByTranslation.IndexEntry>
public class IndexEntry
public string Key { get; set; }
public string CultureCodes { get; set; }
public Resources_ByTranslation()
Map = entries => from entry in entries
select new {
CultureCodes = entry.Translations
.Where(x => x.Text != null)
.Select(x => x.CultureCode)
Then query with:
var nonTranslatedEntries =
session.Query<Resources_ByTranslation.IndexEntry, Resources_ByTranslation>()
.Where(x => x.CultureCodes != "es-ES")
Note that the CultureCodes list is being treated as single string. This is due to how then index matching works internally. It's slightly strange, but it does work.
I ended up fixing my issue as follows:
Upon creation of a resource entry, I go ahead and create all the possible translations and set the translation text to null:
"Key": "BKey",
"Text": "B Key",
"IsLocal": false,
"Category": null,
"_destroy": false,
"Translations": [
"CultureCode": "es-ES",
"Text": null
"CultureCode": "ja-JP",
"Text": null
I then created the following index:
public class ResourceEntries_ByCultureCodes : AbstractIndexCreationTask<ResourceEntry>
public ResourceEntries_ByCultureCodes()
Map = entries => from e in entries
select new
_ = e.Translations.Select(t => CreateField(t.CultureCode, t.Text != null, false, true))
That gives me a flat record of translations with the value set to 'true' if a translation exists for a that specific culture. For example, I get back something like this:
es-ES: <true> or <false> depending upon whether Translation.Text != null
ja-JP:<true> or <false> depending upon whether Translation.Text != null
I can then do LuceneQuery as follows to get all entries for "es-ES" that have NOT been translated:
_docs.LuceneQuery<ResourceEntry, ResourceEntries_ByCultureCodes>().WhereEquals("es-ES", false);
I wish there were an easier solution, though.