How to make Xcode find file FacebookSDK.h? - xcode

It says "FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h file not found"
Yet I can jump-to-definition on the #import and it takes me to the file.
And once I added the #import it now knows what FBFriendPickerDelegate is and it now doesn't have an error on that line.
I have the facebookSDK.framework in my project and in the right folder. It's SDK 3.1.
I tried adding search paths to /FacebookSDK and /FacebookSDK.framework and /FacebookSDK/Versions/A/Headers etc. I also tried #import "FacebookSDK.framework/Versions/A/Headers/FacebookSDK.h" and it still says it can't find it. I also tried clean and restarting. I have the latest version of Xcode.
// FacebookView.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
#interface FacebookView : UIViewController <FBFriendPickerDelegate>

First, you have to remove your FacebookSDK.framework from your Project. Then start over again with these 5 steps. DO NOT re-link the framework.
Go to Build Phases in your Project Target.
In Link Binary With Libraries, click the "+" button.
Click on "Add Other..." button
Browse your FacebookSDK folder. Generally in ~/Documents/FacebookSDK/
Clik on (select) "facebookSDK.framework" and then OPEN.
That's it.

No need to remove anything.
In your project go to: "Build Settings”, then “Search Paths". Look for "Frameworks Search Paths". You probably have something fixed like this:
Frameworks Search Paths: /Users/john/Documents/exampleappxyz
Change it to:
Frameworks search paths: $(PROJECT_DIR)

I tried this but it did not work for me. I had to go into the Build Settings for the project and manually fix the FacebookSDK Framework Search Paths to find the FacebookSDK.

Ok guys, I think i got the answer. Follow the steps given below.
Copy your framework into your project.
Make sure it is under some directory. e.g. $(PROJECT_DIR)/project_name/Resources/Frameworks
Click on the target.
Goto Build Phases→Link binary with Libraries
Add the custom framework by clicking "Add Other"
Verify in the project navigator that the framework exists only once.
Now goto Build Settings→Search Paths→Framework Search Path and make sure that it has the following two things.
(a) $(inherited)
(b) $(PROJECT_DIR)/project_name/Resources/Frameworks.
Not to remind the framework exists inside the Frameworks folder
Make sure that there is nothing in the library search path.
Now click on the project (above target)→Build settings and repeat steps 7 and 8.
Now clean the project and build the project.
Hope it works.
Please remember not to keep any folder names with spaces. If you have kept them, make sure that you provide the correct escape characters.

How to remove facebook sdk links:
For those who like myself improperly added the facebook sdk. to remove the facebook SDK from your project,
check the link inside your frameworks folder, delete any facebook sdk link in there
go into Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries and delete any facebook sdk in there
Right click on the frameworks folder and select "show in finder" and delete any facebook sdk in there
Now follow "Fede Cugliandolo"'s steps and re add the facebook sdk

I got this problem today.
It turns out I need to have my Framework search path in all three places:
1) Project Build Settings
2) App Target Build Settings
3) UnitTests Target Build Settings
My search path is:
After ensure that, the error disappeared for me.

I use xcode 5 and when add sdk it not correct write self address in "project.pbxproj".
Instead local address for sdk it save global address.
I open "project.pbxproj" and finde the places of it and leave address only for sdk in project.
<project name>/src/external/facebook
<project name>/src/external/testflight
to edit the entry was as follows
/Users/<user Name>/myProjects/.../ios/<project name>/src/external/facebook

You have to change the property "Framework search path" in your build settings, and specify where the file FacebookSDK.framework is located (you can then use the SRCROOT variable to point to the root of your project directory, and thus, avoid using absolute paths ;)) e.g. :
this is normally done automatically by Xcode when you import a third part framework, but it messes sometimes, (eg: when your modify your project directory tree...)
Hope that helps...

besides adding the search path I also had to set the paths to recursive and remove "*.framework" from the "Sub Directories to Exclude" option for this to work.

This happens if you have imported the facebookSDK twice and after having deleting some files.
For example, I imported the facebookSDK in $project/framework but I deleted it for some reasons. Then I imported it via ~/Documents/FacebookSDK but Xcode kept the old folder and search in it by default.
I have to remove all references and files of the old import to resolve my issue.

I ended up checking my project directory, remove any old references to the framework file. Then, remove it from Build Phases/Search paths. Also remove the linked Framework. Restart Xcode, and do the process over again: drag Framework to Frameworks, don't copy in. Check the Build Phases/Search paths. include "#import ". Finally worked. Whew.

Follow the instruction
At step 4 Configure your Xcode Project
I think you missing something. Delete the Facebook.sdk in your project and try again.

I had the same issue when I updated XCode, but in my case I didn't want to make any manual changes to the project settings as I use CMake to create it. You can find the way I fixed it here:

it is simple, you have to remove your FacebookSDK.framework from your Project.
Go to Build Phases in your Project Target.
In Link Binary With Libraries, click the "+" button.
Click on "Add Other..." button
Browse your FacebookSDK folder.
Generally in ~/mohit/Documents/FacebookSDK/
Clik on (select) "facebookSDK.framework" and then OPEN.
Now copy this Target settings > framework search path into Project setting > framework search path.

None of all answers above worked for me.
What finally did the trick for me was to change the structure of the plugin folder:
Create folder: com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect/FacebookSDK
Copy all content from:
to com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect/FacebookSDK
Copy com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect/Facebook.framework
to com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect/FacebookSDK
And finally, change
#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
#import "FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h"

The only solution I found was:
Remove the phonegap plugin: ionic plugin rm phonegap-facebook-plugin
Clone the next plugin git clone:
Add the plugin manually: cordova -d plugin add PATH/cordova-plugin-facebook4 --variable APP_ID="*****" --variable APP_NAME="*****"
Before this a tried to re add FacebookSDK.framework and installed the phonegap plugin facebook through a locally cloned, but the error continues.

Just follow these steps:
Open Xcode's Build Settings tab in your project.
Add ~/Documents/FacebookSDK to the project's Framework Search Paths setting.


Problems after upgrading to Xcode 10: Build input file cannot be found

I upgraded my Xcode SDK to version 10 last night and then find I cannot build.
I'm getting this error:
Build input file cannot be found:
which did not exist before my upgrade and I'm tempted to revert back but would like to stick with version 10 if I can resolve this issue.
Try to switch back to the Legacy Build System (File > Project Settings > Workspace Settings > Legacy Build System)
For Swift files or files that belong to the project such as:
Build input file cannot be found: PATH/TO/FILE/FILE.swift
This issue can happen when files or folders have been removed or moved in the project.
To fix it:
Go in the project-navigator, select your project
Select Build Phasestab
In Compile Sources section, check for the file(s) that Xcode is complaining of
Notice that the file(s) have the wrong path, and delete them by clicking on the minus icon
Re-add the file(s) by clicking the plus icon and search in the project.
Product > Clean Build Folder
You generally find these missing files in the Recovered References folder of Xcode in the project tree (look for the search bar at the bottom-left of Xcode and search for your complaining file):
Deleting them from this folder can also solve the error.
For me In Xcode 10, this solution worked like a charm. Just go to the Recovered References folder and remove all files in red color and add it again with proper reference.
If Recovered References folder was not found: Check for all missing files in the project (files in red colour) and try to add files references again.
Just check the path to .plist file in Build Settings of your target
Funnily, closing Xcode and reopening it might also be enough.
This worked for me in Xcode 10:
Click Project icon/name in your Xcode project
Go to General tab
Click [Choose info.plist File] under Identity section
Select the info.Plist file
Check Info tab to see if info.plist was loaded successfully
Build and run
This is an architecture problem. Do not change to legacy build system!
I got the same error, but what solved it for me was this:
The top says architectures in VALID_ARCHS are also excluded in EXCLUDED ARCHS. I was messing around with them to get a Swift Package to compile in Xcode 12, and have spent hours on this.
It would compile on the simulator and not on a device.
The Solution:
Go to Build Settings
Ensure "Architectures" contains 1 entry : $(ARCHS_STANDARD)
Ensure there is nothing in "Excluded Architectures"
Now scroll right to the bottom of Build Settings.
Make sure the VALID_ARCHS is exactly the same as this screenshot.
The arm stuff is $(ARCHS_STANDARD) again.
If VALID_ARCHS doesn't exist, add it with the + button.
Clean (cmd-shift-K)
Your project should now build perfect on both the simulator and device!
If it doesn't work, you need to make sure all these settings are the same both in your target build settings and the project build settings.
Note, if you have a Mac with Apple silicon, you may not need to do any of this.
The above solution eventually works for me; however, I need to do some more extra steps to finally make it to compile successfully. (These extra steps were required even on Xcode 9.)
Xcode: File -> Workspace Settings -> Build System: Legacy Build System
Xcode: Product -> Clean
Rotate to compile thru different emulator types, such as "iPhone 8", "iPhone 8 Plus", etc. (They might fail or might not.)
Eventually compile on "Generic iOS Device"
I fixed this issue this way: go to your project's Build Phases (click on project icon at the top, and then click on Build Phases). Search for your file there. If it's there (it'll be grayed out), delete it. Then clean (shift + alt + command + k), and run! Hope it helps.
If the error says it can't find Info.plist and it's looking in the wrong path, do the following:
Select your project from the navigator, then select your target
Select "Build Settings" and search "plist"
There should be an option called Info.plist File. Change the location to the correct one.
None of the above worked for me, but this did:
Open project in Finder, right click on your .xcodeproj file and show package contents
Open project.pbxproj in a text editor
Find the reference to your missing file
Edit path = "path/to/file.swift" to the actual location on disk and save the file.
Rebuild the project
In my case I had a build script that generated the .app binary (Buck).
The Buck build script ran in parallel with Swift Embed build step. Because the .app binary was not generated yet the Swift step would fail.
In my build script I added "$BUILD_PRODUCTS_DIR/$EXECUTABLE_PATH" under "Output Files".
This tells Xcode's New Build System that this script will output the app Binary and in turn Xcode will make sure to synchronize any build steps that depend on this artifact.
I ran into this error after renaming a file. Somehow Xcode didn't correctly rename the actual file on disk.
So it wasn't able to find the file. Sometimes the files gets highlights with a red text color. At other times the Swift icon in front of the file was getting a gray overlay.
The fix was simple.
Look into the error and see exactly which file it's unable to find.
Select the file that can't be found.
Go to the 'File Inspector'. It's on Xcode's right navigation pane.
Click on the folder icon.
Select the correct file.
Clean build and run it again.
Open the right navigation pane where your project files exist
OR JUST click on cmd + 1. Then search for "Recovered References" folder. Open it and delete all red files, then everything will work so fine.
I had this happen for building my unit tests. This may have happened because I deleted the example tests.
I removed the Unit test bundle then re-added it as shown in the pictures below and all was well again.
