What is the purpose of the "PAUSE" instruction in x86? - parallel-processing

I am trying to create a dumb version of a spin lock. Browsing the web, I came across a assembly instruction called "PAUSE" in x86 which is used to give hint to a processor that a spin-lock is currently running on this CPU. The intel manual and other information available state that
The processor uses this hint to avoid the memory order violation in
most situations, which greatly improves processor performance. For
this reason, it is recommended that a PAUSE instruction be placed in
all spin-wait loops. The documentation also mentions that "wait(some
delay)" is the pseudo implementation of the instruction.
The last line of the above paragraph is intuitive. If I am unsuccessful in grabbing the lock, I must wait for some time before grabbing the lock again.
However, what do we mean by memory order violation in case of a spin lock?
Does "memory order violation" mean the incorrect speculative load/store of the instructions after spin-lock?
The spin-lock question has been asked on Stack overflow before but the memory order violation question remains unanswered (at-least for my understanding).

Just imagine, how the processor would execute a typical spin-wait loop:
1 Spin_Lock:
2 CMP lockvar, 0 ; Check if lock is free
3 JE Get_Lock
4 JMP Spin_Lock
5 Get_Lock:
After a few iterations the branch predictor will predict that the conditional branch (3) will never be taken and the pipeline will fill with CMP instructions (2). This goes on until finally another processor writes a zero to lockvar. At this point we have the pipeline full of speculative (i.e. not yet committed) CMP instructions some of which already read lockvar and reported an (incorrect) nonzero result to the following conditional branch (3) (also speculative). This is when the memory order violation happens. Whenever the processor "sees" an external write (a write from another processor), it searches in its pipeline for instructions which speculatively accessed the same memory location and did not yet commit. If any such instructions are found then the speculative state of the processor is invalid and is erased with a pipeline flush.
Unfortunately this scenario will (very likely) repeat each time a processor is waiting on a spin-lock and make these locks much slower than they ought to be.
Enter the PAUSE instruction:
1 Spin_Lock:
2 CMP lockvar, 0 ; Check if lock is free
3 JE Get_Lock
4 PAUSE ; Wait for memory pipeline to become empty
5 JMP Spin_Lock
6 Get_Lock:
The PAUSE instruction will "de-pipeline" the memory reads, so that the pipeline is not filled with speculative CMP (2) instructions like in the first example. (I.e. it could block the pipeline until all older memory instructions are committed.) Because the CMP instructions (2) execute sequentially it is unlikely (i.e. the time window is much shorter) that an external write occurs after the CMP instruction (2) read lockvar but before the CMP is committed.
Of course "de-pipelining" will also waste less energy in the spin-lock and in case of hyperthreading it will not waste resources the other thread could use better. On the other hand there is still a branch mis-prediction waiting to occur before each loop exit. Intel's documentation does not suggest that PAUSE eliminates that pipeline flush, but who knows...

As #Mackie says, the pipeline will fill with cmps. Intel will have to flush those cmps when another core writes, which is an expensive operation. If the CPU doesn't flush it, then you have a memory order violation. An example of such a violation would be the below:
(This starts with lock1 = lock2 = lock3 = var = 1)
Thread 1:
cmp lock1, 0
jne spin
cmp lock3, 0 # lock3 should be zero, Thread 2 already ran.
je end # Thus I take this path
mov var, 0 # And this is never run
Thread 2:
mov lock3, 0
mov lock1, 0
mov ebx, var # I should know that var is 1 here.
First, consider Thread 1:
if cmp lock1, 0; jne spin branch predicts that lock1 isn't zero, it adds cmp lock3, 0 to the pipeline.
In the pipeline, cmp lock3, 0 reads lock3 and finds out that it equal to 1.
Now, assume Thread 1 is taking its sweet time, and Thread 2 begins running quickly:
lock3 = 0
lock1 = 0
Now, let's go back to Thread 1:
Let's say the cmp lock1, 0 finally reads lock1, finds out that lock1 is 0, and is happy about its branch predicting ability.
This command commits, and nothing gets flushed. Correct branch predicting means nothing is flushed, even with out-of-order reads, since the processor deduced that there is no internal dependency. lock3 isn't dependent on lock1 in the eyes of the CPU, so this all is okay.
Now, the cmp lock3, 0, which correctly read that lock3 was equal to 1, commits.
je end is not taken, and mov var, 0 executes.
In Thread 3, ebx is equal to 0. This should have been impossible. This is the memory order violation that Intel must compensate for.
Now, the solution that Intel takes to avoid that invalid behavior, is to flush. When lock3 = 0 ran on Thread 2, it forces Thread 1 to flush instructions that use lock3. Flushing in this case means that Thread 1 will not add instructions to the pipeline until all instructions that use lock3 have been committed. Before the Thread 1's cmp lock3 can commit, the cmp lock1 must commit. When the cmp lock1 tries to commit, it reads that lock1 is actually equal to 1, and that the branch prediction was a failure. This causes the cmp to get thrown out. Now that Thread 1 is flushed, lock3's location in Thread 1's cache is set to 0, and then Thread 1 continues execution (Waiting on lock1). Thread 2 now get notified that all other cores have flushed usage of lock3 and updated their caches, so Thread 2 then continues execution (It will have executed independent statements in the meantime, but the next instruction was another write so it probably has to hang, unless the other cores have a queue to hold the pending lock1 = 0 write).
This entire process is expensive, hence the PAUSE. The PAUSE helps out Thread 1, which can now recover from the impending branch mispredict instantly, and it doesn't have to flush its pipeline before branching correctly. The PAUSE similarly helps out Thread 2, which doesn't have to wait on Thread 1's flushing (As said before, I'm unsure of this implementation detail, but if Thread 2 tries writing locks used by too many other cores, Thread 2 will eventually have to wait on flushes).
An important understanding is that while in my example, the flush is required, in Mackie's example, it is not. However, the CPU has no way to know (It doesn't analyze code at all, other than checking consecutive statement dependencies, and a branch prediction cache), so the CPU will flush instructions accessing lockvar in Mackie's example just as it does in mine, in order to guarantee correctness.


Why is my loop much faster when it is contained in one cache line?

When I run this little assembly program on my Ryzen 9 3900X:
_start: xor rax, rax
xor rcx, rcx
loop0: add rax, 1
mov rdx, rax
and rdx, 1
add rcx, rdx
cmp rcx, 1000000000
jne loop0
It completes in 450 ms if all the instructions between loop0 and up to and including the jne, are contained entirely in one cacheline. That is, if:
round((address of loop0)/64) == round((address of end of jne-instruction)/64)
However, if the above condition does not hold, the loop takes 900 ms instead.
I've made a repo with the code https://github.com/avl/strange_performance_repro .
Why is the inner loop much slower in some specific cases?
Edit: Removed a claim with a conclusion from a mistake in testing.
Your issue lies in the variable cost of the jne instruction.
First of all, to understand the impact of the effect, we need to analyze the full loop itself. The architecture of the Ryzen 9 3900X is Zen2. We can retrieve information about this on the AMD website or also WikiChip.
This architecture have 4 ALU and 3 AGU. This roughly means it can execute up to 4 instructions like add/and/cmp per cycle.
Here is the cost of each instruction of the loop (based on the Agner Fog instruction table for Zen1):
# Reciprocal throughput
loop0: add rax, 1 # 0.25
mov rdx, rax # 0.2
and rdx, 1 # 0.25
add rcx, rdx # 0.25
cmp rcx, 1000000000 # 0.25 | Fused 0.5-2 (2 if jumping)
jne loop0 # 0.5-2 |
As you can see, the 4 first computing instructions of the loop can be executed in ~1 cycle. The 2 last instructions can be merged by your processor into a faster one.
Your main issue is that this last jne instruction could be quite slow compared to the rest of the loop. So you are very likely to measure only the overhead of this instruction. From this point, things start to be complicated.
Engineer and researcher worked hard the last decades to reduce the cost of such instructions at (almost) any price. Nowadays, processors (like the Ryzen 9 3900X) use out-of-order instruction scheduling to execute the dependent instructions required by the jne instruction as soon as possible. Most processors can also predict the address of the next instruction to execute after the jne and fetch new instructions (eg. the one of the next loop iteration) while the other instruction of the current loop iteration are being executed.
Performing the fetch as soon as possible is important to prevent any stall in the execution pipeline of the processor (especially in your case).
From the AMD document "Software Optimization Guide for AMD Family 17h Models 30h and Greater Processors", we can read:
2.8.3 Loop Alignment:
For the processor loop alignment is not usually a significant issue. However, for hot loops, some further knowledge of trade-offs can be helpful. Since the processor can read an aligned 64-byte fetch block every cycle, aligning the end of the loop to the last byte of a 64-byte cache line is the best thing to do, if possible. Next Address Logic
The next-address logic determines addresses for instruction fetch. [...]. When branches are identified, the next-address logic is redirected by the branch target and branch direction prediction hardware to generate a non-sequential fetch block address. The processor facilities that are designed to predict the next instruction to be executed following a branch are detailed in the following sections.
