Debug 2 projects in monodevelop - debugging

i have a simple question and maybe the solution is in front of my eyes but i cant see it:
How do i debug more than one project (eg.: server and client project) in monodevelop?
It now debugs just one project (breakpoints,..). after i close the first project monodevelop says: "Connot execute "path to .exe". A debugger session is already started."
So is it possible to have more than one debugger session?
thanks in advance

You can only run or debug a single application at a time (which is no different in Visual Studio, btw.), but you can run more than one instance of MonoDevelop.
If you only want to run the second application without debugging it, then you don't need to start another instance of MonoDevelop. You can either run the other project on the command line or simply define a custom command for it.
To add a custom command, right-click the project that you want to debug in MonoDevelop, select "Options", then goto "Run" / "Custom Commands", add a "Before Execute" command there. Click on the drop-down box on the right to see some variables that you can use for the command, such as ${SolutionDir}.


How to change the default debug Profile when launching multiple asp .NET core projects?

I have a solution that launches multiple projects, and I set the launch profile for both to the console app instead of launching in IIS via the Project Properties page.
When I launched the projects individually they launched successfully in the console windows. But when I set multiple startup projects they went back to launching in IIS.
How can I get multiple projects to launch using the correct debug profile?
To set the default launch profile you can re-arrange the debug profiles listed in Properties > launchSettings.json. The first profile in the list will be the one used when launching multiple projects.
As mentioned in the comment of the other answer, it doesn't seems to be true for VS2022. It does not automatically use the first entry in the launchSettings.json list.
You can change the starting project to a single one and switch the debug profile with the small arrow next to the play button in the toolbar one by one. But if you need to do a mass switch, I suggest doing a "search in all files", it's stored in the .csproj.user files:
Change them all, then reload your solution.

How to set up debugging in GoLand?

I am trying out GoLand and hear that the debugger is supposedly awesome, but I can’t find any documentation explaining how to set it up (GoLand is in preview stage, so that’s not really surprising). My use case: I am writing a REST API to which I send requests using curl. Could someone please tell me, step by step, how to get started with the debugger ?
[edit 1] (moved from comment) When I click Run/Debug (or Run/Run), a window is displayed, asking me to edit configurations. I am given a choice of several kinds of configurations, I try to choose "Go application" but the Debug button never is grayed and I can't get it to become clickable. I am very new to GoLand, I may be missing something obvious, but I can’t find whatever settings are missing.
[edit 2] It turns out that my workspace did not conform to the Go specifications : my code was not in a directory named src. Now that it is the case, I can click Run/Debug and GoLand seems to be doing the right thing, except it doesn’t stop at breakpoints or otherwise behave like a debugger, my code just runs.
[edit 3] Tried again, and it works. Sort of. I have no idea why it works now, even though it didn’t previously and I didn’t change anything. Now breakpoints work at some lines, and not at others. Or the debugger stops at the breakpoint, but I wait forever for the list of variables to be loaded. Well, it is a preview, after all...
[edit 4] I was notified just today that a new version of GoLand was available. I upgraded, and debugging is working well for me now.
GoLand will not enable the debug action (although run is available) if your code does not reside inside src. There is no warning about this, so it might be really a pain to solve this.
Additionally, depending on your project’s structure it might be possible, that debugging is still not working. In that case, it might help to remove all run configurations and create a new one. There’s is a bug report about this behavior.
PS: Although the OP mentions the first part in an edit of the question, but it think it’s worth mentioning in an answer.
Things changed in goland since #Jamillo Santos added his reply.
To start with, there's no more "Go Application".
The easiest way is to locate the file containing the main() function.
There should be a small triangle pointing to it, like in the attached screenshot:
When you click on the small green triangle, you get a menu with Run/Debug options.
Each will create a go build configuration.
You can edit that go build configuration and add the program arguments for your application.
For example, if your program have a command line argument of --arg=value you can add it like this:
I was facing this same issue and I solved by using the "Go Application" configuration (at the Run/Debug Configurations window), instead of the "Go Single File" configuration.
So, go to the upper right corner of the Gogland and "Edit configurations".
Then, add a new configuration using the "Go Application" profile.
After saving, you should be able to debug your code. o/
An easy way to enable this configuration is to use the #user1793301 method and right click on the file you want to run and select "Debug 'go run .go'".
NOTICE: I did not look any further details about it.
Fact: "Go Application" configuration does build the binary executable before running it.
Fact: I could see looking at the console output (inside of the Goglang) is that the IDE uses the DLV as debugging tool.
Fact: I found a dlv debug at the DLV documentation and it seems to compile and debug the code.
Hypothesis: The guys from Jetbrains did not implement it. Or at least not YET.
On version 2019.1.1 there's no more Go Application. Use Go Build instead. Here I am debugging a single script file, but if you have a server app or smth, just point to the main app file:
Notice that in the Files field you have to specify the actual file path. You can put more files (if you want to have more starting points) by separating them with a pipe |. For each file you want to be able to debug, you need to specify the full path.
Again, if you are debugging a server app or something else, that has a single starting point, you only need the startup file specified in the config. :)
I had this exact problem.
Deleted and recreated the Debug run configuration. Debugging then worked perfectly.
I followed the following procedure to start my golang server in debug mode. (You might want to use some other method than creating a makefile for starting your server maybe)
Create a makefile
Define your server/worker startup command in the file
Run it by creating a new configuration for Makefile
Go to Run -> Attach to process -> choose your running server
This will attach the debugger to your process.
You might need to restart your server for this to work.
The IDE will ask you to install gops, do install it. Without installing gops you won't see any running process.
I right click on project (main.go inside) and choose "Debug ..." and it work

This Breakpoint Will Not Currently Be Hit, The Source Code is Different from the Original (even after cleaning/rebuilding)

.NET 4, console application. The project is set to 'Debug' mode. The breakpoint being set is in the primary/startup project. I have right-clicked -> Clean, and right-clicked -> rebuild, both on the Solution and project levels.
Following the instructions in this SO question, I have confirmed that my "Build and Run" options are set to 'prompt' for both 'When projects are out of date' and 'when build or deployment errors occur', and I am NOT getting a prompt when I F5 to build/run.
Also, the 'save all changes' under 'before building' is also selected (plus I manually saved them myself).
I monitored the output window of the application, see this line:
'MyApplication.exe': (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\exepath' Symbols Loaded.
I restarted the VS2010 instance. I restarted all open VS2010 instances (of other projects). I've even gone through a reboot.
However, the breakpoint I am setting in the startup project is a hollow-red circle, with the notice that 'This breakpoint will not currently be hit, The source code is different from the original', and, in fact, is never hit.
So, this is really 2 questions:
1) How do I fix this problem so I can properly breakpoint
2) When I see this, does that mean my code is executing from an older build?
I've had this problem once myself but that was on a vsto addin. In that case there were left over intermediate files under the users/appdata directories that were actually loaded instead of my app.
There is this blog article that has a whole load of possible reasons for this error and then a whole bunch more in the comments from other users
This can also happen if you have a solution with multiple projects, and have the wrong project selected as your startup project in VS2010 and VS2012.
Now, obviously, I wouldn't expect debugging to work if I have the wrong startup project selected -- the debugger is attaching itself to the wrong process!
But this error message (in my case) was terribly misleading. It made me think something else was wrong. I tried a bunch of solutions in this thread (nuking various /bin and output directories) when really it was something very simple (wrong startup process).
If you are using vb, check that you are building the project for the active solution configuration (Build, Configuration Manager..., Column under Build is checked. Also check the project properties, Compile tab, Advanced Compile Options, and Generate debug info is set to Full. Sorry I can't tell you where this may be in C#.
The only other time I've seen this is when two projects in the solution are referencing the same dll but they are referencing from different sources. One from a project reference and another from a file reference for example. If the "copy local" option is true, there would be the potential of overwriting the dll with an older version of the same dll.
My solution might help people who have signed the assembly.
After lot of head scratching for the past two days, I was able to resolve the same issue by doing the following simple steps:
Go to your Visual Studio project properties.
Go to the "Signing" tab.
Uncheck "Delay sign only" option if it is checked.
Now run your project and it should work.For me it did work.
In my case was this same problem (“The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The source code is different from the original version.”) caused by fact, that I tried add breakpoint to declaration:
DateTime dt;
bool b = DateTime.TryParse(null, out dt);
(first line of code)
So I assume that message is "universal" and may have many different causes.
This can happen if your system clock was changed since the last compile. Your PDB file will be different date than the one your are trying to debug. Delete the PDB files in the project and recompile.
I experienced the problem when Project > Properties > Web did not have "Enable Edit and Continue" selected. After enabling this feature the issue was corrected.
It is important to note that under Tools > Options > Debugging > Edit and Continue "Enable Edit and Continue" was selected, but it was not enabled for this project.
Just go to Tools / Import and Export Settings
Choose reset all settings then click Next
No, just resetl settings, ovewriting my current settings then click next
Choose your current language, por example C#. then click Finish
If you have multiple solutions open, try simply closing all Visual Studio instances and restarting only the instance you need.
In my experience this has happened when two branches of nearly identical code are open in different instances.
doing a "clean solution" from VS Build Menu might help you.
I had to go over all those steps to fix the issue on my computer.
Make sure that debug = "true" on your web.config
Clean and rebuild all projects
Delete every file inside the bin folder of all projects
Close and open Visual Studio, rebuild, and run the project again.
Go to your solution folder -> obj -> Debug - > delete the .dll file and build the solution again.

How to add a SqlMetal build step in VS2008?

I've created a one-line batch file to run SqlMetal to regenerate a LINQ to SQL DataContext for my database; this works great.
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bin\sqlmetal.exe"
/server:.\sqlexpress /database:MyDatabaseName
/code:"%~dp0\DataContext.vb" /context:DataContext
/views /functions /sprocs /pluralize
So far I can run this by opening the enclosing folder in Explorer and running the batch file, and I've also added it to the Tools menu (Tools/External Tools.../Add).
Now I'd like to run this batch file whenever I build (in certain configurations). How do I do this?
What you seem to be looking for can be found under "Pre-build event command line" under your project's properties. Click the "Build Events" tab, and you'll have a little space to enter in a command line which does what you want.
Doh! Of course. Web Application projects have pre- and post- build events; Web Site projects don't.

VS2008: Launching the executable for a project that isn't the active project in a solution

In VS2008, Is it possible to launch the executable for a project that is not the active project in the solution? (i.e. its name is not in bold).
Not debugging it - just launching it. As far as I can see, you just have to drop in to Windows Explorer and double click the .exe! Am I missing a menu item or shortcut?
You can right-click a project to debug it. Right-click project -> Debug -> Start New Instance.
EDIT: I'm not sure of a way to do this outside of debug mode. That is essentially what the facility of the 'Active Project' is for. I typically set the active project and then use Shift+F5 to launch the application.
Right-click your solution and choose Properties.
Select Common Properties > Startup Project.
Select Multiple startup projects.
Next to the one you want to run, where it says None, change it to Start without debugging.
Does that do what you want?
