How to add QueryString in OnActionExecuting()? -

i want to add two queryString in current request URL if it is not exsist
I tried this ---
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["mid"] == null && filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["mod"] == null)
mid = Convert.ToString(HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.Query)["mid"]);
mod = Convert.ToString(HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.Query)["mod"]);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mid) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mod))
RouteValueDictionary redirecttargetDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary();
NameValueCollection Qstr = null;
if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.RequestType == "GET")
Qstr = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Query);
foreach (string item in Qstr)
redirecttargetDictionary.Add(item, Qstr[item]);
if (Qstr["mid"] == null)
redirecttargetDictionary.Add("mid", mid);
if (Qstr["mod"] == null)
redirecttargetDictionary.Add("mod", mod);
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(redirecttargetDictionary);
This code works fine.
-check for quesrystring exsist if no
-then take qstring value from 'Urlreferrer'
-if request type is GET
-then add two querystring with exsisting querystring
But but I having problem if querystring in current request has null value url like http://localhost:53372/question/index?type=&stage.if this ll b the current request url then code ll check for mid n mod qstring as its not exsist it will add both the qstring with exsisting type n stage but value ll b null then before hitting action again OnActionExecuting() get call this time first 'if' is not true and then index method get call but I m not getting type n stage querystring which suppose to null I found url in address bar is http://localhost:53372/question/index?mid=1&mod=5.
If I remove filter the I got URL http://localhost:53372/question/index?type=&stage=&mid=1&mod=5 here I m getting both stage n type querystring though its null.
public ActionResult Index(ProjectType? projectType, int? projectStageID, int? page)
int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value - 1 : 0;
IPagedList<ProjectModule> moduleList = null;
IDictionary<string, string> queryParam = new Dictionary<string, string>();
queryParam["ProjectType"] = string.Empty;
queryParam["ProjectStageID"] = string.Empty;
ViewBag.ProjectType = null;
ViewBag.ProjectStage = null;
ViewBag.message = "";
if ((projectType != null || projectType.HasValue) && projectStageID.HasValue && page.HasValue)
queryParam["ProjectType"] = Request.QueryString["ProjectType"];
queryParam["ProjectStageID"] = Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"];
//Set View Bag
ViewBag.ProjectType = Enum.Parse(typeof(ProjectType), Request.QueryString["ProjectType"]);
ViewBag.ProjectStage = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"]);
// Set Query String formcollection for Pagging purpose
ViewBag.QueryParam = queryParam;
moduleList = new ProjectModuleService().GetProjectModulesByProjectStageID(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"])).ToPagedList(currentPageIndex, Utility.ConstantHelper.AdminDefaultPageSize); ;
if (moduleList.Count == 0)
ViewBag.message = "Record(s) not found.";
return View(moduleList);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ProjectType"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"]) && !string.Equals(Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"], "0"))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params.Get("Index")))
queryParam["ProjectType"] = Request.QueryString["ProjectType"];
queryParam["ProjectStageID"] = Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"];
//Set View Bag
ViewBag.ProjectType = Enum.Parse(typeof(ProjectType), Request.QueryString["ProjectType"]);
ViewBag.ProjectStage = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"]);
// Set Query String formcollection for Pagging purpose
ViewBag.QueryParam = queryParam;
moduleList = new ProjectModuleService().GetProjectModulesByProjectStageID(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"])).ToPagedList(currentPageIndex, Utility.ConstantHelper.AdminDefaultPageSize); ;
if (moduleList.Count == 0)
ViewBag.message = "Record(s) not found.";
return View(moduleList);
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params.Get("Create")))
return RedirectToAction("Create", new { projectStageID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"]) });
//return RedirectToAction("Create", new { projectStageID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"]), projectType = Enum.Parse(typeof(ProjectType), Request.QueryString["ProjectType"]) });
if (Request.QueryString["ProjectType"] == "" || Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"] == "" || string.Equals(Request.QueryString["ProjectStageID"], "0"))
ViewBag.message = "Please select all fields.";
return View();
return View();
What I m doing wrong?

Here what I understand that if there are no querystring in the URL,you need to add two query string parameters. If you are adding this two querystring parameters explicitly than, it will be default value for that queryparameters.
It's better to provide default value in action method instead of adding queryparameters in URL. You can achieve by following code.
public ActionResult ComposeEmail(int queryParameter1 = 0,string queryParameter2 = string.Empty)
Do let me know, if you have any query.


