How to include lib without '/'? - include

For example:
I installed libvtk-5.8.
And I try to include vtkAppendPolyData.h not vtk-5.8/vtkAppendPolyData.h.
Because the method include is used in some libraries that I don't want to patch code by myself.
How to do that?
Thank you~


cmake Installing many libraries so that find_package can access them

I've got a source tree with many src directories (lots of use of add_subdirectory), and
I would like to install all of them and be able to use find_package to include them into another project.
After getting mightly confused with install(EXPORT.... , .cmake and config.cmake files,
please could someone tell me the right way of approaching this.

Where is DeleteMediaType() defined?

When implementing the example from I have a problem with DeleteMediaType() and VisualStudio 2010: this function is not defined. I found a header Mtype.h should declare it but that does not exist for VS2010. Shouldn't all the headers and libraries be there without installing some additional SDKs?
Where is DeleteMediaType() defined?
In Windows SDK \Samples\multimedia\directshow\baseclasses\mtype.* files. You are normally supposed to include .h and link strmbas?.lib to make it available to you, but you don't have to: you might prefer to either include this into project directly, or duplicate the function (it's simple and wraps a couple of CoTaskMemFree calls).

VC++ 2010 exclude library

A project I'm building is attempting to include a library, but for the life of me I can't find out the call to include it is coming from. It's trying to include atlthunk.lib, which is supposed to be included through a #pragma comment in atlbase.h, but there's no such comment in my atlbase.h.
I read about someone else who had this problem, but circumvented it by "excluding the lib forcefully". I realise this isn't a stable solution, but could someone tell me how one goes about forcefully excluding a library?
It's a project setting under
Linker/Input - Ignore Specific Default Libraries
Put the library to ignore there.
Here is a screenshot to help you along:

Calling functions from a C++ dylib and Header in a Cocoa Application

Great website, has been super helpful these past few weeks.
I am writing an app in Cocoa that requires the use of a C++ dylib and header files.
I need to call functions from a header file in my app.
Ive tried several ways to import and include these libraries into my app but always end up with missing symbol errors.
The libraries i am using are from the autodesk maya API, anyone have any idea the correct way to do this?
Thanks in advance!
You need to make sure the files calling the functions are Objective-C++ files (basically, give them the extension ".mm"), and you need to add the library to your project so it gets linked in.

How do I know which OSBundleLibrary to include when using XCode?

It seems that I am doing something wrong or the linker is not very good in xcode (I imagine is the first situation :) ) but I found that I need to manually add the OSBundleLibrary references on the plist.
The problem is that sometimes I don't know which bundles should I include, for example, I am building a kernel extension and I am using VFS, it compiles but when I try to load it into the kernel it complains that it can not resolve all the VFS functions.
I usually include "" but when I check samples of VFS I can see "", a bit confusing.
Can anyone share some light?
I found the solution, there is a reference link with all the extensions:
