I have a script that telnets into a box, runs a command, and saves the output. I run another script after that which parses through the output file, comparing it to key words that are located in another file for matching. If a line is matched, it should save the entire line (from the original telnet-output) to a new file.
Here is the portion of the script that deals with parsing text:
def parse_file
filter = []
temp_file = File.open('C:\Ruby193\scripts\PARSED_TRIAL.txt', 'a+')
t = File.open('C:\Ruby193\scripts\TRIAL_output_log.txt')
filter = File.open('C:\Ruby193\scripts\Filtered_text.txt').readlines
t.each do |line|
filter.each do |segment|
if (line =~ /#{segment}/)
temp_file.puts line
Currently, it is only saving the last run string located in array filter and saving that to temp_file. It looks like the loop does not run all the strings in the array, or does not save them all. I have five strings placed inside the text file Filtered_text.txt. It only prints my last matched line into temp_file.
This (untested code) will duplicate the original code, only more succinctly and idiomatically:
filter = Regexp.union(File.open('C:\Ruby193\scripts\Filtered_text.txt').readlines.map(&:chomp))
File.open('C:\Ruby193\scripts\PARSED_TRIAL.txt', 'a+') do |temp_file|
File.foreach('C:\Ruby193\scripts\TRIAL_output_log.txt') do |l|
temp_file.puts l if (l[filter])
To give you an idea what is happening:
Regexp.union(%w[a b c])
=> /a|b|c/
This gives you a regular expression that'll walk through the string looking for any substring matches. It's a case-sensitive search.
If you want to close those holes, use something like:
'\b' + Regexp.union(
).source + '\b',
which, using the same sample input array as above would result in:
I have a text file like this:
User accounts for \\AGGREP-1
Administrator users grzesieklocal
Guest scom SUPPORT_8855
The command completed successfully.
First line is empty line. I want to delete every empty lines in this file and every line containing words "User accounts for", "-------", "The command". I want to have only lines containing users. I don't want to delete only first 4 and the last one lines, because it can be more users in some systems and file will contain more lines.
I load file using
a = IO.readlines("test.txt")
Is any way to delete lines containing specific words?
This structure reads the file line by line, and write a new file directly :
def unwanted?(line)
line.strip.empty? ||
line.include?('User accounts') ||
line.include?('-------------') ||
line.include?('The command completed')
File.open('just_users.txt', 'w+') do |out|
File.foreach('test.txt') do |line|
out.puts line unless unwanted?(line)
If you're familiar with regexp, you could use :
def unwanted?(line)
line =~ /^(User accounts|------------|The command completed|\s*$)/
Warning from your code
The message warning: string literal in condition appears when you try to use :
string = "nothing"
if string.include? "a" or "b"
puts "FOUND!"
It outputs :
parse_text.rb:16: warning: string literal in condition
Because it should be written :
string = 'nothing'
if string.include?('a') || string.include?('b')
puts "FOUND!"
See this question for more info.
IO::readlines returns an array, so you could use Array#select to select just the lines you need. Bear in mind that this means that your whole input file will be in memory, which might be a problem, if the file is really large.
An alternative approach would be to use IO::foreach, which processes one line at a time:
selected_lines = []
IO.foreach('test.txt') { |line| selected_lines << line if line_matches_your_requirements }
I have a file like this:
some content
some oterh
useful1 text
useful3 text
some other content
How do I get the content of the file within between two stars line in an array. For example, on processing the above file the content of array should be like this
a=["useful1 text" , "useful2 text"]
A really hack solution is to split the lines on the stars, grab the middle part, and then split that, too:
# => ["useful1","useful3"]
f = File.open('test_doc.txt', 'r')
content = []
f.each_line do |line|
content << line.rstrip unless !!(line =~ /^\*(\*)*\*$/)
The regex pattern /^*(*)*$/ matches strings that contain only asterisks. !!(line =~ /^*(*)*$/) always returns a boolean value. So if the pattern does not match, the string is added to the array.
What about this:
def values_between(array, separator)
array.slice array.index(separator)+1..array.rindex(separator)-1
filepath = '/tmp/test.txt'
lines = %w(trash trash separator content content separator trash)
separator = "separator\n"
File.write '/tmp/test.txt', lines.join("\n")
values_between File.readlines('/tmp/test.txt'), "separator\n"
#=> ["content\n", "content\n"]
I'd do it like this:
lines = []
File.foreach('./test.txt') do |li|
lines << li if (li[/^\*{5}/] ... li[/^\*{5}/])
lines[1..-2].map(&:strip).select{ |l| l > '' }
# => ["useful1 text", "useful3 text"]
/^\*{5}/ means "A string that starts with and has at least five '*'.
... is one of two uses of .. and ... and, in this use, is commonly called a "flip-flop" operator. It isn't used often in Ruby because most people don't seem to understand it. It's sometimes mistaken for the Range delimiters .. and ....
In this use, Ruby watches for the first test, li[/^\*{5}/] to return true. Once it does, .. or ... will return true until the second condition returns true. In this case we're looking for the same delimiter, so the same test will work, li[/^\*{5}/], and is where the difference between the two versions, .. and ... come into play.
.. will return toggle back to false immediately, whereas ... will wait to look at the next line, which avoids the problem of the first seeing a delimiter and then the second seeing the same line and triggering.
That lets the test assign to lines, which, prior to the [1..-2].map(&:strip).select{ |l| l > '' } looks like:
# => ["*********************\n",
# "\n",
# "useful1 text\n",
# "\n",
# "useful3 text\n",
# "\n",
# "*********************\n"]
[1..-2].map(&:strip).select{ |l| l > '' } cleans that up by slicing the array to remove the first and last elements, strip removes leading and trailing whitespace, effectively getting rid of the trailing newlines and resulting in empty lines and strings containing the desired text. select{ |l| l > '' } picks up the lines that are greater than "empty" lines, i.e., are not empty.