I had a similar issue after upgrading to a new swift version recently.
Moving files around caused my xcode project to reference items that were no longer in the project directory giving me the Error Code Build Input File Not Found.
In my situation I somehow had multiple files/images that were being referenced as described below:
In the image above.
Navigate to your Targets page.
Then Click on the Build Phases tab on the top.
Scroll Down to Copy Bundle Resources
Find the affected files and remove them. (hit delete on them or select them and hit the minus button )
It was in here that I somehow had multiple files and images that were being referenced from other folders and the build would fail as they could no longer find them. And I could not find them either! or how Xcode was still referencing them
I hope this helps someone else !
This worked for me
try deleting the red colored files
delete the files in derived data
clean the build folder
then try building by using "new build system" from file->workspace settings
I had the same issue. The problem was that I didn't have any file under the Target > Build Phases > Compile Sources. The problem was solved after I added at leas one file to Compile Sources.
Not that I did anything wrong, but I ran into this issue for a completely different reason and kinda know what caused this.
I previously used finder and dragged a file into my project's directory/folder. I didn't drag into Xcode. To make Xcode include that file into the project, I had to drag it into Xcode myself later again.
But when I switched to a new branch which didn't have that file (nor it needed to), Xcode was giving me this error:
Build input file cannot be found:
I did clean build folder and delete my derived data, but it didn't work until I restarted my Xcode.
In my case, the file (and the directory) that XCode was mentioning was incorrect, and the issue started occurring after a Git merge with a relatively huge branch. To fix the same, I did the following steps:
Searched for the file in the directory system of XCode.
Found the errored file highlighted in red (i.e, it was missing).
Right clicked on the file and removed the file.
I tried building my code again, and voila, it was successful.
I hope these steps help someone out.
What Xcode was complaining about was a XIB file I got it working by going to Project -> Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources, removing the "problematic" XIB, cleaning (CMD+Shift+K), building and adding it back again.
There is also one possibility that sometimes when you move your files to different folder and especially when you move your info.plist to other folder, you need to define the location of that file. To solve this problem, simply click on your project blue icon on the top, and you will see a button in place of project name and bundle id, click on it and locate the info.plist file there, clean and compile happily.
I ran into this problem soon after upgrading to Xcode 10, but that was not the issue.
I tried changing the build system, but that gave me a separate error that meant the same thing. Generally saying "File X can not be found".
There are multiple things to check when a file can not be found.
Recovered references Folder
Apple does this nice thing where if it detects a reference to a file that doesn't exists it will add this reference into a group called "Recovered References"
That is nice of Apple but it doesn't always work.
Build Phases Compile Sources
In this list, there could be meta data for a file that the project is suppose to compile, but the file does not actually exists and it's attempting to find the file at the given path. In this list it will be dimmed out, delete them and re-add them by toggling the file's target dependencies or manually removing it and dragging it in.
File's Path
Double check the file path that the error is printing out and the file path for the file in finder. You can easily see this by clicking on the file in Xcode and checking the "Show the file inspector" tab (the left most tab). If these paths are correct then you are good!
Dimmed out files in your project that are not in recovered references or red
This one pissed me off because it's not obvious about what happened, but basically if you go into finder and move a file to a different location with out updating the reference in the project it will throw the error as the file no longer exists there. The only indication I have found for that is that the file in the "Project Navigator" tab (left most tab) is very slightly dimmed, but when you go to delete this file Xcode doesn't prompt you to delete the reference or send to trash. You can fix this by deleting the file and re-adding it to the project or going to the "File Inspector" tab and click the folder icon next to the path and change it to the proper location.
Either way, the error indicates that it can't find a file, switching to the old build system is a bandaid for a more concrete issue. We as developers understand that a compiler just wants an artifact to be listed at the end of a file path. Somewhere the path is not correct! We have to find where that is!
My issue was resolved with item 4 listed above. Hope this helps somebody.
In my case I accidentally deleted one third-party xcodeproj folder I used in my app.
If you tried profiling, and then it didn't work, and now you cannot build, go into your Target pane (via the Project Icon), Switch to the Build Settings tab, search for PROFILE - and set CLANG_USE_OPTIMIZATION_PROFILE to "No".
In my case, I had created a new test target and deleted the default swift file so it was left with just the info.plist. Adding a new file fixed this.
The "Legacy Build System" solution didn't work for me. What worked it was:
Clean project and remove "DerivedData".
Remove input files not found from project (only references, don't delete files).
Build (=> will generate errors related to missing files).
Add files again to project.
Build (=> should SUCCEED).
I know that this is an old subject, but I found the issue with xcode 12.3 and was related to an error while doing the CopyPlist of the main.Storyboard during compilation.
Actually, changing the build settings to "Legacy Build Setting" worked, but it is deprecated, so I discarded it because is a short term solution.
Check this:
With that setting, worked for me. Before I had "Copy plist".
After struggling with this issue for about 45mins, here is a super easy solution that worked for me.
On the project explorer, click on the file/folder that is in red colour (means project is not able to locate the file)
Look at the details tab in the file inspector (generally to the right of the screen - see the attached screenshot)
Click on the folder icon and locate the real file/folder in your local machine.
That is it. This should do the trick. Basically help your xcode locate the directories and update the reference cache.
Random, for Cocoapods: I hadn't added my test target to my Podfile.

Xcode 10 Error: Multiple commands produce

error: Multiple commands produce '/Users/uesr/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OptimalLive-fxatvygbofczeyhjsawtebkimvwx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/':
1) Target 'OptimalLive' has copy command from '/Users/uesr/Desktop/workSpace/SEALIVE/SeaLive1.1/OptimalLive/Info.plist' to '/Users/uesr/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OptimalLive-fxatvygbofczeyhjsawtebkimvwx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'
2) Target 'OptimalLive' has copy command from '/Users/uesr/Desktop/workSpace/SEALIVE/SeaLive1.1/OptimalLive/Server/Masonry/Info.plist' to '/Users/uesr/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OptimalLive-fxatvygbofczeyhjsawtebkimvwx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'
3) Target 'OptimalLive' has process command with input '/Users/uesr/Desktop/workSpace/SEALIVE/SeaLive1.1/OptimalLive/Info.plist'
Running the code in Xcode 9 works, but there is an error in Xcode 10.
The issue might be occurring because of multiple Plist or other files within App-
Solution -> Open target -> Build phases > Copy Bundle Resources and remove info.plist from there.
Note: If you have developed a watch app too then you will have to remove the plist from the watch and watch-extension too.
This answer is deprecated - Xcode 12 has deprecated the Legacy Build System, it will be removed in a further release
I found the solution for this build error, for anybody else having the same issue with Xcode 10 build system, follow the following steps to fix it:
In Xcode, go to File->Project/Workspace settings.
Change the build system to Legacy Build system.
It will resolve the build issue with the new Xcode 10.
If you want to work with the new build system, then you can find the troubleshooting help from this apple Xcode help page.
Go to Xcode -> File ->Workspace Settings.
You will find one pop up like.
Select "Legacy Build System" from Build System tag.
Press on "Done"
Note:- Make sure clear your project with "cmd+shift+alt+k" and "Derived Data"
Build your project it will work charm :)
I was experimenting with Core Data. I built a data model for a simple checklist program and generated the NSManagedObjects. When I compiled the project I got the following error:
error: Multiple commands produce '/Users/myUSerName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myCoreDateExperiment-gzbslaqdwglkzxemijpdqmizgyzc/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ myCoreDateExperiment /Debug-iphonesimulator/':
1) Target ' myCoreDateExperiment ' (project ' myCoreDateExperiment ') has compile command for Swift source files
2) Target ' myCoreDateExperiment ' (project ' myCoreDateExperiment ') has compile command for Swift source files
The problem was the data model (CheckList.xcdatamodeld in my case) was in the "Compile Sources" list. The project compiled cleanly when I removed it from the list.
Open the project navigator and select the project (very first entry at the top)
Select your build target under Targets in the "Projects and Targets" pane
Select Build Phases option near the top
Expand the "Compile Sources" entry and look for your data model name. Search for "xcdatamodeld" if you have trouble finding it.
Delete the model from the compile list
Make sure the data model is included in the "Copy Bundle Resources" list. Add it if it is missing.
As #WilliamT. explains in the comments, you need the xcdatamodeld in the compile list. Instead, go to your entities within the xcdatamodeld file. Select the models that are erroring, expand the left panel, and change the field of "Codegen" to "Manual/None".
This answer is deprecated - XCode 12 has deprecated the Legacy Build System, it will be removed in a further release
Try this as well.
Xcode->File->Project Settings-> Build System -> Legacy Build System.
If you are getting this from the Ditto command creating multiple instances of the same name (NOT the 'copy files' build phase), you may have to change the Product Module Name.
Click on your Target(s) Xcode is complaining about
Click on Build Settings
Search for Product Module Name
Change the name to something unique
We have a watch target and a few notification targets in our app, so I just put things like Extension on the end of the module name.
I found this solution originally here:
If you use CocoaPods you may want to try deintegrate the pods and install again. It works for me.
pod deintegrate
pod install
While checking the build log, I noticed a warning:
note: Using new build system
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
Build system information
warning: The Copy Bundle Resources build phase contains this target's Info.plist file '/Users/<redacted>/Repositories/Whitesmith/optimize-ios/Carthage/Checkouts/WSStatusBarNotification/Miscellaneous/Info.plist'. (in target 'JDStatusBarNotification')
So, if that's your case then just go to your target:
Build Phases
Copy Bundle Resource
Remove info.plist.
Read this answer if error message references Core Data files
Synopsis: You may have both automatically-generated and manually-generated Core Data managed object class files.
This answer applies if the first line of the error refers to a Foo+CoreDataProperties.o or Foo+CoreDataClass.o file. Example:
error: Multiple commands produce '/Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-uebslaqdwgldkjemijpdqmizgyzc/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ MyApp /Debug-iphonesimulator/':
1) Target ' MyApp ' (project ' MyApp ') has compile command for Swift source files
2) Target ' MyApp ' (project ' MyApp ') has compile command for Swift source files
The root cause can be seen by expanding the Compile Swift Source Files section of the Build Transcript. For example:
<unknown>:0: error: filename "Address+CoreDataClass.swift" used twice: '/Users/myUserName/Projects/Jnky/Foo+CoreDataProperties' and '/Users/jk/myUserName/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-uebslaqdwgldkjemijpdqmizgyzc/Build/Intermediates.noindex/'
The first file mentioned there is a source file in your project directory, which someone generated by selecting your data model in the Project Navigator and clicking in the menu Editor > Create Managed Object Subclass. This feature was added in Xcode 7 or so.
The second file is a file of the same name but which is buried in Xcode's DerivedData. This file is generated automatically by Xcode during every build if the data model (.xcdatamodeld) file is included in the target's Compile Sources build phase. This feature was added in Xcode 9 or so. Zero, one or two files are generated for each entity/class, depending on the setting of the Codegen popup. That popup is in the Data Model Inspector when you select an entity while editing your data model…
The settings are:
Manual/None No files are generated
Category/Extension One file, Foo+CoreDataProperties.m or .swift is generated, containing an Objective-C category or Swift extension.
Class Definition That same Category/Extension file is generated, and in addition a Foo+CoreDataClass.m or .swift is generated, containing class declaration and definition.
So you see the problem occurs when a developer (like me) who is accustomed to the older Xcode begins a project in a newer Xcode. We think that we need to use the Create Managed Object Subclass menu item, which we do, to create the files we can see in the Project Navigator while not realizing that our settings in the Codegen popup are causing Xcode to create duplicate files, which Apple "cleverly" does not show in the Project Navigator, because they don't trust developers to read and heed the comment in the header // This file was automatically generated and should not be edited.
Solution 1 - Use the Older Way
You can disable all automatic Codegen for a data model with just one setting:
Open the problem Target's Build Phases (In Project Navigator, select project, then in list of TARGETS which appears, select the problem target, then tab Build Phases).
Expand the Compile Sources entry and find the problem data model (.xcdatamodeld file).
Delete it from the compile list
Ensure the data model is included in the Copy Bundle Resources list.
Solution 2 - Core Data Magic For Beginners
Here, you go all in on the newer way.
Leave your data model as is in that Compile Sources.
In each Entity Inspector in your data model, set Codegen to Class Definition.
In the Project Navigator, delete and trash any Foo+CoreDataClass files, and rename any Foo+CoreDataProperties.m or .swift files to something like Foo+MyProperties.
In each Foo+MyProperties.m or .swift file, if there are properties generated by Xcode, delete these properties because they will be in the hidden files created by Codegen.
With this solution, your class definitions are generated automatically from the data model on each build. You can't even see them. It is Core Data Magic, nice and simple for beginners.
Solution 3 - For Most Real-World Apps
But Solution 2 is no good if you really want to add non-managed properties. (Objective-C does not allow properties to be added in categories, and Swift does not allow stored properties to be added in extensions.) So in most real-world apps, you probably want to go halfway between Solutions 1 and 2…
Leave your data model in the list of Compile Sources
In each Entity Inspector in your data model, set Codegen to Category/Extension.
In the Project Navigator, delete and trash any Foo+CoreDataClass.m or .swift files, and, to reduce future confusion, rename any Foo+CoreDataProperties.m or .swift files to maybe just Foo.m or .swift.
Ensure that each Foo.m or .swift file contains the class definition, to which you can add your own non-managed properties.
(Acknowledgments to the answer by Positron. My answer here explains why Positron's answer (my Solution 1) works, and adds Solution 2 and Solution 3.)
Solution 1 :
Open target ➼ Build phases ➼ Copy Bundle Resources ➼ remove info.plist from there. ➼ you will have to remove the plist from the Extensions too (if any).
Solution 2:
If you use CocoaPods you may want to try deintegrate the pods and install again.
1) pod deintegrate
2) pod install
Solution 3:
In Xcode, go to File ➼ Project/Workspace settings.
➼ Change the build system to Legacy Build system.
I had the same problem, I had a one more helper app in main App and copy this in resource. In my case solved as :-
1) Target -> 2)Build Phases 2) Copy File (n items) 3) Remove Copy File.
The Helper app automatically copied in Xcode 10.0.
Try this Its Working :
In Xcode, go to File->Project/Workspace settings.
Change the build system to Legacy Build system.
None of the solutions proposed here worked for me. This was particularly due to CocoaPods. I was previously using Cocoapods 1.3.1. Simply upgrading to 1.5.3 didn't resolve the issue right away.
The steps I followed were:
Delete Podfile.lock
Delete Pods directory
Delete Derived Data & Clean
Exit Xcode
Update CocoaPods to 1.5.3
Run pod install
Open workspace and build
One option which solved my issue is to changing build system to legacy build system. Please follow the following steps in Xcode 10+.
Here I have written a detailed article on the problem & its solution. Xcode Error: Multiple commands produce
In my case PDFGenerator was producing an info.plist file, I just deleted it.
This answer is deprecated - Xcode 12 has deprecated the Legacy Build System, it will be removed in a further release
I'm using Xcode 11.4
Can't build old project
Xcode => File => Project Settings => Build System => Legacy Build System
Before I begin note that my project utilizes Carthage as a dependency manager.
None of the existing answers here resolved my issue. What did resolve the issue for me was the following.
First, I noticed that the build error pointed out one framework in particular. Next I filtered App Target > Build Phases for that framework. I noticed that that framework was present in both "Link Binary With Libraries" and "Embed Frameworks". Noting that none of the frameworks listed under "Embed Frameworks" were ones managed by Carthage I removed the framework in question from "Embed Frameworks". I then re-built my project and everything works fine including the functionality enabled by the framework in question.
This issue arose for me after adding a second part of the Fabric suite of SDKs to the app.
What actually happened was that the GoogleUtilies Framework was added twice to the Pods project
This would have been fine prior to Xcode 10 but Xcode 10 will complain if a file has two actions against it (in this case a copy action).