Thus, performing a conditional branching to instructions located in another cache line introduces an additional latency overhead due to a fetch of the Op Cache (an instruction cache faster than the L1) not required if the whole loop fit in 1 cache line. Indeed, if a loop is crossing a cache line, 2 line-cache fetches are required, which takes no less than 2 cycles. If the whole loop is fitting in a cache-line, only one 1 line-cache fetch is needed, which take only 1 cycle. As a result, since your loop iterations are very fast, paying 1 additional cycle introduces a significant slowdown. But how much?
You say that the program takes about 450 ms.
Since the Ryzen 9 3900X turbo frequency is 4.6 GHz and your loop is executed 2e9 times, the number cycles per loop iteration is 1.035. Note that this is better than what we can expected before (I guess this processor is able to rename registers, ignore the mov instruction, execute the jne instruction in parallel in only 1 cycle while other instructions of the loop are perfectly pipelined; which is astounding). This also shows that paying an additional fetch overhead of 1 cycle will double the number of cycles needed to execute each loop iteration and so the overall execution time.
If you do not want to pay this overhead, consider unrolling your loop to significantly reduce the number of conditional branches and non-sequential fetches.
This problem can occur on other architectures such as on Intel Skylake. Indeed, the same loop on a i5-9600KF takes 0.70s with loop alignment and 0.90s without (also due to the additional 1 cycle fetch latency). With a 8x unrolling, the result is 0.53s (whatever the alignment).

Cost of instruction jumps in assembly

I've had always been curious about the cost of jumps in assembly.
cmp ecx, edx
je SOME_LOCATION # What's the cost of this jump?
Does it need to do a search in a lookup table for each jumps or how does it work?
No, a jump doesn’t do a search. The assembler resolves the label to an address, which in most cases is then converted to an offset from the current instruction. The address or offset is encoded in the instruction. At run time, the processor loads the address into the IP register or adds the offset to the current value of the IP register (along with all the other effects discussed by #Brendan).
There is a type of jump instruction that can be used to get the destination from a table. The jump instruction reads the address from a memory location. (The instruction specifies a single location, so there still is no “search”.) This instruction could look something like this:
jmp table[eax*4]
where eax is the index of the entry in the table containing the address to jump to.
Originally (e.g. 8086) the cost of a jump wasn't much different to the cost of a mov.
Later CPUs added caches, which meant some jumps were faster (because the code they jump to is in the cache) and some jumps were slower (because the code they jump to isn't in the cache).
Even later CPUs added "out of order" execution, where conditional branches (e.g. je SOME_LOCATION) would have to wait until the flags from "previous instructions that happen to be executed in parallel" became known.
This means that a sequence like
mov esi, edi
cmp ecx, edx
can be slower than rearranging it to
cmp ecx, edx
mov esi, edi
to increase the chance that the flags would be known.
Even later CPUs added speculative execution. In this case, for conditional branches the CPU just takes a guess at where it will branch to before it actually knows (e.g. before the flags are known), and if it guesses wrong it'll just pretend that it didn't execute the wrong instructions. More specifically, the speculatively executed instructions are tagged at the start of the pipeline and held at the end of the pipeline (at retirement) until the CPU knows if they can be committed to visible state or if they have to be discarded.
After that things just got more complicated, with fancier methods of doing branch prediction, additional "branch target" buffers, etc.
Far jumps that change the code segment are more expensive. In real mode it's not so bad because the CPU mostly only does "CS.base = value * 16" when CS is changed. For protected mode it's a table lookup (to find GDT or LDT entry), decoding the entry, deciding what to do based on what kind of entry it is, then a pile of protection checks. For long mode it's vaguely similar. All of this adds more uncertainty (e.g. with the table entry be in cache?).
On top of all of this there's things like TLB misses. For example, jmp [indirectAddress] can cause a TLB miss at indirectAddress then a TLB miss at the stack top then a TLB miss at the new instruction pointer; where each TLB miss can cost a few hundred cycles.
Mostly; the cost of a jump can be anything from 0 cycles (for a correctly predicted jump) to maybe 1000 cycles; depending on which CPU it is, what kind of jump, what is in caches, what branch prediction predicts, cache/TLB misses, how fast/slow RAM is, and anything I may have forgotten.

Bring code into the L1 instruction cache without executing it

Let's say I have a function that I plan to execute as part of a benchmark. I want to bring this code into the L1 instruction cache prior to executing since I don't want to measure the cost of I$ misses as part of the benchmark.
