How do I translate contact component in Joomla with Falang? - joomla

I've implemented falang on my site which works great. However, I can't find a way to translate the name of my contacts.
I'm using the menu item type 'Single Contact' for my 'Get in touch' menu item. This displays a contact form when clicked with the contact name at the top like a page title. I've named my contact 'Get in touch' so it looks like a standard page title, but need this to be 'Ons Bereiken' in Dutch.

Are you using a Dutch language pack?
For 2.5+ the easiest thing is to go to the language manager and create an override for the string (on the overrides tab).


Microsoft USD - Open different entities in a different tab

I have a Phonecall hosted control opened inside unified service desk as one of the tab and i have a few grids on that page.
On click of any grid inside my phone call page the respective entity is displayed on the same page.
Like for example if I click on customer product grid entity then that grid is opened similarly, there are other grids on which the user can click and it will load that entity on the same tab.
Now, the issue is as i said earlier that my new entity is being loaded on the same hosted control that is my phone call page. I want to prevent this from happening.
I want to display a different tab for whatever record is clicked within my PhoneCall Hosted control so this way my Phone Call Page is still there.
I know i can do this using Windows Navigation Rule but I will have to create different navigation rules for my different entities and then in future if any other grid is added in my phone call page then i will need to add another navigation rule to cater it. This is not the best approach, I want it to be dynamic. Is there any other way where I can open a different tab if a record is clicked from my phonecall page?
Create a new windows navigation rule. The "From" field should be your Phone Call Page. Leave the Entity, From search, and URL fields in the "Route Logic" section blank. Windows Nav Rules get executed in order, and once they find a match it stops executing. So make the order low enough so that it gets executed where you want it to.
The "Target Tab" and "Show Tab" fields should be a new hosted control that you want the popup to open in. The action is "Route Window".
As far as route type, you are going to have to play with this a bit. I think opening stuff from a subgrid is Route Type "Popup", but you might need to create 2 very similar rules (one with route type "popup" and the other with route type "in place") to account for all scenarios.
See the example screenshot below:

Joomla 3 category RSS feed reveals Registered-only article

I am building a Joomla 3 website where some articles in a category are intended to be viewed only by registered users, while other articles in the same category are intended to be public.
In testing an article with the "Registered" access level, I find that article's content is revealed in the public Atom/RSS feeds for the category. My expectation is that the article content should not be there.
Here is my test:
This page is a Category List. The "Test" article correctly displays "Register to read more...". Additionally, in the menu at the top of the page, the drop-down list for this category correctly displays the Test link with a lock icon beside it. The menu item is set to public so visitors can see where the protected content is. Clicking on the menu item takes the user to an error page. Great! This is all desirable behavior.
Edit: I had the menu item set to public and it was working the way I described above, but when I tested just now it seems the behavior has changed again to allow guests to see the whole article. This now forces me to hide the menu item too which is not what I want to do. :( The whole article is still in the Atom/RSS feed though!
Both this feed and the RSS version shows the entirety of the body of the "Test" article. Why is this happening? I do want feeds available for people to follow public content published to this category, but anything that requires registration should not be included (or, ideally, the feed should only contain an entry that says something like "[Article Title] has been published. Log in at the website to view").
Since the menu item is set to public, I did try setting it to "Registered" on the off chance that had anything to do with this but the entire "Test" article still displayed in the Atom and RSS feeds.
I've tried asking for help on the official Joomla forum plus various searches on Google for solutions to this and unless my Google-fu is weak I just can't seem to find any answers. I feel like the behavior I'm looking for should be natively supported by Joomla given the integrated user access levels and ideally I want to solve this without turning to a third party plugin.
What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
To review the configuration, you set:
Article manager options: Show unauthorized links "test"
Article options: View access level: registered;
The first option ensures that you get the links to the articles which have the "access level=registered", and that they show in blogs and category lists.
The second, sets the article's access level as Registered.
This is fine. But in order for Joomla to be able to show the articles in blogs, the introText of the article needs to be visible to all as well. Here comes the trick.
Just add a "Read more" tag (with the button at the bottom of the editor) in the article; the text after the tag will be hidden. The first part of the article needs to be visible to all, otherwise neither Joomla (nor search engines) would be able to show it.
So just add the read more tag... it's that easy. If you don't want any text showing you can start the article with it, but it's against your interest.

