Character encoding issue in Oracle PL/SQL - oracle

I'm facing a character discrepancy issue while extracting data from db tables.
I've written a PL/SQL code to spool some data to .txt file from my db tables and running this sql using unix shell but when I'm getting the spooled file, the result set is a changed one from the one at back end.
For example:
At back end: SADETTÝN
In Spooled txt file : SADETTŸN
If you look at the Y character, it is a changed one. I want to preserve all the characters the way they are at back end.
My db's character set:
SELECT * FROM v$nls_parameters WHERE parameter LIKE 'NLS%CHARACTERSET'
And Unix NLS_LANG parameter :
$ echo $NLS_LANG
I tried changing NLS_LANG parameter to WE8ISO8859P9(Trukish characterset) but no help!
Could anyone let me know the solution to this problem?

I presume that you are trying to visualize your file with "vi" or something similar.NLS_LANG parameter is used only by your database to export to your file.For your editor(vi), you need to set the LANG parameter to the corresponding value to your NLS_LANG.
Exemple : For ISO8859P1 american english you have to do
export LANG=en_US.ISO8859-1
In other words your file is just fine it's your editor who doesn't know what to do with your Turkish characters.

You should use NCHAR data types. More information is available at Oracle Documentation - SQL and PL/SQL Programming with Unicode
For spooling from SQL*Plus, you need to set the NLS_LANG environment variable correctly. Here is a similar question in stackoverflow.


Gibberish filed values when Loading data with Oracle SQL Loader (sqlldr)

to load data in an oracle table doesn't result in any errors but the value of the fields are gibberish. not all the values of course, only the values which was in persian(arabic) format.
already read many questions here but could not resolve the issue, most relatable topic to this problem were :[Unreadable character in generated sqlplus file
although the values in my case isn't question mark, but something like ,ÑÇå Âåä or äÇ ãÔÎÕ
Also played with the NLS_LANG environment variable but it was to no avail.
Created different oracle databases with different character set's, this also was to no avail.
I'm new to oracle, so it is highly likely that I'm making a rookie mistake while creating database and setting character set or something else, to be honest i have no idea. but tried many responses from users and here i am.
I Uploaded the table schema and Ctl extension File to replicate the problem, the link to the related files are resided in this link: [][1]
In total you have three character sets or encodings.
What is the encoding of your file? Check the save options of the editor or the application which created the file.
The character set of your command line window cmd.exe, called "codepage". You can interrogate (or change) with command chcp
The character set of your database.
1) and 2) must be the same. Use command chcp to set them equal (or change settings in your editor)
3) can be different but the character set must support persian/arabic characters, so most likely AL32UTF8 which is the default nowadays.
Use the NLS_LANG value to tell the database which character set is used for 1) and 2), example
C:\>chcp 1256
Aktive Codepage: 1256.
C:\>set NLS_LANG=.AR8MSWIN1256
C:\>sqlldr ...
You can get a list of codepages vs. Oracle character set with this query:
And here a list of Code Page Identifiers
See also OdbcConnection returning Chinese Characters as "?" to get more details.

Special Characters not getting displayed in Oracle tables

I have data which contains special characters like à ç è etc..
I am trying to insert the data into tables having these characters. Data gets inserted without any issues but these characters are replaced with with ?/?? when stored in tables
How should I resolve this issue?I want to store these characters in my tables.
Is it related to NLS parameters?
Currently the NLS characterset is having AL32UTF8 as seen from V$Nls_parameters table.
Is there any specific table/column to be checked ? Or is it something at the database settings ?
Kindly advise.
Thank in advance
From the comments: It is not required that column must be NVARCHAR (resp. NVARCHAR2), because your database character set is AL32UTF8 which supports any Unicode character.
Set your NLS_LANG variable to AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 before you launch your SQL*Plus. You may change the language and/or territory to your own preferences.
Ensure you select a font which is able to display the special characters.
Note, client character set AL32UTF8 is determined by your local LANG variable (i.e. en_US.UTF-8), not by the database character set.
Check also this answer for more information: OdbcConnection returning Chinese Characters as "?"

Why Oracle displays ??? for special characters like åäö

Some time ago my PL/SQL stopped showing characters åäö.
I've tried reinstalling oracle_home_11g, PL/SQL cleaned the registry but the problem remains.
Anyone know why?
Most probably it is due to the mismatch between the locale-specific NLS characterset and the database characterset. Or else, the NLS_LANG value is not correctly set in the OS environmental variable.
Have a look at Why are junk values/special characters/question marks displayed on my client?
Your client charaterset doesn't match with database characterset.
You can compare between :
-- locale-specific characterset
select value
from v$nls_parameters
where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';
-- database characterset
select value
from nls_database_parameters
where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';
If you see a mismatch between the two, then set the locale-specific NLS characterset to that of database characterset.
If the above charactersets match, then you need to set the NLS_LANG value in the OS environmental variable.
For Windows OS, the format is:
Follow the instruction in the documentation regarding setting up the NLS_LANG : Setting the NLS_LANG Environment Variable for Oracle Databases

Problem reading nchar data from oracle database

I have an oracle database which nls character set is set to ALS32UTF8 and nls nchar character set is set to UTF8.
But however if i insert any data to a nvarchar column in a table.
Subsequent when i do a select the data i got is ???.
Why is this so?
The funny thing is that using TOAD i can read view the correct nvarchar data using the schema brower - > data
But if i use sql to do a select i get ???.
Any idea anyone and how to resolve this?
What is the NLS_LANG setting on your client? For a good reference on NLS parameters, read this FAQ by Oracle. For additional reading on Unicode, see this essay by Joel Spolsky.
You need to set the clients NLS_LANG to utf.
sqlplus uses these environent variables (registry parameters on windows):
(You may need to use sqlplusw.exe to use utf-8 on windows.)
See also : Inserting national characters into an oracle NCHAR or NVARCHAR column does not work

UTF 8 from Oracle tables

The client has asked for a number of tables to be extracted into csv's, all done no problem. They've just asked we make sure the files are always in UTF 8 format.
How do I check this is actually the case. Or even better force it to be so, is it something i can set in a procedure before running a query perhaps?
The data is extracted from an Oracle 10g database.
What should I be checking?
You can check the database character set with the following query:
select value from nls_database_parameters
where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET'
If it says AL32UTF8 then your database is in the format what you need and if the export does not impair it then your are done.
You may read about Oracle globalization support here, and here about NLS parameters like the above.
How, exactly, are you generating the CSV files? Depending on the exact architecture, there will be different answers.
If you are, for example, using SQL*Plus to extract the data, you would need to set the NLS_LANG on the client machine to something appropriate (i.e. AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8) to force the data to be sent to the client machine in UTF-8. If you are using other approaches, NLS_LANG may or may not be important.
What you have to look for is the eight-bit ascii characters in hte input (if any) are translated into double byte utf-8 characters.
This is highly dependant on your local ASCII code page but typically:-
ASCII "£" should be x'A3' in ascii magically becomes x'C2A3' in utf-8.
Ok it wasn't as simple as I first hoped. The query above returns AL32UTF8.
I am using a stored proc compiled on the database to loop through a list of table names held in an array inside the stored procedure.
I use DBMS_SQL package to build the SQL and UTL_FILE.PUT_NCHAR to insert data into a text file.
I believed then my resultant output would be in UTF 8 however opening in Textpad says it's in ANSI and the data is garbled in places :)
It might be important that NLS_CHARACTERSET is AL32UTF8 and NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET is AL16UTF16
