how to write filtered expressions in TFS - visual-studio-2010

How to generate email alerts on the particular due date in Team Foundation Server(TFS)??
I am new to TFS.
Please reply in detail.

The TFS Email Alert system is triggered by WorkItem changes, Builds and checkins not date/times. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do, but I don't believe it's possible.


How to set up reminders to complete tasks in VSTS

Is anyone able to suggest the best way to set up a recurring reminder within a VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services) project? I want it to act like an Outlook Calendar recurring reminder that the whole team gets once per week.
I've looked at creating a Story / Epic / Feature and trying to assign a recurring team reminder to that but can't see a way to do it. The task concerned would be ongoing so in an ideal world of someone new to VSTS, I'd create one of the aforementioned things, set a recurring reminder on it, the team do the task when the reminder comes up and add a note. And that continues until we switch it off.
I've had a look online but can't find anything as yet.
The best thing that comes close is a dashboard widget that uses #me in its query.
VSTS doesn't have a scheduled reminder or alert system.
You can probably cobble something together using the REST API and a scheduled build. Calling a work item query and sending email is pretty easy from PowerShell.
As jessehouwing said that you can do it through Scheduled build, there are some extensions related to email in VSTS marketplace, such as Send Email.
On the other hand, there is Outlook add-in extension: TeamCompanion For Outlook.

TFS with old version TFS change-set history

I have an on-prem TFS, In that there are too many change-sets are available. Now I'm using Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) for same project, but I want to integrate my on-prem TFS change-sets also at VSTS. It means, If in my on-prem in have change-set from id 1 to 987, after integrate I want whenever any developer check-in any code in VSTS it start from 988, not from 1.
There is no documented way I am aware of. You have a tiny tiny thin chance going through Microsoft Support by opening a Service Request (i.e. a support ticket) and hope to touch their heart enough.
If I were you, I would redesign my tools/process to work around this issue e.g. if you use the changeset number in communication prefix with a letter the numbers from the new system.
The 'dirty' solution is to make and commit ~987 non-important changes (add/remove a line etc.) using a script. Afterwards you can destroy those changesets, but you changeset counter is now at the right number.
This absolutely not a pretty solution but I think that you would have more success with it than through the support.

Project manager or someone else must confirm code before checkin on TFS

I think the title explains what i need. We have a very big development department. Everyone checkins and checkouts codes on TFS. But before the checkin operation, an administrator or project manager (or some desired people) must control the code and then confirm or cancel the checkin operation. Because some codes may be incorrect or dangerous. Do you know a tool like that for TFS?
You probably can do it customizing your process on TFS/VS but what we use where I work is:
1) developer does changes and instead of check in, creates a shelveset.
2) manager check shevesets and checkin or send it back to the developer for some rework.
It works fine as long everybody respects the process.
You can have a look on shelvesets here:
Hope it helps.

TFS and VS2010: Approve edits to particular project

Our team's project solution has several individual projects associated with it, one of which is designed to serve as an underlying framework for our application layer -- call it "FrameworkProject". Only in rare cases should the code for this project be edited, and in these cases I would like to be able to approve the changes to the code. Is there a TFS capability that would allow me to achieve this?
We're using VS2010 and TFS2010.
You have several options:
Implement a custom check in policy and work item type. TFS Code
Review Workflow
Look at Team Review
Implement a process that enforces that any changes must be shelve-set first allowing for a code review. Once the review has
taken place then based on permission the allowed member checks the
code into the Project.
Hope this helps.
Here are a few other options:
You can use check-in locks to prevent check-ins. You can do this by locking the top-level directory that you want to protect. Now, if someone tries to check-in, the check-in will fail and you will need to have an internal process where you review the change, temporarily unlock the folder and allow the check-in to proceed.
You could probably implement a gated check-in workflow that would send an email to you when a check-in was submitted to the given paths. From there you could have some approval process that would allow the gated check-in to complete.
You may create a "working" branch of your framework and revoke checkin rights from the main branch for everyone except the reviewers.
When someone needs to do a change, he has to change the working branch and a reviewer then has to merge the changes to the main branch in this step he will review all changes using his preferred diff tool on the mergeset before checkin in. He may revoke the merge and request fixes by simply undoing his working copy and optionally checking in review comments into the working branch.

Email Notifications/Alerts from Builds in TFS 2010

I am having problems getting the team alerts to work in TFS 2010.
Under "Team > Project Alerts", I have checked the box to send both myself and a colleague an email upon a completed build. I know I have entered the correct email addresses, correct syntax as far as separating the emails, yet neither I nor my colleague receive any emails when the build is complete.
So far, I haven't found anything online regarding troubleshooting this issue. I was wondering if anyone has encountered the same problem or otherwise knows of a solution to this problem.
Usually this boils down to a configuration problem within the TFS setup.
If you have access to the tfs server, run the TFS Administration Console.
If you click on TFS / Application Tier on the left, you'll see the Application Tier settings come up. Scroll down to the Email Alert Settings.
Make sure it's enabled and has the correct configuration for sending messages.
