Why is this simple OpenCL kernel running so slowly? - performance

I'm looking into OpenCL, and I'm a little confused why this kernel is running so slowly, compared to how I would expect it to run. Here's the kernel:
__kernel void copy(
const __global char* pSrc,
__global __write_only char* pDst,
int length)
const int tid = get_global_id(0);
if(tid < length) {
pDst[tid] = pSrc[tid];
I've created the buffers in the following way:
char* out = new char[2048*2048];
Ditto for the input buffer, except that I've initialized the in pointer to random values. Finally, I run the kernel this way:
cl::Event event;
On average, the time is around 75 milliseconds, as calculated by:
cl_ulong startTime = event.getProfilingInfo<CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START>();
cl_ulong endTime = event.getProfilingInfo<CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END>();
std::cout << (endTime - startTime) * SECONDS_PER_NANO / SECONDS_PER_MILLI << "\n";
I'm running Windows 7, with an Intel i5-3450 chip (Sandy Bridge architecture). For comparison, the "direct" way of doing the copy takes less than 5 milliseconds. I don't think the event.getProfilingInfo includes the communication time between the host and device. Thoughts?
At the suggestion of ananthonline, I changed the kernel to use float4s instead of chars, and that dropped the average run time to about 50 millis. Still not as fast as I would have hoped, but an improvement. Thanks ananthonline!

I think your main problem is the 2048*2048 work groups you are using. The opencl drivers on your system have to manage a lot more overhead if you have this many single-item work groups. This would be especially bad if you were to execute this program using a gpu, because you would get a very low level of saturation of the hardware.
Optimization: call your kernel with larger work groups. You don't even have to change your existing kernel. see question: What should this size be? I have used 64 below as an example. 64 happens to be a decent number on most hardware.
cl::size_t myOptimalGroupSize = 64;
cl::Event event;
You should also get your kernel to do more than copy a single value. I have given an answer to a similar question about global memory over here.

CPUs are very different from GPUs. Running this on an x86 CPU, the best way to achieve decent performance would be to use double16 (the largest data type) instead of char or float4 (as suggested by someone else).
In my little experience with OpenCL on CPU, I have never reached performance levels that I could get with an OpenMP parallelization.
The best way to do a copy in parallel with a CPU would be to divide the block to copy into a small number of large sub-block, and let each thread copy a sub-block.
The GPU approach is orthogonal: each thread participates in the copy of the same block.
This is because on GPUs, different thread can access contiguous memory regions efficicently (coalescing).
To do an efficient copy on CPU with OpenCL, use a loop inside your kernel to copy contiguous data. And then use a workgroup size not larger than the number of available cores.

I believe it is the cl::NDRange(1) which is telling the runtime to use single item work groups. This is not efficient. In the C API you can pass NULL for this to leave the work group size up to the runtime; there should be a way to do that in the C++ API as well (perhaps also just NULL). This should be faster on the CPU; it certainly will be on a GPU.


Why is it a Bad Thing for one process to be able to read, or even write, to memory occupied by a different process? [duplicate]

