jqGrid - format ratio field as percent value - jqgrid

My server code transfers some column as a ratio value, 0.0 to 1.0. I need to format and edit it as a percent. I would like to do it on JavaScript side, without modifying server-side. So if I add a custom formatter to just multiply the value by 100, display works as expected. Moreover, when I hit edit button, inline edit box also displays value as percentage. The trouble starts when I save - the value gets converted with formatter one more time, giving me things like 10000. So OK, I need symmetry here, so I create an unformatter which just divides value by 100. But that doesn't work too - now edit control displays it as a ratio which not what I wanted (although saving now works correctly).
Is there any way around without changing the server code?

To have full support of your custom type of data like 0.0 to 1.0 displayed as percent value inclusive editing and searching you have to implements:
implement formatter to display the data in the grid in the custom way.
implement unformat to allow access to the data from its "visual representation". The method will be used by jqGrid in some situations (for example during initializing phase of form editing).
define sorttype, which could be some compatible type of data like 'number' or your custom sorting function.
use edittype: 'custom' and implement custom_element and custom_value of editoptions (see the documentation).
use stype: 'custom' and implement custom_element and custom_value of editoptions.
In some situations one from the steps could be skipped, but in the common case you have to think about implementation all of the steps. You should verify which steps from above are still not implemented in your solution.
The demo is the modification of the demo from the old answer and another answer. The demo is not oriented on your direct question. It shows just why and how one can full implement custom control in jqGrid. The functionally of form editing works not full in the demo only because of no server part implemented. If needed one could use the approach from the answer which shows how local form editing can be implemented in jqGrid. I don't wanted to make the code more complex as requiret to show the main purpose of the demo.

You can skip the unformatter in favour of custom edit type, just use this in your colModel:
{ ..., edittype: 'custom', editoptions: { custom_element: function(value, options) { return $('<input type="text" value="' + value + '"/>'); }, custom_value: function(element){ return parseFloat(element.val())/100; } }}


How to use dijit/Textarea validation (Dojo 1.9)?

I have textarea which is required field. I've found post suggesting that Dojo doesn't have validation for Textarea, but in Dojo 1.9, there's an argument 'required'.
I've done the following:
new Textarea({required:true, value:""}, query('[name=description]')[0])
but the effect isn't what I've expected. The texarea has red border always, even if the field wasn't focused (as opposite to, for example, ValidationTextBox). But when I call:
the validation is passed even if the texarea is empty.
Is it possible to get Textare behave the same as in ValidationTextBox, or as for now, the validation for that component is not yet ready and I'd have to write custom version (as in linked post) or wait for next Dojo?
I've done it using mixin of SimpleTextArea and ValidationTextArea:
define(["dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dijit/form/SimpleTextarea", "dijit/form/ValidationTextBox"],
function(declare, lang, SimpleTextarea, ValidationTextBox) {
return declare('dijit.form.ValidationTextArea', [SimpleTextarea, ValidationTextBox], {
constructor: function(params){
this.constraints = {};
this.baseClass += ' dijitValidationTextArea';
templateString: "<textarea ${!nameAttrSetting} data-dojo-attach-point='focusNode,containerNode,textbox' autocomplete='off'></textarea>"
See also my answer in Dojo validation of a textarea
The power of Dojo lies in extending it with ease. If you really need the required functionality, then implement it. If you design it well, there should be no problem if it actually gets implemented in a new release of Dojo.
If you really want to know if such a feature exists or is in development I suggest looking at http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org. Besides, you can always contribute to the code, that's what open source is meant for.
I would like to add to the answer of Donaudampfschifffreizeitfahrt
instead of "this.baseClass += ' dijitValidationTextArea';"
I would do
this.baseClass = this.baseClass.replace('dijitTextBox', 'dijitValidationTextArea');
• we do not need the TextBox class if we have got a textarea mixin
• ! the "rows" parameter is mixed in but not fired/styled if the TextBox class is present ...

jqGrid: Create a custom edit form

I am wanting to customise the edit form in jqGrid so that instead of using the table structured layout provided I would like to use my own custom css structured layout for the form elements. How should I go about modifying the edit form to allow me to use my own custom look?
You can definitely achieve this by jquery ui dialog. However I can not put full code for you but helps you in the steps you have to do.
1 design your custom form whatever CSS and style you want to apply.
Suppose this is youe custome form
<div id="dialog-div">
<input type="text">
2 on jquery dialog open the dialog on your jqgrid editbutton click
var rowdata = $("#coolGrid").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
var data = $("#coolGrid").jqGrid('getRowData',rowdata);
by default it will close as-
autoOpen: false,
Now as you get data in variable you can put in your edit form and of jquery dialog button save it according to your logic.
Hope this helps you.
I would recommend you first of all to read (or at least look thorough) the code of form editing module which implement the part which you want to replace. You will see that it consist from more as 2000 lines of code. If you write "I would like to ..." you should understand the amount of work for implementing what you ask. If you are able to understand the code and if you are able to write your modification of the code even using libraries like jQuery UI then you can decide whether it's worth to invest your time to do the work. The main advantage of using existing solutions is saving of the time. What you get in the way is not perfect, but using existing products you could create your own solutions quickly and with acceptable quality. The way to study existing products which you can use for free seems me more effective as large investments in reinventing the wheel.
Using templates in form editing
As of version 4.8 we support templates in the form editing. This allow to customize the edit form in a way the developer want. To use a template it is needed to set the parameter template in the edit add/or add options of navigator. This can be done in navigator or in the editing method editGridRow :
{add:true, edit:true,...},
{template: "template string for edit",...}
{template: "template string for add",...},
and in editGridRow method:
{template: "template string",...}
To place the CustomerID field in the template the following code string should be inserted in the template string
With other words this is the name from colModel put in { }
The usual problem with table layouts is when you have columns with different widths, especially with those very wide.
I solved my problem adding the attr colspan to wide columns in the beforeShowForm event.
for example
"beforeShowForm":function() {
$('#tr_fieldnameasinColModel > td.DataTD').attr('colspan',5);
It's not fancy but it worked for me. Perhaps there is a more elegant way to do the same.
I could arrange the fields in several columns without having to make the form extrawide.
When user click on edit button the page navigate to another page, based on Id get the details of a row and you can display the values..
Previous answer of Creating a link in JQGrid solves your problem.