Joomla Custom Module Development - Backend administration Extra requirement

I am currently in the process of developing a custom joomla module for one of my client’s requirement. As part of the administration panel of that module, I have created a radio button group, well in that group; I have two more radio buttons
My question for you leaders in the web arena is I need an option that "should display extra fields when I select one of the radio buttons"
For example: I have a radio button group named as 'No of fields'. In that group, I have two radio buttons named as 'Show', 'Hide'. I need an option which should display extra fields, when I select 'show' radio button
Is this equation possible? If yes, please post me your thoughts
This kind of behavior is not provided as a part of Joomla's default administration functions. You'll have to code it yourself and call that JS file when the module is opened in the backend. I would recommend you check the code used in Mod_news_pro by Gavick. The module loads a custom JS file that add a lot of custom functions and layout options that wasn't available in Joomla.
It's quite simple, just create a custom element checkout the official docs:

How can I do a Directory Listing of ebsites with Ez?

I need to do a specific task with Ez Publish but I don't have a clue on how to do it.
What I need to do is a list of Websites(Website directory). I will need to add basically two kinds of data:
Website Name
URL of the website
Then, when I click in the website link it will redirect to a page where I have the IFRAME with the link(URL of the website).
Can someone give me a clue about how to do this with Ez Publish? I'm a beginner.
Best Regards,
You haven't said anything about where you're getting the list from, so I assume you have the list already and just want to know the correct way to input this type of content.
Login to the site admin area, browse to the part of the site you want the list to be at (usually a folder). You'll be adding content items of type 'link' below the folder.
Select the 'Link' content type and click on the 'Create' here button. Enter the content (including the link URL to the page containing the IFRAME) then send for publishing.
I'm assuming the sites are your own, since many sites now take steps to prevent others placing their page in an IFRAME.
If you want this page to not just link to the iframe page, but to actually display the iframe content, then you'll need to override the default link template (copy it and tell eZ to use your version instead) and add a bit of html for the IFRAME.
If you're the main user imputing this content, you could also just allow eZ to accept literal HTML in the main description text areas (XML Block) and just paste in your IFRAME html. Ugly but quick to set-up.
You should be able to find many examples of entering literal html at the community web forums
You should create a specific class for that with the two fields you need.
One for the name and another one with the URL.
Then you'll just have to make an override of node/view/full.tpl for your new class Where you will display the name and an iframe with URL that have been typped in your class instance.

How do I make a component in Joomla display as an article?

More specifically I am trying to make the mailto component show within my template; the same way as an article does.
By default the mailto component opens in a new window. So far I changed the code so it opens on the same window, but that way the whole template is gone.
Any suggestions?
In the template there is a tag which takes the contents of a component. An article is a com_content component. you are trying to put in a caom_mail_to component? The beauty is that they both plug into the same slot.
Now you can only ever have one component on a page. you can have lots of modules, but only one component.
you set which component is on a page by choosing it from the menu comands. (each menu item refers to a component.) generaly the componetsn are of the com_content type, and are articles, but in your case you are wanting to add a component called com_mailto? Asuming the component is installed, all you have to do is select the new butto0n when in menu item manager, and then select the mailto component type.
the tag that is being used in a joomla 1.5 template is:
<jdoc:include type="component" />
If on the other hand you are trying to add a module to the template, that is a different kettle of fish. Youy need to create an instance of teh module, assign it to a tag (which exiusts in teh template) then select which menu items the module will be published on. The tag in a template for a module is like:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="module_name_place_holder" />
you can put more than one module into a single place holder.
If you already have this basic knowlge, pass on the details of this component, and we will see if we cant find you a better solution.
use "component as content" plugin
I'm afraid I can't entirely follow your question - do you want to have a sign up form for membership or email notifications shown as an article? If so, then the easiest way is to install 'm2c' - the 'module to component' component. Then you can put any module (ie the sign up box) in the centre content area.
The m2c component can be found here:
