Rotate UIView to give perspective - xcode

I want to change the perspective of a UIView that is in my Viewcontroller. I think that I have to transform this UIView layer, but I don't know how.
I've tried the following code but it is not working
UIView *myView = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:0];
CALayer *layer = myView.layer;
CATransform3D rotationAndPerspectiveTransform = CATransform3DIdentity;
rotationAndPerspectiveTransform.m34 = 1.0 / -500;
rotationAndPerspectiveTransform = CATransform3DRotate(rotationAndPerspectiveTransform, 45.0f * M_PI / 180.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
layer.transform = rotationAndPerspectiveTransform;
I've also tried with the following code:
-(void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
transform.b = -0.1;
transform.a = 0.9;
// do drawing on the context
and this too:
CALayer *layerA = [[self.view.layer sublayers] objectAtIndex:0];
layerA.transform = CATransform3DConcat(layerA.transform, CATransform3DMakeRotation(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(45),1.0,0.0,0.0)
Neither of them worked. How can I change the perspective of a UIView?
In other words, I will put an example. Image this sample code, a rotation Pie RotationPie sample. I would like to change the perpective of it, in the x or z asis.

Your first solution works on my end. It appears like this:
Can You show your whole class code, if it doesn't work the same on your end?
Ok, I've reconfigured provided code example, to show how it is possible:
(download here updated code example :
And it looks like this:
I am only applying transformation to base subview. All views that are as subviews to that view, will be transformed as well. If You want corresponding subview to have different transformation - it will be harder, because, then You must take in consideration parent view transformation, to calculate new one - it can get really difficult.
But I've done some simple - multi-view level transformations. For example - to achieve effect, that view scales, moves, and rotates:
I've applied movement transformation to parentView
I've applied rotation transformation to parentViews first subview;
I've applied scale transformation to parentViews first subviews subview.
Ok, I've reconfigured provided code example, to show how it is possible, in order to leave wheel in transformed position:
(download here updated code example : )
Problem was - in this case, I was adding transformation to wheel itself - and it appears, that Wheel is based on transformations also. Therefore- when You touched it - it replaced existing transformations and applied it's own (to rotate arrows when user swipes wheel).
So - to leave it in perspective while we interact with it - we need another view layer.
I created a new View (lets call it parent view), and added wheel as a subview to this view.
Then I apply transformation to parent View instead of wheel. And it works !
I Hope it helps and You understand now more about transformations :)


Xcode - viewDidLayoutSubviews

i have a view inside a viewController, i wanted to start the smaller view outside the viewController in the left, and animate it to the centre when i press a button. so i made it like this:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() { = CGPointMake( - 400,
And it works perfectly!, the problem is i have a text view inside that smaller view, and every time i start editing it it jumps outside of the main viewController right where it was, and i have to press the button again to bring it inside.
How to fix this?
PS: i tried positioning it to the centre when i start editing the text view like this:
func textViewDidBeginEditing(textView: UITextView) { = CGPointMake( + 400,
But it doesn't work. and the method is connected to the textView properly(delegate)
PS2: i also have imagePickerController inside my viewController.
OK, as you're using Auto Layout.
The first rule of Auto Layout (you will see this in any Auto Layout book) is that you absolutely cannot touch the frame or center of a view directly.
// don't do these
myView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100);
// ever = CGPointMake(50, 50);
You can get the frame and center but you can never set the frame or center.
In order to move stuff around using Auto Layout you need to update the constraints.
For instance if I set up a view called myView and want it to grow and shrink in height I would do something like...
Set the top constraint to the superview at 0.
Set the left constraint to the superview at 0.
Set the right constraint to the superview at 0.
Set the height constraint to 50 (for example) and save it in a property called heightConstraint.
Now to animate the change in height I do this...
self.heightConstraint.constant = 100;
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
animations:^ {
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
This will then animate the height from 50 (where it was when I set it) to 100.
This is the same for ANY animation of views using Auto Layout. If (for instance) I had saved the left constraint I could change that and it would increase and decrease the gap from the left edge of the superview to myView.
There are several really good tutorials about AutoLayout on the Ray Wenderlich site. I'd suggest you take a look at them.
Whatever you do, I'd strongly suggest not just disabling Auto Layout. If you don't know how to use Auto Layout then you will very quickly fall behind with iOS 8 and the new device sizes.

Opposite of glscissor in Cocos2D?