Dynamics crm + how to get attribute value based on the type dynamically in plugin code

I have the below requirement.
I need to perform the sum of each field across multiple records of the same entity However while performing the sum, I also need to check the type and cast them accrodingly. For eg, For whole number cast to Int, For Decimal cast to decimal. Also some of the values are aliased value too. I am looking for a generic function which I can call for both alias fields and direct fields and it will return me the value based on the type
Background on the code written below -
Attribute List is the list of all attributes that belong to the
Format in which the field values are stored in AttributeList-
AttributeList = { "price ", "quantity", "contact.revenue", "opportunity.sales"}
price, quantity - fields of main entity on which we are querying
contact.revenue, opportunity.sales - fields of the aliased entities,
entity name is appended to understand which entity's field it is
Below is the code which i have tried so far -
I only have decimal and whole number fields in my attributeList.
private void calculate(List<string> attributeList,List<Entity> mainEntityList,Guid targetId,Guid oppId,Guid contactId)
var mainentity = new mainEntity();
mainentity.Id = targetId;
var opportunity = new Opportunity();
opportunity.Id = oppId;
var contact = new Contact();
contact.Id = contactId;
foreach (var attribute in attributeList)
var fieldSum = new decimal(0);
int intFieldSum = 0;
bool attributeFound = false;
foreach (var entity in mainEntityList)
if (entity.Contains(attribute))
var type = entity[attribute].GetType().Name;
attributeFound = true;
switch (type)
case "AliasedValue":
var aliasedFieldValue = entity.GetAttributeValue<AliasedValue>(attribute);
if (aliasedFieldValue.Value.GetType().Name == "Decimal")
decimalFieldSum += (decimal)aliasedFieldValue.Value;
intFieldSum += (int)aliasedFieldValue.Value;
case "Decimal":
decimalFieldSum += entity.GetAttributeValue<decimal>(attribute);
case "Int32":
intFieldSum += entity.GetAttributeValue<int>(attribute);
if (attributeFound)
if (attribute.Contains("opportunity"))
opportunity[attribute] = decimalFieldSum != 0 ? decimalFieldSum : intFieldSum;
else if (attribute.Contains("contact"))
contact[attribute] = decimalFieldSum != 0 ? decimalFieldSum : intFieldSum;
mainentity[attribute] = decimalFieldSum != 0 ? decimalFieldSum : intFieldSum;
Any help would be appreciated.
Just a little bit edited your code.
var fieldSum = new decimal(0);
foreach (var entity in mainEntityList)
fieldSum += GetAttrValue(entity, attribute);
You can use this function to calculate fieldSum variable which is of decimal type.
private decimal GetAttrValue(Entity entity, string attribute)
var attrValue = new decimal(0);
if (!entity.Contains(attribute) || entity.Attributes[attribute] == null)
return attrValue;
var type = entity.Attributes[attribute].GetType().Name;
switch (type)
case "AliasedValue":
var aliasedFieldValue = entity.GetAttributeValue<AliasedValue>(attribute);
attrValue = type == "Decimal" ? (decimal)aliasedFieldValue.Value : (int)aliasedFieldValue.Value;
case "Decimal":
attrValue = entity.GetAttributeValue<decimal>(attribute);
case "Int32":
attrValue = entity.GetAttributeValue<int>(attribute);
return attrValue;
On the other hand if you just need a generic function which will return decimal or int value for an attribute you can use this
private T GetAttrValue<T>(Entity entity, string attribute)
if (!entity.Contains(attribute) || entity.Attributes[attribute] == null)
return default(T);
T result;
var type = entity.Attributes[attribute].GetType().Name;
if (type == "AliasedValue")
var aliasedFieldValue = entity.GetAttributeValue<AliasedValue>(attribute);
result = (T)aliasedFieldValue.Value;
result = entity.GetAttributeValue<T>(attribute);
return result;
So, here is the whole code if I understand you requirements right.
First of all add this class.
public class AttributeInfo
public string Name { get; set; }
public Type Type { get; set; }
public decimal DecimalSum { get; set; } = new decimal(0);
public int IntSum { get; set; } = 0;
And add this function
private void SetValue(Entity entity, AttributeInfo attributeInfo)
if (entity.Contains(attributeInfo.Name))
switch (attributeInfo.Type.Name)
case "Decimal":
entity[attributeInfo.Name] = attributeInfo.DecimalSum;
case "Int32":
entity[attributeInfo.Name] = attributeInfo.IntSum;
Then this is you Calculate function
private void Calculate(List<string> attributeList, List<Entity> mainEntityList, Guid targetId, Guid oppId, Guid contactId)
var mainentity = new mainEntity();
mainentity.Id = targetId;
var opportunity = new Opportunity();
opportunity.Id = oppId;
var contact = new Contact();
contact.Id = contactId;
var attributesInfo = new List<AttributeInfo>();
foreach (var attribute in attributeList)
var attributeInfo = new AttributeInfo
Name = attribute
foreach (var entity in mainEntityList)
if (entity.Contains(attribute))
attributeInfo.Type = entity[attribute].GetType();
switch (attributeInfo.Type.Name)
case "AliasedValue":
var aliasedFieldValue = entity.GetAttributeValue<AliasedValue>(attribute);
if (aliasedFieldValue.Value.GetType().Name == "Decimal")
attributeInfo.DecimalSum += (decimal)aliasedFieldValue.Value;
attributeInfo.IntSum += (int)aliasedFieldValue.Value;
case "Decimal":
attributeInfo.DecimalSum += entity.GetAttributeValue<decimal>(attribute);
case "Int32":
attributeInfo.IntSum += entity.GetAttributeValue<int>(attribute);
foreach (var attributeInfo in attributesInfo)
if (attributeInfo.Type != null)
SetValue(mainentity, attributeInfo);
SetValue(opportunity, attributeInfo);
SetValue(contact, attributeInfo);
I should say that the structure of the calculate function still seems weird for me. However, here I tried to keep the main structure.