It's my understanding that if two threads are reading from the same piece of memory, and no thread is writing to that memory, then the operation is safe. However, I'm not sure what happens if one thread is reading and the other is writing. What would happen? Is the result undefined? Or would the read just be stale? If a stale read is not a concern is it ok to have unsynchronized read-write to a variable? Or is it possible the data would be corrupted, and neither the read nor the write would be correct and one should always synchronize in this case?
I want to say that I've learned it is the later case, that a race on memory access leaves the state undefined... but I don't remember where I may have learned that and I'm having a hard time finding the answer on google. My intuition is that a variable is operated on in registers, and that true (as in hardware) concurrency is impossible (or is it), so that the worst that could happen is stale data, i.e. the following:
WriteThread: copy value from memory to register
WriteThread: update value in register
ReadThread: copy value of memory to register
WriteThread: write new value to memory
At which point the read thread has stale data.
Usually memory is read or written in atomic units determined by the CPU architecture (32 bit and 64 bits item aligned on 32 bit and 64 bit boundaries is common these days).
In this case, what happens depends on the amount of data being written.
Let's consider the case of 32 bit atomic read/write cells.
If two threads write 32 bits into such an aligned cell, then it is absolutely well defined what happens: one of the two written values is retained. Unfortunately for you (well, the program), you don't know which value. By extremely clever programming, you can actually use this atomicity of reads and writes to build synchronization algorithms (e.g., Dekker's algorithm), but it is faster typically to use architecturally defined locks instead.
If two threads write more than an atomic unit (e.g., they both write a 128 bit value), then in fact the atomic unit sized pieces of the values written will be stored in a absolutely well defined way, but you won't know which pieces of which value get written in what order. So what may end up in storage is the value from the first thread, the second thread, or mixes of the bits in atomic unit sizes from both threads.
Similar ideas hold for one thread reading, and one thread writing in atomic units, and larger.
Basically, you don't want to do unsynchronized reads and writes to memory locations, because you won't know the outcome, even though it may be very well defined by the architecture.
The result is undefined. Corrupted data is entirely possible. For an obvious example, consider a 64-bit value being manipulated by a 32-bit processor. Let's assume the value is a simple counter, and we increment it when the lower 32-bits contain 0xffffffff. The increment produces 0x00000000. When we detect that, we increment the upper word. If, however, some other thread read the value between the time the lower word was incremented and the upper word was incremented, they get a value with an un-incremented upper word, but the lower word set to 0 -- a value completely different from what it would have been either before or after the increment is complete.
As I hinted in Ira Baxter's answer, CPU cache also plays a part on multicore systems. Consider the following test code:
The following code boosts priority to realtime to achieve somewhat more consistent results - while doing so requires admin privileges, be careful if running the code on dual- or single-core systems, since your machine will lock up for the duration of the test run.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
const int RUNFOR = 5000;
volatile bool terminating = false;
volatile int value;
static DWORD WINAPI CountErrors(LPVOID parm)
int errors = 0;
value = (int) parm;
if(value != (int) parm)
printf("\tThread %08X: %d errors\n", parm, errors);
return 0;
static void RunTest(int affinity1, int affinity2)
terminating = false;
DWORD dummy;
HANDLE t1 = CreateThread(0, 0, CountErrors, (void*)0x1000, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &dummy);
HANDLE t2 = CreateThread(0, 0, CountErrors, (void*)0x2000, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &dummy);
SetThreadAffinityMask(t1, affinity1);
SetThreadAffinityMask(t2, affinity2);
printf("Running test for %d milliseconds with affinity %d and %d\n", RUNFOR, affinity1, affinity2);
terminating = true;
Sleep(100); // let threads have a chance of picking up the "terminating" flag.
int main()
SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS);
RunTest(1, 2); // core 1 & 2
RunTest(1, 4); // core 1 & 3
RunTest(4, 8); // core 3 & 4
RunTest(1, 8); // core 1 & 4
On my Quad-core intel Q6600 system (which iirc has two sets of cores where each set share L2 cache - would explain the results anyway ;)), I get the following results:
Running test for 5000 milliseconds with affinity 1 and 2
Thread 00002000: 351883 errors
Thread 00001000: 343523 errors
Running test for 5000 milliseconds with affinity 1 and 4
Thread 00001000: 48073 errors
Thread 00002000: 59813 errors
Running test for 5000 milliseconds with affinity 4 and 8
Thread 00002000: 337199 errors
Thread 00001000: 335467 errors
Running test for 5000 milliseconds with affinity 1 and 8
Thread 00001000: 55736 errors
Thread 00002000: 72441 errors

Is it possible to know the address of a cache miss?