The obvious way to do this is to simply execute the code at least once before the benchmark, hence "warming it up" and bringing it into the L1 instruction cache and possibly the uop cache, etc.
What are my alternatives in the case I don't want to execute the code (e.g., because I want the various predictors which key off of instruction addresses to be cold)?
In Granite Rapids and later, PREFETCHIT0 [rip+rel32] to prefetch code into "all levels" of cache, or prefetchit1 to prefetch into all levels except L1i. These instructions are a NOP with an addressing-mode other than RIP-relative, or on CPUs that don't support them. (Perhaps they also prime iTLB or even uop cache, or at least could on paper, in which case this isn't what you want.) The docs in Intel's "future extensions" manual as of 2022 Dec recommends that the target address be the start of some instruction.
Note that this Q&A is about priming things for a microbenchmark. Not things that would be worth doing to improve overall performance. For that, probably just best-effort prefetch into L2 cache (the inner-most unified cache) with prefetcht1 SW prefetch, also priming the dTLB in a way that possibly helps the iTLB (although it will evict a possibly-useful dTLB entry).
Or not, if the L2TLB is a victim cache. see X86 prefetching optimizations: "computed goto" threaded code for more discussion.
Caveat: some of this answer is Intel-centric. If I just say "the uop cache", I'm talking about Sandybridge-family. I know Ryzen has a uop-cache too, but I haven't read much of anything about its internals, and only know some basics about Ryzen from reading Agner Fog's microarch guide.
You can at least prefetch into L2 with software prefetch, but that doesn't even necessarily help with iTLB hits. (The 2nd-level TLB is a victim cache, I think, so a dTLB miss might not populate anything that the iTLB checks.)
But this doesn't help with L1I$ misses, or getting the target code decoded into the uop cache.
If there is a way to do what you want, it's going to be with some kind of trick. x86 has no "standard" way to do this; no code-prefetch instruction. Darek Mihoka wrote about code-prefetch as part of a CPU-emulator interpreter loop: The Common CPU Interpreter Loop Revisited: the Nostradamus Distributor back in 2008 when P4 and Core2 were the hot CPU microarchitectures to tune for.
But of course that's a different case: the goal is sustained performance of indirect branches, not priming things for a benchmark. It doesn't matter if you spend a lot of time achieving the microarchitectural state you want outside the timed portion of a micro-benchmark.
Speaking of which, modern branch predictors aren't just "cold", they always contain some prediction based on aliasing1. This may or may not be important.
Prefetch the first / last lines (and maybe others) with call to a ret
I think instruction fetch / prefetch normally continues past an ordinary ret or jmp, because it can't be detected until decode. So you could just call a function that ends at the end of the previous cache line. (Make sure they're in the same page, so an iTLB miss doesn't block prefetch.)
ret after a call will predict reliably if no other call did anything to the return-address predictor stack, except in rare cases if an interrupt happened between the call and ret, and the kernel code had a deep enough call tree to push the prediction for this ret out of the RSB (return-stack-buffer). Or if Spectre mitigation flushed it intentionally on a context switch.
; make sure this is in the same *page* as function_under_test, to prime the iTLB
; could put the label here, but probably better not
60 bytes of (long) NOPs or whatever padding
; jmp back_to_benchmark_startup ; alternative if JMP is handled differently than RET.
lfence ; prevent any speculative execution after RET, in case it or JMP aren't detected as soon as they decode
;;; cache-line boundary here
prime_Icache_last_line: ; label the last RET in function_under_test
ret ; this will prime the "there's a ret here" predictor (correctly)
call prime_Icache_first_line
call prime_Icache_first_line ; IDK if calling twice could possibly help in case prefetch didn't get far the first time? But now the CPU has "seen" the RET and may not fetch past it.
call prime_Icache_last_line ; definitely only need to call once; it's in the right line
call function_under_test
jnz .time_loop
We can even extend this technique to more than 2 cache lines by calling to any 0xC3 (ret) byte inside the body of function_under_test. But as #BeeOnRope points out, that's dangerous because it may prime branch prediction with "there's a ret here" causing a mispredict you otherwise wouldn't have had when calling function_under_test for real.
Early in the front-end, branch prediction is needed based on fetch-block address (which block to fetch after this one), not on individual branches inside each block, so this could be a problem even if the ret byte was part of another instruction.