See "When would a Ruby flip-flop be useful?" and its related questions, and "What is a flip-flop operator?" for more information and some background. (Perl programmers use .. and ... often, for just this purpose.)
One warning though: If the file has multiple blocks delimited this way, you'll get the contents of them all. The code I wrote doesn't know how to stop until the end-of-file is reached, so you'll have to figure out how to handle that situation if it could occur.
So I've written some code in Ruby to split a text file up into individual lines, then to group those lines based on a delimiter character. This output is then written to an array, which is passed to a method, which spits out HTML into a text file. I started running into problems when I tried to use gsub in different methods to replace placeholders in a HTML text file with values from the record array - Ruby kept telling me that I was passing in nil values. After trying to debug that part of the program for several hours, I decided to look elsewhere, and I think I'm on to something. A modified version of the program is posted below.
Here is a sample of the input text file:
285 w/o pallet
EDM Machine Part 2 of 3
AC Motor, 3/4 Hp, Frame 182, 1160 RPM
Here is a snippet of the code that I've been testing with:
# function to import file as a string
def file_as_string(filename)
data = ''
f = File.open(filename, "r")
f.each_line do |line|
data += line
return data
Dir.glob("single_listing.jma") do |filename|
content = file_as_string(filename)
content = content.gsub(/\t/, "\n")
database_array = Array.new
database_array = content.split("|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|")
for i in database_array do
record = Array.new
record = i.split("\n")
puts record[0]
puts record[0].class end
When that code is run, I get this output:
john#starfire:~/code/ruby/idealm_db_parser$ ruby putsarray.rb
... which means that each array position in record apparently has data of type String and of type nil. why is this?
Your database_array has more dimensions than you think.
Your end-of-stanza marker, |--|--|...|--| has a newline after it. So, file_as_string returns something like this:
and is then split() on end-of-stanza into something like this:
["26188\nWHL...1160 RPM\n", "\n"] # <---- Note the last element here!
You then split each again, but "\n".split("\n") gives an empty array, the first element of which comes back as nil.
Is there any way to create the regex /func:\[sync\] displayPTS/ from string func:[sync] displayPTS?
The story behind this question is that I have serval string pattens to search against in a text file and I don't want to write the same thing again and again.
File.open($f).readlines.reject {|l| not l =~ /"#{string1}"/}
File.open($f).readlines.reject {|l| not l =~ /"#{string2}"/}
Instead , I want to have a function to do the job:
def filter string
#build the reg pattern from string
File.open($f).readlines.reject {|l| not l =~ pattern}
filter string1
filter string2
s = "func:[sync] displayPTS"
# => "func:[sync] displayPTS"
r = Regexp.new(s)
# => /func:[sync] displayPTS/
r = Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(s))
# => /func:\[sync\]\ displayPTS/
I like Bob's answer, but just to save the time on your keyboard:
string = 'func:\[sync] displayPTS'
If the strings are just strings, you can combine them into one regular expression, like so:
targets = [
].collect do |s|
targets = Regexp.new(targets)
And then:
lines = File.readlines('/tmp/bar').reject do |line|
line !~ target
s !~ regexp is equivalent to not s =~ regexp, but easier to read.
Avoid using File.open without closing the file. The file will remain open until the discarded file object is garbage collected, which could be long enough that your program will run out of file handles. If you need to do more than just read the lines, then:
File.open(path) do |file|
# do stuff with file
Ruby will close the file at the end of the block.
You might also consider whether using find_all and a positive match would be easier to read than reject and a negative match. The fewer negatives the reader's mind has to go through, the clearer the code:
lines = File.readlines('/tmp/bar').find_all do |line|
line =~ target
How about using %r{}:
my_regex = "func:[sync] displayPTS"
File.open($f).readlines.reject { |l| not l =~ %r{#{my_regex}} }
What is the best way to validate a gets input against a very long word list (a list of all the English words available)?
I am currently playing with readlines to manipulate the text, but before there's any manipulation, I would like to first validate the entry against the list.
The simplest way, but by no means the fastest, is to simply search against the word list each time. If the word list is in an array:
if word_list.index word
#manipulate word
If, however, you had the word list as a separate file (with each word on a separate line), then we'll use File#foreach to find it:
if File.foreach("word.list") {|x| break x if x.chomp == word}
#manipulate word
Note that foreach does not strip off the trailing newline character(s), so we get rid of them with String#chomp.
Here's a simple example using a Set, though Mark Johnson is right,
a bloom filter would be more efficient.
require 'set'
WORD_RE = /\w+/
# Read in the default dictionary (from /usr/share/dict/words),
# and put all the words into a set
WORDS = Set.new(File.read('/usr/share/dict/words').scan(WORD_RE))
# read the input line by line
STDIN.each_line do |line|
# find all the words in the line that aren't contained in our dictionary
unrecognized = line.scan(WORD_RE).find_all { |term| not WORDS.include? term }
# if none were found, the line is valid
if unrecognized.empty?
puts "line is valid"
else # otherwise, the line contains some words not in our dictionary
puts "line is invalid, could not recognize #{unrecognized.inspect}"
are you reading the list from a file?
can't you have it all in memory?
maybe a finger tree may help you
if not, there's not more than "read a chunk of data from the file and grep into"
Read the word list into memory, and for each word, make an entry into a hash table:
def init_word_tester
#words = {}
File.foreach("word.list") {|word|
#words[word.chomp] = 1
now you can just check every word against your hash:
def test_word word
return #words[word]