Setting Magento Secure checkout Store view - magento

When you have three store views for a single store, each store view with it's own URL.
But a single HTTPS URL for the website.
How do you set the the config/.htaccess to maintain the store view in the secure checkout ?
All store views for language and locate specific sites checkout
Magento seems to only use the default store view?


Create url rewrites automatically for store view which is created programmatically

When new store view is created from magento admin backend, all url rewrites for that store view are created automatically. But when I create programmatically store view from frontend, it's been created but without url rewrites, so basically I will need to create all url rewrites manually but it's impossible since there where about 3000 of them.
I cant find piece of code where magento created those url rewrites automatically after store view is created from admin backend.
The url generation for catalog happens here:
and I assume that this plugin just not dispatched in your case, since you are creating store view from frontend scope

Magento 1.9 multi stores with independent carts

Is it possible to have an independent cart for each store under a single Magento installation? Now I have created a site with 2 stores, but each store is sharing the single cart. How it is possible to have an independent cart for each of my stores.
An example site is
Go to General » Web » Session Cookie Management and play around with the cookie settings and each of your store views.
If the store view is in a path change the path setting to the path of the store view. If it's in a subdomain, change the cookie domain setting to the subdomain of the store view.

Multiple Custom Admin URL

im trying to have the same backend but with multiple subdomains. first i created one of my subdomains in the backend has showen in this image above.
And is working fine, but not i need the same backend with another subdomain for example "", but i cant find any information on magento docs in configuring custom admin url in multiple domains. Does someone have any idea if it is possible to configure it on magento?
In order to make magento work with multiple domains, you need to make few steps.
System->Manage Stores -> Create Store Fill in the store fields,
taking care that the Website and Root Category are the same as your
primary Save Store
Create Store View Fill in the store view fields, change Store to the
new store you just created, give your store view a Name (spaces ok),
a code and make sure it’s enabled, after that save the store view.
System->Configuration->Web Change the scope on the upper left to your newly created store view
Change Unsecure->Base URL to your second domain (You’ll have to uncheck Use Website)
Change Secure->Base URL to your second domain (You’ll have to uncheck Use Website)
Save Config
Open the .htaccess at the root of your Magento install
Add the following, obviously changing the values with your own:
SetEnvIf Host MAGE_RUN_CODE=yoursecondarystoreviewcode
SetEnvIf Host ^ MAGE_RUN_CODE=yoursecondarystoreviewcode
Clear the cache and re-index the site.
Here is the article for more information:

How to link a specific store view in Magento from outside the store?

I have Magento set up in a multi-language store so that every language has its own store view. I have an HTML landing page where users choose the language they want, and I want to link each store view from the landing page.
I need to create a URL for each specific view so that it can be accessed from the landing page (like, etc.), outside of the Magento installation. That means that I can't use any core code to get the store view.
I noticed that this URL format: shown in the URL bar after selecting a specific store view from the default dropdown in Magento. However, if I set up a link with this format from outside the Magento installation, it just redirects to the base URL (
Thanks in advance,
Pul Vila,here the soap list using soap client of magento list ,for referece here
after using htaccess write url of landing page...

Redirect Magento user to different store view checkout / product page based on product attribute

Is there a way to force a switch to a different store view in Magento when a user clicks on checkout or the product page?
To clarify the issue, let's presume we have 2 different store views in Magento:
One main store view (View A) that all users go to upon arriving to the store. This view displays products that are set to appear in all store views in the system
One customized store view (View B) that has some specific branding and some other specific settings related to checkout, payment gateways etc.
When the user is browsing products in View A and clicks on either the checkout link or the product page link, we want to redirect them to View B and let them proceed with the checkout in that View.
Is this possible to accomplish in a relatively easy manner, and how?
In Magento each store is assigned an interface. An interface can have multiple themes in it. This is what I understand by what you call a View. Your templates can refer to theme1/css or theme2/css to give you different looking View A and View B.
To create a different looking checkout page you will have to code app/design/frontend/myinterface/default/template/checkout/onepage.phtml or whatever to use the appropriate theme1/css or theme2/css to change its look.
If however you are using different interfaces then they can only be assigned to different stores. This would be a multi-store setup. In which case you can change the Checkout button in View A (Store A) to link to View B (Store B). You will also have to write some code to allow automatic population of information for the order from Store A to be passed to Store B.
Add a new store config which will store the base url of the product listing store.
We want the user to land on the checkout site home page, that will be the main page and you can override:
getProductUrl and getUrl functions
where you would simply string replace the returned parent::getUrl's base url value with the base value in your new config.
Therefore what will happen is when the user clicks on catalog navigation they will be taken to the other store. Finally when they again click back on checkout or any other link that will bring them back to the checkout store.