But if this idea is viable, then you can look for a 0xc3 byte as part of an instruction in the cache line, or at worst add a 3-byte NOP r/m32 (0f 1f c3 nop ebx,eax). c3 as a ModR/M encodes a reg,reg instruction (with ebx and eax as operands), so it doesn't have to be hidden in a disp8 to avoid making the NOP even longer, and it's easy to find in short instructions: e.g. 89 c3 mov ebx,eax, or use the other opcode so the same modrm byte gives you mov eax,ebx. Or 83 c3 01 add ebx,0x1, or many other instructions with e/rbx, bl (and r/eax or al).
With a REX prefix, those can be you have a choice of rbx / r11 (and rax/r8 for the /r field if applicable). It's likely you can choose (or modify for this microbenchmark) your register allocation to produce an instruction using the relevant registers to produce a c3 byte without any overhead at all, especially if you can use a custom calling convention (at least for testing purposes) so you can clobber rbx if you weren't already saving/restoring it.
I found these by searching for (space)c3(space) in the output of objdump -d /bin/bash, just to pick a random not-small executable full of compiler-generated code.
Evil hack: end the cache line before with the start of a multi-byte instruction.
; at the end of a cache line
db 0xe9 ; the opcode for 5-byte jmp rel32
... normal code ; first 4 bytes will be treated as a rel32 when decoding starts at prefetch_I...
; then at function_under_test+4 + rel32:
;org whatever (that's not how ORG works in NASM, so actually you'll need a linker script or something to put code here)
jmp back_to_test_startup
So it jumps to a virtual address which depends on the instruction bytes of function_under_test. Map that page and put code in it that jumps back to your benchmark-prep code. The destination has to be within 2GiB, so (in 64-bit code) it's always possible to choose a virtual address for function_under_test that makes the destination a valid user-space virtual address. Actually, for many rel32 values, it's possible to choose the address of function_under_test to keep both it and the target within the low 2GiB of virtual address space, (and definitely 3GiB) and thus valid 32-bit user-space addresses even under a 32-bit kernel.
Or less crazy, using the end of a ret imm16 to consume a byte or two, just requiring a fixup of RSP after return (and treating whatever is temporarily below RSP as a "red zone" if you don't reserve extra space):
; at the end of a cache line
db 0xc2 ; the opcode for 3-byte ret imm16
; db 0x00 ; optional: one byte of the immediate at least keeps RSP aligned
; But x86 is little-endian, so the last byte is most significant
;; Cache-line boundary here
... normal code ; first 2 bytes will be added to RSP when decoding starts at prefetch_Icache_first_line
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp ; save old RSP
;sub rsp, 65536 ; reserve space in case of the max RSP+imm16.
call prefetch_Icache_first_line
;;; UNSAFE HERE in case of signal handler if you didn't SUB.
mov rsp, rbp ; restore RSP; if no signal handlers installed, probably nothing could step on stack memory
pop rbp
Using sub rsp, 65536 before calling to the ret imm16 makes it safe even if there might be a signal handler (or interrupt handler in kernel code, if your kernel stack is big enough, otherwise look at the actual byte and see how much will really be added to RSP). It means that call's push/store will probably miss in data cache, and maybe even cause a pagefault to grow the stack. That does happen before fetching the ret imm16, so that won't evict the L1I$ line we wanted to prime.
This whole idea is probably unnecessary; I think the above method can reliably prefetch the first line of a function anyway, and this only works for the first line. (Unless you put a 0xe9 or 0xc2 in the last byte of each relevant cache line, e.g. as part of a NOP if necessary.)
But this does give you a way to non-speculatively do code-fetch from from the cache line you want without architecturally executing any instructions in it. Hopefully a direct jmp is detected before any later instructions execute, and probably without any others even decoding, except ones that decoded in the same block. (And an unconditional jmp always ends a uop-cache line on Intel). i.e. the mispredict penalty is all in the front-end from re-steering the fetch pipeline as soon as decode detects the jmp. I hope ret is like this too, in cases where the return-predictor stack is not empty.
A jmp r/m64 would let you control the destination just by putting the address in the right register or memory. (Figure out what register or memory addressing mode the first byte(s) of function_under_test encode, and put an address there). The opcode is FF /4, so you can only use a register addressing mode if the first byte works as a ModRM that has /r = 4 and mode=11b. But you could put the first 2 bytes of the jmp r/m64 in the previous line, so the extra bytes form the SIB (and disp8 or disp32). Whatever those are, you can set up register contents such that the jump-target address will be loaded from somewhere convenient.
But the key problem with a jmp r/m64 is that default-prediction for an indirect branch can fall through and speculatively execute function_under_test, affecting the branch-prediction entries for those branches. You could have bogus values in registers so you prime branch prediction incorrectly, but that's still different from not touching them at all.