It's safe to remove the second framework.
there are some reasons that cause this error to be shown.
1- the project name is the same as a dependency that is used on the project
this error may happen when you choose a name for your project that is the same as one of the dependencies that you use on the project for example you cannot choose FirebaseAuth or GoogleSignIn as the project's name if you use them via pod or SPM.
to solve this problem you should change the project name with the following way:
choose the project from project navigator on the left sidebar, change the project name from the file inspector -> Identity and Type -> name from the right sidebar.
after you change it, XCode asks you to change all relative targets and just press rename.
2 - duplicated info.plist on the Copy Bundle resources portion
you may face this error when info.plist is added to Copy Bundle resources unwanted, choose project form project navigator -> choose target -> goto Build Phases tab -> Copy Bundle Resources and if you see info.plist there, remove it by choose info.plist like the following image
3 - pod files do not work well
sometimes you got this error because the dependencies that you use break for unexpected reasons.
1 - Delete Podfile.lock
2 - Delete Pods directory
3 - Delete Derived Data & Clean (you can find this directory from XCode menu -> Preferences... -> Locations -> Derived Data and go to the directory by clicking the arrow icon at the right of the address)
4 - Exit Xcode
5 - Update CocoaPods with [sudo] gem install cocoapods on mac terminal
6 - goto the project directory on the terminal and run pod install
7 - Open workspace and build
5- duplicated Core data
you may face this problem when you use Core data on the project
first I explain coreData codegen types:
**Class Definition: ** Choose Class Definition when you don’t need to edit the properties or functionality of the managed object subclass and properties files that Core Data generates for you.
Category/Extension: Choose Category/Extension to add additional convenience methods or business logic inside your managed object subclass.
Manual/None: Choose Manual/None to edit the properties in your managed object subclass, for example, to alter access modifiers, and to add additional convenience methods or business logic.
Choose the Manual/None and check if a copy of xcmodeldata is exist on CopyBundleRecources, remove it.
Well, in my case:
If you create two file with same name, will trigger this error.
Remove the one you recently added, will solve this problem.
Hope this helps.
I had this problem when I had a file with the same name in two different targets. For some reason one of those files I had part of both targets. So basically I had two files. And both of those files belonged to one target.
It makes sense that a target can only have one file name per target, so just unchecking the target member box for the file that wasn't related to the main target fixed the issue.
So the problem I was having is that I had accidentally included the Info.plist in the project settings -> Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources for my target.
Go to Xcode File
Click to WorkSpace Settings
Build System Select as Legacy Build System
Here is another working solution : (If you are using custom Pods)
Select "Pods" from sidebar as highlights in screenshot.
Click on Build Phase. Expand "Headers" section. There are 3 options Public, Private, Project
Expand Public and check there are duplicate files. Remove it. DONE!!
Unfortunately none of these answers worked for me... here was the error I was seeing:
"Multiple commands produce '/Users/.../.../.../Frameworks/abcdef.framework"
That command depends on command ...: script phase ""
That command depends on command ...: script phase ""
Adding this line to the Podfile and doing a " Pod Install " was the ONLY thing that worked.
install! 'cocoapods', :disable_input_output_paths => true
I really hope this helps someone. I spent hours trying to fix this and finally got it.
Sometimes I just wish Xcode was as efficient as IntelliJ / Android Studio :(
My error was:
duplicate output file
on task: PhaseScriptExecution [CP] Copy Pods Resources
I focused on the problem file being GoogleMaps.bundle and the location of that file being in [CP] Copy Pods Resources, and the fact that it specified it’s a duplicate output file (I highlighted them in black above), it's the 4th step below
First create a copy of your project and make sure you first do the following steps on that copy
1- In the project navigator I went to the blue project icon
2- I choose Build phases
3- Under Build Phases I choose [CP] Copy Pods Resources
4- Under [CP] Copy Pods Resources I went to Output Files and underneath there I found the file that ended with GoogleMaps.bundle. I selected it and pressed the minus sign to delete it. Make sure you go to Output Files and NOT Input Files
5- I did a clean shift+cmmd+k and afterwards when I built the project the error was gone
The odd thing was even though the red error went away the yellow warning was still there but it worked :)
I had bunch of Multiple commands produce warnings - not limited to info.plist duplication in one target. Including localized resources and string files, headers etc.
Solution: remove all duplications in target membership.
Try all this option anyone of this 3 option will work for you, for sure
Option 1: Remove all files from
Target >> Build Phases >> Compile Sources
Target >> Build Phases >> Copy Bundle Resources
Option 2: Change the build system
Xcode->File->Project Settings-> Build System -> Legacy Build System
Option 3: remove and update existing pod
pod cache clean PromisesObjC
pod cache clean PromisesSwift
cd [your_project_dir]
rm -rf Pods/
rm Podfile.lock
pod update
I hope this will help you, Happy coding :-)
Go in Project Build Phase and Remove info.plist from the Compile Sources. It will remove that issue and project will be active again.
It's worth noting that this error can be produced after auto generation of CoreData models where the Codegen is not set to Manual/None.
To correct this in Xcode 10 double click on your xcdatamodeId file and select each of your entities and set Codegen to Manual/None under Class in your Data Model Inspector.

