xcode and bitbucket - xcode

When I try to add my repo to xcode organizer, I get the following:
I googled this and searched here and found nothing...wth

I usually use the App SourceTree to manage bitbucket and github projects. You can download it from mac app store for free.

I actually ended up doing it manually through terminal for the first time per bitbucket instructions and now it allows me to do it all through the xcode interface.

if you are working with hg(mercurial) on bitbucket.org, you can reference this url:http://tadabborat.tumblr.com/post/9502320721/mercurial-warning-bitbucket-org-certificate-with
I solve my issues by following the guide.
If you add the publickey information, you can use bitbucket.org smoothly.


An unknown error occurred: User rejected certificate for github.com (-17) on Xcode 13.3.1

Since updating to XCode 13.3.1 I'm experiencing this error every time I try to add a dependency to a package from Github. I already added my Github account to XCode as Source Control Account but it shows up with a warning triangle. Weirdly enough, I'm able to add the Apple Swift Packages to my project as dependency and they are downloaded from Github.
I really hope someone can help me out with this.
Apparently my AdBlocker blocked the certificates from GitHub and thus making it unable to install packages.
I simply disabled my AdBlocker and everything works fine now!

Swift Package Manager fails to authenticate when resolving dependencies

I'm currently trying to set up the work project on the new machine and I've ran into some issues with resolving package dependencies added via SPM. I've copied both private and public SSH keys from my previous machine and added a GitHub account with personal access token in Xcode settings. But whenever I try to resolve package dependencies it almost immediately fails with an error Authentication failed because the credentials were missing and prompts me with dialog asking which GitHub account and SSH key to use. I have only one account and ssh key pair on this machine, so there are no other options to choose from.
Strange enough, it does so only for public repository, which is different every time I try to resolve dependencies, since it is able to clone private repositories (which I have read access to) just fine. It is absurd because running xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies not only produces no similar errors, but it also resolves all package dependencies of the project successfully.
I have the exact same Xcode 13.2.1 installed on my previous machine and exactly the same RSA key. The other thing that drives me crazy is that there are no similar issues whatsoever on the brand new Xcode 13.3 released a couple of days ago. It just asks me to unlock the SSH key and then successfully resolves all dependencies. Unfortunately, I couldn't switch to newer Xcode version at the time, so I'm stuck with these SPM issues for now.
Steps I've taken so far to resolve the issue:
Tried generating a new SSH key following this guide from GitHub;
Tried using ECDSA algorithm instead of RSA for ssh-keygen;
Tried resetting package caches;
Tried downloading the same Xcode archive from Apple Developer portal again and again;
After all tried rebooting the machine.
After a day of troubleshooting I was not able to resolve the issue. It is very strange to me that xcodebuild resolves packages with no problem at all, but resolving packages from Xcode throws authentications errors at me.
I would appreciate any help solving this puzzle! Thanks!
Seems like the problem was in combination of my new machine and Xcode 13.2.1. As I mentioned in my question, Xcode 13.3 does not have this issue, so for the past 7 months starting from asking this question, I haven't encountered any problems with SPM whatsoever even on the newer versions of Xcode.

Xcode keeps asking if I want to open a playground

If I want to open a playground downloaded from the internet, I get asked if I want to open that playground. I say yes, but it keeps asking each time I get back to it.
The problem occurs with this NSHipster playground.
No other steps required.
Xcode version is 6.3.2 (6D2105)
Any way to fix this?
To clarify: I have "Anywhere" checked in my security settings.
I also tried doing a chown and chmod, but doesn't help.
It could be related to your security settings:
Check if you have anywhere checked.
I got the same issue with xcode 6.3.2. I got the issue when I downloaded it via ibook link. Once I downloaded it via we, it worked. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/GuidedTour.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014097-CH2-ID1
My previous version was playground version='1.0' and the new one also same. But it includes lots of new libraries.

How to setup OpenACS?

I am trying to setup OpenACS Project. I tried some Open Source Projects available on net. I am trying to setup OpenACS from below link.
But it is showing inactive and code is not there. Can i found this code somewhere else.
Your link points to the "Automatic Configuration Server" (ACS), a project that unfortunately has a name-clash with the Open Architecture Community System (OpenACS). If you are referring to the latter, here you go:
You can find the official OpenACS code here: http://openacs.org/news/item?item_id=4197887
Two great installer scripts are located at github: https://github.com/gustafn/install-ns. It works great to get you up and running with a simple NaviServer, PostgreSQL OpenACS installation.
This should get you started!
http://sourceforge.net/projects/OpenACS has a fork https://sourceforge.net/projects/libreacs/ and several its clones on github (I don't actually know which one is official). You'll find minimal installation instructions in acs/doc/README after cloning e.g.:
git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/libreacs/code libreacs-code

Xcode Bot CI Service SVN issues

I am not able to integrate Xcode 5 Bots successfully. I am using https://svn source to access my repository. The Xcode service error log is not that helpful. Did the following so far.
Self signed flag is set to true in the plist.
In the KeyChain the self signed cert is both in 'System' and 'login'.
Tried both Xcode 5.0.2 and 5.1DP
Is there anything that I am missing? Can Xcode service access SVN through https?
Error log attached
Xcode should be able to - generally - but I had problems with it as well. I found a solution with svn+ssh that worked for a while (see) - but then I misconfigured something and it all went away.
I'd suggest to setup a GIT repository clone on a Mac Server (free for devs) and, if needed, sync the GIT with SVN using subgit. Setting it up did not take too long.