How does this overlapping-instructions hack to consume bytes from the target cache line affect the uop cache?
I think (based on previous experimental evidence) Intel's uop cache puts instructions in the uop-cache line that corresponds to their start address, in cases where they cross a 32 or 64-byte boundary. So when the real execution of function_under_test begins, it will simply miss in the uop-cache because no uop-cache line is caching the instruction-start-address range that includes the first byte of function_under_test. i.e. the overlapping decode is probably not even noticed when it's split across an L1I$ boundary this way.
It is normally a problem for the uop cache to have the same bytes decode as parts of different instructions, but I'm optimistic that we wouldn't have a penalty in this case. (I haven't double-checked that for this case. I'm mostly assuming that lines record which range of start-addresses they cache, and not the whole range of x86 instruction bytes they're caching.)
Create mis-speculation to fetch arbitrary lines, but block exec with lfence
Spectre / Meltdown exploits and mitigation strategies provide some interesting ideas: you could maybe trigger a mispredict that fetches at least the start of the code you want, but maybe doesn't speculate into it.
lfence blocks speculative execution, but (AFAIK) not instruction prefetch / fetch / decode.
I think (and hope) the front-end will follow direct relative jumps on its own, even after lfence, so we can use jmp target_cache_line in the shadow of a mispredict + lfence to fetch and decode but not execute the target function.
If lfence works by blocking the issue stage until the reservation station (OoO scheduler) is empty, then an Intel CPU should probably decode past lfence until the IDQ is full (64 uops on Skylake). There are further buffers before other stages (fetch -> instruction-length-decode, and between that and decode), so fetch can run ahead of that. Presumably there's a HW prefetcher that runs ahead of where actual fetch is reading from, so it's pretty plausible to get several cache lines into the target function in the shadow of a single mispredict, especially if you introduce delays before the mispredict can be detected.
We can use the same return-address frobbing as a retpoline to reliably trigger a mispredict to jmp rel32 which sends fetch into the target function. (I'm pretty sure a re-steer of the front-end can happen in the shadow of speculative execution without waiting to confirm correct speculation, because that would make every re-steer serializing.)
some_line: ; not necessarily the first cache line
;;; This goes in the same page as the test function,
;;; so we don't iTLB-miss when trying to send the front-end there
xorps xmm0,xmm0
movq xmm1, rax
;; The point of this LFENCE is to make sure the RS / ROB are empty so the front-end can run ahead in a burst.
;; so the sqrtpd delay chain isn't gradually issued.
;; alternatively, load the return address from the stack and create a data dependency on it, e.g. and eax,0
;; create a many-cycle dependency-chain before the RET misprediction can be detected
times 10 sqrtpd xmm0,xmm0 ; high latency, single uop
orps xmm0, xmm1 ; target address with data-dep on the sqrtpd chain
movq [rsp], xmm0 ; overwrite return address
; movd [rsp], xmm0 ; store-forwarding stall: do this *as well* as the movq
ret ; mis-speculate to the lfence/jmp some_line
; but architecturally jump back to the address we got in RAX
lea rax, [rel back_to_bench_startup]
; or pop rax or load it into xmm1 directly,
; so this block can be CALLed as a function instead of jumped to
call ret_frob
; speculative execution goes here, but architecturally never reached
lfence ; speculative *execution* stops here, fetch continues
jmp some_line
I'm not sure the lfence in ret_frob is needed. But it does make it easier to reason about what the front-end is doing relative to the back-end. After the lfence, the return address has a data dependency on the chain of 10x sqrtpd. (10x 15 to 16 cycle latency on Skylake, for example). But the 10x sqrtpd + orps + movq only take 3 cycles to issue (on 4-wide CPUs), leaving at least 148 cycles + store-forwarding latency before ret can read the return address back from the stack and discover that the return-stack prediction was wrong.
This should be plenty of time for the front-end to follow the jmp some_line and load that line into L1I$, and probably load several lines after that. It should also get some of them decoded into the uop cache.
You need a separate call / lfence / jmp block for each target line (because the target address has to be hard-coded into a direct jump for the front-end to follow it without the back-end executing anything), but they can all share the same ret_frob block.
If you left out the lfence, you could use the above retpoline-like technique to trigger speculative execution into the function. This would let you jump to any target branch in the target function with whatever args you like in registers, so you can mis-prime branch prediction however you like.