I found a class called ClippingNode that I can use on sprites to only display a specified rectangular area:
One problem is that I need to do exactly the opposite, meaning I want the inverse of that. I want everything outside of the specified rectangle to be displayed, and everything inside to be taken out.
In my test I'm using a position of a sprite, which will update frame, so that will need to happen to meaning that new clipping rect will be defined.
CGRect menuBoundaryRect = CGRectMake(lightPuffClass.sprite.position.x, lightPuffClass.sprite.position.y, 100, 100);
ClippingNode *clipNode = [ClippingNode clippingNodeWithRect:menuBoundaryRect];
[clipNode addChild:darkMapSprite];
[self addChild:clipNode z:100];
I noticed the ClippingNode class allocs inside but I'm not using ARC (project too big and complex to update to ARC) so I'm wondering what and where I'll need to release too.
I've tried a couple of masking classes but whatever I mask fits over the entire sprite (my sprite covers the entire screen. Additionally the mask will need to move, so I thought glscissor would be a good alternative if I can get it to do the inverse.
You don't need anything out of the box.
You have to define a CCClippingNode with a stencil, and then set it to be inverted, and you're done. I added a carrot sprite to show how to add sprites in the clipping node in order for it to be taken into account.
#implementation ClippingTestScene
CCClippingNode *_clip;
And the implementation part
_clip = [[CCClippingNode alloc] initWithStencil:[CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed:#"white_board.png"]];
_clip.alphaThreshold = 1.0f;
_clip.inverted = YES;
_clip.position = ccp(self.boundingBox.size.width/2 , self.boundingBox.size.height/2);
[self addChild:_clip];
_img = [CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed:#"carrot.png"];
_img.position = ccp(-10.0f, 0.0f);
[_clip addChild:_img];
You have to set an extra flag for this to work though, but Cocos will spit out what you need to do in the console.
I once used CCScissorNode.m from
The implementation (not what you are looking for the inverse) was something :
CGRect innerClippedLayer = CGRectMake(SCREENWIDTH/14, SCREENHEIGHT/6, 275, 325);
CCScissorNode *tmpLayer = [CCScissorNode scissorNodeWithRect:innerClippedLayer];
[self addChild:tmpLayer];
So for you it may be like if you know the area (rectangle area that you dont want to show i.e. inverse off) and you know the screen area then you can deduct the rectangle are from screen area. This would give you the inverse area. I have not did this. May be tomorrow i can post some code.

Time Machine style Navigation

I've been doing some programming for iPhone lately and now I'm venturing into the iPad domain. The concept I want to realise relies on a navigation that is similar to time machine in osx. In short I have a number of views that can be panned and zoomed, as any normal view. However, the views are stacked upon each other using a third dimension (in this case depth). the user will the navigate to any view by, in this case, picking a letter, whereupon the app will fly through the views until it reaches the view of the selected letter.
My question is: can somebody give the complete final code for how to do this? Just kidding. :) What I need is a push in the right direction, since I'm unsure how to even start doing this, and whether it is at all possible using the frameworks available. Any tips are appreciated
Core Animation—or more specifically, the UIView animation model that's built on Core Animation—is your friend. You can make a Time Machine-like interface with your views by positioning them in a vertical line within their parent view (using their center properties), having the ones farther up that line be scaled slightly smaller than the ones below (“in front of”) them (using their transform properties, with the CGAffineTransformMakeScale function), and setting their layers’ z-index (get the layer using the view’s layer property, then set its zPosition) so that the ones farther up the line appear behind the others. Here's some sample code.
// animate an array of views into a stack at an offset position (0 has the first view in the stack at the front; higher values move "into" the stack)
// took the shortcut here of not setting the views' layers' z-indices; this will work if the backmost views are added first, but otherwise you'll need to set the zPosition values before doing this
int offset = 0;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations:^{
CGFloat maxScale = 0.8; // frontmost visible view will be at 80% scale
CGFloat minScale = 0.2; // farthest-back view will be at 40% scale
CGFloat centerX = 160; // horizontal center
CGFloat frontCenterY = 280; // vertical center of frontmost visible view
CGFloat backCenterY = 80; // vertical center of farthest-back view
for(int i = 0; i < [viewStack count]; i++)
float distance = (float)(i - offset) / [viewStack count];
UIView *v = [viewStack objectAtIndex:i];
v.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(maxScale + (minScale - maxScale) * distance, maxScale + (minScale - maxScale) * distance);
v.alpha = (i - offset > 0) ? (1 - distance) : 0; // views that have disappeared behind the screen get no opacity; views still visible fade as their distance increases = CGPointMake(centerX, frontCenterY + (backCenterY - frontCenterY) * distance);
And here's what it looks like, with a couple of randomly-colored views:
do you mean something like this on the right?
If yes, it should be possible. You would have to arrange the Views like on the image and animate them going forwards and backwards. As far as I know aren't there any frameworks for this.
It's called Cover Flow and is also used in iTunes to view the artwork/albums. Apple appear to have bought the technology from a third party and also to have patented it. However if you google for ios cover flow you will get plenty of hits and code to point you in the right direction.
I have not looked but would think that it was maybe in the iOS library but i do not know for sure.

