Sudo not prompting for password Mac bash script - macos

I am trying to write a script that appends a line to the /etc/hosts, which means I need sudoer privileges. However, if I run the script from the desktop it does not prompt for a password. I simply get permission denied.
Example script:
sudo echo '' >> /etc/hosts
dscacheutil -flushcache
A terminal pops up and says permission denied, but never actually prompts for the sudo password. Is there a way to fix this?

sudo doesn't apply to the redirection operator. You can use either echo | sudo tee -a or sudo bash -c 'echo >>':
echo | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
sudo bash -c 'echo >> /etc/hosts'

What you are doing here is effectively:
Switch to root, and run echo
Switch back to yourself and try to append the output of sudo onto
That doesn't work because you need to be root when you're appending to /etc/hosts, not when you're running echo.
The simplest way to do this is
sudo bash -c "sudo echo '' >> /etc/hosts"
which will run bash itself as root. However, that's not particularly safe, since you're now invoking a shell as root, which could potentially do lots of nasty stuff (in particular, it will execute the contents of the file whose name is in the environment variable BASH_ENV, if there is one. So you might prefer to do this a bit more cautiously:
sudo env -i bash -c "sudo echo '' >> /etc/hosts"


Executing sudo command in bash script without displaying it

I'm executing a command with sudo from bash script, and I'm wondering how to prevent sudo from displaying anything on the screen
echo "mypassword" | sudo -S cp -u /scripts/.bashrc ~/ > /dev/null 2>&1
The result will be an output displaying: [sudo] password for username:
I want to hide that output..
now, before the first comment;
This isn't the safest way, since you're entering your password into the script, but this is strictly internal servers.
Run sudo --help, we can get answer from the parameter list:
-p, --prompt=prompt use the specified password prompt
echo "mypassword" | sudo -S --prompt="" cp -u /scripts/.bashrc ~/ > /dev/null 2>&1
may do the trick.

How to sudo su; then run command

Can anyone help me to to solve following issue
i need to ssh to another server by e.g. ubuntu user which has permission to run sudo su fore sure then execute pm2 restart command
full command look like this
CMD="sudo su; pm2 restart 0; pm2 restart 1; exit;"
ssh -i somepemfile.pem ubuntu# $CMD
for example i can run normally any command with sudo
CMD="sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart"
but with sudo su case it somehow hang and do not response
Unless you have an unusual setup, you can't normally string su with other preceding commands like that. I would imagine it is running sudo su, then hanging in the root environment/session, because it's waiting for you to exit before preceding to the pm2 commands. Instead, I would consider something along the lines of this using the -c option:
CMD="sudo su -c 'pm2 restart 0; pm2 restart 1'"
ssh -i somepemfile.pem ubuntu# "$CMD"
As suggested in another answer, it would also probably be useful to encapsulate the $CMD variable in quotes in the ssh call.
su normally puts you in a sub shell which you can see by echoing the current PID (process id)
$ echo $$
$ sudo echo $$
$ sudo su
$ echo $$
But to get around this you can pipe the commands you want to run to su like this
$ echo "whoami" | sudo su
And we run multiple commands
$ echo "uptime;whoami" | sudo su
11:29 up 8 days, 19:20, 4 users, load averages: 4.55 2.96 2.65
Now to make this work with ssh
$ ssh wderezin#localhost 'echo "uptime;whoami" | sudo su'
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Darn it, we need allocate a tty for the su command. Add the -t option which allocates a TTY during the remote execution.
$ ssh -t wderezin#localhost 'echo "uptime;whoami" | sudo su'
11:36 up 8 days, 19:26, 5 users, load averages: 2.97 2.97 2.76
Your command would look this
ssh -i somepemfile.pem ubuntu# 'echo "pm2 restart 0; pm2 restart1" | sudo su'
Use -c option of su to specify the command
From man su
In particular, an argument of -c will cause the next argument to be treated as a command by most command interpreters. The command will be executed by the shell specified in
/etc/passwd for the target user.
CMD="sudo su -c \"pm2 restart 0; pm2 restart 1;\""
You need to quote the expansion so that the entire string is parsed on the remote end.
ssh -i somepemfile.pem ubuntu# "$CMD"
Otherwise, the expansion is subject to word splitting, and the remote shell gets a string which consists of the command sudo and the arguments su;, restart, 0;, pm2, restart;, 1;, and exit;. That is, ssh will escape the semicolons when it builds a single string from the separate arguments you pass.
However, that doesn't solve the problem of running pm2 in the shell started by sudo. That is addressed by ramki.

Bash: get output of sudo command on remote using SSH

I'm getting incredibly frustrated here. I simply want to run a sudo command on a remote SSH connection and perform operations on the results I get locally in my script. I've looked around for close to an hour now and not seen anything related to that issue.
When I do:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
OUT=$(ssh username#host "command" 2>&1 )
echo $OUT
Then, I get the expected output in OUT.
Now, when I try to do a sudo command:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
OUT=$(ssh username#host "sudo command" 2>&1 )
echo $OUT
I get "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified". Fair enough, I'll use ssh -t.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
OUT=$(ssh -t username#host "sudo command" 2>&1 )
echo $OUT
Then, nothing happens. It hangs, never asking for the sudo password in my terminal. Note that this happens whether I send a sudo command or not, the ssh -t hangs, period.
Alright, let's forget the variable for now and just issue the ssh -t command.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh -t username#host "sudo command" 2>&1
Then, well, it works no problem.
So the issue is that ssh -t inside a variable just doesn't do anything, but I can't figure out why or how to make it work for the life of me. Anyone with a suggestion?
If your script is rather concise, you could consider this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh -t username#host "sudo command" 2>&1 \
| ( \
read output
# do something with $output, e.g.
echo "$output"
For more information, consider this:

Edit an privileged file via bash

I need to edit an privileged file using bash on Ubuntu 14.04
This simple command is not working:
sudo echo $someText >> $privilegedFile
I get this error:
Permission denied
I have no idea what is wrong with it.
The shell processes the redirection before it runs sudo, so $privilegedFile is still opened using the current user's permissions.
One workaround is to open the file with a program run by sudo rather than using redirections.
echo "$someText" | sudo tee -a "$privilegedFile"
Another is to start an entirely new shell with sudo and execute the full command in that shell.
sudo sh -c "echo '$someText' >> '$privilegedFile'"
You should try this:
sudo sh -c "echo $text >> $file"
sudo chmod u+xrw FILE
sudo nano FILE
Don't use echo for editing, try nano, gedit or vi.

Update root crontab remotely for many systems by script

I am trying to update the crontab file of 1000+ systems using a for loop from jump host.
The below doesn't work.
echo -e 'pass365\!\n' | sudo -S echo 'hello' >> /var/spool/cron/root
-bash: /var/spool/cron/root: Permission denied
I do have (ALL) ALL in the sudoers file.
This is another solution;
echo 'pass365\!' | sudo -S bash -c 'echo "hello">> /var/spool/cron/root'
The below worked for me.
echo 'pass365\!' | sudo -S echo 'hello' | sudo -S tee -a /var/spool/cron/root > /dev/null
Problem 1: You are trying to send the password via echo to sudo.
Problem 2: You can't use shell redirection in a sudo command like that.
Between the two of these, consider setting up ssh public key authorization and doing
ssh root#host "echo 'hello' \>\> /var/spool/cron/root"
You may eventually get sudo working but it will be so much more pain than this.