Footnote 1:
Modern branch predictors aren't just "cold", they contain predictions
from whatever aliased the target virtual addresses in the various branch-prediction data structures. (At least on Intel where SnB-family pretty definitely uses TAGE prediction.)
So you should decide whether you want to specifically anti-prime the branch predictors by (speculatively) executing the branches in your function with bogus data in registers / flags, or whether your micro-benchmarking environment resembles the surrounding conditions of the real program closely enough.
If your target function has enough branching in a very specific complex pattern (like a branchy sort function over 10 integers), then presumably only that exact input can train the branch predictor well, so any initial state other than a specially-warmed-up state is probably fine.
You may not want the uop-cache primed at all, to look for cold-execution effects in general (like decode), so that might rule out any speculative fetch / decode, not just speculative execution. Or maybe speculative decode is ok if you then run some uop-cache-polluting long-NOPs or times 800 xor eax,eax (2-byte instructions -> 16 per 32-byte block uses up all 3 entries that SnB-family uop caches allow without running out of room and not being able to fit in the uop cache at all). But not so many that you evict L1I$ as well.
Even speculative decode without execute will prime the front-end branch prediction that knows where branches are ahead of decode, though. I think that a ret (or jmp rel32) at the end of the previous cache line
Map the same physical page to two different virtual addresses.
L1I$ is physically addressed. (VIPT but with all the index bits from below the page offset, so effectively PIPT).
Branch-prediction and uop caches are virtually addressed, so with the right choice of virtual addresses, a warm-up run of the function at the alternate virtual address will prime L1I, but not branch prediction or uop caches. (This only works if branch aliasing happens modulo something larger than 4096 bytes, because the position within the page is the same for both mappings.)
Prime the iTLB by calling to a ret in the same page as the test function, but outside it.
After setting this up, no modification of the page tables are required between the warm-up run and the timing run. This is why you use two mappings of the same page instead of remapping a single mapping.
Margaret Bloom suggests that CPUs vulnerable to Meltdown might speculatively fetch instructions from a no-exec page if you jump there (in the shadow of a mispredict so it doesn't actually fault), but that would then require changing the page table, and thus a system call which is expensive and might evict that line of L1I. But if it doesn't pollute the iTLB, you could then re-populate the iTLB entry with a mispredicted branch anywhere into the same page as the function. Or just a call to a dummy ret outside the function in the same page.
None of this will let you get the uop cache warmed up, though, because it's virtually addressed. OTOH, in real life, if branch predictors are cold then probably the uop cache will also be cold.
One approach that could work for small functions would be to execute some code which appears on the same cache line(s) as your target function, which will bring in the entire cache line.
For example, you could organize your code as follows:
; some code, less than 64 bytes
and then call the dummy function prior to calling function_under_test - if dummy starts on the same cache line as the target function, it would bring the entire cache line into L1I. This works for functions of 63 bytes or less1.
This can probably be extended to functions up to ~126 bytes or so by using this trick both at before2 and after the target function. You could extend it to arbitrarily sized functions by inserting dummy functions on every cache line and having the target code jump over them, but this comes at a cost of inserting the otherwise-unnecessary jumps your code under test, and requires careful control over the code size so that the dummy functions are placed correctly.
You need fine control over function alignment and placement to achieve this: assembler is probably the easiest, but you can also probably do it with C or C++ in combination with compiler-specific attributes.
1 You could even reuse the ret in the function_under_test itself to support slightly longer functions (e.g., those whose ret starts within 64 bytes of the start).
2 You'd have to be more careful about the dummy function appearing before the code under test: the processor might fetch instructions past the ret and it might (?) even execute them. A ud2 after the dummy ret is likely to block further fetch (but you might want fetch if populating the uop cache is important).

Why Load/Store from buffer takes one whole clock cycle?

In this video: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/click-crash-course-modern-hardware
At 28:00, he starts to explain the following example:
ld rax <- [rbx+16] //Clock 0 Starts
add rbx,16
cmp rax,0
jeq null_chk
st [rbx-16] <- rcx //Clock 1 Starts
ld rcx <- [rdx+0] //Clock 2 Starts. Why clock 1 only does one op?
ld rax <- [rax+8] //Clock 3 Starts. Why?
And at 29:48, he says 2 cache misses happen in the example. Why 2?
No, he says that there are 2 cache misses running in parallel.
Out of the 4 memory accesses here (data memory, but let's ignore code/page walks, etc):
First ld of address [rbx+16] can be dispatched and sent to memory.
