spring security logout handler not working - spring

i have grails pluggin spring-security-core-1.2.1
I registered security event listener as a spring bean in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy:
and make two additions to grails-app/conf/Config.groovy:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.useSecurityEventListener = true
grails.plugins.springsecurity.logout.handlerNames =
my logging/logout listener
class LoggingSecurityEventListener implements ApplicationListener<AbstractAuthenticationEvent>, LogoutHandler {
void onApplicationEvent(AbstractAuthenticationEvent event) {
void logout(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
Authentication authentication) {
on ApplicationEvent works good, but logout not working
what could be the problem?
or you can tell how to get all logging users

When you set
grails.plugins.springsecurity.useSecurityEventListener = true
the spring security plugin will register it's own event listener called securityEventListener. The handler looked up from handlerNames is probably getting the plugin registered one instead of yours. Try renaming your bean to something like:
and replacing the handlerNames with
grails.plugins.springsecurity.logout.handlerNames =
NOTE: the configuration property names have changed (plugins -> plugin). If you're using the grails spring-security plugin version 2.0 or later, use this:


Spring sleuth Baggage key not getting propagated

I've a filter (OncePerRequestFilter) which basically intercepts incoming request and logs traceId, spanId etc. which works well,
this filter lies in a common module which is included in other projects to avoid including spring sleuth dependency in all of my micro-services, the reason why I've created it as a library because any changes to library will be common to all modules.
Now I've to add a new propagation key which need to be propagated to all services via http headers like trace and spanId for that I've extracted current span from HttpTracing and added a baggage key to it (as shown below)
Span span = httpTracing.tracing().tracer().currentSpan();
String corelationId =
? "n/a"
: request.getHeader(CORELATION_ID);
ExtraFieldPropagation.set(CUSTOM_TRACE_ID_MDC_KEY_NAME, corelationId);
span.tag(CUSTOM_TRACE_ID_MDC_KEY_NAME, corelationId);
I've added propagation-keys and whitelisted-mdc-keys to my application.yml (with my library) file like below
- x-corelationId
- x-corelationId
After making this change in filter the corelationId is not available when I make a http call to another service with same app, basically keys are not getting propagated.
In your library you can implement ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent listener and add the configuration you need there
public class CustomApplicationListener implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationEvent> {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LagortaApplicationListener.class);
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
if (event instanceof ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent) {
log.debug("Custom ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent Listener");
ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent envEvent = (ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent) event;
ConfigurableEnvironment env = envEvent.getEnvironment();
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("spring.sleuth.propagation-keys", "x-corelationId");
props.put("log.slf4j.whitelisted-mdc-keys:", "x-corelationId");
env.getPropertySources().addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource("custom", props));
Then in your microservice you will register this custom listener
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext context = new SpringApplicationBuilder(MyApplication.class)
.listeners(new CustomApplicationListener()).run();
I've gone through documentation and seems like I need to add spring.sleuth.propagation-keys and whitelist them by using spring.sleuth.log.slf4j.whitelisted-mdc-keys
Yes you need to do this
is there another way to add these properties in common module so that I do not need to include them in each and every micro services.
Yes, you can use Spring Cloud Config server and a properties file called application.yml / application.properties that would set those properties for all microservices
The answer from Mahmoud works great when you want register the whitelisted-mdc-keys programatically.
An extra tip when you need these properties also in a test, then you can find the anwser in this post: How to register a ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent in Spring Test

SpringCloud's /refresh not effective on properties used in camel routes

Camel version : 2.22.0
SpringBoot Version : 2.0.2.RELEASE
Observation: the config properties, which ideally have to be updated as they are changed in the configuration service and when a refresh is done at the Client service, does not take effect in case of properties that are used inside a Camel Route.
Note: there is a ticket in Jira whihc says fixed. but which release has this? https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-8482
Adding the code segment:
The class which contains below code segment is annotated with #Component and #RefreshScope
String prop;
public void configure() throws Exception {
.setHeader( Exchange.CONTENT_ENCODING, simple("gzip"))
.setBody(simple("RESPONSE - [ { \"id\" : \"bf383eotal length is 16250]]"))
.log(prop + "${body}")