Is there a fix or work around for jqGrid executing script tags when performing a save of an inline-edit

I have found a comment by zbacsi on jqgrids site under inline editing.
"zbacsi, 2010/08/02 20:23
There is an escaping bug with special characters. Try insert alert('hello') into a field. It should be displayed as common text, but its executed..."
I was able to reproduce this issue, on my own grid setup, using the below versions of jqGrid and jQuery.
jqGrid version - > 4.4.4, jQuery version - > 1.7.1.
This can also be reproduced on the inline editing demo pages for jqGrid, located at:
Once there navigate to:
Functionality -> Formatter Actions and begin editing a row.
Inside of the column labeled 'Notes' insert the value: <script>alert('hi')</script>
Hit enter or click the 'Save' icon.
The alert('hi') gets executed rather than 'Notes' containing <script>alert('hi')</script>
Any additional information would be much appreciated, thank you.
It's not a bug. You can fix the problem by usage option
autoencode: true
which I personally strictly recommend you to use the option in all grids.
jqGrid have many options. I personally find default values of some options (see values in "Default" column on the page documentation) not optimal. One from such options is autoencode which default value is false. It means that all data used to fill the grid cells will be interpreted as HTML code fragments. Scripts are the only problem which one have, but inserting the text like a>b, </tr> or <-- could really break the page.
jqGrid allow to overwrite the default by extending $.jgrid.defaults. So I include on every HTML page JS file with my own default preferences. In the file there are lines like
$.extend($.jgrid.defaults, {
autoencode: true,
gridview: true,
height: "auto"
datatype: "json",
loadui: 'block',

JQGrid searchrules and toolbar filtering error

I have a toolbar filter set up that works on a JQGrid of mine. We recently got a requirement to only allow integers into this field. I changed the colModel of the appropriate column in order to validate client side before a search takes place. After making the changes to the javascript, the behavior has not changed. Validation appears to not be taking place client side regardless of the input, which leads me to believe I have a misunderstanding of the search rules. Code below
colModel:[ ...,
{name:'version', search:true, stype:'text'}
Post Change
colModel:[ ...,
{name:'version', search:true, stype:'text',searchrules:{required:true, integer:true}}
Do search rules not apply to toolbar filtering? The documentation indicates that they would, unless I'm missing a line somewhere.
Thanks for looking!
The searchrules will be used only in the searching dialog, but not in the searching filter. As the workaround beforeSearch callback function for the validation of the data. You can analyse this.p.postData. If the searching data wrong you should display the error dialog do any other actions like adding 'ui-state-error' or 'ui-state-error-text' to the input with the wrong data and return true. Returningtruevalue from thebeforeSearch` handler will prevent applying the searching requests.

Prefill jqGrid Advanced Search filters?

In the search_config documentation page, I see that there's something that looks like it would allow me to specify a default value (defaultValue) to populate the search field with, but I can't get it to work. I specified a default value, but when I pull up the search box, nothing is filled. Also, I'm using multipleGroup: true, so it's the advanced advanced search module, if that makes any difference.
I figured this out by looking through the source code, and since I can't seem to find the feature documented on the wiki or anywhere else, I'll answer my own question. jqGrid DOES have a way of creating default search templates to use, and it's pretty useful. Hopefully my explanation will be useful for someone else.
When creating the searchGrid part of jqGrid $('#gridDiv').jqGrid('searchGrid', options); (or in the searchGrid options section when creating the navGrid part $('#gridDiv').jqGrid('navGrid', '#navDiv', {}, {}, {}, {}, searchOptions); ) there are two options that we care about, tmplNames and tmplFilters.
tmplNames is simply an array of strings of what the template names should be. These will appear as the text in the template select box that will show up. Something like ["Bob's Template", "Joe's Template"].
tmplFilters is also an array of strings, but these strings are the JSON encoded string that jqGrid sends to the php script when searching for something. (tmplFilters may also work as an array of the objects themselves, but I haven't tried) So something like this.
So all of this is pretty easy actually, except that this still doesn't cover setting a default template. This is only good for setting additional templates to choose from. jqGrid has a predefined default template, which is what appears when you initially open the search. To change this, after creating the jqGrid, you need to use setGridParam and change the postdata property
postData: {
filters: defaultFilter
where defaultFilter is the same type of JSON'ed query string as before. Additionally, if the 'reset' button is clicked, this default template goes away, so you'll need to set it again when this happens, which is easy enough to accomplish by adding an onReset function to the initial jqGrid call:
onReset: function () {
postData: {
filters: defaultFilter
And that's it! With some use of AJAX and some new buttons, I was also able to read templates from a local file rather than having them defined in the javascript and was also able to take the current query and create/overwrite templates in the file. Then they became really useful.
