xcode xib file only creates null references - xcode

today I came across a strange problem.
I started a really simple project where I just had one View with an UITextField on it. During execution of program I wanted to set the text of that TextField but I figured out that UITextField only was referenced to 0x000000.
Of course before I had correctly connected the Outlet to the TextField as I always do - I have got many experiences in working with Xcode and iOS and did it really often before.
I tried everything from deleting the TextField again, creating a new outlet by the help of interface builder or even deleting every peace of code and doing everything from the very beginning. But nothing did work.
Because I did not understand it I created a new project and although I did everything in the same manner this time it worked.
Unhopeflly after many many lines of code I added a second view and now I've got the same problem with this second view.
Does anybody now, what I'm doing wrong?
If you need some kind of code, let me know, but believe me, I really just created a new view, put another TextField on it, created the outlet via Xcode and then pressed run. Then I set a breakpoint in the viewDidLoad method and here you are: TextField only is referenced to nil.
Please help me if you have any ideas.


Xcode 4: Custom TableViewController .m file cannot be edited. At all. The content disappears.

So this is just bizarre. If I create a custom Table View Controller as a subclass of UITableViewController, I can't reliably edit the .m file. When I click on it, I can see everything in the file, but I can't actually drop the cursor in to edit the code; it stays fixed in the top-left of the screen. Anything I type will appear, and any code already in .m that happens to be on that line will randomly appear. It's like a static image of the .m contents are on the screen, but the actual text is hidden.
Eventually the entire editor just goes blank. Everything else works fine. I wiped Xcode with app cleaner to pick up all the loose com files, restarted, re-installed Xcode from the dmg and re-created the project and still have the same problem (this is under Mavericks, by the way).
Granted, Xcode 5 doesn't seem to have this issue, but I'm quite new to programming and am following a course that's based on Xcode 4. And at this point the issue is just so stupidly weird that I want to figure out what's going wrong. Any insights?
I've given up. If for some strange reason someone happens on this question and has the same problem, it's not worth the energy; just head to Xcode 5 and live your life bizarre-error free (for now, heh).
I was having the same problem. I just cleaned the Build Folder and everything seems to be working perfectly now. You clean the build folder by selecting Product, hold Alt, and then "Clean Build Folder.
I too had this problem after upgrading to XCode 5, then downloading and installing XCode 4.5 (without removing Xcode 5). What I wound up doing was to create all my new UITableViewController files (File->New File->Objective C Class) as UIViewController files, then modifying the parent class to UITableViewController in the .h file.

How do I correct the fact that my .h file is linking its IBOutlets to a XIB file from another project?

