How to populate dynamically created imageview through urls asyncronously...In Android - image

I am using horizontal pager
to make dynamic views,and making dynamic images in it....
And using fedor imageloader to pupulate imageviews from urls...
but i am getting that annoying stid image....
here is my code...
Any help or suggestion will be highly appropriated
Thanx in advance
public class testing extends Activity {
private HorizontalPager mPager;
ImageView[] image;
String url = "";
public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ImageLoader imageLoader = new ImageLoader(this);
mPager = (HorizontalPager) findViewById(;
image = new ImageView[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
image[i] = new ImageView(getApplicationContext());
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams90 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
225, 250);
layoutParams90.leftMargin = 25;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
imageLoader.DisplayImage(url, image[i]);

When you create ImageView try to pass your Activity instead of Application context. So replace this
image[i] = new ImageView(getApplicationContext());
with this
image[i] = new ImageView(this);

Please check whether you added external storage and internet permission in your android manifest file?

You need to localize the problem first. Probably there's something wrong with the url you use - try another one. Probably something related to Pager - try without pages, just put all images into LinearLayout. What else may be a problem - just find some clue. Does it work if you just put a single ImageView to the screen?


Awesomium WebControl not showing

Sorry if this sounds a little noobish, but I just installed Awesomium SDK, added references to the project, and I can't find the "WebControl" in the ToolBox. What am I doing wrong?
All you have to do is run the setup to uninstall and reinstall it in the assembly folder.
This may help, go to your project properties and check the target framework.It should be .Net Framework 4 client profile or above
You should create WebView, add it to form, set it location and size and set source URI!
try to include namespaces:
using Awesomium;
using Awesomium.Windows.Forms;
using Awesomium.Core;
static class Program {
static Form1 f1 = new Form1();
static Form fm = new Form {};
static WebBrowser wb = new WebBrowser { Dock = DockStyle.Fill};
//private static WebView wv;
static WebControl wc = new WebControl{Visible = true};
//static WebView wv;// = new WebView(fm.Handle);
static void Main(string[] args) {
//f1.ShowDialog(); return;
wc.ViewType = WebViewType.Window;
wc.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0,0);
wc.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1000,1000);
//wv = new WebView(fm.Handle);
wc.Source = new Uri("");
Task k = new Task(delegate {
try {
fm.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate {
try {
} catch {
} catch {

clearTextField() is not working in UIAutomator

i am new bee to uiautomator and when i am trying to clear the text field text with clearTextField() its not at all clearing. Can some one guide me how can i do this.
tried in this way also
Thanks in advance.
For security reasons, we can't get the text from a password edittext. Unfortunally clearTextField() does not work on API 18 so:
obj.getText() = ""
obj.getText().lenght() = 0
My solution, not very beautifull i know, is:
private static void clearText(UiDevice uiDevice, UiObject textBox) throws UiObjectNotFoundException {
int estimatedLength = 30;
for (int i = 0; i < estimatedLength; i++) {
You can try following code :
String text = obj.getText();
for (int i=0;i<text.length();i++) {

Image processing for windows phone

im searching for a good imaging SDK for windows phone ...
i tried to use Nokia SDK but it didn't work for me, it keeps showing as exception:
"Operation Is Not Valid Due To The Current State Of The Object."
here is my test code:
The processImage method is used to apply the filter on the image.
private async void processImage()
WriteableBitmap writeableBitmap = new WriteableBitmap((int)bitmapImage.PixelWidth, (int)bitmapImage.PixelHeight);
using (var imageStream = new StreamImageSource(photoStream))
// Applying the custom filter effect to the image stream
using (var customEffect = new NegateFilter(imageStream))
// Rendering the resulting image to a WriteableBitmap
using (var renderer = new WriteableBitmapRenderer(customEffect, writeableBitmap))
// Applying the WriteableBitmap to our xaml image control
await renderer.RenderAsync();
imageGrid.Source = writeableBitmap;
catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message + exc.StackTrace, exc.Source, MessageBoxButton.OK); }
This is the NegateFilter class:
namespace ImagingTest
class NegateFilter : CustomEffectBase
public NegateFilter(IImageProvider source) : base(source){}
protected override void OnProcess(PixelRegion sourcePixelRegion, PixelRegion targetPixelRegion)
sourcePixelRegion.ForEachRow((index, width, pos) =>
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x, ++index)
targetPixelRegion.ImagePixels[index] = 255 - sourcePixelRegion.ImagePixels[index];
any ideas for a good imaging SDK? like ImageJ on java for example, or OpenCV ..
i will be better to use Nokia SDK ..
thx :)
I looked in to you code and did a quick test.
The code worked fine when I just made sure that the bitmapImage.PixelWidth and bitmapImage.PixelHeight > 0.
I did not get and image on the screen but when I remove your custom filter the image is show.
I hope you will continue to use the SDK since it is a great product.
What about emguCV?
I am not try it yet but looks like it's possible with phone's camera.

