Can CakePHP offer stricter user authentication (continuous throughout session)? - session

I am trying to create a suitable authentication check for a CakePHP service. Currently it appears that the user session is created initially during login, but never checked beyond this during a single session.
eg. Renamed the username, changing the password or ID in the user's database entry has no effect on the session.
Is there a preferred method for this type of, constantly checked, authentication? Essentially the user should be confirmed access at every request.
My current solution would involve extending the AuthComponent and storing a hash of the user data (including the encrypted password) and checking this at every request. I also considered storing the session ID in this same token, but noticed that CakePHP does not even use the session_start() function.
This functionality appears necessary for me, and I would have thought others would also require such a solution. I have yet to find Cake documentation or community solutions similar to what I need.

Well, you can use isAuthorized() function from AuthComponent. It's being called with every request.
public function isAuthorized($user){
return true; //allow the user to see the page
You can debug($user) to see the actual data and if you want "new" information from your database, you can always get them like this:
public function isAuthorized($user){
$current_user_from_database = $this->User->findById($user['id']);
if($current_user_from_database['User']['username'] != $user['username']){
$this->Session->setFlash('You\'ve changed the username. Please, login again.');
return false;
return true;
Look at the API for more info and from the PDF book. You can look at this video about AuthComponent too. It's great.
If you need any more information or help, feel free to ask.
Btw. you have to configure AuthComponent in your Controller if you want isAuthorized() function to get called with every request.

If Session.timeout will work correctly with a setting of zero minutes, you're set.


how to implement Single Responsibility in laravel

I am so confused about how to implement and how to follow SRP (single responsibility principle ) in a Laravel controller.
Suppose we have a controller which we have to do these things:
public function StorePost() {
// check user login()
//check number of current user Post count =>which must be less than 10
//store post
//send an email to user which your post has saved
//return =>api:json /web : redirect
I know that I can implement some DB queries in the repository but I don't know how to implement others of my logic code to achieve SRP
Also, I know there is a Heyman package to achieve these but I want to implement it by myself.
SRP in this context basically means each class and method should only be responsible for a single behaviour/feature. A rule of thumb is a class or method should change for one reason only, if it changes for multiple reasons, it needs to be broken down into smaller parts.
Your storePost method should not bother with checking the user login, that should be handled elsewhere before invoking storePost. storePost shouldnt change if the auth mechanism changes like switching from api token to json web token or something else. Laravel does this in the middleware level with the auth middleware.
Checking the users post count, this can be checked in the validation stage. storePost shouldn't change if we add more validation logic. In Laravel you can use FormValidation for this
For storing the post, the controller doesn't need to know how to call the DB, you can use the active record style using the model class or maybe create a service or repository class if your use case requires that. storePost shouldn't change if we decide to change DB vendor like going NoSQL.
For sending email, again the controller doesnt need to know how to send the email like what the subject/body recipients are. storePost shouldnt change if we need to change the email layout. Laravel has Notification for that
For serialising the response to json, the controller doesnt need to know how to format the response. if we decide to update how our json looks, storePost shouldnt change. Laravel has API Resources for that
So, ultimately in this example, the responsibility of the controller method is basically to glue all these together. It basically does what you wrote down, it only responsible for maintaining the step by step behavior, everything else is delegated to someone else. if the behavior change, like adding new behavior e.g notify all follower, storePost will change.

Simple Authorization in MVC3 with Forms Authentication

I'm trying to do what should be a simple thing in MVC3.
I've got an application that uses forms authentication to authenticate users with a 3rd party SSO. The SSO, on successful login, posts back to a specific controller action on my application. I then call FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user,false);.
I'm trying to implement some level of authorization. Simply, a user can exist in a number of different roles, e.g. Admin and Developer. Some controller actions should only be available to certain roles. Details of which roles a user belongs to is obtained by making a call to another external API, which returns a simple JSON response indicating.
In theory, this should be as simple as doing something like this after I set the FormsAuthentication cookie:
string[] rolelist = GetRoleListForUserFromAPI(User.Identity.Name);
HttpContext.User = new GenericPrincipal(User.Identity, rolelist);
However, I can't call this directly after calling SetAuthCookie, because HttpContext.User isn't anything meaningful at this point.
I could try setting this on every request, but ever request to my app would mean a roundtrip API call.
The most promising approach I've seen so far is to create a custom Authorization attribute and override OnAuthorization to do something like this:
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (<some way of checking if roles have already been set for this user, or role cache has timed out>)
string[] rolelist = GetRoleListForUserFromAPI(filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);
filterContext.HttpContext.User = new GenericPrincipal(filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity,rolelist);
I could then use [MyCustomAuthorization(Roles="Admin")] in front of controller actions to make the magic happen.
However, I've no idea how to detect whether or not the current HttpContext.User object has had its roles set, or whether it was set over a certain time ago and another API trip is needed.
What's the best approach for this?
Another way would be to store the roles in the UserData property of the FormsAuthentcationTicket. This could be done with comma delimited string.
Then on AuthenticateRequest method, you could pull the ticket back, grab the roles data and assign it to the current user using a generic principal.
You should override PostAuthenticateRequest
protected void Application_OnPostAuthenticateRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
string[] rolelist = GetRoleListForUserFromAPI(User.Identity.Name);
HttpContext.User = new GenericPrincipal(User.Identity, rolelist);
It's invoked after forms authentication is finished with it's processing.
I had the wrong method signature (just checked in one of my own applications).
My first thought is that you should investigate implementing a custom role provider. This might be overkill but seems to fit in with the role-based plumbing.
More info from MSDN here.
Much to the aghast of some, the session object ISNT a bad idea here.
If you use temp data, you already take a hit for the session.
Storing this data in the cookie, well - Forms auth tokens have already been exploited in the POET vulnerability from a year and a half ago, so in that case someone could've simply formed their own cookie with the "admin" string in it using that vulnerability.
You can do this in post authenticate as #jgauffin mentioned.
If the session state isn't available there you can use it then in Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute and check it there.
If you want to check if session state is available in either see my code at:
How can I handle forms authentication timeout exceptions in ASP.NET?
Also whenever using forms auth and sessions, you always want to make sure the timeouts are in sync with each other (again the above code)