This is a real 'WTF?' moment for me.
I copied some classes out from another project, including copy and pasting the code and some UIBulder components. What did NOT get copied was the XIB file (I went from XIB to storyboard).
My tab / swipe recognizers aren't activating, and when I drill down the only thing I can discover that can explain it is that somehow, someway, I'm hooking up against the XIB file. (When I click on the little button next to the IBAction/IBOutlet lines in the header, it shows me both the storyboard and the xib file as connected).
I'm not referencing that file anywhere that I can find, it's just somehow magically recognized in Xcode. I don't know what to do, how to fix this.
Anyone have any ideas?
Edit: The really annoying bit is that the file doesn't appear to be in my files list when I check there, I can't just delete the reference that way. And since it's referencing the file in the original project, I can't just delete it. (Any changes made in either project cause changes in BOTH projects; their both using the same xib file for some reason). I should be able to simply delete the reference to the xib file, but I can't find the reference.
If you copy the view controller code from one project into another project you will notice a strange thing happening with the outlet. It is referencing the view from the first project without you ever connecting any outlets.
If you left click the little circle and click the reference link you will even be taken to the storyboard view in the other project. Trying to figure out how to get rid of this reference can drive you crazy.
Well, the good news is that there is really nothing for you to fix. You didn't copy over some deep, hard to find referencing link. Xcode is just getting confused because the View Controller and the outlet name are the same in both projects. Basically just ignore what that little circle says. You can close the first project and Xcode will figure things out eventually. Right click your views in the storyboard to see what referencing outlets really exist in the current project. (See my fuller answer for more details.)
No need to delete Derived Data. That doesn't solve the problem anyway. Just try opening both projects at the same time again and you will get the same strange behavior.
The way I figured this out was to separately create two new projects that had view controllers with the same name and a referencing outlet with the same name. I never copied anything but Xcode showed one was referencing the other. Like I said, ignore the little circle.
I just had the same problem. What solved it for me was to close both projects, delete the derived data from both and then reopen the destination project.
I agree, it's a crazy problem.
I'm sure that this problem could happen and I fix it deleting the content of the Derived data folder of XCode.
I just want to add the steps of how to delete those files:
Don't Delete the DerivedData folder.
Go to preferences (Command ,) > Locations Tab
On Derived Data you are going to see the path, clic the right pointing arrow (that will open that location in Finder)
Close XCode
Select all the files inside the DerivedData Folder (do NOT select parent folder) and (Command Delete) or move them to the Trash and then Empty Trash
Open the project and you are done
I hope it helps someone
unless the xib file is in the project. it should not have a link to it.
the xib file connects to the .h file. not the other way around.
You may want to remove the connections in the storyboard and re-connect them.
Also make sure that the storyboard is the UI being started and that the item on the navigation stack is actually the storyboard page. But you should be able to connect both the storyboard and the xib file to the class at the same time. You just cannot connect one IBOutlet to more than one object in a single ui component (e.g. two buttons on the storyboard cannot both be connected to #property IBOutlet UIButton *myCurrentButton you must have a separate IBOutlet for each connection. On the other hand, any number of actions can be connected to an IBAction. which is why you get (id) sender on each action.
I dont know if this is exactly what you are experiencing, but I hope that understanding helps you debug your issue.

Cannot find the windows outlet for the Object in iOS

I have been working with Xcode 4.2.1, but following some tutorials and videos from the earlier version of Xcode.
As usual I had the problem with the Windows Based Application. I created a empty application for my Windows Based Application project and was following some steps from the same forum of how to add a MainWindow.xib file to my project using this post
There is no .xib file when I create a new "Empty Application" in XCode
I also followed one more post which has some good screenshots:
Now my problem is I cannot ctrl+drag of the window outlet from the App Delegate object to the Window object. The reason is I could not find out the window outlet from tze attributes menu. One can see the screenshot of how it is looking in my xcode:
And below one can see how it should have a windows outlet for the App Delegate.
Is there anything I am missing or left something behind before coming there. I followed the steps exactly as mentioned in the above posts. I tried creating new projects just to make sure Im doing everything correct.
Any information regarding this would be appreciated.
From your tutorial..
The answer to your problem is Simple(and also this is the way you should do most of the time in future..)
1) Click on File's Owner(In the placeholder section..left to the xib).
2) In the attributes section you will see a window Outlet..
3) Drag window from the attributes section(right click-drag or ctrl-drag.) and drop it on window in Objects window..(left to the xib)

How to fix a project that Interface-Builder fubar'd

Help me un-fubar interface-builder in XCode4.
I created a button in interface-builder and defined an IBAction method for it in the view's code. It ran fine. Then I renamed the button's action method using XCode's refactor / rename tool. It ran fine.
Then I deleted the button in interface-builder by selecting the button and hitting the delete key. When I rebuilt the project the button is still there in the simulator. Back in interface-builder, the button is gone. There is no reference to the button in the code, but the button's IBAction method is still there.
To make matters worse, the button's original action method is getting called which of course throws a runtime exception of selector not found. When I do a project search for name of the original action method nothing is found, but the runtime is still trying to call it. I did a "clean" and rebuild but no joy.
If I try to open the .xib file as ASCII Property list, it tells me the data has been corrupted. (I figured that out.)
Other than deleting the .xib file and creating a new view, is there any way to fix this?
And what does "clean" do if it doesn't delete the binaries?
Thanks for your help!
Try iOS Simulator -> Reset Content and Settings. (To save time, Xcode tries to copy resources before launch only if those resources have changed, but if things have gone screwy…)
Clean did not work for me. In my experience, Xcode keeps a cache of the "compiled .xib" without regard to timestamps (try switching out a xib for one with the same name). My fix was to modify each view that needed to be refreshed. Very frustrating, but it works.
Try going in Xcode to Build > Clean All targets, it should fix it

