Do we have any functionality available in Apache Wicket for file uploads, where i can have different properties like file object,content Type,file name readily available.
Just use a FileUploadField, mark the form as multiplePart and when the form is submitted you can access the FileUpload which has properties getSize(), getContentType() and getClientFileName().
More info & example:
I am creating swagger document using annotations in springboot application, all the APIs params are working instead of file param, file param is not being shown in the swagger UI. It is also not giving any errors in the logs related to the file attribute.
Below is the annotation being used to display the file param.
#ApiImplicitParam(name="mediafile", value="upload the file", dataTypeClass="File.class", required=true, paramType="form")
I also have changed paramType="formData" but still file attribute is still not showing up. Any help will be appreciated. Swagger = v3.0
Is both approaches the same when it comes to application processing the request?
Or just validating the file in my controller (or using form validation using #Valid and implementing Validator, etc).
Does both approaches check file size AFTER application has fully received the request? Or spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size sets the file upload size restriction at the server (tomcat) level?
It seems that spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size is a better approach. This property is set for MultipartResolver bean automatically. This bean is created automatically in Springboot. In Spring and/or Spring MVC (basically, not Springboot), this bean needs to be created manually.
MultipartResolver bean is the one that handles the file size uploaded via a form. This approach is better because it doesn't load up the whole file. It gets the file size through a header, and if file size exceeds the value set as a value for the property spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size, it throws an error.
Validating the file size via #Valid/Validator approach is not wise because the whole file will be uploaded to the server.
We are using property placeholder configurer in multiple apps(12-15) and would like to access final properties object prepared by propertly place holder to see what properties and its values being used by that app. In each app we want to have one page with ready only values displayed since each app has multiple propeeties file and environment properties so would like to see final state of that properties object.
Note: we are using spring 4.1 with spring web mvc and spring batch 3.x
I was wondering where is located the code that automatically create a temporary file when you send a multipart request using StandardServletMultipartResolver?
Can i disable that behavior? I want to decide how its going to be stored and where. I don't want spring to do it for me.
I'm considering creating my own resolver but I cant find information on how to disable spring default behavior.
To quote from API docs StandardServletMultipartResolver does not support temporary file configuration on resolver level rather it is to be done on servlet registration level -
In order to use Servlet 3.0 based multipart parsing, you need to mark the affected servlet with a "multipart-config" section in web.xml, or with a MultipartConfigElement in programmatic servlet registration, or (in case of a custom servlet class) possibly with a MultipartConfig annotation on your servlet class.
Configuration settings such as maximum sizes or storage locations need to be applied at that servlet registration level; Servlet 3.0 does not allow for them to be set at the MultipartResolver level.
So either you can configure it on servlet or switch to CommonsMultipartResolver which has the support to set the temp directory out-of-the-box as it inherits it from CommonsFileUploadSupport.setUploadTempDir (see respective docs here and here)
In my web application I am using Spring login form (with Spring-security). By default the login form has the fields j_username and j_password. I need to add one more element(checkbox for Terms&Conditions). The current code doesn't have LoginForm as well as LoginController since Spring is internally handling it.
Can anyone please tell how to handle/override this?
I have seen this link Spring security custom login page
But I need to add the new element in LoginForm (which is not existing currently) - where I need to add this new element(in Form - .java file)
Also should I write a new controller (LoginController) or can I use any existing filter as given here?
Does the user just have to check the box in order to procede, or does it bind to a backing model object.
If it's the former, I'd just handle it through javascript. If the latter, the easiest way would probably be implementing an Authentication Filter, this area of the documentation might help: