How can I programmatically identify a self extracting executable, and extract the contained files? - windows

I did some basic research, and it seems that there is no one standard to create these. I saw a number of code project pages that had code for building such an exe, but no reference on how to identify one, nor if it possible to extract files without actually running the application.
So the questions are:
Is there a method I can use to identify if a particular file is a self extracting exe?
Are there a few formats that are extremely common in the computing industry
If so, do these formats allow for extraction without running the packaging exe?
If not, is there a method to run such a file in some sort of sandbox environment, allowing us to see the resulting files (on Windows)?
Note I'm open to both programmatic solutions or those using third party utilities/libraries.


Is there an archive file format that supports being split in multiple parts and can be unpacked natively on MS Windows?

Some archive file formats, e.g. ZIP (see Section 8 in, support being split into multiple parts of a limited size. ZIP files can be opened natively on recent versions of Microsoft Windows, but it seems that Windows cannot open split ZIP files natively, only with special tools like 7-Zip. I would like to use this "split archive" functionality in a web app that I'm writing in which the created archives should be opened by a large audience of "average" computer users, so my question is: Is there an archive file format (like ZIP) that supports being split in multiple parts and can be unpacked without installing additional software on recent versions of Microsoft Windows? And ideally on other widely used operating systems as well.
Background: My final goal is to export a directory structure that is split over multiple web servers to a single local directory tree. My current idea is to have each web server produce one part of the split archive, provide all of them as some sort of Javascript multi-file download and then have one archive (in multiple parts) on the user's computer that just needs to be unpacked. An alternative idea for this final goal was to use Javascript's File System Access API (, but it is not supported on Firefox, which is a showstopper.
CAB archives meet this purpose a bit (see this library's page for example, it says that through it, archives can even be extracted directly from a HTTP(S)/FTP server). Since the library relies on .NET, it could even be used on Linux through Mono/Wine, which is a crucial part if your servers aren't running Windows... Because archive must be created on server, right?.
Your major problem is more that a split archive can't be created in parallel on multiple servers, at least because of LZx's dictionnary. Each server should create the whole set of archives and send only the ones it should send, and you don't have ANY guarantee that all these archives' sets would be identical on each server.
Best way is probably to create the whole archive on ONE server, then distribute each part (or the whole splitted archive...) on your various servers, through a replication-like interface.
Otherwise, you can also make individual archives that contains only a subset of the directory tree (you'll have to partition the files across servers), but it won't meet your requirements since it would be a collection of individual archives, and not a big splitted archive.
Some precisions may be required:
Do you absolutely need a system without any client besides the browser? Or can you use other protocols, as long as they natively exist on Windows (like FTP / SSH client that are now provided by default)?
What is the real purpose behind this request? Distribute load across all servers? Or to avoid too big single file downloads (i.e. a 30 GB archive) in case of transfer failure? Or both?
In case of a file size problem, why don't rely on resuming download?

Associate Windows directory with program (or treat directory as file)

This is likely not a simple topic - I have researched this to the best of my abilities and realize that it is not supported in any typical fashion.
My goal is to enable something similar to .app files from OSX, where the application, as well as its user data, can exist in the same file. I imagine it would require writing a tool to manage this behaviour, but this question is more about how to achieve this in the Windows OS. I am quite flexible regarding the implementation details, but the more straightforward the behaviour, the better (i.e. avoiding copying or compressing/decompressing entire directories/archives at runtime would be ideal).
Approaches I have considered:
Find a way to get explorer to treat a directory as a file, so that it can be associated. I have found a way to get explorer to treat a directory as a control panel item, I have thus far been unable to find a way to use this to associate a custom program. See the infamous "godmode hack" for Windows (name a directory something to the effect of "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}"). This one seems the most hopeful, but I'm at wits end trying to find information about creating a new association of this type.
Come up with some kind of archive format which can extract executable information to a temporary directory, launch this executable passing the archive as a commandline parameter. This seems like the ugliest solution, from a performance perspective. I would prefer a different solution if at all possible, one which doesn't involve making duplicates of the program or its data to run.
Find a way to associate a directory directly, though I have found no trace of this being supported in Windows, and I assume this is a dead-end.
Find a way to get an executable to include writeable embedded files. I have been unable to make any headway with this- I even tried a resource hacker approach, but obviously you cannot modify the assembly while its in use.
Tried to make a self-modifying JAR file with Java, but the route I took would add the JDK as a runtime requirement, which seems a bit overkill. Even then, it would be limited to Java, and I'm pretty sure it's not actually supposed to allow that in the first place.
Modify Windows Explorer. I shudder at the amount of work this would take, not to mention the at-best gray area it falls under legally. Perhaps there's a way to extend explorer to achieve this, I'm not sure.
A custom archive file. This seems like the most straightforward way to do it. But it would ideally need to be an archive format that has very little overhead for file I/O. Could even be some kind of virtual disk that gets mounted, but I am imagining that would be pretty heavy.
I would appreciate any insight that anyone has on this topic. I won't go into reasons as they are irrelevant to the question itself- I'm aware it is likely not the most practical solution to anything in particular. Consider it a novel pursuit.
It can be done by application virtualization,
Read this wikipedia page theory:
And two pages about software:
Windows 7 added the ability for a Desktop.ini file to add/change the folder verbs on a per-folder basis. Using that trick it is possible to create a "folders as applications" style setup.

Create an application that generates a DLL

Currently, I have an MFC C++ visual studio project that is built to a DLL. Let's call it the FinalDLL.
I need this FinalDLL to be configurable. So, I want a GUI such that the users can generate the FinalDLL based on the information the enter via GUI. Please consider that I don't want to make the sources available at any points.
I do not have a clear idea how to integrate these steps. The solution I came up with was to have something like a button in my GUI, so that when it is clicked, the FinalDLL gets generated based on the information entered via GUI. Is it possible to do something like that? Probably I need another DLL library, as the information entered via GUI can be calls to functions that are used inside the FinalDLL source.
The solution to this would be very complex and complicated, mainly due to the fact that you don't want to disclose the source code of the DLL.
Basically you need to compile those source files every time you want to generate the DLL, and without the user having access to them.
Firstly, this is also required for the users that you want your DLL-generator app distributed to.
Secondly, you'll need to store those files somewhere in the app, and in an encrypted form, so that hackers won't just look at you app binaries and extract the source code for the DLL.
As a prerequisite on the user side, he will need to have a compatible Visual Studio installation, which will be used to compile on the fly the source code files.
What the DLL-generator application will need to do is to compile on the fly those source code files along with the customised ones via the form that the application will present.
So what you will need to do (the list might not be exhaustive due to the complex requirements):
Gather all compiler/linker commands that Visual Studio executes when building your project
Store all source code files into your application, in an encrypted form. Now if you want to allow your application to decode the files then you need to either store the encryption key within the application, and obfuscate it so its not that easy to find, or have the app communicate with your server and ask for the encryption key via https (this is a more secure approach, however neither this is 100% bullet-proof, insistent/trained hackers can still peek into the memory used by your app)
After the user fills all DLL generating details, the app will need to decrypt the source code files, updated the ones affected by the customised parameters, and start the build process by using the commands gathered at step #1. The compiler/linker should allow reading from stdin, so you'll use pipes to write the source code contents to the compiler/linker stdin, and to obtain the compiled/linked objects from stdout.
As I said, the solution is not pretty, and the main problem will be having the users install a Visual Studio that comes with a compiler compatible with the one from your machine, otherwise the commands you gathered at step #1 will not work.

Relocating ".fig" files when creating a GUI using Matlab GUIDE

I've developed a GUI for some build scripts, and am now in the process of deploying it. As the script will be deployed to a number of different machines at various points, I need to use the standard format of directories that the team use.
The GUI consists of a ".fig" file that contains the visual definition of the UI, and a m-script that defines the functionality. I need to locate these two in "fig/" and "m/" folders respectively, but I can't figure out how to. I first searched for an include statement of some kind in the m-script, as when I Run it on its own, the error message in the command window states that the ".fig" file can't be found, but there doesn't seem to be a reference to the ".fig" file anywhere, I assume that it's inferred as both files have the same name but a different extension.
I fear that Matlab's GUI system requires that both ".m" and ".fig" files are in the same location, but this will be an inelegant solution that I'd rather not go for if I can avoid it.
The next thing I'm going to try is to call a script that copies the fig file from the other directory to the same location as the m-script, when it is executed, then deletes that copy once the script exits, which again seems a clunky solution, but will allow me to adhere to the team's organisation conventions.
Does anyone else know of an undocumented means of specifying the relative location of a GUI ".fig" file?
You can export the GUIDE-generated GUI as a single .m file. Check out this blog post: GUIDE GUIs in All One File.
I'm not sure if this is a new feature, or one of those things that has always been there...

Bundling a program and external files into a single executable?

This question is kinda similar to this one, but not exactly. I have a game engine in C#, and I'm working with some people who want to use my engine. Originally I designed the engine so that all the assets are external - non programmers can create art, music, xml settings, etc. and that anyone could modify an existing game, and share them amongst each other. Basically the whole thing including the engine itself is open source.
The group I'm working with (one of only two projects using my engine currently) wants to close their assets so they can't be modified. Although it's against my principle, I don't want to turn them away, both because I've already been working with them a while and because the market is very small (both for engines like mine, and for users of those engines).
The Actual Question
Is there a way, maybe some available software, that can take an exe and a bunch of other arbitrary files, and smash them into a single exe, that isn't just an archive? I would like the final exe to behave like it runs the first exe with some command line parameters that refer to the bundled files. For example, running bundle.exe would be just like running original.exe --project_path=/project but the project files are inside the bundle, and cannot be retrieved from it.
My original exe is written in C#. I doubt that matters.
You could pack these files as embedded resources.
