SOA and APIs - are the APIs endpoint services or they require a distinct service? - ruby

I'm designing a RESTful Service Oriented Architecture web application to make it scale as good as possible and put different kind of services on different machines (separating resource intensive operations from other services).
I also want users to be able to access their data to make their own applications.
I'm not sure if I have to design these services to be opened to the world, so it's just a matter of make them listen on a web domain (like AWS) or create another service to handle API requests.
It makes sense to me to have secure opened webservices, but it does add a lot of complexity to the architecture itself because each service becomes a client that has to be recognized (trust) by other services in the same suite, just as well as I have to recognize 3rd party applications trying to access their own data.
Is this a right SOA approach? What I want to be sure is that I'm not mixing wrong concepts designing a wrong service oriented architecture.
All services have crud interfaces so they could be queried using REST principles.

Depending on the nature of your system, it may be viable to have unsecured webservices, so they can all talk to each other without the security overheads. To make the services available to 3rd parties, you could then use a Service Perimeter Guard as the only mechanism for accessing the services externally and apply security at this layer. This has the benefit of providing consistent security across all of your services, however if the perimeter is compromised then access to all of the services is obtained.
This approach may not be viable for all services. For instance information that is considered "personal-in-confidence" (e.g., employee data such as home addresses, emergency contact details, health data, etc), will need to be secured so that unauthorised staff cannot access it.
Regarding your comment of putting different services on different machines, this will result in under-utilised resources on some machines and possibly over-utilised resources on others. To avoid this, deploy all services to all machines and use a load-balancer. This will provide more optimal resource usage and simplify deployments (e.g., using Chef or Puppet) as all of the nodes are the same. As the resource usage increases, you can then simply add more nodes. Similarly if the resource usage is low, you can remove nodes.
Regarding your last sentence, there is a whole lot more to REST than CRUD (such as HATEOAS).


can micro-service interact with downstream service through localhost origin

Can micro-service interact with downstream service through localhost origin, since my all service is running in same server is that is correct approach ? I found that interacting a downstream service with domain name takes much time when compared to localhost. i was curious to know whether we can do like this ?
You're right, you can communicate with other services running in the same host with localhost. It's completely fine and when thinking about network round trips, it's beneficial.
what if you want to scale the services?
What if you want to move any of the services to a different host?
While considering at least these scenarios, binding to a specific host is not worth. And this is applicable if you are using the IP of the host.
*I found that interacting a downstream service with domain name takes much time when compared to localhost.*.
I see what you're saying.
Microservices architecture is not a silver bullet for software development design and always come with tradeoffs
And about your deployment strategy Multiple Service Instances per Host pattern.
How you are going to handle if your services have different resource requirements?
say what if one of your services is utilizing all the host resource?
What if you need to scale out one independent service?
How you are going to ensure the availabilities of your services?
So there are so many questions you must consider before going with a pattern in microservices. It all depends on your requirements.
If your services are on the same server you should using a message broker or mechanism like grcp to talk between your services so doesn't matter if your orgin is. If you are using HTTP to communicate between your micro services then it totally not gain any advantages of micro services architecture and your architecture is flawed.
Microservice is a concept, it does not force you to where you deploy your application and how they might call each other. You may deploy your microservices on different virtual machines that are hosted on the same physical server. The whole point is you need to have a reason for everything that you decide to do with your architecture.
The first question is why you have split your application into different microservices? for only carrying the word of microservice on your architecture or having better control on the business logic, scalability, and maintainability of the project?
These are important things you need to take care of them when you are designing an application. draw the big picture of your product, how it's going to be used. which service/component is mostly being used by the customers, does keeping it with other microservices on the same server makes performance issues or not? what if any issue happens to the server and whole applications would be unreachable.

