reCaptcha and Silverstripe - recaptcha

I implemented Recaptcha to Silverstripe and it seems to work.
The only problem is that the formular and the captcha code are at the very end of the page and if you type in a wrong code then the page reloads and jumps back to the top so that the user doesn´t see the formular and captcha code anymore.
how can i make the window not to scroll to the top after entering a wrong captcha code?

Since the HTTP spec doesn't allow to a serverside redirection including an anchor tag, you'll need to use JavaScript to accomplish this. Since the field is highlighted with a validation message in the standard SilverStripe form rendering, you can use this to determine the state of the field once the submitted form loads again.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var captchaEl = jQuery('#MyCaptcha');
if(captchaEl.find('.message.required').length) {
window.scrollTo(0, captchaEl.scrollTop());


Single page application with Rails 4 and AngularJS

Ok, this idea might seem quite a bit crazy and it kindo' is (at least for me at my level).
I have a fairly standarad rails app (some content pages, a blog, a news block, some authentication). And I want to make it into a single page app.
What I want to accomplish is:
All the pages are fetched through AJAX like when using turbolinks, except that the AJAX returns only the view part (the yield part in the layout) withought the layout itself, which stays the same (less data in the responces, quicker render and load time).
The pages are mostly just static html with AngularJS markup so not much to process.
All the actual data is loaded separately through JSON and populated in the view.
Also the url and the page title get changed accordingly.
I've been thinking about this concept for quite a while and I just can't seem to come up with a solution. At this point I've got to some ideas on how this actualy might be done along with some problems I can't pass. Any ideas or solutions are greatly appreciated. Or might be I've just gone crazy and 3 small requests to load a page are worse then I big that needs all the rendering done on server side.
So, here's my idea and known problems.
When user first visits the app, the view template with angular markup is rendered regularly and the second request comes from the Angular Resource.
Then on ngClick on any link that adress is sent to ngInclude of the content wrapper.
How do I bind that onClick on any link and how can I exclude certain links from that bind (e.g. links to external authentication services)?
How do I tell the server not to render the layout if the request is comming from Angular? I though about adding a parameter to the request, but there might be a better idea.
When ngInclude gets the requested template, it fires the ngInit functions of the controllers (usually a single one) in that template and gets the data from the server as JSON (along with the proper page title).
Angular populates the template with the received data, sets the browser url to the url of the link and sets the page title to what it just got.
How do I change the page title and the page url? The title can be changed using jQuery, but is there a way through Angular itself?
Again, I keep thinking about some kind of animation to make this change more fancy.
So. What do you guys think?
OK, in case enyone ever finds this idea worth thinking about.
The key can be solved as follows.
Server-side decision of whether to render the view or not.
Use a param in the ngInclude and set the layout: false in the controller if that param is present.
Have not found an easier way.
Client-side binding all links except those that have a particular class no-ajax
Here's a directive that does it.
App.directive('allClicks', function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
transclude: true,
replace: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var $a = element.find('a').not($('')),
fn = $parse(attrs['allLinks']);
$a.on('click', function(event) {
scope.$apply(function() {
var $this = angular.element(;
fn(scope, {
$event: event,
$href: $this.attr('href'),
$link: $this
And then use it on some wrapper div or body tag like <body ng-controller="WrapperCtrl" all-links="ajaxLink($href)"> and then in your content div do <div id="content" ng-include="current_page_template">
In your angular controller set the current_page template to the document.URL and implement that ajaxLink function.
$scope.ajaxLink = function(path) {
$scope.current_page_template = path+"?nolayout=true";
And then when you get your JSON with your data from the server don't forget to use history.pushState to set the url line and document.title = to setr the title.

KendoDropdown placed in fancybox popup = Bad practice?

There is a problem when I put Kendo Dropdown List info Fancybox - Popup.
For detail:
I have page A :this page contains Kendo Dropdown list (with id = #myDropdown).
I have page B : I put my Fancybox caller here- I mean I use Fancybox to load page A (by ajax)
Everything look well , but I got a problem here:
You know, when I initialize a Dropdown List, Kendo-UI will create an "anchor" Tag for UI-effect purpose.
DropdownList has id = #myDropdown
Kendo will create one more Tag with id = #myDropdown-list.
After closing the Fancybox-popup , The "#myDropdown" was removed from DOM, but "#myDropdown-list". It still on the DOM overtime, and it willing to be double after I call the popup again(ofcourse if dont refresh current page).
And The Kendo-DateTimePicker as the same too.
p/s: and so sorry about by english if it was too bad :D. I hope you get my question.
im going to put my "popup" in iframe.But I dont know if it is good when using iframe in this case...
Using IFrame or not is not the cause of the error. I tried with a container and without it to load the fancybox via ajax, but it didn't make a difference.
What I found is sort of a hack, however it solves the problem. Let's suppose we have a code which creates the popup and the popup's content is located in the href 'popupFrame':
'href': 'popupFrame',
'type': 'ajax',
beforeClose: removeKendoHelpers
The other part is the function which is called before closing the popup:
function removeKendoHelpers() {
Of course you can create the removeKendoHelpers as an inline function and if there are more parts to remove then put that code into the removeKendoHelpers function as well.
One interesting remark: in the fancybox API onCleanup and onClosed are listed as options but they do not work, instead use beforeClose or afterClose.
Actually a lot of problem is solved with calling the kendo widget's destroy() method. It solves the removing problems for the widgets except for one of the three helper divs of the DateTimePicker, so the close looks like the following:
function removeKendoHelpers() {
And to resolve the date time picker's actual problem which is I think a bug in the kendop framework (I will report this and hopefully get some feedback) the last function only needs to be extended with:
OTHER solution:
This one is more crude but works like a charm for me even if the page has multiple kendo controls and even if you open another fancybox from your fancybox.
Wrap the fancybox creation in a function, like:
function openFancyBox() {
$("body").append("<div class='fancybox-marker'></div>");
'href': 'popupFrame',
'type': 'ajax',
beforeClose: removeKendoHelpers
This will create a new div at the very end of the body tag, and the function at the closing of the fancybox uses this:
function removeKendoHelpers() {
I hope these solves all your problem!

Is there a way to AJAX load a page and change URL in URL bar without hashing?

This is probably going to get a resounding no, but I am wondering if it possible to have the URl change dynamically with using hashing, and without invoking a http request from the browser?
My client is keen on using AJAX for main navigation. This is fine, when the end user goes to the front page first, but when they want to use the deep linking, despite it working, it forces an extra load time as the page loads the front page, then invokes the AJAX from the hash.
UPDATE: Could it be possible, given that what I want to avoid is the page reload (the reason is that it looks bad) to stem the reload by catching the hash with PHP before the headers are sent, and redirecting before the page load. This way only one page loads, and the redirect is all but invisible to the user. Not sure how to do this, but seems like it is possible?
Yes, this is possible. I often do this to store state in the hash part of the URL. The result is that the page doesn't reload, but if the user does reload, they're taken to the right page.
Using this method, the URL will look like: "/index#page=home" or "/index#page=about"
You'll need to write a JavaScript function that handles navigation, and you'll need a containing div that gets rewritten with the contents fetched from AJAX.
<div id="content"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function link(page) {
location.hash = "page="+page;
// NOTE: This is using MooTools. Use the AJAX method in whatever
// JavaScript framework you're using.
function loadPage(page) {
new Request.HTML({
url: "/ajax/"+page+".html",
onSuccess: function(tree, elements, html) {'content').setProperty('html', html);
Now, you'll also need to have something that checks the hash on page load to load the right content initially. Again, this is using MooTools, but use whatever onLoad method your JavaScript framework provides.
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEvent('domready', function() {
parts = location.hash.split('=');
Ok, the problem is that opening an AJAX link of the form results in a full page being downloaded to the browser, and then the AJAX-altered content is changed once the page has loaded and checked the hash part of its URL. The user has a diconcerting experience.
You can hugely improve this by making a page that just contains the static elements - menus, etc. - and a loading GIF in the content area. This page checks its URL upon loading and dynamically fetches the content specified by the hash part. The page can have any URL you want; we'll use Links to this page ( now provide a good user experience for users with scripting enabled.
However, new users won't come to the site by fetching; they'll fetch This is fine - serve the full page, including the home page content and links that don't require scripting to work (e.g., A script run on loading this page should alter the href of AJAXable links to their AJAX form (; thus the first link a user clicks on will result in a full page load but subsequent ones won't.
The only remaining problem is is a no-script user gets sent an AJAX link. You can add a noscript block to the AJAX page that contains a message explaining the problem and provides a link back to the homepage; you could include instructions on how to enable scripting or even how to modify the link by removing a# and pressing enter.
It's not a great answer, but you can offer a different link in the page itself; e.g., if the address bar shows /#xyz you include a link to /xyz somewhere in the page. You could also add a link or button that uses script to bookmark the page, which would again use the non-AJAX form of the link.

Hot to implement grails server-side-triggered dialog, or how to break out of update region after AJAX call

In grails, I use the mechanism below in order to implement what I'd call a conditional server-side-triggered dialog: When a form is submitted, data must first be processed by a controller. Based on the outcome, there must either be a) a modal Yes/No confirmation in front of the "old" screen or b) a redirect to a new controller/view replacing the "old" screen (no confirmation required).
So here's my current approach:
In the originating view, I have a <g:formRemote name="requestForm" url="[controller:'test', action:'testRequest']", update:"dummyRegion"> and a
<span id="dummyRegion"> which is hidden by CSS
When submitting the form, the test controller checks if a confirmation is necessary and if so, renders a template with a yui-based dialog including Yes No buttons in front of the old screen (which works fine because the dialog "comes from" the dummyRegion, not overwriting the page). When Yes is pressed, the right other controller & action is called and the old screen is replaced, if No is pressed, the dialog is cancelled and the "old" screen is shown again without the dialog. Works well until here.
When submitting the form and test controller sees that NO confirmation is necessary, I would usually directly redirect to the right other controller & action. But the problem is that the corresponding view of that controller does not appear because it is rendered in the invisble dummyRegion as well. So I currently use a GSP template including a javascript redirect which I render instead. However a javascript redirect is often not allowed by the browser and I think it's not a clean solution.
So (finally ;-) my question is: How do I get a controller redirect to cause the corresponding view to "break out" of my AJAX dummyRegion, replacing the whole screen again?
Or: Do you have a better approach for what I have in mind? But please note that I cannot check on the client side whether the confirmation is necessary, there needs to be a server call! Also I'd like to avoid that the whole page has to be refreshed just for the confirmation dialog to pop up (which would also be possible without AJAX).
Thanks for any hints!
I know, it's not an "integrated" solution, but have you considered to do this "manually" with some JS library of your choice (my personal choice would be jQuery, but any other of the established libraries should do the trick)? This way you wouldn't depend on any update "region", but could do whatever you want (such as updating any DOM element) in the response handler of the AJAX request.
Just a thought. My personal experience is that the "built-in" AJAX/JS stuff in Grails often lacks some flexibility and I've always been better off just doing everything in plain jQuery.
This sounds like a good use-case for using web flows. If you want to show Form A, do some kind of check, and then either move onto NextScreen or show a Dialog that later redirects to NextScreen, then you could accomplish this with a flow:
def shoppingCartFlow = {
showFormA {
on("submit") {
}.to "showNextScreen"
on("return").to "showDialog"
showDialog {
on("submit").to "showNextScreen"
showNextScreen {
redirect(controller:"nextController", action:"nextAction")
Then you create a showDialog.gsp that pops up the dialog.
But, you want an Ajax response to the first form submit, which WebFlow does not support. This tutorial, though, will teach you how to Ajaxify your web flow.

Validator plugin firing with links and on submit

I have a web form which is split up into several HTML pages.
I am using the validation plug-in to check fields on submit and this is working great.
The spec says that users should be able to navigate through the form, both linearly (just using the submit buttons to go from page to page) and also to skip to any particular page.
I have a unordered list with the links at the top of each page. I'm looking to fire the validation both on submit and when one of these links is clicked but don't know if this is possible.
For info, I'm currently firing the validation this way:
rules: {
studiedBefore: "required" //Have you studied with us before
messages: {
studiedBefore: "Please indicate whether you have studied with us before."
Each form has an ID and validation for all the forms is in one JS file.
Not that it really matters, but the navigation is in <ul id="tabNav">
Any help much appreciated.
Check the .valid() method it provides. If you call that in click handlers attached to your links, you should be ok.
