lazarus-Error compiling a database driven program in lazarus - lazarus

I am trying to create a program using the postgresql database with lazarus.
I got the following error in compiling:
registersqldb.pas(72,3) Fatal: Can not find unit mysql55conn used by registersqldb.
what is wrong?

The project was probably created with a development version of FPC. (2.7.1 or 2.6.1), and you are probably trying to compile it with a stock release (2.6.0) version.
Solution: install a 2.6.1 based lazarus snapshot, or change the program to use an older mysql library.
I would recommend against 2.7.1 based snapshots. Too much is broken atm.
Disclaimer: I don't use mysql, so don't know exact compatibility details between versions, except that it is not always easy.


Ruby Version required 2.4.1 for windows

I am looking for an migration from assembla to jira, For this i need Ruby version 2.4.1(windows exe file) but i am unable to find it anywhere still now . can anyone share me the link. so, i will be able to complete my task.
Go to and download the version you want.
These are specifically for Windows users.
Looks like the v2.4.1 exe is
But if you’re OK with v2.4.10 - and I’d highly recommend that you try it, it will have security and big fixes which 2.4.1 lacks and will likely be compatible with anything which requires 2.4.x - then download this exe which includes the basic gems you’ll also need.

Installation VoltDB on MAC

Can anyone help me for installation voltDB on MAC system i am trying to install it using instruction but get error
Cannot find config.m4.
Make sure that you run '/usr/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module
I spent a couple of days to solve this issue google it get some post related to this error but not success to solve this issue, because i am new on MAC System so please help to install voltDB with Step by Step i'll very thankful
Installing VoltDB on a Mac uses the same process as on Linux.
The installation instructions are covered in Using VoltDB: Ch. 2: Installing VoltDB
If you are installing from the source code on Github, you first need to run a build. There are instructions to do this in Github on the project wiki.
However, from the error you are seeing, it looks like you are trying to compile the VoltDB PHP client library. To do that, I recommend downloading the PHP client library from, since that includes both the PHP client library and the version of the C++ library that it depends on. It includes build instructions. If you're getting the source from github, you should know that the latest version of library is the native branch, not master.

How to update SQLITE3 version of Xcode?

I already searched on the net a way to update the SQLITE3 version of Xcode, but I didn't found any working way. It is a way to do it?
If you want to use your own version of sqlite3, perhaps because you want to use newer features only provided by a later version, then probably the best thing to do would be to create an Xcode static library project to build sqlite3 and then include that library with your app (statically linked). This will avoid using the system version.
This should be fairly trivial, given the number of source files that make-up sqlite3.
You could probably make a dynamic library version, but that's slightly more complicated, though certainly possible.

how to Install glibc 2.3.2 on Gentoo?

I'm wrote an application and I need to execute it on Gentoo,
but when I try run it, I get the following message:
/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3.4' not found (required by /usr/local/myapp/lib/
the current GLIBC version in this gentoo is 2.3.2.
I can't update this glibc, because I don't have permission, so I need to 'downgrade'
my glibc to the same version (2.3.2) ... how can I do it?
The "/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3.4' not found" problem comes from trying to run a binary compiled against a newer glibc on a system with an old version of glibc. Downgrading glibc is strongly discouraged for this reason.
Since you say you wrote the application, it seems to me that the simplest solution is to recompile the application on the system where you plan to run it.
I'm actually wrestling with the same issue, so maybe I have some information that can help.
In short, your binary was compiled to look for GLIBC_2.3.4 is in As far as I know, if you downgrade your glibc on your dev machine some of your other programs may not work properly (because they were compiled to look for the current version). Somehow CentOS/RHEL have a compat-glibc package that can live along side of a current glibc without causing this error. If your dev box uses CentOS/RHEL, install that package/recompile and you should be good to go. You may need to use an older compiler for it to look for the older library. If you're not developing on CentOS/RHEL, continue on.
My plan of attack today is to compile glibc from source. This means using a compiler that was released around the same time as the older version of glibc. You may run into some stumbling blocks (such as needing an older version of buildutils, etc.), but my hope is once the is compiled and installed into /usr/local/lib my application will find that before it finds in /lib.
So there it is. It's not for the faint of heart, and it's definitely not a quick solution. Today I plan on testing this out, so I can't really say it's the right solution. Please, hivemind.. if I'm flat-out wrong correct me and save this poor soul from this winding torturous road :-)
EDIT: link to glibc sources

How to fix rails 3.0.1 on Netbeans 6.9.1 for Ruby 1.9.2

I have Mac os 10.5.8 and Ruby 1.9.2p0, Rails 3.0.1, Netbeans 6.9.1 installed. When i run the project by creating it from existing source code, it says
Error opening script file: /usr/local/src/demo_app/script/server (No such file or directory)
Before it i have edited project in TextMate and run successfully over terminal. I know that with Rails 3.0 there is no script/server but rails server, to run the project. How to fix this issue, is there any way to configure RUN command in netbeans or any other idea is most welcome.
I had the same problem. Here is what you can try:
Go to the folder where the gem ruby-debug-ide-0.4.6 (or whatever your version is) is installed.
In the lib folder, edit the file ruby-debug.rb
Locate the method def debug_program(options).
Look for the line bt = debug_load(Debugger::PROG_SCRIPT, options.stop, options.load_mode)
Just before that line, add Debugger.const_set('PROG_SCRIPT', './rails server')
Save file and restart Netbeans.
You may see a warning that constant is being set or something when NetBeans starts the debugger, just ignore that.
Also, you should upgrade to using Rails 3.0.3
I have read that Neatbeans 6.9.1 doesn't support Rails 3 as the underlying command line tools have changed in Rails but the changes were too late for the Netbeans release cycle.
I would recommend, if you are using MRI Ruby (1.8.*) or YARV Ruby (1.9.*) switching to Rubymine if you need an IDE either temporarily or permanently as it fully supports Rails 3 and all of the command line tools that support it. It has good integration with git too and many other very useful version control tools. If you are using any other versions of Ruby I can't say if you will have much success because I don't know.
It also has good refactoring tools and debugging support if you need it.
You can get a temporary 30 day licence from the home page and also keep up to date with development changes at the EAP page, they also offer free licenses if you are doing open source development.
For mac os 10.5.8 you might want to have a look at this thread if you have difficulty installing it.
I don't expect a bounty for this answer as its not an exact answer to your question but its a possible solution.