Communication Microservices/Microfrontend Architecture

When reading literature about microfrontends, I always see that the frontend is composed of microfrontends that different teams develop. Each microfrontend has at least one backend. What I do not see is that the backends communicate with each other. Is that right? Are they that way separated that they can completely live with out any communication between the backends?
Benefits of microfrontends:
Ability to deploy UI code independently between teams/domains
Ability to use different technologies per team
Hard boundaries/encapsulation of UI code for that domain
Faster build, test, deploy times given smaller codebase
Optimal microfrontend architecture:
Assuming a single user facing webapp:
A "platform" microfrontend serves the "skeleton" page
From the user's perspective, it's a single site with one domain name (avoids CORS issues)
The "skeleton" page calls out to team specific frontends, based on namespaced routes, typically this path-based routing is handled via an ingress or reverse proxy (e.g. /namespace/accounting goes to the accounting frontend)
Frontend service (microfrontend) is strictly responsible for presentation issues, and often calls out to other backend services that have ownership over various data.
Frontend service contains logic for both serving static assets/components, and for handling ajax requests/composing UI specific data.
Your frontend service will generally have to call out to backend services to compose data for presentational purposes. For example, if you need to display user data, you will likely need to call out to some UserService or AccountService to get additional details about that user. I don't recommend attempting to build a separate datastore with replicated data that's specific to the frontend service.
The frontend service typically shouldn't contain business logic; however, there's an argument to be made that for smaller apps/earlier on it can make sense to have a single service that handles both the UI and business logic for the same domain. It's generally the lesser evil to have services that are too broad rather than too narrow.
However, in a microservices architecture it's still important that you keep necessary dependencies between services to a minimum. A common problem is running into "dependency" hell, where you call Service A, which needs to call Service B and so on, which makes the architecture slow and brittle. A frontend service would typically make calls to services that are only "one layer deep", and then compose those responses into a single display data/payload.
Finally, it's very important that you choose the boundaries of your frontend service/domain wisely. It shouldn't be the case that you have many frontend services that all need to frequently call out to the same backend services. Better to start with a single broad frontend service and break it down further as you become more confident in the boundaries.

Micro services using Service fabric where to place controllers

I have a micro-service project with multiple services in .NET Core. When it comes to placing the controllers, there are 2 approaches:
Place the controllers in respective Micro Services, with Startup.cs in each micro-service.
Place all controllers in a separate project and have them call the individual services.
I think the 1st approach will involve less coding effort but the 2nd one separates controllers from actual services using interfaces etc.
Is there a difference in terms of how they are created and managed in Fabric using both approaches.
This is very broad topic and can raise points for discussion because it all depends on preferences, experiences and tech stacks. I will add my two cents, but do not consider it as a rule, just my view for both approaches.
First approach (APIs for each service isolated from each other):
the services will expose their public APIs themselves and you will need to put a service discovery approach in place to enable clients to call each microservice, a simple one is using the reverse proxy to forward the calls using the service name.
Each service and it's APIs scales independently
This approach is better to deploy individual updates without taking down other microservices.
This approach tends to have more code repetition to handle authorization, authentication, and other common aspects, from there you will end up doing shared libraries using on all services.
This approach increase the points of failures, it is good because failures will affect less services, if one API is failing, other services won't be impacted (if the failure does not affect the machine like memory leak or high CPU usage).
The second approach (Single API to forward the calls to right services):
You have a single endpoint and the service discovery will happen in the API, all work will be handled by each services.
The API must scale for everyone even though one service consumes much more resources than others. just the service will scale independently.
This approach, to add or modify api endpoints, you will likely update the API and the service, taking down the API will affect other services.
This approach reduces the code duplication and you can centralize many common aspects like Authorization, request throttling and so on.
This approach has less points of failures, if one microservices goes down, and a good amount of calls depend on this service, the API will handle more connection and pending requests, this will affect other services and performance. If it goes down, every services will be unavailable. Compared to the first approach, the first approach will offloaded the resilience to the proxy or to the client.
In summary,
both approaches will have a similar effort, the difference is that the effort will be split into different areas, you should evaluate both and consider which one to maintain. Don't consider just code in the comparison, because code has very little impact on the overall solution when compared with other aspects like release, monitoring, logging, security, performance.
In our current project we have a public facing API. We have several individual microservice projects for each domain. Being individual allows us to scale according to the resources each microservice use. For example we have an imaging service that consumes a lot of resources, so scaling this is easier. You also have the chance to deploy them individually and if any service fails it doesn't break the whole application.
In front of all the microservices we have an API Gateway that handles all the authentication, throttles, versioning, health checks, metrics, logging etc. We have interfaces for each microservice, and keep the Request and Response models seperately for each context. There is no business logic on this layer, and you also have the chance to aggregate responses where several services need to be called.
If you would like to ask anything about this structure please feel free to ask.