Printing CALayers

I have a NSView which contains many CALayers. When a user is editing a document, these CALayers animate all edits. I am attempting to implement printing for my app, but I am having some problems printing these CALayers correctly.
Some CALayers bounds occupy the entire NSView, and do not need to be laid out, because their position never changes. However, I also have one CALayer which contains about 20 small CALayers. These CALayers animate their position changes during normal editing. However, when attempting to print the NSView, these small CALayers never get laid out correctly. I am wondering if there is something special I have to do to ensure that these layers are positioned correctly, and allow the NSView to be drawn/printed correctly.
Does anyone have experience printing a Core Animation backed NSView? Any suggestions are appreciated.
In order to work around layout issues, as well as the fact that using -renderInContext: to draw a layer hierarchy does not preserve vector elements, we subclassed CALayer in the Core Plot framework. The CPLayer subclass overrides the default -drawInContext: method to call our custom -renderAsVectorInContext: method (where we do all of our Core Graphics drawing for a layer). To generate a PDF context (or similar) for printing, we then call a custom method with the following code:
// render self
[self applyTransform:self.transform toContext:context];
self.renderingRecursively = YES;
if ( !self.masksToBounds ) {
[self renderAsVectorInContext:context];
if ( !self.masksToBounds ) {
self.renderingRecursively = NO;
// render sublayers
for ( CALayer *currentSublayer in self.sublayers ) {
// Shift origin of context to match starting coordinate of sublayer
CGPoint currentSublayerFrameOrigin = currentSublayer.frame.origin;
CGRect currentSublayerBounds = currentSublayer.bounds;
currentSublayerFrameOrigin.x - currentSublayerBounds.origin.x,
currentSublayerFrameOrigin.y - currentSublayerBounds.origin.y);
[self applyTransform:self.sublayerTransform toContext:context];
if ( [currentSublayer isKindOfClass:[CPLayer class]] ) {
[(CPLayer *)currentSublayer recursivelyRenderInContext:context];
} else {
if ( self.masksToBounds ) {
CGContextClipToRect(context, currentSublayer.bounds);
[currentSublayer drawInContext:context];
This goes through and renders each layer onto a flat Core Graphics context, preserving position, rotation, and other transforms while rendering all elements as sharp vectors.
One other thing to watch out for when trying to render layers is that the state of your presentation layer hierarchy may not be the same as your internal layer hierarchy. You may have animations that have been applied to move your layers, but the layers' position properties may not have been changed to match. In that case, you should make sure that you either animate the properties themselves, so that the values always stay in sync, or set the values in your layer once the animations have completed.
Last I looked into it, it was not possible to properly print CALayers. It seemed to me at the time that Core Animation was designed for screen only and not for print (which seems consistent with the fact that it was designed initially for iPhone).
I'd love to know I'm wrong.

On OSX, how do I gradient fill a path stroke?

Using the plethora of drawing functions in Cocoa or Quartz it's rather easy to draw paths, and fill them using a gradient. I can't seem to find an acceptable way however, to 'stroke'-draw a path with a line width of a few pixels and fill this stroke using a gradient. How is this done?
Edit: Apparently the question wasn't clear enough. Thanks for the responses so far, but I already figured that out. What I want to do is this:
The left square is NSGradient drawn in a path followed by a path stroke message. The right is what I want to do; I want to fill the stroke using the gradient.
If you convert the NSBezierPath to a CGPath, you can use the CGContextReplacePathWithStrokedPath() method to retrieve a path that is the outline of the stroked path. Graham Cox's excellent GCDrawKit has a -strokedPath category method on NSBezierPath that will do this for you without needing to drop down to Core Graphics.
Once you have the outlined path, you can fill that path with an NSGradient.
I can't seem to find an acceptable way however, to 'stroke'-draw a path with a line width of a few pixels and fill this stroke using a gradient. How is this done?
[Original answer replaced with the following]
Ah, I see. You want to apply the gradient to the stroke.
To do that, you use a blend mode. I explained how to do this in an answer on another question. Here's the list of steps, adapted to your goal:
Begin a transparency layer.
Stroke the path with any non-transparent color.
Set the blend mode to source in.
Draw the gradient.
End the transparency layer.
According to Peter Hosey's answer I've managed to do a simple gradient curve, which looks like this:
I've done this in drawRect(_:) method of UIView class by writing the code below:
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer (context, nil)
let path = createCurvePath()
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, .SourceIn)
let colors = [UIColor.blueColor().CGColor, UIColor.redColor().CGColor]
let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
let colorLocations :[CGFloat] = [0.0, 1.0]
let gradient = CGGradientCreateWithColors(colorSpace, colors, colorLocations)
let startPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: rect.size.height / 2)
let endPoint = CGPoint(x: rect.size.width, y: rect.size.height / 2)
CGContextDrawLinearGradient(context, gradient, startPoint, endPoint, CGGradientDrawingOptions.DrawsBeforeStartLocation)
Function createCurvePath() returns an UIBezierPath object. I've also set path.lineWidth to 5 points.
