Compass / Sass automatic generate IE css files - compass-sass

Is there a way to automatic generate an IE specific file like in the example below?
/* content.scss */
.box {
.ie7 & {
This generates two files :
/* content.css */
.box {
color: red;
/* ie7.css */
.ie7 .box {
color: green;

You'll have to setup 2 different Sass files, but you could do it with a custom mixin:
$old-ie: false !default;
#mixin old-ie {
// Only use this content if we're dealing with old IE
#if $old-ie {
.test {
float: left;
width: 70%;
#include old-ie {
// These hacks won't appear in the normal stylesheet
display: inline;
zoom: 1;
whatever-ie-needs: le-sigh;


If mixins in empty show default

Is it possible to have a mixin that can override a current code block? I want to have it so that if the #mixin is empty the background for the box would be empty and then show in orange, but when I remove the #mixin it does not change to orange? What am I doing wrong?
#mixin box {
background: red;
.box {
#if box {
#include box;
} #else {
background: orange;
The $color: null is just for setting a value if you didn't pass a value for your #mixin. after that you can check easily inside your #mixin using #if #else.
#mixin background-color($color: null) {
#if($color) {
background-color: $color;
} #else {
background-color: orange;
h1 {
#include background-color(red);
h2 {
#include background-color(green);
h3 {
#include background-color();
#include background-color(blue)
<h2>color 2</h2>

Insert a comment above a selector in a nested media query in Sass

I'm using UnCSS with Sass. UnCSS removes unused CSS automatically; however, sometimes it removes things you don't want removed. You can include a comment above a rule like so:
/* uncss:ignore */
.example { color: red; } tell UnCSS to ignore that rule and include it in the final output.
I'm wondering how to include that comment in a nested media query in Sass:
/* uncss:ignore */
.example {
color: red;
#media (min-width: 500px) {
color: blue;
/* uncss:ignore */
.example {
color: red;
#media (min-width: 500px) {
.example {
color: blue;
Desired output:
/* uncss:ignore */
.example {
color: red;
#media (min-width: 500px) {
/* uncss:ignore */
.example {
color: blue;
Note the extra /* uncss:ignore */ comment in the Desired Output example. Is it possible to do this in Sass?
I don't think it's possible. If it doesn't cause you difficulty you could re-write your SCSS to look like this:
/* uncss:ignore */
.example {
color: red;
#media (min-width: 500) {
/* uncss:ignore */
.example {
color: blue;

Not last child mixin SASS

Is it possible to turn this:
.redstripe p:not(last-child) {
border-bottom:1px solid red;
Into a mixin so that I can apply it to any element and assign a child tag to it like:
#mixin redstripe (this.$children):not(last-child) {
border-bottom:1px solid red;
And then apply:
div {
#include redstripe(p);
What is the correct way to implement this?
Here's a general purpose mixin like you've described.
#mixin not-last-child($selector) {
& #{$selector}:not(:last-child) {
We can pass it a selector string to use.
.thing {
#include not-last-child('p') {
color: red;
.thing p:not(:last-child) {
color: red;
Sass Documentation

Set both normal and hover style with SASS

This seems like a basic question but I cant find the answer anywhere. How can I set both the normal and :hover styles for a link with SASS?
I want to control the default and hover styles for all links in one place and be able to pass this 'variable' (or whatever the correct word is) to different selectors throughout my CSS.
So similar to the code below but I want to control the default and hover style on the first line. So later if I wanted these links to have an :active style I could just add it once at the top of the page.
$primary-color: #333;
.some-class {
color: $primary-color;
.some-class-other-class {
color: $primary-color;
Solution for any selector:
&:hover {
color: red;
.my-class {
&:hover {
color: red;
If you specifically only want to target all links:
a, a:hover {
color: red;
This works:
#mixin style-1 {
background: red;
&:hover {
background: $blue
.something {
#include style-1;
.something-else {
#include style-1;
.something-else-again {
#include style-1;
You can try:
&:link, &:hover{
color: $primary-color;
color: $other-color;

aggregation of selectors created by mixin possible?

I try to get a mixin "remebering" the selectors it was generating so I can make a bulk-selector at the end.
To illustrate what I am trying to do – My mixin looks like so:
#mixin fontcustom($name) {
#if $name == "heart" {
$glyph: '\2764'; // a special character in my own font -> ❤
#else if $name == "foo" { ... }
#else if $name == "bar" { ... }
#else if $name == "baz" { ... }
// ... much much more characters ...
&:before {
/* aggreagation of selectors ? */
#function selectorsUsingFontcustom() {
/* this should somehow result in a list of selectors, see above */
font-family: fontcustom;
color: red;
/* ... */
Obviously there are some more style declarations needed, for example font-family, colors and so on.
I want to avoid repetive declarations so my question is: is there a way to make the mixin "remember" the selectors which resulted in applying it and genarate a comma-separated list of them, which results in something like the following?
#my-fancy-selector [data-is-liked] {
#include fontcustom("heart");
.another> {
#include fontcustom("foo");
.another>.fancy+.baz-selector {
#include fontcustom("baz");
/* no clue about the following: */
#my-fancy-selector [data-is-liked]:before {
.another> {
.another>.fancy+.baz-selector:before {
/* selectorsUsingFontcustom() should return sth like the following then: */
#my-fancy-selector [data-is-liked]:before,
.another>.fancy+.baz-selector:before {
font-family: fontcustom;
color: red;
/* ... */
Any ideas?
Use #extend with placeholder selectors like this:
%heart {
color: red;
h1 {
#extend %heart;
font-size: 3em;
h2 {
#extend %heart;
font-size: 2em;
li {
#extend %heart;
text-decoration: strikethrough;
h1, h2, li {
color: red;
h1 {
font-size: 3em;
h2 {
font-size: 2em;
li {
text-decoration: strikethrough;