ASP.NET MVC validation return lowercase property name

In my ASP.NET MVC Core web application the Json serialization of properties is set to camel case (with first letter lowercase):
.AddJsonOptions(opt =>
opt.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver { NamingStrategy = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy() };
opt.SerializerSettings.Converters.Add(new StringEnumConverter(true));
The serialization to the client is working as expected.
But when the javascript client tries to post data and this data is not valid, he receives a validation message with capital letter properties, this validation messages are the ModelState:
{"Info":["The Info field is required."]}
Is there a way to make ASP.NET return lowercase property in validation messages of the ModelState to reflect the naming strategy?
The solution is to disable the automatic api validation filter and create own json result with the validation messages:
services.Configure<ApiBehaviorOptions>(options =>
options.SuppressModelStateInvalidFilter = true;
And in the controller:
protected ActionResult ValidationFailed()
var errorList = ModelState.ToDictionary(
kvp => kvp.Key.ToCamelCase(),
kvp => kvp.Value.Errors.Select(e => e.ErrorMessage).ToArray()
return BadRequest(errorList);
public async Task<ActionResult> Create([FromBody]TCreateDto model)
if (ModelState.IsValid == false)
return ValidationFailed();
The string helper method:
public static string ToCamelCase(this string name)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
return name;
return name.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + name.Substring(1);
There is an easier solution. Use Fluent Validator's ValidatorOptions.Global.PropertyNameResolver. Taken from here and converted to C# 8 and Fluent Validation 9:
In Startup.cs, ConfigureServices use:
.AddFluentValidation(fv =>
// Convert property names to camelCase as Asp.Net Core does
ValidatorOptions.Global.PropertyNameResolver = CamelCasePropertyNameResolver.ResolvePropertyName;
and resolver itself:
/// <summary>
/// Convert property names to camelCase as Asp.Net Core does
/// </summary>
public class CamelCasePropertyNameResolver
public static string? ResolvePropertyName(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo, LambdaExpression expression)
return ToCamelCase(DefaultPropertyNameResolver(type, memberInfo, expression));
private static string? DefaultPropertyNameResolver(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo, LambdaExpression expression)
if (expression != null)
var chain = PropertyChain.FromExpression(expression);
if (chain.Count > 0)
return chain.ToString();
if (memberInfo != null)
return memberInfo.Name;
return null;
private static string? ToCamelCase(string? s)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) || !char.IsUpper(s[0]))
return s;
var chars = s.ToCharArray();
for (var i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
if (i == 1 && !char.IsUpper(chars[i]))
var hasNext = (i + 1 < chars.Length);
if (i > 0 && hasNext && !char.IsUpper(chars[i + 1]))
chars[i] = char.ToLower(chars[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return new string(chars);
I have faced the same issue. I have overridden DefaultProblemDetailsFactory.cs from the source code and add logic to change the first letters in the 'errors' dictionary.
1 - Create new CustomProblemDetailsFactory.cs class:
internal sealed class CustomProblemDetailsFactory : ProblemDetailsFactory
private readonly ApiBehaviorOptions _options;
public CustomProblemDetailsFactory(IOptions<ApiBehaviorOptions> options)
_options = options?.Value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));
public override ProblemDetails CreateProblemDetails(
HttpContext httpContext,
int? statusCode = null,
string? title = null,
string? type = null,
string? detail = null,
string? instance = null)
statusCode ??= 500;
var problemDetails = new ProblemDetails
Status = statusCode,
Title = title,
Type = type,
Detail = detail,
Instance = instance,
ApplyProblemDetailsDefaults(httpContext, problemDetails, statusCode.Value);
return problemDetails;
public override ValidationProblemDetails CreateValidationProblemDetails(
HttpContext httpContext,
ModelStateDictionary modelStateDictionary,
int? statusCode = null,
string? title = null,
string? type = null,
string? detail = null,
string? instance = null)
if (modelStateDictionary == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(modelStateDictionary));
statusCode ??= 400;
var problemDetails = new ValidationProblemDetails(modelStateDictionary)
Status = statusCode,
Type = type,
Detail = detail,
Instance = instance,
if (title != null)
// For validation problem details, don't overwrite the default title with null.
problemDetails.Title = title;
if (problemDetails.Errors != null)
var newErrors = problemDetails.Errors.ToDictionary(x => this.MakeFirstLetterLowercase(x.Key), x => x.Value);
foreach (var keyValue in newErrors)
problemDetails.Errors.Add(keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value);
ApplyProblemDetailsDefaults(httpContext, problemDetails, statusCode.Value);
return problemDetails;
private void ApplyProblemDetailsDefaults(HttpContext httpContext, ProblemDetails problemDetails, int statusCode)
problemDetails.Status ??= statusCode;
if (_options.ClientErrorMapping.TryGetValue(statusCode, out var clientErrorData))
problemDetails.Title ??= clientErrorData.Title;
problemDetails.Type ??= clientErrorData.Link;
var traceId = Activity.Current?.Id ?? httpContext?.TraceIdentifier;
if (traceId != null)
problemDetails.Extensions["traceId"] = traceId;
private string MakeFirstLetterLowercase(string str)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && char.IsUpper(str[0]))
return str.Length == 1 ? char.ToLower(str[0]).ToString() : char.ToLower(str[0]) + str[1..];
return str;
2 - In the Startup.cs override the default ProblemDetailsFactory:
services.AddSingleton<ProblemDetailsFactory, CustomProblemDetailsFactory>();
After that all keys in the dictionary 'errors' will start with lowercase

Share data among Controller actions while one action is executing

Following action in same controller:
string vTotalRows = "0";
string vCurrentRow = "0";
public ActionResult Save(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files)
vTotalRows = "100"; //it is getting set in loop
vCurrentRow = "1"; //it is getting set in loop
//Process takes some time here.. depend on how many records in the excel file
second action function as below:
public JsonResult GetUploadStatus()
string totalItems="?";
totalItems = vTotalRows;// Convert.ToString(TempData["TotalRows"]);
if (totalItems.Trim() == "") totalItems = "?";
catch { }
string currentItem = "?";
currentItem = vCurrentRow;// Convert.ToString(TempData["CurrentRow"]);
if (currentItem.Trim() == "") currentItem = "?";
catch { }
string result = string.Format("Uploading Item <b>{0}</b> of <b>{1}</b> - {2} of {3}", currentItem, totalItems, vCurrentRow, vTotalRows);
var jsonResult = Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue;
return jsonResult;
If I am calling second function through ajax I am always getting 0 for both variables. Have tried TempData, ViewBag etc.

ActionFilter to read Contents before RedirectToAction

I wish to record deletes and edits, and thought the best way would be to apply An actionFilter
Attribute to my delete and edit [ post ] methods
But because the end results is a redirect to action, my Context.Result is always null
because there is only a Context.RedirectToAction results available.
Now before i go creating some code to plug into my delete and Edit functions, has anyone tried something like this!, and could you possibly advise?
Action Code:
[HttpPost, ValidateInput(false)]
[SiteChangeLogger(LogType = "Update", TableName = "Affiliates")]
public ActionResult Edit(Affiliate affiliate, FormCollection form)
var existing = db2.Affiliates.SingleOrDefault(x => x.AffiliateId == affiliate.AffiliateId);
ViewBag.before = Common.Strings.Base64Encode(Common.Strings.ToJsonString(existing));
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var curFiles = new NameValueCollection();
curFiles["AffiliateLogo"] = affiliate.AffiliateLogo;
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form["AffiliateLogo"]))
TryUpdateModel(affiliate, form);
var oldFileName = affiliate.AffiliateLogo;
var newFileName = Common.Strings.RandomFileName();
new WebImage(Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/" + affiliate.AffiliateLogo))
.Resize(200, 50, true, true)
.Crop(1, 1)
.Save(Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/" + newFileName), "png", true);
affiliate.AffiliateLogo = newFileName + ".png";
Common.Common.TryAndDeleteFile("~/Content/images/" + oldFileName);
affiliate.AffiliateLogo = existing.AffiliateLogo;
catch (Exception ex)
db.Entry(affiliate).State = EntityState.Modified;
ViewBag.after = Common.Strings.Base64Encode(Common.Strings.ToJsonString(affiliate));
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(affiliate);
my Filter Code
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext fc)
var viewResult = fc.Result as ViewResult;
if(viewResult == null) return;
var beforeData = viewResult.ViewBag.before;
var afterData = viewResult.ViewBag.after;
if (beforeData == null && afterData == null) return;
var ctx = new SgeGamesContext();
var eventId = 0;
var siteChangeLogEvent = ctx.SiteChangeLogEvents.SingleOrDefault(x => x.SiteChangeLogEventName == LogType);
if (siteChangeLogEvent != null)
eventId = siteChangeLogEvent.SiteChangeLogEventId;
var model = new Sge.Games.Data.Models.SiteChangeLog
SiteChangeLogTable = TableName,
SiteId = 1,
SiteChangeLogAfterContent = afterData,
SiteChangeLogBeforeContent = beforeData,
SiteChangeLogEventId = eventId
You could access the ViewBag directly, you don't need a ViewResult:
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext fc)
var before = fc.Controller.ViewBag.before;
var after = fc.Controller.ViewBag.after;
Also you probably want to use the OnActionExecuted event instead of OnResultExecuted.

How do I pass int array to RouteValueDictionary

I need generate this url: http://localhost:3178/Reports/?GroupId=1211&GroupId=1237
I'm trying:
var routeData = new RouteValueDictionary();
routeData.Add("GroupId", "1, 2");
getting: GroupId=1,%202
routeData.Add("GroupId", "1");
routeData.Add("GroupId", "2");
getting: An item with the same key has already been added
and even
routeData.Add("GroupId[0]", "1");
routeData.Add("GroupId[1]", "2");
getting: ?GroupId%5B0%5D=1&GroupId%5B1%5D=2
it's possible to somehow fix my issue?
The RouteValueDictionary is meant to provide information to routes. As such, I don't think it has the capability you're asking for. I've been using a custom helper to populate query string data based on what I pass into it:
public static string BuildPath(RequestContext context, string routeName, RouteValueDictionary routeValues, object additionalParams)
var vpd = RouteTable.Routes[routeName].GetVirtualPath(context, routeValues);
if (vpd == null)
return string.Empty;
var virtualpath = vpd.VirtualPath;
var addparams = BuildAdditionalParams(additionalParams);
if (!virtualpath.Contains("?") && addparams.Length > 0)
virtualpath = virtualpath + "?" + addparams;
else if (virtualpath.Contains("?") && addparams.Length > 0)
virtualpath = virtualpath + "&" + addparams;
return "/" + virtualpath;
protected static string BuildAdditionalParams(object additionalParams)
if (additionalParams == null)
return string.Empty;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Type type = additionalParams.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties();
Action<string, string> addProperty = (name, value) =>
if (sb.Length > 0)
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props)
var simplevalue = prop.GetValue(additionalParams, null);
if (simplevalue != null)
Type propertyType = prop.PropertyType;
if (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propertyType) != null)
propertyType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propertyType);
if (propertyType.IsEnum)
addProperty(prop.Name, ((int)simplevalue).ToString());
else if (propertyType.IsArray && propertyType != typeof(string))
foreach (var val in prop.GetValue(additionalParams, null) as IEnumerable)
addProperty(prop.Name, val.ToString());
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(simplevalue.ToString()))
addProperty(prop.Name, simplevalue.ToString());
return sb.ToString();
This function will build a full path to your route and append the values in the additionalParams object as query string data. This can handle arrays, enums, nullable values, and other types that by executing their ToString method.
Hope this helps!
