Using git from Package Manager Console in Visual Studio - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to use git from Package Manager Console window in Visual Studio 2010. And most git commands running as expected, except network-related.
When I tried git push origin master Studio stops responding. The code were pushed to account. I've noticed that ssh-* applications were fired and start hanging in system memory, so I switched to https authentication. But the Studio still not responding (and there is no ssh related stuff in memory).
Does anybody knows how overcome this issue?

Any reason that you can't drop down to MSysGit and use the package manager, along with git, from there? That would be my approach. Plus you get all benefits of bash.

Do you have your github account setted on generic credentials in windows credential manager?
I'm using Git on my Nuget Package Manager for a while now with the credentials saved on windows without any problem. I use also posh-git on my Package Manager that help me a lot.


Can I auto-update my Github after publishing from Visual Studio?

Is there a way to automate storing code updates to GitHub after a developer publishes a new version of code from Visual Studio (2017 or 2019)?
Or is there a way to automate storing code updates to any code repository?
We also currently use VisualSVN, but are open to other repository software packages if they solve this problem for us.
We publish web projects and console apps to on-prem servers, so my understanding is that GitHub Actions won't work for us (yet).
If you are pushing to an on-premise Git repository hosting server, you can add to that remote repository a post-receive hook.
Said hook can in turn analyze what just got pushed and push it in turn to GitHub.
See git-post-receive-hook-push-to-mirrors as an example of such hook.

how to set up visual studio for a remote project

Can Visual studio 2019 be used as a local IDE for a solution running on a remote server? specifically i want to create a node.js application on a remote server hosted / provided by my ISP using Vstudio that's running on my local windows machine. I'd like the builds to run on the remote server. Is this possible?
To date, I have been connecting via ssh and just using VIM to create my apps. But I see that VStudio is free and has a lot of support for different types of apps so wanted to give a try.
I launched VStudio and created a new node.js application. Gave it a name (it was pointing to a local folder)
But then when I tried to do was go under Tools -> options ->Cross platform-> connection manager.
I successfully added a connection to my remote server. I know the connection worked because it detected that the remote server is running Ubuntu.
I must be still missing a step because when I try to build, instead of running the build against the remote server, it tries to build locally.
Maybe I can't do this. Maybe I need a local dev environment... build local and then copy the js files over to the target machine.
But jut thought I'd check

TF30036: You are unauthorized to access https://

I've found quite a few posts of similar issues, but I still am having trouble getting this resolved.
I have a TFS repository I know I have access to with my Microsoft account. I'm currently using it on my laptop as I'm typing this, and if I go there via chrome, I am having no issues.
I finally got my desktop up and running again, and after a fresh windows/VS 2013 install, I am getting unauthorized when trying to connect to team projects. I'm using the same credentials that are being using through Visual Studio on my laptop, and in chrome.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
Please use below ways to narrow down the issue.
Try to disable the Antivirus software on your desktop
Try to disable your firewall on your desktop and try again
If you are using VPN on your desktop, please disable it.
Clear TFS and VS cache in your desktop.
Clear the account info from the Credential Manager (Control Panel) both in
your laptop and desktop, then try it again.
Team -> Manage Connexions... -> re-select your project
Close Visual Studio > Reboot all servers in the Topology.

XCode Version 7.1 (7B91b) and TFS 2013 GIT Authentication Failure

We are working on Xcode Project connected to our local TFS 2013 (Update 3) Server via TFS Provided Git Repository.
When we use older version of Xcode, we are successfully able to check-in the files and perform all other Git operations. We are also able to perform all Git Operations via command line Git.
The trouble is when we use latest version of Xcode - Version 7.1 (7B91b).
On entering valid credentials, we are getting error saying
Authentication failed because the user name or password was incorrect.
The same credentials / configuration work on older version of Xcode and Git Command Line Options.
To add more to the surprises, we are able to connect to successfully.
We are able to reproduce issue on other systems too. Please provide us the best way to resolve this error.
For us it turned out to be because Xcode 7 does not support Windows Authentication. The solution described here solved it for us:
"This happens because XCode 7 doesn't support Windows Authentication.
I don't know why. It seems to be a common problem amongst users
because there are many posts about it in google.
To make it all work you should enable Basic Authentication in your IIS
TFS website on "tfs" virtual folder.
Be careful though because basic authentication sends your credentials
over network as plain text. You definitely must use SSL in this case."

Cannot install Nuget Package Manager

I am using VS2010 on Windows 7 (64 bits). When trying to install "Nuget Package Manager" from VS's "Extension Manager" it fails. The download works, but then I am stuck at the installing progress bar. When looking in Windows' task manager yo can see that the installer keeps on starting up new instances of the "vsixinstaller.exe" process. It goes on and on until the computer ultimately crashes.
The same behaviour occurrs when starting the file "NuGet.Tools.vsix" directly.
I have searched the net for the solution but haven't been able to find anything useful.
I received the same behavior today so I decided to open Process Monitor to investigate.
Guess what...Process Monitor gives the same behavior. Then the light bulb went off... :)
Answer: I previously had administrator privileges on my laptop, but those were removed at the beginning of the new year. For some reason, when these programs use credentials that are not in the administrator group, they recursively call themselves instead of failing, timing out or reporting access denied, etc.
Please ensure that your attempting to update after launching VS as an Administrator.
I will be providing this feedback to the nuget support thread as well.
Fixed by installing Nuget with admin right under SP1.
I found a solution at NuGet Docs Known Issues. Installing the hotfix they recommend even though I have SP1. It includes KB2581019.