React Native / Xcode Upgrade and now RCTConvert.h not found

App ran fine on React Native 0.35.0. After updating to 0.40.0 via react-native-git-upgrade I get a number of lexical/preprocessor issues when trying to build/run the app in XCode.
React/RCTBridgeModule.h' file not found
When clicking on the issue I see this highlighted:
#import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
It doesn't appear to be a search path issue.
I've tried deleting node_modules and running npm install again, but that hasn't fixed anything.
As pointed out by th0th, there is a breaking change in RN 0.40 for iOS. In short, RN header declarations are updated to point to the include path $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/include/React.
To solve the issue, you have to do the following:
In Xcode, go to the project scheme (Product -> Scheme -> Manage Scheme -> double click your project).
Click on the 'Build' option at the left pane.
Uncheck 'Parallelize Build' under Build Options.
Then in Targets section, click '+' button then search for 'React'. Select it and click 'Add'.
'React' should now appear under Targets section. Click and drag it to the top so that it will be the first item in the list (before your project).
Clean the project and build.
Note: You might still have similar header issue with other libraries (e.g. react-native-fbsdk) that are referring to those react native .h files.
In react-native 0.40
you have to replace #import "RCTBridgeModule.h" with #import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
then clean and build it again.
There is a breaking change on 0.40, you can see details here.
Quoting directly from the release notes:
This means that all iOS native libraries need a major version bump
for RN 0.40. We attempt to minimize changes of this magnitude, and we
apologize for any inconvenience caused.
So, all native iOS libraries will need an update before getting compatible with react-native version 0.40.
I had the same issue. I have solved it by removing the Test target of my app from build scheme.
If your app isn't to large, just
1) rename original app
2) create the same app again react-native init <orig_app_name>
3) copy over all necessary files from your original app to the newly created one
4) adjust the package.json
5) npm install
6) react-native run-<ios|android>
I spent hours to find, where to link the new libraries, it was at least a valuable option and shortcut for me.
hope it helps somebody
If you use pod, maybe you can try this solution:
Go to Header Search Paths:
Pods -> TARGETS -> (YOUR TARGET, like my target is RNGL) -> Build Settings -> All -> Search Paths -> Header Search Paths
add a path:
"${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/React" non-recursive
This steps helped solve my issue. I tried "Uncheck parallelize build" steps. It did not work for me.
Open up your project in XCode.
Open up the Libraries folder. You should see React.xcodeproj and several RCT*.xcodeproj.
Drag the React.xcodeproj into each of the other projects.
Click on each project and navigate to the Build Phases tab.
Click on Target Dependencies and add React as a target dependency
Here is how I made it work:
I cleaned my package.json to the latest version,
I did the trick by #max23_
I replaced all the
#import '....h' that were causing error to the corresponding #import <React/.....h>.
Update from
import "RCT/BridgeModule.h"
import "React/RCT/BridgeModule.h"
the clean and build.
Although, I have not tested it, I suspect if I made no changes and just clean and build it would have done the trick.
Changing the path from:
#import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
#import <React/Base/RCTBridgeModule.h>
worked for me.