Flex 4.6 Optimizing View appearance ContentCache VS override data for Mobile App

I read in this article that I should not initialize a View's appearance in a creationComplete handler. Instead, I should change view's appearance in an overridden data setter.
The section in the article is:
Override the data setter instead of using bindings or initializing a View's appearance in a creationComplete handler
1-First, I would like to know if I got this right by doing the following:
//My code is loading a set of images and adding them in a View.
//On creationComplete of the View I am adding the images in case this is the first time
//the view is shown. In case the view has been already accessed I use the data:
protected function view1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
if(!data) //On first creation of the view I create the data object
data = new Object();
data.imageArray = new Array(); //set an array that will cache my images.
for(var i:int = 0; i<36;i++)
var img:Image = new Image();
img.source = 'assets/0'+i.toString()+'.png';
(data.imageArray as Array).push(img);//Override the data for next time!
else//Next time use the save images
for(var ix:int = 0; ix<(data.imageArray as Array).length;ix++)
container.addElement((data.imageArray as Array)[ix]);
If I am doing this correctly, I would like to know which approach is best. The above one, or the next one I am going to show which uses the images contentLoader with caching and queuing enabled with a ContentCache:
protected function view1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
for(var i:int = 0; i<36;i++)
var img:Image = new Image();
img.contentLoader = ldr;
img.contentLoaderGrouping = 'gr1';
img.source = 'assets/0'+i.toString()+'.png';
<s:ContentCache id="ldr" enableQueueing="true"
maxActiveRequests="1" maxCacheEntries="36"/>
Also if someone could tell me what is the contentLoaderGrouping for. I would be very grateful.
Thanks a lot!!!
PS:By the way both approaches work. The first approach is instant while the second approach shows the images beeing added in a very smooth way which actually gives a cool effect.
Neither. The point of the suggestion was to NOT alter the displaylist after creationComplete, which requires an additional update cycle. Instead you should inject the data property when you push your view on the stack, and initiate your changes in the setter. Using the ContentCache has nothing to do with it (and can sometimes cause additional overhead if not used correctly).
override public function set data(value:Object):void
{ = value;
//this was poorly optimized, so I made it
//a little better...
var imageArray:Array = (value == null || value.imageArray == null)?
null : value.imageArray as Array;
if(imageArray == null) //On first creation of the view I create the data object
imageArray = new Array(36); //set an array that will cache my images.
for(var i:int = 0; i<36;i++)
var img:Image = new Image();
img.source = 'assets/0'+i.toString()+'.png';
imageArray[i] = img;
} = {imageArray:imageArray}
else//Next time use the save images
var n:int = imageArray.length;
for (var j:int = 0; j < n; j++)
I was mistaken about when the data property is set during the view life-cycle.
Here is how it works:
So you are correct that container would be null at that point. I was going to write up an example for you, but I'm having trouble figuring out what your end goal is here. Is there a specific reason you are storing the images on the data property? I think what you might actually want to do is this:
private var _data:Object = {cache: new ContentCache()};
protected function show_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
this.navigator.pushView(views.MyView, _data);
And in the view...
<s:View xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" title="MyView">
import spark.components.Image;
import spark.core.ContentCache;
override protected function createChildren():void
//you might want to do a sanity first check to make sure the
//data was passed in correctly...
var cache:ContentCache = ContentCache(;
for(var i:int = 0; i < 36; i++)
var img:Image = new Image();
img.contentLoader = cache;
img.source = 'assets/0' + i.toString() + '.png';
<s:VGroup id="container" />

