Issues on saving to isolatedStorageSettings - windows-phone-7

When I am saving data(String) to isolated data storage,it was saving data successfully ,but the while retrieve data from data Storage,I a getting data of previous page.
I am having String variable in App.xaml.cs and i assign the values to it from pages,on deactivating the app,information abt last page gets saved and when i restore it ,i should get my saved String,But this is place i am getting this issue,I get some time the previous or before pages values,If i delete the app and build app successfully it works successfully,but when withou deleting the app and when going on doing build and build process,I am getting this issue.
if (IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings.Contains("endResponse"))
IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings[endResponse] = App.endResponse;
settings.Add("endResponse", App.endResponse);
and for retreiving i am using
if (IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings.Contains("endResponse"))
IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings.TryGetValue<String>("endResponse", out App.endResponse);
Debug.WriteLine("App.end Response in IsolatedStorage while activation>>>" + App.endResponse);
When deleting the app from simulator and while testing the app,it works well ,apart from it I am not getting exact values always.
I am attaching the screenshot of issue,plz check and tell me ,if i miss anything.

After writing your settings, you need to call the Save method :-

Shouldn't you use
rather then this in your post?


Error: "include is invalid for non-ParseObjects" (using parse-osx-library-1.7.5)

I have a Meal object that stores pointers to n created objects "FoodInfo" using the key "MealItems".
When I query for the meal I take advantage of the [query includeKey:#"MealItems"] to fetch the items pointed to while fetching the "Meal".
This works swimmingly if the objects are created while online (ie. all are stored in the cloud db).
However, since I cannot assume access to the cloud at all time for this app I am now trying to enable the local datastore so I've changed my queries to use:
[query fromLocalDatastore];
and I've changed all of my objects' save methods to pinInBackgroundWithBlock followed by (assuming success of local save) saveInBackgroundWithBlock followed by (assuming failure) saveEventually.
To test this, I:
turned off wifi
ran the code to create a meal and then add newly created foods to it. This works with no error codes.
ran a report that then queries for the meal just created. This fails with the following:
Error: Error Domain=Parse Code=121
"include is invalid for non-ParseObjects" UserInfo=0x60800007f400 {
error=include is invalid for non-ParseObjects,
NSLocalizedDescription=include is invalid for non-ParseObjects,
} {
NSLocalizedDescription = "include is invalid for non-ParseObjects";
code = 121;
error = "include is invalid for non-ParseObjects";
Is this scenario not supported?
When I re-enable wifi, the meal is successfully added to the online db, but the query failure still happens when I run the query with the includeKey locally.
Am I missing something here? I'm quite surprised to see this failing. It seems like a really basic feature that should work whether local or cloud based.
Parse objects are not created until you save them. Try using saveEventually first before using pinInBackgroundWithBlock.

Trouble fetching JSONArray key from server

1) I have an Object (JB8XGctiZw) that has to keys: "patternName", and "tempoIntensities". When I run the following code, It will fetch the correct values of both keys.
ParseObject parseObject=ParseObject.createWithoutData("AudioPattern", "JB8XGctiZw");
2) From the web interface I change value contents for BOTH keys.
3) Run again the above code and it will successfully bring me the new value for "patterName", but "tempoIntensities", the JSONArray, will not be updated.
The only way to get the JSONArray updated is to clear local storage.
Is this a bug? Is this behavior normal?
It seems to be an issue with using ParseObject.getJSONArray and ParseObject.getJSONObject. For the moment I fixed this using ParseObject.get() and then casting it.
The version of Parse this applies to is 1.8.2,
And there is an assigned issue here:
You should be logged in to facebook to see this bug