An item with the same name already exists in Xcode

I know its been asked already , but this time the solutions are not working for me .
I had some framework that was dragged to Xcode without copying it .
than i have removed it from desktop , and Xcode shows error that its missing . (till now ok).
So, i have removed the .framework of this file, from the frameworks folder in the project.
Now i can't add it again, because :
an item with the same name already exists
its not there,i can't find it in the project, and can't add it again.
What could i miss here ?
Also- Check your project folder. Sometimes your file doesn't get deleted out of that folder even though Xcode is showing that file not there.
If you go to the target settings for the target which included it, click on "Build Phases" and twirl open the section labeled "Link Binary With Libraries" you'll probably see it in the list of linked libraries. Simply select the old one and press the "-" button to remove it.
I tried all of the answers above but the only problem is that xcode doesn't delete the folder.
So make sure the folder is delete in the project directory.
If you just remove the reference of item, It's not really deleted item from your folder. You could go to the project folder and delete it.
click "remove the reference" and it's not deleted completely
Go to folder of your project and remove it.
I've been breaking my head trying to figure out this error. This happens when you delete a file/framework from your Xcode project. Then you try to read and you get that annoying error that the files already exists. Here i what i did.
I looked to make sure that the frameworks weren't in any of my group folders.
Go to build phases - link binary with Libraries. (You probably won't see your frameworks here here either).
I simply just dragged the frameworks underneath Link Binary With Libraries and it worked -____-
I didn't do anything else. Magic

Include Headers from added frameworks on Xcode

I want to work with some frameworks like glew and cg so i manually added
the needed frameworks to my project by right clicking the project -> Add files to ...
and choosing the correct framework. The problem is, when i try to include the header files,
Xcode cant find any of them. I hope this picture will help to understand:
The error given is for the glew framework, but it also happens on Cg.
As you can see on the left, The needed frameworks were added.
Any idea on how i can include these headers?
After trying to add the header files manually i got an architecture error:
I dont know if this is how it should look like.
Before starting, remove the framework and all files you have added while trying to make it work.
Then, you have to add the frameworks in the Build Phases of your target. Then go into Link Binary With Libraries and select your framework from there.
This should do it. Your headers should be available as auto-completion after each #import directive.
If it does not work (it sometimes happens), there are additional steps I can provide to you.
Additional steps:
Go to your project settings, in the build settings:
Complete the Framework Search Paths with the path of your framework
Do the same with User Header Search Path
Then, it should work. If it does not, you will need to add the full path of your header in the #import directive. Example:
#import "/path/to/my/header.h"
Apple's documentation available here states:
In the project navigator, select
your project
Select your target
Select the 'Build Phases' tab
Open 'Link Binaries With Libraries'
Click the '+' button
Select your framework
(optional) Drag and drop the added
framework to the 'Frameworks' group
In my case I have added Framework Search Paths for Target, but it should be added to Project
Also Always Search Users Path should be yes
For those whose autocomplete fails after adding framework.
I used to add frameworks, by going to Build Phases and taking the Link Binary with Libraries option. Now in XCode 6.1, though project was building fine, autocomplete in XCode was not working.
So what needs to be done is:
Remove the already added framework from Project Navigator and also from Link Binary with Libraries.
Add framework to project by simply File -> Add Files to option in XCode.
And auto complete will start working.
In my case, the external framework had been downloaded with Windows and added to the project. Then it was transferred to OSX, where the Xcode project was built and the external framework didn't load properly. I guess it is because Windows changes the framework folder to be a regular folder, which OSX then has trouble with.
Solution for me was to simply download the framework with OSX and drag it into the framework folder in the XCode project.
In my case I had to update a framework version, so I just replaced the .framework in the filesystem and then I got the error you've mentioned in the question.
Removing the framework and adding it back again, playing with the search paths and all the other suggestions didn't help.
Eventually, cleaning the build folder did the trick:
Select "Product" from the xcode menu, hold the option key and click on: "Clean Build Folder".
After that I built and ran the project successfully.