The store can not be performed until retirement when it's known to be non-bogus for sure (he mentioned the branch possibly being mis-predicted - that can be known at execution time, which is before retirement, but there could be other cases he didn't mention, like faults or exceptions). In addition, the store address needs to wait for the calculation of add rbx, 16, but that shouldn't take too long. However, the execution and eventually retirement of the branch that's holding the store depends on the result of the rax compare & jmp, which in turn depends on the first load - assumed here to go to memory (in other words - don't hold your breath).
The 2nd load (from [rdx+0]) is independent and can be dispatched - that's the 2nd load done in parallel.
The 3rd load can't be dispatched - its address depends on rax, which just like the cmp+jmp has to wait for the first load to finish. This means we can't do anything with this load, we don't even know the actual address. Think for e.g. what happens in HW if the load return, writes to rax, and it turns out that [rax+8] equals [rbx-16]? You'll have to forward the data from the store.
So, when executing the code, we can right away (withing 1-2 cycles, depends on the decode and address calculation time) send 2 loads - sections #1 and #3. The other memory operations will have to wait. The crucial element for performance here is to launch your loads as early as possible, and in parallel whenever possible.

Instruction Level Profiling: The Meaning of the Instruction Pointer?

When profiling code at the the assembly instruction level, what does the position of the instruction pointer really mean given that modern CPUs don't execute instructions serially or in-order? For example, assume the following x64 assembly code:
mov RAX, [RBX]; // Assume a cache miss here.
mov RSI, [RBX + RCX]; // Another cache miss.
xor R8, R8;
add RDX, RAX; // Dependent on the load into RAX.
add RDI, RSI; // Dependent on the load into RSI.
Which instruction will the instruction pointer spend most of its time on? I can think of good arguments for all of them:
mov RAX, [RBX] is taking probably 100s of cycles because it's a cache miss.
mov RSI, [RBX + RCX] also takes 100s of cycles, but probably executes in parallel with the previous instruction. What does it even mean for the instruction pointer to be on one or the other of these?
xor R8, R8 probably executes out-of-order and finishes before the memory loads finish, but the instruction pointer might stay here until all previous instructions are also finished.
add RDX, RAX generates a pipeline stall because it's the instruction where the value of RAX is actually used after a slow cache-miss load into it.
add RDI, RSI also stalls because it's dependent on the load into RSI.
CPUs maintains a fiction that there are only the architectural registers (RAX, RBX, etc) and there is a specific instruction pointer (IP). Programmers and compilers target this fiction.
Yet as you noted, modern CPUs don't execute serially or in-order. Until you the programmer / user request the IP, it is like Quantum Physics, the IP is a wave of instructions being executed; all so that the processor can run the program as fast as possible. When you request the current IP (for example, via a debugger breakpoint or profiler interrupt), then the processor must recreate the fiction that you expect so it collapses this wave form (all "in flight" instructions), gathers the register values back into architectural names, and builds a context for executing the debugger routine, etc.
In this context, there is an IP that indicates the instruction where the processor should resume execution. During the out-of-order execution, this instruction was the oldest instruction yet to complete, even though at the time of the interrupt the processor was perhaps fetching instructions well past that point.
For example, perhaps the interrupt indicates mov RSI, [RBX + RCX]; as the IP, but the xor had already executed and completed; however, when the processor would resume execution after the interrupt, it will re-execute the xor.
It's a good question, but in the kind of performance tuning I do, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't really matter because what you're looking for is speed-bugs.
These are things that the code is doing that take clock time and that could be done better or not at all. Examples:
- Spending I/O time looking in DLLs for resources that don't, actually, need to be looked for.
- Spending time in memory-allocation routines making and freeing objects that could simply be re-used.
- Re-calculating things in functions that could be memo-ized.
... this is just a few off the top of my head
Your biggest enemy is a self-congratulatory tendency to say "I wouldn't consciously write any bugs. Why would I?" Of course, you know that's why you test software. But the same goes for speed-bugs, and if you don't know how to find those you assume there are none, which is a way of saying "My code has no possible speedups, except maybe a profiler can show me how to shave a few cycles."
In my half-century experience, there is no code that, as first written, contains no speed-bugs. What's more, there's an enormous multiplier effect, where every speed-bug you remove makes the remaining ones more obvious. As a contrived example, suppose bug A accounts for 90% of clock time, and bug B accounts for 9%. If you only fix B, big deal - the code is 11% faster. If you only fix A, that's good - it's 10x faster. But if you fix both, that's really good - it's 100x faster. Fixing A made B big.
So the thing you need most in performance tuning is to find the speed-bugs, and not miss any. When you've done all that, then you can get down to cycle-shaving.
