Magento module admin 404 after move to a new server - magento

I've been devolving several Magento modules on a Mac's local Apache server. Lately, I've moved the modules to a new Magento install on a new server. My problem is that all but one is 404-ing when I'm trying to load their admin pages. I can't find any reason why this one module works and the others don't even try to load pages. Most if the code is very similar from one to the next. Also, the 404 pages are not helpful and there are no exception or log entries to help me. These all work on the old server, and although some of the code has bad/old links that need to be fixed, and those generate errors I see no reason they aren't trying to load pages and generating errors.
I think the configs work, because I get the admin menu. Since the layouts have nothing concerning the front part of URL's, I see no reason for the problem to be them, either. I could post code, but I have no idea what to post that could be causing this.
I would greatly appreciate any insight that could be causing this.

When i devolve modules on windows and send to Linux, sometimes forget and make some thing on capital letter and others on lowcase, windows isn't case sensitive on this case, but linux is. maybe is the same on Macs / Linux


Endless spinning wheel at Woocommerce checkout

I am in the process of building a shop on wordpress using woocommerce. All is well except that at checkout there is an endless spinning wheel blocking the payment processing.
I have checked the error logs - which show no errors
I have disabled all plug ins - which makes no difference
I have reverted to the default woocommerce shopfront theme - which has the same result.
The console shows no errors.
I have also followed the instructions here which assumes its a memory limit issue. This did not work.
So, after a bit of digging I found some reference here and here
Referring to these two pages I have been able to see that the json response from /?wc-ajax=checkout is just returning HTML which I would imagine is where the issue is.
However I am running an Apache server rather than Nginx as has been mentioned in some threads and articles. Assuming there is a server misconfiguration of the server or something that needs changing what might that be? Bearing in mind that I do not have direct access to this, so will need to be asking someone else to sort it out for me.
And finally if there is something else I can try what might that be?
Thank you to #plushyObject for generating the spark for this one.
The issue turned out that I had a legacy static html holding page in place as the site's homepage rather than having one set up with wordpress. Simply removing the .html page and letting wordpress's homepage take over solves the problem.
The moral of the story create your holding page in wordpress.
Go to Google Developer Tools, then Go to the Network tab. Click the button and make the request and let that bad boy spin out.
You mentioned the response is returning HTML. Click on the request that goes out that appears to be taking forever (/?wc-ajax=checkout) and then click on the Preview tab to display that HTML. I bet it shows an error or a clue, anyway.
In my case the checkout was working fine on Desktop but not on Mobile. After many search on internet I read the solution of #UntitledGraphic.
I had set a redirect in ht-access. The redirect was showing a different home page for mobile. When I removed it, the error gone. I checked back & forth and was sure the ht-access redirect was the problem.
If you have set any redirect in the Htaccess then remove it. This will solve your issue in this case.
I also checked the redirect code on function.php instead of htaccess again the problem appeared. So finally removed the redirection.
In my own case the redirection was the issue. So I had to delete the redirect I created via Cpanel.

Sylius works very slow

I installed Sylius on XAMPP (localhost) and pages load very slowly.
I don't know where I can find configuration to solve my problem.
Please help
It will be probably just you environment settings, as well as in this question
Try using it with instead of app_dev.php for a quick check
If it will help, you got you culprit and follow the answers and links bellow.
why is it slow: quote from above answer:
you are by default installing using the config_dev.yml .... When debug is on "cache files are dynamically rebuilt on
each request." This is what is causing the slow speed.
For more information about enviroments:
This is a common issue for projects base on symfony framework, sylius out from the box don't take care about the performance.
First is follow the
Next, more complex is using the Varnish proxy cache.
Also, use elastic search for the catalog, product view pages.
Last one is get rid from the coupled frontend part, but use only API side, where fronted build on top of Angular, React or Vue js frameworks.

Mediawiki can't display images or styles

I`m using MediaWiki v1.19.1.
My wiki works well when I use it locally.
But when I access it over the network (from another computer, or a different IP),
it displays the text only. There are no images.
It seems like a classic skin but it`s not.
The reason is that there is no layout on my wiki (other public wiki pages show ok).
My wiki uses the monobook skin now, but I can see only the text on the page.
I have changed the permission to 777, including on all directories (/var/www/kj/*),
but still no images.
Help me, please...
I got the same issue some time ago and the following worked fine for me.
The issue might be related to the LocalSettings.php file and the general setting $wgServer.
The following link can provide you more details : Manual of $wgServer
Since 1.18 MediaWiki has also supported setting $wgServer to a protocol-relative URL.
eg, //
This is used for supporting both HTTP and HTTPS with the same caches by using links that work under both protocols.
So try removing localhost and provide your URL; eg ; $wgServer = "//";
There's not enough information to give a definite answer, however general recommendations for such situations are:
If you're using any Apache rewrite rules (for example, to make URLs prettier), try disabling them.
Especially if you're using the style URLs, you should know that they're unsupported by the developers and require serious MediaWiki/Apache skills (and even then they will likely introduce subtle bugs).
Install Firebug and check what's the HTTP error for your images: is it because access is denied (HTTP 403) or the webserver doesn't see them at all (HTTP 404) - this should give you an idea what's going on.

Sessions across all subdomains

I am hoping some of you might have some answers here. I've been at this for many hours and I'm not making much headway. From doing an extensive amount of research, I see this is a common problem without many solutions.
I have my login at that then goes to the user profile at that has been rewritten with .htaccess to I need to have access to SESSION username across all subdomains so I can see if the user is on their own profile or not. I have tried all the basic solutions to get SESSIONS working across all subdomains with .htaccess etc (I do not have direct access to php.ini), but nothing seemed to work; with the exception of session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', ''); at the top of the script setting the SESSION. This all of a sudden worked - but the problem is - it also all of a sudden stopped working and has intermittently continued to work and not work without me touching the code.
My questions here are...
Does anyone have any idea why this would be intermittently working and then not working?
Does anyone have any other simple, cross platform solutions to solve this problem.
Failing that, I believe I can store the SESSION in the database and recreate it in all the subdomains. This seems inefficient, but might be the only solution. What are your thoughts and what would be the best way to do this?
I would really appreciate any help in this. This has proven a real challenge.
I was able to fix this by simply adding a text file to my main directory called php.ini with session.cookie_domain = "" inside. That was it. And you have to re-launch your browser.

Sporadic page load failure

An issue has started recently, within Chrome and reportedly Firefox, pages would be loading fine and browsing would be as normal and then suddenly then a page would fail to load (continuing to spin as if loading). The page that fails is often not the same.
If I refresh the page or try to goto another page on the domain within the same browser, the browser doesn't even try to resolve the name or make a connection, and is then unable to load the page.
Swapping to another browser and I am back to browsing the domain normally again, while the original browser(in most cases Chrome) will not load the pages until a restart.
This has happened with 3 different people on 3 different machines in both Chrome and Firefox.
The domain that it is running off has allot of ajax calls within certain pages, I am not sure if the server is tripping out due to the number of requests from the one client...I am not sure.
I am not sure if this is a server, client or script functionality issue, as I can not personally reproduce it. I can do little to debug or work out what is causing this or how to fix it...
As you can see I am not sure of allot with this problem :) so I am throwing it out to stack-overflow in the hope that someone may have had similar experiences or have any directions I could look towards.
If the page is making many requests in a short time, your firewall (router) may block it. I've noticed this behavior on my own router, and had to set it to a less restrictive level to make things work.
