Deploying jwebsocket server (20614) in tomcat (or tomee) - websocket

I have followed the instructions to run the demo provided. I also tried to create a simple plugin to see if I can get it to work. I am running into a problem where the factory cannot instantiate the Plugins, be it one I created or any of the other (e.g. AdminPlugin).
The exception indicates that the constructor that takes org.jwebsocket.api.PluginConfiguration as param is missing.
Has anybody else run into this problem?
Is the 20614 version broken?
Is the versions packaged incorrectly?
Any help would be appreciated.


Can't get Netbeans Project to acknowledge existing Tomcat or Glassfish Server

I haven't been able to figure out what I'm missing here.
I've installed Tomcat and can spin it up fine. (Glassfish too, in my efforts, but I had removed it when I took the screenshot.)
So now I want to hook my project up to the Tomcat instance so I can have Netbeans deploy it for me automatically.
I right-click on my project, go down to Properties. In Project Properties I select 'Run' and go to the drop down to select my server. Only, there's no servers.
Why is it not showing up here? Am I going about this all wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Other potentially useful notes:
* Using Gradle (for my first time)
* Using Spring Boot (for my first time)
* On Windows 10 (don't hate me, I don't love it either)
I was chasing the wrong problem. Spring-boot provides an embedded server so I had no need to install and provide my own.
My real problem was that I had dependencies declared for jpa, postgresql, etc. that I hadn't configured in When I tried to run, I'd get an error saying "a problem occurred starting process /path/to/my/jdk/java.exe". I couldn't figure what was going on and, looking around, I saw the issue mentioned in my question about the server.
The solution was to simply comment out the dependencies in my build.gradle until I was ready for them. After I got my PostgreSQL DB set up and added the configureation to, I was able to un-comment them and it's working great.

NoSuchAlgorithmException: DH KeyPairGenerator not available on camel-ftp

I'm using Apache Camel in a project and when I needed to use the camel-ftp component to send some files to an remote server, I've got this exception:
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Session.connect: DH KeyPairGenerator not available
I was wondering why it could be happening in my project. So, I've started a quick small project with camel-core and camel-ftp components only and I pasted the route there and it worked fine.
.log("Uploading file ${file:name}")
.log("Uploaded file ${file:name} complete.");
I'm using Apache Karaf to run OSGI Bundles (my application is one of them). I've checked in different environments but the result still beeing the exception.
I really don't know what it could be. Anyone has some ideas about what can be the possible cause of it?
DH KeyPair Generator is normally part of the JRE/JSE and should be included if your JDK (>BTW which exact JDK version are you using ?).
Given that, your error is probably due to a wrong classpath.
I suggest you to check the value of "-Djava.ext.dirs" property (and the contents of the corresponding folders), for instance:
java -Djava.ext.dirs="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\jre\lib\ext;C:\dir2"
java -Djava.ext.dirs=$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext:/dir2
You also need to specify/modify the Karaf security provider, take a look at:

How to run a project containg drools in Tomcat7?

I have created a Dynamic web project which also uses drools for providing some functionality. When i put the WAR file in Tomcat7 and the server, the drools part does not work.
KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
After this line which is first line relating to drools, nothing happens.
Is some configuration required to run my project containing drools 5.5.0 Final in the Tomcat7.
Please help me. I am badly stuck and I am new to drools.
You'll have to add some facts to the working memory and execute(fire) the rules. Check out these examples on GitHub
P.S. Probably not related to Tomcat in any way. Might be worth while to try getting the rules executed from command line app first.
You need to check all the dependencies that are added to your web application (WEB-INF/lib) make sure that drools has all the required deps there, because if not it will not be able to create the knowledge builder. Most of the time if it is failing is because that you forgot to add the deps in the web app.
The following project in GitHub is a web application, containing some REST-style endpoints for validating IBANs. It uses Drools 5.5 to perform that evaluation.
It generates a .war which can be loaded into Tomcat, and could be a useful starting point. The knowledge base is wrapped within a Spring service:
Following through how that creates a knowledge base and session might help you see where your code is going wrong.
As a bonus, you can run it up in Tomcat using "mvn tomcat7:run" to test it out immediately.

SOAPElementImpl has not setTextContent method

Strange error in weblogic 10.3.3:
I'm running a SpringIntegration system on weblogic 10.3.3. My problem is that my Node gets the type weblogic.xml.saaj.SOAPElementImpl under runtime and that the method setTextContent fails with "UNIMPLEMENTED" when I run my services from SOAPUi. I added this to the startWeblogic.cmd file to get it to run with apache implementation instead of weblogic but doesn't seem to help:
set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Djavax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory=org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPConnectionImpl -Djavax.xml.soap.MessageFactory=org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl -Djavax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory=org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPFactoryImpl
Anyone experienced this?
I changed my implementation from SOAPElement.setTextContent() to SOAPElement.setValue(). That seems to have done the trick.

Struts2 Dispatcher initialization failure with maven - jetty

I have the following problem:
I am working on a Web-Project using Struts2 with Tiles supported by a combination of Hibernate and Spring. In addition I am using Maven (which I'm new to) and the jetty server container. So my coworker told me what to do: just check out the project from the svn-repository and run the command (sudo) mvn jetty:run. According to my coworker this should work just fine, as it does when he checks out the project. But I always get the same error:
2011-08-22 10:09:20,568 ERROR org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher.error:38 -
Dispatcher initialization failed
Unable to load configuration. - [unknown location]
I already tried to re-check out the project, cleaned and updated maven, but still, the same error.
I think it has something to do with a missing struts2 .jar-file, but I thought maven downloads all necessary libraries automatically. Please give me a hint what could be missing, I'm sure it's something simple I overlooked.
Thanks in advance.