Transition of images in Windows Forms Picture box

I'm new to Windows Forms, in my project, i need to change the image in the picture box at runtime. I'm able to do that with the help of a timer. The picture just gets changed. Is it possible to do some transitions when image changes, for example fade in, fade out, blur etc.. If possible could some one please let me know how to do it. I searched in net but in vain.Thanks in advance.
Simply take new code file and paste below code in it
an original answer for the similar question, answer taken from another question
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class BlendPanel : Panel
private Image mImg1;
private Image mImg2;
private float mBlend;
public BlendPanel()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
public Image Image1
get { return mImg1; }
set { mImg1 = value; Invalidate(); }
public Image Image2
get { return mImg2; }
set { mImg2 = value; Invalidate(); }
public float Blend
get { return mBlend; }
set { mBlend = value; Invalidate(); }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
if (mImg1 == null || mImg2 == null)
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(this.BackColor), new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height));
Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
ColorMatrix cm = new ColorMatrix();
ImageAttributes ia = new ImageAttributes();
cm.Matrix33 = mBlend;
e.Graphics.DrawImage(mImg2, rc, 0, 0, mImg2.Width, mImg2.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia);
cm.Matrix33 = 1F - mBlend;
e.Graphics.DrawImage(mImg1, rc, 0, 0, mImg1.Width, mImg1.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia);
Build your project. You can now drop a BlendPanel from the top of the toolbox onto your form. Here's a sample program that uses it:
private float mBlend;
private int mDir = 1;
public int count = 0;
public Bitmap[] pictures;
public void myPhoto()
pictures = new Bitmap[9];
pictures[0] = new Bitmap(#"Library Images\cf3.jpg");
pictures[1] = new Bitmap(#"Library Images\cf4.jpg");
pictures[2] = new Bitmap(#"Library Images\l1.JPG");
pictures[3] = new Bitmap(#"Library Images\l2.JPG");
pictures[4] = new Bitmap(#"Library Images\l3.JPG");
pictures[5] = new Bitmap(#"Library Images\l4.JPG");
pictures[6] = new Bitmap(#"Library Images\l5.JPG");
pictures[7] = new Bitmap(#"Library Images\l6.JPG");
pictures[8] = new Bitmap(#"Library Images\l7.JPG");
timer1.Interval = 50; //time of transition
timer1.Tick += BlendTick;
blendPanel1.Image1 = pictures[count];
blendPanel1.Image2 = pictures[++count];
timer1.Enabled = true;
private void BlendTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
mBlend += mDir * 0.02F;
if (mBlend > 1)
mBlend = 0.0F;
if ((count + 1) < pictures.Length)
blendPanel1.Image1 = pictures[count];
blendPanel1.Image2 = pictures[++count];
blendPanel1.Image1 = pictures[count];
blendPanel1.Image2 = pictures[0];
count = 0;
blendPanel1.Blend = mBlend;
You'll need to modify the new Bitmap(#"yourimagePath"); calls. Build and run. You should see the displayed image smoothly morph from your first image to your second image without any flickering.
I hope it helps for other...
There is no built-in support for such effects, but you can implement them. I'd suggest to write a custom control that renders the image and have a method for fade-swap, fade itself can be reached with alpha-blending drawing with .NET Graphics class.
However, Graphics class isn't very fast, I don't recommend to use this technique for big images. If you need some fancy UI with hw-accelerated effects, take a look at WPF.
Blend effects are easy to get going by using the ColorMatrix class. There's a good example available in my answer in this thread.
A simple way to get a blur is to resize the image, making it smaller, then redraw it back, making it larger. The Graphics.InterpolationMode property affects the type of blur you'll get.
Those are quicky do-it-yourself solutions. Any decent graphics library has these kind of operations built-in. You probably want something free, check out ImageMagick.NET
To put it simply, not without external (3rd-party) libraries.
