Joomla Server Error 500 after own template installation - joomla

I made a template which works perfectly fine locally, but when I install it on a server and set it to default, I get a server error 500. All other (default) templates seem to be working fine, though... Any ideas?

View this tutorial (Admin Tools - Change Folder and File Permissions):

You may want to check your server error log to see if there is anything more detailed.
500 is a generic error (if no other information is provied by Joomla!).


HTTP ERROR 500 - after all configurations as said by creator

I'm using codeigniter project (opensourcepos). I have done all configurations as said but there's an error.enter image description here
Please help me out...
I have tried to change the .htaccess file many times but in vain...
It looks like the actual error is not being displayed so you can't properly diagnostic it.
Depending on the CI settings and version (please specify) it hides the error and only shows a standard server 500.

500 Internal Server Error when logging into Magento front end?

This used to work fine but we've just moved the site from the development area to httpdocs. I've changed all relevant MySQL entries and file paths, but still we're having this error.
In the Apache error log, This is the corresponding error:
client denied by server configuration: /var/www/vhosts/
It looks like it is getting the wrong path somehow, as the /var/www/vhosts is repeating.
I did try using powergrep to locate where the path is getting set, but it didn't return any results.
Is there a setting which I can specify the exact path?
First of all, check your PHP log, it will give you a detailed info about this error.
Have you checked your permissions?
The folders var and media must be writtable.
And also, could you see correctly the homepage, categories and the error only appears when you log in?
Best regards.

Webstorm 11 build-in server returns 404

My default port for build-in server is 63342:
Also I've got JetBrains browser plugin installed
I just added Javascript debug configuration:
But getting this 404 error in borwser:
How to fix that?
Also I probably should point that I am trying to debug angular2 application it it makes any difference.
Just 1 idea - I can see that your actual project path (ng2-intro-my) differs from the one in URL (ng2intro). This may be the issue

Deploying laravel app on Fortrabbit - 403 internal server serror

I followed the setup to deploy laravel app on fortrabbit but now I am stuck with this error:
Error 403
Internal server error
Overload: More requests than the App can handle.
A script stops with an error. Are your config files up to date? Maybe turn on debugging to trace the error.
There is an error in the .htaccess file.
Something else. Please check the fortrabbit status.
I have checked the configurations but I keep find a cause for that or even a solution for this issue.
That's not really a good question to post her on StackOverflow. It's too specific - probably App- or even service-related. For such cases: please try customer support.

500 - Internal server error. IIS 7 using classic asp

500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
Now showing error res-one. Please, how can I debug this asp classic language in PC?
Try to restart ISS, check paths, full reload page (Ctlr+F5)...
If you can, turn on logging in IIS and then check the log after you receive the 500 server error. Also, you can try using the FireFox browser, sometimes it will tell you which line of your code is having a problem.