Coded UI error: The following element is not longer availabe

I recorded some test cases with CUIT in VS2010. Everything worked fine the day before. So, today I run again, all the test failed, with the warning: The following element is no longer available ... and I got the exception : Can't perform "Click" on the hidden control, which is not true because all the controls are not hidden. I tried on the other machine, and they failed as well.
Does anyone know why it happens? Is it because of the web application for something else? Please help, thanks.
PS: So I tried to record a new test with the same controls that said "hidden controls", and the new test worked!? I don't understand why.
The warning "The following element blah blah ..." appears when I tried to capture an element or a control while recording. The source code of the button is said 'hidden'
public HtmlImage UIAbmeldenImage
if ((this.mUIAbmeldenImage == null))
this.mUIAbmeldenImage = new HtmlImage(this);
#region Search Criteria
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Id] = null;
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Name] = null;
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Alt] = "abmelden";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.AbsolutePath] = "/webakte-vnext/content/apps/Ordner/images/logOut.png";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Src] = "http://localhost/webakte-vnext/content/apps/Ordner/images/logOut.png";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.LinkAbsolutePath] = "/webakte-vnext/e.consult.9999/webakte/logout/index";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Href] = "http://localhost/webakte-vnext/e.consult.9999/webakte/logout/index";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Class] = null;
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.ControlDefinition] = "alt=\"abmelden\" src=\"http://localhost/web";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.TagInstance] = "1";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.WindowTitles.Add("Akte - Test Akte Coded UI VS2010");
return this.mUIAbmeldenImage;
Although I am running Visual Studio 2012, I find it odd that we started experiencing the same problem on the same day, I can not see any difference in the DOM for the Coded UI Tests I have for my web page, but for some reason VS is saying the control is hidden and specifies the correct ID of the element it is looking for (I verified that the ID is still the same one). I even tried to re-record the action, because I assumed that something must have changed, but I get the same error.
Since this sounds like the same problem, occurring at the same time I am thinking this might be related to some automatic update? That's my best guess at the moment, I am going to look into it, I will update my post if I figure anything out.
I removed update KB2870699, which removes some voulnerability in IE, this fixed the problems I was having with my tests. This update was added on the 12. september, so it fits. Hope this helps you. :)
Official link to get around the problem :
The problem is more serious than that! In my case I can't even record new Coded UI Tests. After I click in any Hyper Link of any web page of my application the coded UI test builder cannot record that click "The following element is no longer available....".
Apparently removing the updates, as said by AdrianHHH do the trick!
Shut down VS2010, launch it again "Run as administrator".
There may be a field in the SearchProperties (or possible the FilterProperties) that has a value set by the web site, or that represents some kind of window ID on your desktop. Another possibility is that the web page title changes from day to day or visit to visit. Different executions of the browser or different visits to the web page(s) create different values. Removing these values from the SearchProperties (or FilterProperties) or changing the check for the title from an equals to a contains for a constant part of the title should fix the problem. Coded UI often searches for more values than the minimum set needed.
Compare the search properties etc for the same control in the two recorded tests.
Update based extra detail given in the comments:
I solved a similar problem as follows. I copied property code similar to that shown in your question into a method that called FindMatchingControls. I checked how many controls were returned, in my case up to 3. I examined various properties of the controls found, by writing lots of text to a debug file. In my case I found that the Left and Top properties were negative for the unwanted, ie hidden, controls.
For your code rather than just using the UIAbmeldenImage property, you might call the method below. Change an expression such as
HtmlImage im =;
to be
HtmlImage im = FindHtmlHyperLink(;
Where the method is:
public HtmlImage FindHtmlHyperLink(HtmlDocument doc)
HtmlImage myImage = new HtmlImage(doc);
myImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Id] = null;
myImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Name] = null;
myImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Alt] = "abmelden";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.AbsolutePath] = "/webakte-vnext/content/apps/Ordner/images/logOut.png";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Src] = "http://localhost/webakte-vnext/content/apps/Ordner/images/logOut.png";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.LinkAbsolutePath] = "/webakte-vnext/e.consult.9999/webakte/logout/index";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Href] = "http://localhost/webakte-vnext/e.consult.9999/webakte/logout/index";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Class] = null;
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.ControlDefinition] = "alt=\"abmelden\" src=\"http://localhost/web";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.TagInstance] = "1";
myImage.WindowTitles.Add("Akte - Test Akte Coded UI VS2010");
UITestControlCollection controls = myImage.FindMatchingControls();
if (controls.Count > 1)
foreach (UITestControl con in controls)
if ( con.Left < 0 || con.Top < 0 )
// Not on display, ignore it.
// Select this one and break out of the loop.
myImage = con as HtmlImage;
return myImage;
Note that the above code has not been compiled or tested, it should be taken as ideas not as the final code.
I had the same problem on VS 2012. As a workaround, you can remove that step, and re-record it again. That usually works.
One of the biggest problem while analyzing the Coded UI test failures is that the error stack trace indicates the line of code which might be completely unrelated to the actual cause of failure.
I would suggest you to enable HTML logging in your tests - this will display step by step details of how Coded UI tried to execute the tests - with screenshots of your application. It will also highlight the control in red which Coded UI is trying to search/operate upon.This is very beneficial in troubleshooting the actual cause of test failures.
To enable tracing you can just add the below code to your app.config file --

Meteor 0.5.9: replacement for using Session in a server method?