Splitting monolith into microservices

I have an existing web service that supports ordering and it has multiple operations (approximately 20). This is a single webservice that support the ordering function. It interacts with multiple other services to provide ordering capability.
Since there is a lot of business functionality within this app and it is supported by a 10 member team , I believe it is a monolith (though I assume there is no hard and fast rule to define what a monolith is).
We are planning to get the application deployed in cloud foundry environment and we are planning to split the app into 2-3 microservices , primarily to enable them scale independently.
The first few apis which enable searching for a product typically have more number of hits whereas the api that support actual order submission receives less that 5% of the hits. So the product search api should have significantly larger number of instances as compared to order submission api.
Though I am not sure if we could split is based on sub-domains (which I have read should be the basis) , we are thinking of splitting them based on the call sequence as explained earlier.
I have also read that microservices should be choreographed and not orchestrated. However in order to ensure our existing consumers are not impacted , I believe we should expose a api layer which would orchestrate the calls to these microservices. Is providing an api gateway , the normal approach that is followed to ensure consumers do not end up calling multiple microservices and also provides a layer of abstraction?
This seems to be orchestration more than choreography - though I am not hung up on the theoretical aspects , I would like to understand the different solutions that are pursued for this problem statement in an enterprise world.
The Benefits of Microservices
Deploy & Scale Independently
Easier to 'Reason About'
Separation of Concerns
Single Responsibility
(Micro)Service-Oriented Architecture
I would suggest splitting your services based on domain. This is a logical and efficient approach which makes it an easy starting point. Your monolithic package structure may already be organized in this manner, which simplifies the refactoring even more.
API Gateway
The typical Spring Cloud approach for this would be to use a Zuul Proxy on the edge of your network which receives the requests from your clients (web, mobile, etc.) and routes them to the microservices located behind your firewall. The client only interfaces with a single domain, and it handles CORS out of the box.
API Gateway Pattern
Routing and Filtering

ZeroMQ capabilities

I am looking for solutions for a scenario.
Let's assume a service-oriented architecture (SOA) with hundreds of services. The services are completely isolated – what is behind their APIs is an implementation detail.
Different services can have different security policies – i.e. who can access the service. For example, a service can be fully public, accessible to a subset of employees, accessible to a subset of other services, etc. Some services may even have that specified on the API level, for example a public service with some internal API calls (is that a bad idea?).
I have touched a bit on ZMQ but not enough to know if this interconnection of services can be accomplished with ZMQ. Any help to decide on whether to continue concentration on ZMQ or not will be highly appreciated.
Are you asking about how to handle security in a SOA? Or are you asking whether or not it is feasible to build a SOA with 0MQ?
The former requires you to build it yourself. You need to define your own security policy between services. Not really 0MQ's domain.
For the latter, yes, 0MQ should allow you to build a SOA architecture. In fact we're doing it right now. Services are encapsulated into containers with a HTTP endpoint handled by nginx, which then reverse proxies the request to a (one or more) nodejs server within through express, which then PUSH messages to workers' PULL sockets on a fair queue basis. Upon finishing processing the request, the worker PUSH its reply back to the server's PULL socket. This way we can spin up or any number of workers we want with minimal disruption to the server. And this is one service.
Service to service communications is handled through REST-over-HTTP.