Activiti Escalation Listener Configuration

I am using activiti 5.18.
Behind the scenes : There are few task which are getting routed though a workflow. Some of these tasks are eligible for escalation. I have written my escalation listener as follows.
public class EscalationTimerListener implements ExecutionListener {
ExceptionWorkflowService exceptionWorkflowService;
public void notify(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
//Process the escalated tasks here
Now when I start my tomcat server activiti framework internally calls the listener even before my entire spring context is loaded. Hence exceptionWorkflowService is null (since spring hasn't inejcted it yet!) and my code breaks.
Note : this scenario only occurs if my server isn't running at the escalation time of tasks and I start/restart my server post this time. If my server is already running during escalation time then the process runs smoothly. Because when server started it had injected the service and my listener has triggered later.
I have tried delaying activiti configuration using #DependsOn annotation so that it loads after ExceptionWorkflowService is initialized as below.
#DependsOn({ "dataSource", "transactionManager","exceptionWorkflowService" })
public SpringProcessEngineConfiguration getConfiguration() {
final SpringProcessEngineConfiguration config = new SpringProcessEngineConfiguration();
// Async Job Executor
final DefaultAsyncJobExecutor asyncExecutor = new DefaultAsyncJobExecutor();
return config;
But this gives circular reference error.
I have also tried adding a bean to SpringProcessEngineConfiguration as below.
Map<Object, Object> beanObjectMap = new HashMap<>();
beanObjectMap.put("exceptionWorkflowService", new ExceptionWorkflowServiceImpl());
and the access the same in my listener as :
Map<Object, Object> registeredBeans = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration().getBeans();
ExceptionWorkflowService exceptionWorkflowService = (ExceptionWorkflowService) registeredBeans.get("exceptionWorkflowService");
This works but my repository has been autowired into my service which hasn't been initialized yet! So it again throws error in service layer :)
So is there a way that I can trigger escalation listeners only after my entire spring context is loaded?
Have you tried binding the class to ApplicationListener?
Not sure if it will work, but equally I'm not sure why your listener code is actually being executed on startup.
Try to set the implementation type of listeners using Java class or delegate expression and then in the class implement JavaDelegate instead of ExecutionListener.

Spring Boot Undertow add RequestLimitingHandler to DeploymentInfo

I am using Spring Boot with Undertow and trying to implement some limits on the number of requests Undertow will accept so as not to become overloaded under stress.
I've seen the answer to the question at Spring Boot Undertow add both blocking handler and NIO handler in the same application, and it appears promising, but I'm not clear what HttpHandler should be passed as the argument to the RequestLimitingHandler constructor.
Is there an easy way to add a RequestLimitingHandler to the UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean, perhaps using the addDeploymentInfoCustomizers method?
Alternatively, if I look deeper and get into the Xnio code on which Undertow is based, it looks like there is an option to set Options.WORKER_TASK_LIMIT, but upon further investigation, it looks like the XnioWorker class ignores this setting after the 3.0.10.GA release and simply sets taskQueue to an unbounded LinkedBlockingQueue. Am I mistaken and could this also be an option?
Answering my own question in case it helps others in the future. Solution is to create a new Undertow HandlerWrapper and instantiate the new RequestLimitingHandler object within the wrap() method, like so:
public UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory embeddedServletContainerFactory(RootHandler rootHandler) {
UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory = new UndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory();
factory.addDeploymentInfoCustomizers(deploymentInfo -> deploymentInfo.addInitialHandlerChainWrapper(new HandlerWrapper() {
public HttpHandler wrap(HttpHandler handler) {
return new RequestLimitingHandler(maxConcurrentRequests, queueSize, handler);
return factory;

Server-side schema validation with JAX-WS

I have JAX-WS container-less service (published via Endpoint.publish() right from main() method). I want my service to validate input messages. I have tried following annotation: #SchemaValidation(handler=MyErrorHandler.class) and implemented an appropriate class. When I start the service, I get the following:
Exception in thread "main" javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException:
Annotation #com.sun.xml.internal.ws.developer.SchemaValidation(outbound=true,
inbound=true, handler=class mypackage.MyErrorHandler) is not recognizable,
atleast one constructor of class
should be marked with #FeatureConstructor
I have found few solutions on the internet, all of them imply the use of WebLogic container. I can't use container in my case, I need embedded service. Can I still use schema validation?
The #SchemaValidation annotation is not defined in the JAX-WS spec, but validation is left open. This means you need something more than only the classes in the jdk.
As long as you are able to add some jars to your classpath, you can set this up pretty easily using metro (which is also included in WebLogic. This is why you find solutions that use WebLogic as container.). To be more precise, you need to add two jars to your classpath. I'd suggest to
download the most recent metro release.
Unzip it somewhere.
Add the jaxb-api.jar and jaxws-api.jar to your classpath. You can do this for example by putting them into the JAVA_HOME/lib/endorsed or by manually adding them to your project. This largely depends on the IDE or whatever you are using.
Once you have done this, your MyErrorHandler should work even if it is deployed via Endpoint.publish(). At least I have this setup locally and it compiles and works.
If you are not able to modify your classpath and need validation, you will have to validate the request manually using JAXB.
Old question, but I solved the problem using the correct package and minimal configuration, as well using only provided services from WebLogic. I was hitting the same problem as you.
Just make sure you use correct java type as I described here.
As I am planning to expand to a tracking mechanism I also implemented the custom error handler.
Web Service with custom validation handler
import com.sun.xml.ws.developer.SchemaValidation;
public class ValidatedService {
public ValidatedResponse operation(#WebParam(name = "ValidatedRequest") ValidatedRequest request) {
/* do business logic */
return response;
Custom Handler to log and store error in database
public class MyValidator extends ValidationErrorHandler{
private static java.util.logging.Logger log = LoggingHelper.getServerLogger();
public void warning(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {
public void error(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {
public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {
private void handleException(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Validation error", e);
// Record in database for tracking etc
throw e;
