Deploy jboss client jars to local maven repository - maven

I have a local jboss installation on my box and I would like to deploy the jars in the client directory to my local Artifactory server.
Is there are way do it in one single command, or should I deploy each single file individually?
What I don't want:
Using the JBoss nexus maven repository.
Add a proxy to JBoss nexus maven repo from my Artifactory.

Prepare the jar files to be uploaded in a local repository folder layout, like:
Use the pom.xml from here to batch upload them to maven repository by a single command mvn install.
Read my blog post for detail.


Why Nexus renames my artifacts?

Hello I have module with name desc-editor, and it is contains submodules:
I'm using Gradle 1.8. When I execute gradle install it makes folders with jars in local maven repository with names I provider above. But when I make upload to Nexus repo it renames artifacts to server, vaadin and local respectively.

Backup Maven dependencies to repository

I am frequently using maven artifacts as dependencies from external repositories which go (permanently) offline surprisingly often. I'd like to save all dependencies a given project has and save them in a local repository - just like using maven deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=... for a single project. This repository should then be usable like any other maven repo when put on an HTTP server.
I tried using mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -Dmdep.useRepositoryLayout=true, but it does not create files like maven-metadata.xml or copy .pom files.
I do not want to use any repository managers like Artifactory, I just have a static file server.
Thanks in advance.

How do I find out my Maven deploy directory?

I have my source code in Git and use Maven to deploy it to an Archiva repo.
I somehow don't exactly know where my deploy directory is. I would like to copy a kar file there so that it can be deployed when Jenkins builds it.
your deploy directory is groupId/artifactId/version depending in wich repository you deployed (SNAPSHOT,release, or thirdpary), generally you should build in a different project your kar file and then use as a dependency in the other project.
You shoud not copy any files in a repository without a pom.xml.
Or you can just deploy with deploy:file

how to upload my local repository to archiva

I am setting up an apache archiva instance to server as our development team's local repository. I'd like to initially seed it with the artifacts in my local .m2 repository. However, as far as I can tell, the depoly plugin and the repository plugin work only with individual projects. I have also configured my local settings.xml file to deploy artifacts to archiva when built with maven, as shown in the archiva documentatation. Also, I'm aware that it's possible to upload artifacts via archiva's webUI form. This would still require me to upload jars individually. Is there a way to automate this or do some sort of mass upload?
deploy plugin can do it for you. (use deploy-file goal)

Maven / OSGi: deploying to an OBR which is not the maven repos

My maven build installs artifacts locally and requires access to the project's remote maven repository. I don't have write access to that repository - so my builds (containing my changes) are only local so far.
When I build, I would like to deploy the .jar to a remote OBR which I have control over. This is not a full maven repository (eg. Nexus), just a webserver. A repository.xml describing the OBR should be automatically generated and uploaded.
Simply calling the goal "deploy" will try to upload to the project's maven repo, which fails as I don't have write access.
I want:
build & install locally, getting all dependencies on remote maven repos as required
upload jars to the OBR
generate repository.xml OBR description and upload
How should I configure the maven-bundle-plugin? Which goal must I call?