Xcode shows old, deleted xib files

I've searched all over and haven't found any help...
I built a small test app with two UIViewControllers and their corresponding xibs. Things were fine, then I made some changes to both xibs but when I build and run, I get the old views. I've tried deleting the build folders, running in the simulator and device, cleaning all targets and still the same, old, broke-down xibs that I totally changed are still showing up. I've restarted all the Xcode apps and even my computer.
Getting pretty irritated!
EDIT: I never did figure out what the problem was. Basically, once I had built a project, it remembered the first xibs I made and wouldn't recognize changes to them. If I told a view controller to load from a different, valid nib name, it'd complain that the old one wasn't there.
I reinstalled Xcode and now it all works again. Sheesh.
Try deleting the app from the simulator (hold down on the app's icon to get to jiggle mode, then click the X by the app) and from your device. Then let Xcode reinstall it.
just clean the build using
Product -> Clean
Just modify your XIB files a bit, then save them, xCode will detect a modification (last modified date in the file system) then load the xib from its actual path, and not from a cache-path :P
I just found (and fixed) a related problem — one that demonstrates similar symptoms but whose root cause is slightly different.
In particular, the symptoms I observed were that my iPad app would initially display an old storyboard image for the first page and, after a short delay, would bring up the most recently edited story board contents. I went through most of the above machinations to no avail.
The problem is that the iPad loader first just dumbly loads your app's launch image into the screen. You usually set up this image as part of the early administrative setup of the app in XCode. At launch time, while the end user is considering the content and cogitating about where to touch the screen, the application is in the mean time madly getting itself ready, un-archiving the xib/nib/storyboard, and doing the real work of getting ready.
In the ideal situation the provided launch image is pixel-for-pixel the same as the one generated by the nib-unarchiving-process. However, if you forgot to update your launch image after updating the story board, you'll see an image shift at the completion of the unarchiving.
I wouldn't have suspected this as the problem except that I had read Jef Raskin's description of how he did exactly this on the Canon Cat word processor to provide the illusion of an instantly ready application: it takes advantage of the fact that the typical human response time to an application startup is on the order of seven seconds — plenty of time for even a floppy-based system to load and overwrite the bitmap facade that the loader sets up. Sometimes, it's good to have read a bit of arcane history. Jef would of course later go on to found a project whose name was Macintosh, and the rest is history — and this bug.
Not sure whether this helps, but I just had this.
It took me days to work it out. In my case I enhanced an existing Xib file. The changes I applied in interface builder never appeared in the app.
Eventually I found the cause. I had my FilesOwner view outlet set to a subview below the top view. When I enhanced the view I did this as an extension to th top view. Thus the changes never appeared when running the app.
Changing the view outlet to the correct view ( the top view in my case ) did the trick and it all worked fine ...
I know steve has found a work around but the problem is not in the XIB files at all. Xcode does not update the YouApplication-info.plist file to
If you open it up you will see the line: Main nib file base name. You must change the value to reflect your desired NIB file name
I had this problem, and it was a result of xcode continuing to copy previously compiled xib's - even though the source file was deleted, the build cache wasn't. Product > Clean and then recompiling solved it.
I just had this issue, just delete the app from the simulator.
Then do a clean on your project.
In xCode,
go to the Product menu,
select Clean.
Or just press Shift+Command+K!
I ended up recreating the xibs from scratch and that worked. Very frustrating.
you can try to modify your XIBs a bit, so xCode will detect a modification through the last modified date in file system. then it will load the xib from its actual path, an not from xCode cache.
I had the same problem, but i solved it by changing the datetime of my system to today. And re-saved the xib. I was testing the local notification.
Just an assumption, not sure if that really caused it: I finished a XIB that worked fine in the simulator and on an actual device. I then changed it to be localised in Xcode 4.5.1. The changes I did after that were not synced to the device until I manually deleted the app from the device and reinstalled via Xcode.
Deleted derived data, cleaned project and build. Old xib was magically removed. :D
