Old Maven Dependency has Broken My Build - maven

I downloaded the following library, navigated to its directory, and entered mvn install.
Since then, my Grails project in STS will not build:
General error during conversion: Error grabbing Grapes -- [download
failed: org.codehaus.groovy#groovy;1.7.11!groovy.jar]
I think I accidentally added a dependency on the old groovy 1.7.11. How can I remove the library and fix my Grails project?

This project uses the old (v 1.x) version of groovy-eclipse. Here's how to fix:
delete .project and .classpath (outside of eclipse)
install m2e v1.2 into your eclipse
install the groovy-eclipse m2e configurator
import project using the "Import existing maven project wizard"


Netbeans - one maven project as denepdency for another

I have two maven projects in Netbeans. How can I add one as dependency for another?
In Intellij IDEA I can just add <dependency> and it works fine. But Netbeans can't resolve this dependency this way.
You should be able to do so, in Netbeans. Just make sure to have the project, you want to use as dependency, is built into your maven-local-repo by executing a maven-install.
I don't know how it works in Netbeans, but in Eclipse you can just Rightclick -> Run as-> Maven Install to install your project.
Maybe in Netbeans, you have to use the Maven-cmd-tool. Just navigate to the location in your project, where your pom.xml is, and run mvn install. That should install your project into your maven-local-repo. After that, just run mvn clean install -U in your other project, which uses the previously built project as dependency, and it should recognize the dependency.

Install m2e in eclipse without install maven in system

I recently try to use maven in my eclipse project. In maven official website there are several step that I must to accomplish to configure maven side by side with eclipse. But I know there is a m2eclipse plugins if I need to use maven. But I don't know if I can use this plugins with maven installed in system or not.
So can I use this plugins without maven been installed in system or not ?
The m2e plugin brings a copy of Maven 3.0.4 and installs it inside of Eclipse so the plugin can use it. This is enough to build Maven projects inside of Eclipse. No external installation is needed.
You must start Eclipse with a JDK, though. A JRE isn't enough. If you're unsure: Look for the file lib/tools.jar. When it's there: You're good.
This copy isn't accessible from the command line. If you want to build from the command line as well or if you need a newer version of Maven than 3.0, you need to install Maven and configure the plugin accordingly.

Moving AndroidStudio project - gradle problems

I'm attempting to move an AndroidStudio project from the default workspace location to another location (as part of moving this project to version control).
I'm new to AndroidStudio ( this is my first "real" project in it ) but when poking around the documentation I found that local.properties should be left out of version control, and so I got rid of that. That fixed my first errors when attempting to import.
However, now when I attempt to import the project from the new location, I get the following error:
The project is using an unsupported version of Gradle.
Please point to a supported Gradle version in the project's Gradle settings or in the project's Gradle wrapper (if applicable.)
This project was created just a few days ago in AndroidStudio, using AndroidStudio's default built-in gradle install. In fact, after selecting the project, but for importing it, I can see AndroidStudio is using it's built-in gradle:
/Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/plugins/gradle
AndroidStudio has also disabled the "Use default gradle wrapper" setting.
I'm using AndroidStudio 1.0.2, on Mac OS X, 10.10.1
To explain why I'm moving my project, I started the project as an experiment, and it went well, so I made a new repo for it (private github for work), cloned it to where I do my real work, copied over my project to the local clone, and then attempted to import it to AndroidStudio.
So, it turns out I hadn't copied over .gradle or .idea when I copied the project to the new location.

How to install maven toll for dependencies in netbeans in windows?

I recently started a project and learnt that I need to install depended packages manually and i'm very much lazy to do so. I searched and got Maven, but installation process is missing. How do I do it?
Download the latest Netbeans from here..
Maven is embedded in Netbeans, then you'd only create a new Maven project from the file menu... And you will manage you dependencies easily..
I have downloaded NetBeans new version when I try to create a new project, Maven Project is already there.

How to use downloaded version of andromda to create and compile Project?

I am creating andromda project using following command
mvn org.andromda.maven.plugins:andromdapp-maven-plugin:3.4-SNAPSHOT:generate
This generates project using the latest version of andromda and using Web. I wish to create and compile andromda Project using downloaded andromda directory jars or binaries. Is it possible??? If yes then how??
To do this download the binaries of andromda version and run mvn install through command line in the main folder of downloaded andromda project. It will start to build and will put all the jars in maven repository. Now when generating the project you have to pass the version of the andromda whose binaries you have built. It will go directly to maven repo.