Whenever a cache miss occurs, is it possible to know the address of that missed cache line? Are there any hardware performance counters in modern processors that can provide such information?
Yes, on modern Intel hardware there are precise memory sampling events that track not only the address of the instruction, but the data address as well. These events also includes a great deal of other information, such as what level of the cache hierarchy the memory access was satisfied it, the total latency and so on.
You can use perf mem to sample this information and produces a report.
For example, the following program:
#include <stddef.h>
#define SIZE (100 * 1024 * 1024)
int p[SIZE] = {1};
void do_writes(volatile int *p) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; i += 5) {
p[i] = 42;
void do_reads(volatile int *p) {
volatile int sink;
for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; i += 5) {
sink = p[i];
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
compiled with:
g++ -g -O1 -march=native perf-mem-test.cpp -o perf-mem-test
and run with:
sudo perf mem record -U ./perf-mem-test && sudo perf mem report
Produces a report of memory accesses sorted by latency like this:
The Data Symbol column shows where address the load was targeting - most here show up as something like p+0xa0658b4 which means at an offset of 0xa0658b4 from the start of p which makes sense as the code is reading and writing p. The list is sorted by "local weight" which is the access latency in reference cycles1.
Note that the information recorded is only a sample of memory accesses: recording every miss would usually be way too much information. Furthermore, it only records loads with a latency of 30 cycles or more by default, but you can apparently tweak this with command line arguments.
If you're only interested in accesses that miss in all levels of cache, you're looking for the "Local RAM hit" lines2. Perhaps you can restrict your sampling to only cache misses - I'm pretty sure the Intel memory sampling stuff supports that, and I think you can tell perf mem to look at only misses.
Finally, note that here I'm using the -U argument after record which instructs perf mem to only record userspace events. By default it will include kernel events, which may or may not be useful for your. For the example program, there are many kernel events associated with copying the p array from the binary into writable process memory.
Keep in mind that I specifically arranged my program such that the global array p ended up in the initialized .data section (the binary is ~400 MB!), so that it shows up with the right symbol in the listing. The vast majority of the time your process is going to be accessing dynamically allocated or stack memory, which will just give you a raw address. Whether you can map this back to a meaningful object depends on if you track enough information to make that possible.
1 I think it's in reference cycles, but I could be wrong and the kernel may have already converted it to nanoseconds?
2 The "Local" and "hit" part here refer to the fact that we hit the RAM attached to the current core, i.e., we didn't have go to the RAM associated with another socket in a multi-socket NUMA configuration.
If you want to know the exact virtual or physical address of every cache miss on a particular processor, that would be very hard and sometimes impossible. But you are more likely to be interested in expensive memory access patterns; those patterns that incur large latencies because they miss in one or more levels of the cache subsystem. Note that it is important to keep in mind that a cache miss on one processor might be a cache hit on another depending on design details of each processor and depending also on the operating system.
There are several ways to find such patterns, two are commonly used. One is to use a simulator such as gem5 or Sniper. Another is to use hardware performance events. Events that represent cache misses are available but they do not provide any details on why or where a miss occurred. However, using a profiler, you can approximately associate cache misses as reported by the corresponding hardware performance events with the instructions that caused them which in turn can be mapped back to locations in the source code using debug information. Examples of such profilers include Intel VTune Amplifier and AMD CodeXL. The results produced by simulators and profilers may not be accurate and so you have to be careful when interpreting them.

Mathlink memory usage accumulation

I use MathLink to send and receive independent mma expressions from a C++ application as strings.
std::string expression[N];
// ...
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
MLPutFunction(l, "EnterTextPacket", 1);
MLPutString(l, expression[i].c_str());
// Check Packet ...
const char* result;
MLGetString(l, &result);
// process result ...
MLDisownString(l, result);
I would expect that MLDisownString frees the used memory except that it doesn't.
Any ideas?
Ok. Posting this as an answer, because I believe the odds you are using version 5 or below are pretty low:
`As of Version 6.0, MLDisownString() has been superseded by MLReleaseString()`
Check it here
First of all, I should point out such parameter as $HistoryLength. Setting it to zero often allows to reduce memory requirements considerably:
$HistoryLength = 0
At the same time, it is known problem with the MathKernel process that it accumulates system memory in long computations and does not release it.
The only way to ultimately solve the problem it to restart the kernel when it takes too much memory or when the amount of available free physical memory becomes too small. This task can be automatized.
If you have not tried Mathematica 8 yet, it may be worth a try, since, according to Oliver Ruebenkoenig:
For version 8 the memory allocator has
been rewritten and improved.
(What a small sentence for such a huge
endeavor and such a fine execution)
But I have not tried the version 8 yet and cannot say anything on it.

Why is file I/O in large chunks SLOWER than in small chunks?

If you call ReadFile once with something like 32 MB as the size, it takes noticeably longer than if you read the equivalent number of bytes with a smaller chunk size, like 32 KB.
(No, my disk is not busy.)
Edit 1:
Forgot to mention -- I'm doing this with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING!
Edit 2:
I don't have access to my old machine anymore (PATA), but when I tested it there, it took around 2 times as long, sometimes more. On my new machine (SATA), I'm only getting a ~25% difference.
Here's a piece of code to test:
#include <memory.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(_T("\\\\.\\C:"), GENERIC_READ,
const size_t chunkSize = 64 * 1024;
const size_t bufferSize = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
void *pBuffer = malloc(bufferSize);
DWORD start = GetTickCount();
ULONGLONG totalRead = 0;
OVERLAPPED overlapped = { 0 };
DWORD nr = 0;
ReadFile(hFile, pBuffer, bufferSize, &nr, &overlapped);
totalRead += nr;
_tprintf(_T("Large read: %d for %d bytes\n"),
GetTickCount() - start, totalRead);
totalRead = 0;
start = GetTickCount();
overlapped.Offset = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < bufferSize / chunkSize; j++)
DWORD nr = 0;
ReadFile(hFile, pBuffer, chunkSize, &nr, &overlapped);
totalRead += nr;
overlapped.Offset += chunkSize;
_tprintf(_T("Small reads: %d for %d bytes\n"),
GetTickCount() - start, totalRead);
__finally { CloseHandle(hFile); }
return 0;
Large read: 1076 for 67108864 bytes
Small reads: 842 for 67108864 bytes
Any ideas?
Your test is including the time it take to read in file metadata, specifically, the mapping of file data to disk. If you close the file handle and re-open it, you should get similar timings for each. I tested this locally to make sure.
The effect is probably more severe with heavy fragmentation, as you have to read in more file to disk mappings.
EDIT: To be clear, I ran this change locally, and saw nearly identical times with large and small reads. Reusing the same file handle, I saw similar timings from the original question.
This is not specific to windows. I did some tests a while back with the C++ iostream library and found there was an optimum buffer size for reads, above which performance degraded. Unfortunately, I no longer have the tests, and I can't remember what the size was :-). As to why, well there are a lot of issues, such as a large buffer possibly causing paging in other applications running at the same time (as the buffer can't be paged).
When you perform the 1024 * 32KB reads are you reading into the same memory block over and over, or are you allocating a total of 32MB to rad into as well and filling the entire 32MB?
If you're reading the smaller reads into the same 32K block of memory, then the time difference is probably simply that Windows doesn't have to scavenge up the additional memory.
Update based on the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING addition to the question:
I'm not 100% certain, but I believe that when FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING is used, Windows will lock the buffer into physical memory so it can allow the device driver to deal with physical addresses (such as to DMA directly into the buffer). It could (I believe) do this by breaking up a large request into smaller requests, but I suspect that Microsoft might have the philosophy that "if you ask for FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING then we assume you know what you're doing and we're not going to get in your way".
Of course locking 32MB all at once instead of 32KB at a time will require more resources. So this would be kind of like my initial guess, but at the physical memory level rather than the virtual memory level.
However, since I don't work for MS and don't have access to Windows source, I'm going by vague recollection from times when I worked closer with the Windows kernel and device driver model (so this is more or less speculation).
when you have done FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING that means that the operating system will not buffer the I/O. So each time you call the read function it will make a system call which will fetch each time the data from the disk. Then to read one file with a fixed size if you use less buffer size then more system calls are needed so more user space to kernel space and for each time a disk I/O is initiated. Instead if you use larger block size then for the same file size to be read there would be less system calls required so the user to kernel space switches would be lesser, and the number of times the disk i/O initiated will also be lesser. This is why, generally larger block will require less time to read.
Try reading the file only 1 byte at a time without buffering, and try with 4096bytes block then and see the difference.
A possible explanation in my opinion would be command queueing with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, since this does direct DMA reads at low level.
A single large request will of course still necessarily be broken into sub-requests, but those will likely be sent more or less one after another (because the driver needs to lock the pages and will in all likelihood be reluctant to lock several megabytes lest it hits the quota).
On the other hand, if you throw a dozen or two dozen requests at the driver, it will just forward them to the disk and the disk and take advantage of NCQ.
Well, that's what I'm thinking might be the reason anyway (this does not explain why the exact same phenomenon happens with buffered reads though, as in the Q that I linked to above).
What you are probably observing is that when using smaller blocks, the second block of data can be read while the first is being processed, then the third read while the second is being processed, etc. so that the speed limit is the slower of the physical read time or the processing time. If it takes the same amount of time to process one block as to read the next, the speed could be double what it would be if processing and reading were separate. When using larger blocks, the amount of data that is read while the first block is being processed will be limited to amount smaller than the block size. When the code is ready for the next block of data, part of it will have been read but some of it will not; it will thus be necessary for the code to wait while the remainder of the data is fetched.