ASP.Net MVC 3 Querystring Parameter

I am developing an ASP.Net MVC 3 Web Application. Within some of my Views I display tabular data to the user, and beside each record in the table there is an Edit link. When the user clicks this link it takes them to an edit page where they can edit and update the record.
My issue is that once the user clicks the edit link, the URL becomes something like this
The '3' is the ID of the record to be updated, however, there is nothing stopping the user from changing the '3' to another digit, and this then means they can edit potentially a record which does not belong to them.
Does anyone have a solution on how I can prevent this from happening?
Thanks for you help.
You need to introduce Authentication and Authorisation into your application. Here is one article of many out there on how to get started with this. You will additionally need to work out how to store logged on user identity and then how to attach this to the record when it was created in the first place. You must then validate, on the server, that the subsequent edit request is being made by the user who created the record in the first place (or by a user who has a role on your system which allows them to do this, such as an Administrator).
Even if the ID wasn't being displayed on the URL a malicious user could still manipulate the HTTP Request to pass an ID of their choice. In any secure system you should always, always, always validate that the currently logged on user genuinely has permission to carry out the requested action. You should never rely on what comes back from the browser to determine this (aside from the authentication context which is managed securely by the MVC framework. Usually).
I believe you should have the information about who have the edit permission on this purticular resource, in your tables. Ex : in your table you might have the "CreatedById" column where you store the ID of the user who created this record. Now in your edit action method, you check the "CreatedById" of the current Item is same as of the "UserId" of the Current user (you maye get this from the session, if you stored it there). Something like this.
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
int currentUserID=1; // TO DO : get this value from session or somewhere
ProductVieWModel product=myRepo.GetProduct(id);
return View(product);
return View("NotAutherized");
return View("ProdcutNotFound");
You should try using the GUID data type as it helps in these kind of situations, and the user cannot easily guess the next value

MVC3 application and keeping track of what page the user initially entered

and thanks for taking the time to read my question. We will have visitors to the site that might arrive at another user's profile page. We will then encourage them to login to the site, or register as new if they are not currently members. These actions move them pretty far away from that initial page/URL they stated on, but we want to be able to "jump them" back to that page after completing login/sign-up by "keeping track" where they began. (NOTE: we're using the standard Microsoft membership provider classes, if it matters.) The "jumping back" part seems straightforward, it is the "keeping track" part that is the problem.
An illustration/example:
A visitor arrives at the site after clicking:
The visitor then leaves that page to login. How can we best capture the ID=108 somehow, so that there is a good option for the (logged-in) user to return to that profile page? I understand from reading that cookies are not optimal, but some of the other options seem to throw a monkey wrench into my thinking since the user is not yet logged-in, etc.
Any concrete steps that I can take to address this in the best MVC3 way?
public ViewResult MyProfile(int? id)
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("MySiteCookie");
cookie.Value = id.ToString();
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1); //or whatever time is appropriate
//do some other stuff
At the other end, to make use of the cookie, I've put it into the menu (temporarily) in such a way:
var MyProfileId = "";
if (Request.Cookies["MySiteCookie"] != null)
{HttpCookie cookie = request.Cookies["MySiteCookie"];
MyProfileId = Server.HtmlEncode(cookie.Value);}
and then you put it into your link
You have a couple of options:
1) You can use Session in your Controller to store the value:
Session.Add("ID", "108")
And retrieve in the called Controller.
ID = Session["ID"];
2) You can pass the ID=108 on the query string from the Login Controller:
return RedirectToAction("Edit", "Profile", new { ID = "108" });
I understand from reading that cookies are not optimal
IMHO cookies are the best way to approach this. When an anonymous user lands on the profiles page simply emit a cookie containing the id of the profile that he is currently viewing. Then later when he successfully logs in read this cookie value to obtain the id and construct the redirect link and redirect him to this link.
Another possibility is to use server side session but I am mentioning this just as an alternative to cookies and not at all as something that I would recommend.
You can make the redirection to the login action adding a Url to a query string param.
Let say:''
I think that this is the default membership provider behaviour, but you can get the ReferrerUrl to place it in the query string on your own.

CakePHP Auth Loads Too Many Session Variables

Using CakePHP2.0 Beta I managed to write a custom login handler for my existing database schema. All's well, except that upon logging in I printed out the session variables stored and what Cake's Auth component did is store the entire record from the "Member" table (where my usernames+hashes come from) in session. It is storing an array with data fields that are totally irrelevant to the session. For instance it stores the date the member was created, their address, etc. All pretty useless information for me as I basically only need their ID and maybe username, name, email address.
The offending lines for me are found in: /lib/Cake/Controller/Component/AuthComponent.php line 512. It states,
$this->Session->write(self::$sessionKey, $user);
So my custom authenticate component returns $user and it throws this whole thing into the session. Now, I don't want to go about editing in the core libraries because this project is definitely going to be upgraded when 2.0 comes out. Is there any way to store less information in sessions? I want to keep this whole thing more lightweight.
Possible solution: Change my custom authentication component to only return the fields I need into the $user variable. Are there any concerns about what data I should/shouldn't be returning?
I've solved the problem using my "possible solution". In /app/Controller/Component/auth/MyController.php, I changed the "ClassRegistry::init($userModel)->find" method to have a parameter for 'fields' where I specify only the fields I need. Works like a charm.
