Avoid recalculating some values with Enumerable methods - ruby

Some methods on Enumerable such as max_by, min_by, or find evaluate some related value for the items iterated, and give back one of the original items. I often want not the original value but the evaluated form. In this example:
max = some_enumerable_object.max_by{|e| some_function(e)}
max_by selects an item max, but I want the value some_function(max) rather than the max itself. Doing some_function(max) seems waste of calculation because it was already evaluated within the iteration. Is there a way to access some_function(max) without recalculation?

You can call map then max:
max_value = some_enumerable_object.map { |e| some_function(e) }.max

You can always use map to create a sub-array containing your original value, along with your computed value:
max = some_enumerable_object.map{ |o|
[o, some_function(o)]
}.max_by{ |o,e| e }
Once you're done, you can grab your original value, or the result of the function in your max variable.


how can I get the location for the maximum value in fortran?

I have a 250*2001 matrix. I want to find the location for the maximum value for a(:,i) where i takes 5 different values: i = i + 256
I tried using MAXLOC, but since I'm new to fortran, I couldn't get it right.
Try this
but be warned, this call will return a value in the range 1..5 for the second dimension. The call will return the index of the maxloc in the 2001*5 array section that you pass to it. So to get the column index of the location in the original array you'll have to do some multiplication. And note that since the argument in the call to maxloc is a rank-2 array section the call will return a 2-element vector.
Your question is a little unclear: it could be either of two things you want.
One value for the maximum over the entire 250-by-5 subarray;
One value for the maximum in each of the 5 250-by-1 subarrays.
Your comments suggest you want the latter, and there is already an answer for the former.
So, in case it is the latter:
b(1:5) = MAXLOC(a(:,256:1280:256), DIM=1)

Count frequency of items in array - without two for loops

Need to know is there a way to count the frequency of items in a array without using two loops. This is without knowing the size of the array. If I know the size of the array I can use switch without looping. But I need more versatile than that. I think modifying the quicksort may give better results.
First loop will go on Array[], while second loop is to find the element and increase it count in two-d array.
max = 0;
for(int i=0;i<Array.length;i++){
found= false;
for(int j=0;j<TwoDArray[max].length;j++){
found = true;
If you can comment or provide better solution would be very helpful.
Use map or hash table to implement this. Insert key as the array item and value as the frequency.
Alternatively you can use array too if the range of array elements are not too large. Increase the count of value at indexes corresponding to the array element.
I would build a map keyed by the item in the array and with a value that is the count of that item. One pass over the array to build the map that contains the counts. For each item, look it's count up in the map, increment the count, and put the new count back into the map.
The map put and get operations can be constant time (e.g., if you use a hash map implementation with a good hash function and properly sized backing store). This means you can compute the frequencies in time proportional to the number of elements in your array.
I'm not saying this is better than using a map or hash table (especially not when there are lots of duplicates, though in that case you can get close to O(n) sorting with certain techniques, so this is not too bad either), it's just an alternative.
Sort the array
Use a (single) for-loop to iterate through the sorted array
If you find the same element as the previous one, increment the current count
If you find a different element, store the previous element and its count and set the count to 1
At the end of the loop, store the previous element and its count

Finding the minimum of mapped data

Given an array of complex objects, an algorithm for mapping each to Comparable values, and the desire to find the minimum such value, is there a built-in library method that will do this in a single pass?
Effective but not perfectly efficient solutions:
# Iterates through the array twice
min = objects.map{ |o| make_number o }.min
# Calls make_number one time more than is necessary
min = make_number( objects.min_by{ |o| make_number o } )
Efficient, but verbose solution:
min = nil
objects.each{ |o| n=make_number(o); min=n if !min || n<min }
No, no such library method already exists.
I don't really see an issue with either of your two original solutions. The enumerator code is written in C and is generally very fast. You can always just benchmark it and see what is fastest for your specific dataset and code (try https://github.com/acangiano/ruby-benchmark-suite)
However, if you really do want one pass, you can simplify your #each version by using #reduce:
min = objects.reduce(Float::INFINITY){ |min, o|
n = make_number(o)
min > n ? n : min
If your objects are already numbers of some form, you can omit the Float::INFINITY. Otherwise, in order to make sure we are only comparing number values, you will need to add it.

ruby collect unique elements

I have some array of hashes
a = [{name:"x", long:1.0, lat:2.0},
{name:"y", long:2.0, lat:3.0},
{name:"z", long:1.0, lat:2.0}]
how to delete {name:"x", long:1.0, lat:2.0}, which coords are equal of last element, Other words I need to leave last (in my case: with name:"z") hash with unique coords and drop all previous element with same coords
Try using Array#uniq with a block:
a.uniq { |item| [item[:lat], item[:long]] }
The return value of the block is used as the value to compare for uniqueness.
It's not clear why you want "x" to be deleted and not "z", but you could achieve that with the example data set by reversing the array before calling uniq on it.

Having a hard time understanding & implementing some Ruby code

myitem.inject({}) {|a,b| a[b.one] = b.two; a}
myitem is a class which holds an array or pair objects (pair objects have two fields in them one and two)
I am not sure what the above code is supposed to do?
Starting with an empty map, set its value for the b.one key to b.two.
In other words, for every item in the "myitem" collection, create a map entry. The key will be an item's "one" value. That map entry's value will be the item's "two" value.
The block given to "inject" receives two parameters. The first is the "accumulator". It's initial value in this case is the empty map passed to "inject". The second parameter is the current item in the collection. In this case, each item in the collection.
The block must return whatever will be used as the next accumulator value, in this case, the map. We want to keep using the same map, so when we're done, the "inject" method will return the map with all the key/value pairs.
Without saving the results of the inject it's a bit worthless.
It's a pedantic way of writing
h = {}
myitem.each { |b| h[b.one] = b.two }
or to be closer to your original code
a = {}
mytem.each { |b| a[b.one] = b.two }
(I personnaly hate this pattern (and people who use it) as it needs the ; a at the end, losing all the functional aspect of inject. (Using a side-effect function inside a 'functional pattern', and then realizing that the later function (a[..]) doesn't return the expecting object is just wrong, IMO).
Inject is normal use to 'fold' a list into a result like
[1,2,3].inject(0) { |sum, x| sum+x }
=> 6 # (0+1+2+3)
here sum is the result of the last call to the block, x is each value on the list and 0 is the initial value of sum.
[2,3].inject(10) { |p,x| p*x }
=> 60 # 10*2*3
etc ...
Hash[my_item.map {|object| [object.one, object.two]}]
is another way to do it.
