VS 2010 - cannot add a TODO token - Add is disabled? - visual-studio-2010

Deleting works, but it does not enable the option to Add.

Follow these steps,
Close the options page
Open it again and go to Environment > Tast List
Before you click on anything fill up the Name textbox with whatever new Token name you want to create.
Add gets activated. And you're sorted.

Close the window and reopen it and don't click on any Tokens. You will see the following:
If you click on any tokens before that, ADD button will be disabled.
In your screenshot you have posted, just Rename UnresolvedConflict in the textbox (below Prioity) and ADD button will be enabled.


How to switch off this kind of modal windows

Where to look for code that calls a window like this? Is it JavaScript on browser's side or something else? This modal window is shown to fix an address of work order (when user changes it) and make it the same as the address of account. I do not want it and need to switch the window off.
It is Javascript which is firing on change of your Field (work order).
It is quite easy to turn it off.
Go to Setting--> Customizations click on it
Then click on Customize the system
Then Select your Main form.
Then click on your particualr filed and popup will open something like below
When you double click you will see below option, just uncheck enable and the function which is firing on change of your work order will be disabled.

What is the easiest way to save settings in VB.net

I am creating a program which launches a game server. I have combobox in which the user can enter the ip, map, etc, of the game. How can I save what they have entered so that the next time they are already there so they don't have to re-enter them.
Use Visual Studio's Settings Designer, Right click on your project then properties, navigate to the settings section, from there, you can add anything you want.
then you can access your settings from code like so
My.Settings.nameOfSettingsEntry = value
you'll find more details and screenshots here,
You can also bind the settings to the control using the Properties Window.
Right click your project in the Solution Explorer and choose Properties. Go to Settings and create a new String setting. Then click on your ComboBox and open up the Application Settings > PropertyBinding section from the Properties Window. From there you can bind the control's text property to the String setting you just created.

Windows Explorer: How to create additional button?

Explorer of Windows 7 uses a new light-blue bar with buttons like "Organize", "Share", "New Folder" etc.
How can I create a new button ? Do I need to create a plugin for explorer.exe, and if, how do I do it (using Visual Studio .NET) ?
Or is it a simple registry key I have to set which points to an exe or bat?
Thanks in advance and best regards
It's a registry key, but not quite so simple. You have to do several steps to add one button.
You may have noticed that the Win7 Explorer adjusts its toolbar to match the content that is being displayed. For example the buttons shown for the control panel folders are different than the ones for documents or the music library folder. You can find a large list of different folder types under the registry key
Click on each UID shown there to find out what folder type it is for. For example here you see the entry for folders in the generic library type:
So the first thing you have to do is to find the folder type for which you want to add your own button.
Once you found the right UID, you might have to take ownership of those keys. Otherwise you won't be able to modify them:
Right-click on that key and choose Permisssions...
Click the Advanced button.
Click the Owner tab.
Under Change Owner to: select Administrators.
Click Apply and verify that "Current Owner" is set to Administrators.
Click OK to save the change.
Back in the Permissions dialog, click Administrators and then click (to check it) Full Control
Click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box.
The next step is to create the keys and values necessary for your own button:
Add a new key, TasksItemsSelected
Add a new key, TasksItemsSelected\0
Create a new GUID (use guidgen.exe) for your command.
add the key TasksItemsSelected\0\<yourguid>, then add the strings Title and InfoTip and give them the appropriate values. You can also set an icon here, using the string Icon with the value pointing to an icon file.
Add the keys TasksItemsSelected\0\<yourguid>\shell\InvokeTask\command
as default value of the command key, enter the command you want to execute.
Now your registry entry should look something like this:
When the command runs, it will receive at least two parameter values.
%1 -- The path of the folder that was being displayed
%2 -- The pathname of the file that was selected.
If you select more than one file before clicking the mycommand button, then the subsequent filenames will be in subsequent parameters.
And last but not least: if you want to add your own button for situations where nothing is selected, do everything as mentioned above, but use the registry key TasksNoItemsSelected instead of TasksItemsSelected

tab order in dialog box

I'm using an old version of Visual Studio that provides only the 'interactive' method for setting tab stops. Is there anyway to clear all the tab stops before setting them? Or anyway to exclude a given control from having a tab stop?
Added 10-sept-2009
Part of my problem was confusing tab stop order and tab stops. I naively assumed setting tab stop order, set a tab stop hence much confusion. Thanks for pointing out that tab stops are set in the property box.
You are not clear about your specific VS version, but as far as I remember (back to VC6) you automatically assign the tab order if you simply click once on each control in your desired order. There is usually no need to reset them beforehand.
This hint from a VC6 tutorial might be helpful:
To adjust the tab order of your
controls, you can choose the Tab Order
command from the Layout menu and click
the controls in the order that you
want them to be tabbed. If you have a
complicated dialog box and only want
to change the tab order of a few
controls, you can take a little
shortcut by holding the Ctrl key down
and selecting the last control that
tabs properly before selecting the
controls that tab incorrectly.
Clicking an empty spot in the dialog
box, or pressing Enter, will exit the
tab order mode.
To prevent a control from being
reached using the Tab key, clear the
Tab stop checkbox on the control's
property page.
If you want to change the tab behaviour programmatically, look for the WS_TABSTOP windows style.
Open the dialog whose tab order you want to change. Press Ctrl + D. On the dialog you will see numbers next to each control which indicate the tab order for that control. Click the controls in the order you want the tab order to go.

How to enable the dropdown above the text editor in visual studio

For some reason I've lost the dropdownbox above the text editor. The one that lists all methods, variables and properties in a class. And it makes me go crazy when I browse larger classes.
Maybe it is easier to enable "Navigation bar" option under "Tools->Options->Text Editor->[The language that you using]->General]
Have you tried resetting the interface?
from the command line run devenv.exe /resetsettings
2.. From Visual Studio
On the Tools menu, click Import and Export Settings.
On the Welcome to the Import and Export Settings Wizard page, click Reset all settings and then click Next.
If you want to save your current settings combination, click Yes, save my current settings, specify a file name, and then click Next.
If you want to delete your current settings combination, choose No, just reset settings, overwriting my current settings, and then click Next. This option does not delete default settings, which will still be available the next time you use the wizard.
In Which collection of settings do you want to reset to, select a settings collection from the list.
Click Finish.
The Reset Complete page alerts you to any problems encountered during the reset.