Which (OS X) dtrace probe fires when a page is faulted in from disk?

I'm writing up a document about page faulting and am trying to get some concrete numbers to work with, so I wrote up a simple program that reads 12*1024*1024 bytes of data. Easy:
int main()
FILE*in = fopen("data.bin", "rb");
int i;
int total=0;
for(i=0; i<1024*1024*12; i++)
total += fgetc(in);
printf("%d\n", total);
So yes, it goes through and reads the entire file. The issue is that I need the dtrace probe that is going to fire 1536 times during this process (12M/8k). Even if I count all of the fbt:mach_kernel:vm_fault*: probes and all of the vminfo::: probes, I don't hit 500, so I know I'm not finding the right probes.
Anyone know where I can find the dtrace probes that fire when a page is faulted in from disk?
On the off chance that the issue was that there was some intelligent pre-fetching going on in the stdio functions, I tried the following:
int main()
int in = open("data.bin", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
int i;
int total=0;
char buf[128];
for(i=0; i<1024*1024*12; i++)
read(in, buf, 1);
total += buf[0];
printf("%d\n", total);
This version takes MUCH longer to run (42s real time, 10s of which was user and the rest was system time - page faults, I'm guessing) but still generates one fifth as many faults as I would expect.
For the curious, the time increase is not due to loop overhead and casting (char to int.) The code version that does just these actions takes .07 seconds.
Not a direct answer, but it seems you are equating disk reads and page faults. They are not necessarily the same. In your code you are reading data from a file into a small user memory chunk, so the I/O system can read the file into the buffer/VM cache in any way and size it sees fit. I might be wrong here, I don't know how Darwin does this.
I think the more reliable test would be to mmap(2) the whole file into process memory and then go touch each page is that space.
I was down the same rathole recently. I don't have my DTrace scripts or test programs available just now, but I will give you the following advice:
1.) Get your hands on OS X Internals by Amit Singh and read section 8.3 on virtual memory (this will get you in the right frame of reference for selecting DTrace probes).
2.) Get your hands on Solaris Performance and Tools by Brendan Gregg / Jim Mauro. Read the section on virtual memory and pay close attention to the example DTrace scripts that make use of the vminfo provider.
3.) OS X is definitely prefetching large chunks of pages from the filesystem, and your test program is playing right into this optimization (since you're reading sequentially). Interestingly, this is not the case for Solaris. Try randomly accessing the big array to defeat the prefetch.
The assumption that the operating system will fault in each and every page that's being touched as a separate operation (and that therefore, if you touch N pages, you'll see the DTrace probe fire N times) is flawed; most UN*Xes will perform some sort of readahead or pre-faulting and you're very unlikely to get exactly the same number of calls to as you have pages. This is so even if you use mmap() directly.
The exact ratio may also depend on the filesystem, as readahead and page clustering implementations and thresholds are unlikely to be the same for all of them.
You probably can force a per-page fault policy if you use mmap directly and then apply madvise(MADV_DONTNEED) or similar and/or purge the entire range with msync(MS_INVALIDATE).