So, I was attempting to do something like the following:
Meteor.methods({connect_to_api: function(vars){
// get data from remote API
return data;
Template.myTpl.content = function(){'connect_to_api', vars, function(err,data){
Session.set('placeholder', data);
return Session.get('placeholder');
This seemed to be working fine, but, of course, now breaks in 0.5.9 as the Session object has been removed from the server. How in the world do you now create a reactive Template that uses a server-only (stuff we don't want loading on the client) method call and get data back from that Method call. You can't put any Session references in the callback function because it doesn't exist on the server, and I don't know of any other reactive data sources available for this scenario.
I'm pretty new to Meteor, so I'm really trying to pin down best-practices stuff that has the best chance of being future-proof. Apparently the above implementation was not it.
EDIT: To clarify, this is not a problem of when I'm returning from the Template function. This is a problem of Session existing on the server. The above code will generate the following error message on the server:
Exception while invoking method 'connect_to_api' ReferenceError: Session is not defined
at Meteor.methods.connect_to_api (path/to/file.js:#:#)
at _.extend.protocol_handlers.method.exception ... etc etc
Setting the session in the callback seems to work fine, see this project I created on github: In this example, I return data in a server method, and set it in the session in the callback.
There are 2 issues with your code:
1) Missing closing brace placement in Meteor.methods. The code should be:
connect_to_api: function(vars) {
// get data from remote API
return data;
2) As explained above, you return the value in the session, before the callback is completed, i.e. before the callback method had the time to set the session variable. I guess this is why you don't see any data in the session variable yet.
I feel like an idiot (not the first time, not the last). Thanks to jtblin for showing me that Session.set does indeed work in the callback, I went back and scoured my Meteor.method function. Turns out there was one spot buried in the code where I was using Session.get which was what was throwing the error. Once I passed that value in from the client rather than trying to get it in the method itself, all was right with the world.
Oh, and you can indeed order things as above without issue.

A null reference or invalid value was found [GDI+ status: InvalidParameter]

I am running an MVC3 app on Mono/linux and everything is working fine with the exception of an image upload utility. Whenever an image upload is attempted i get the Invalid Parameter error from within the method below:
System.Drawing.GDIPlus.CheckStatus(status As Status) (unknown file): N 00339
System.Drawing.Bitmap.SetResolution(xDpi As Single, yDpi As Single)
I've googled this error extensively and have found that the Invalid parameter error can often be misleading, and could fire if for example there was an error with the upload itself, or if the image was not fully read. This runs fine on IIS/Windows, but I've not been able to get it to work in Mono.
Am i missing something simple or do i need to find a different way to handle image manipulation for mono?
After doing quite a bit of testing, I was able to determine the root of my error. I was attempting to use the Image.HorizontalResolution and Image.VerticalResolution properties for Bitmap.Resolution . While these properties were set on the initial upload (where the file is read into a stream from the tmp directory), when i posted back with the base64 encoded string of the image itself, it appears these values were lost somehow. Because of this the SetResolution method failed.
For whatever reason i do not have this issue on IIS/Windows, the properties exist in both circumstances.
I encountered a similar issue. A Bitmap loaded from disk, reported bmp.HorizontalResolution==0 and bmp.VerticalResolution==0 when they were both==300. This behaviour does not occur on Windows.
A bit more digging, I found that the following test fails:
public void GDI_SetResoltion()
var b1 = new Bitmap (100, 100);
Assert.That (b1.HorizontalResolution, Is.Not.EqualTo (0));
Assert.That (b1.VerticalResolution, Is.Not.EqualTo (0));
I believe Windows will default resolution to 96 dpi.
