DeviceIoControl returns ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER - visual-studio

I'm trying to call IOCTL_BTH_GET_LOCAL_INFO using DeviceIoControl, which I believe it can be done (accordingly to Bluetooth Profile Driver IOCTLs).
I'm on a Windows 7 x64 using Visual Studio 2012 (probably with default configuration).
The handle have a valid value (I removed the validation code) but DeviceIoControl always returns ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER (error 1784).
Here's the code:
int main() {
BOOL fStatus;
DWORD returned = 0;
h = CreateFile(
fStatus = DeviceIoControl(
NULL, 0,
(LPVOID)&buffer, sizeof(BTH_LOCAL_RADIO_INFO),
After some research I tried the following solutions:
Changing the structure pack alignment to 1/4/8 byte (with VS options);
Using values which are 8-byte aligned (later I've found out that
this was already happening, even with data types smaller than 8 bytes). After a while I've read somewhere that DeviceIoControl deals with misaligment for you, so probably no need to worry about that.
All of the solutions above have failed. What do you think it is? VS have a bunch of configurations for Win32, but that never gave me a problem before (first time with IOCTL though).
I've seen some of that code on 32feet.NET, so probably it's just an error of mine (I can't see any difference).

You're sending IOCTL_BTH_GET_LOCAL_INFO to the wrong device (Bluetooth Personal Area Network instead of Bluetooth Radio).
So I suggest you to use BluetoothFindFirstRadio, BluetoothFindNextRadio and BluetoothFindRadioClose to simply iterate through local Bluetooth radios, rather than to guess the correct DOS Device Names for them.


WriteFile() Error 3758100489 with Usb Device

I have a project to communicate with a usb device using usb bus.
The device has its own driver and a communication protokol Guid .
In its guid there is this senetence :"After USB driver is installed any program can communicate with the device by using ‘CreateFile’,
‘ReadFile’ and ‘WriteFile’, common Windows system functions."
So I followed the instructions and the Creatfile() function works very well.
My problem is with Writefile()and ReadFile functions.
It shows always this Error 3758100489 :
In the guid book there is this note:All messages use Intel style byte ordering where fields larger than one byte are stored in memory so
that the least significant part is in lowest address.
So i tried to use functions to convert to littel Endien too
I tried to use overlapped parameter in Creatfile() and Writefile() but still have the same problem.
i tried to use many forms of message packet with help from the guid too
Can anyone help me ? thank you very much
USB path is right 100%
Your error code in hex is 0xE0001009. The USB device should be locked before you can perform the operation. I am not completely sure and can't test it, but I think you would need this function DeviceIoControl to lock the volume first.
In WriteFile documentation, it's mentioned
A write on a disk handle will succeed if one of the following conditions is true:
The sectors to be written to do not fall within a volume's extents.
The sectors to be written to fall within a mounted volume, but you
have explicitly locked or dismounted the volume by using
This article could help in making the call for locking.
Try to get more info about 3758100489.
See Retrieving the Last-Error Code or try to build and run the following program which should show you a human readable description of error 3758100489:
#include <windows.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
void main()
LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
LPVOID lpDisplayBuf;
//DWORD dw = GetLastError();
DWORD dw = 3758100489;
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
0, NULL );
// Display the error message and exit the process
lpDisplayBuf = (LPVOID)LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT,
lstrlen((LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf) );
LocalSize(lpDisplayBuf) / sizeof(TCHAR),
TEXT("failed with error %d: %s"),
dw, lpMsgBuf);
MessageBox(NULL, (LPCTSTR)lpDisplayBuf, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK);

CreateFile on Directory in NTFS fails on ReadFile

Supposedly it is possible to actually open and read directories on NTFS volumes. However, my code to try this wasn't working, so I tried google, which found me this.
The key observation there seems to be that you must use FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS. So, trimming that down, I basically get:
DWORD dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, 0);
char* buf = new char[dwFileSize];
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
BOOL b = ReadFile(hFile, buf, dwFileSize, &dwBytesRead, 0);
Seems pretty straight-forward. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
The CreateFile and GetFileSize both work (handle is not INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, non-zero and plausible file size), but the ReadFile returns FALSE, dwBytesRead is zero, and GetLastError returns 1 ("Incorrect function"). Huh.
While I was typing this question, the 'Similar Questions' prompt showed me this. That business about using AdjustTokenPrivileges made a lot of sense. However, it didn't help. Adding ReadFile (and using c:\temp) to that example gives the same behavior. A closer reading of the CreateFile docs shows that even without the SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege, I should be able to open the file due to admin privileges.
I've tried a number of permutations:
Different ways of specifying the directory name (c:\temp, c:\temp\, \\.\c:\temp, \\?\c:\temp\, etc).
Different directories
Different drives
I can't see any flags that might apply other than FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS (which I assume is required), but I tried FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING and a 4096 byte aligned buffer. Nope.
I'm (currently) trying 152 permutations, and none of the ReadFiles are working. What am I missing?
Is my original assumption here incorrect? Is it not really possible to 'read' from a directory? Or is there just some trick I'm still missing?
What else should I mention?
I'm running as an admin, and can do a CreateFile on the volume.
My program is 64bit, built for unicode.
Windows 7 x64
NTFS 3.1 volume
It's cloudy outside (Hey, you never know what might matter...)
If you want to open a stream then you need to include the stream name and/or type as part of the path:
c:\foo:bar A.K.A. c:\foo:bar:$DATA
The default $DATA stream is used if you don't specify a stream. $DATA stores a files "normal data".
If you want the list of files in the directory then you can use GetFileInformationByHandleEx(FileIdBothDirectoryInfo) (and NtQueryDirectoryFile on older systems).
It looks like Jonathan Potter has given the correct answer. Despite prompting, he has elected not to post his comments as an answer. So I'm going to create one based on his responses in order to close the question.
In short: "You can open a handle to a directory to do certain things, but calling ReadFile on it isn't one of them."
What things? These things. This list includes:
In summary: While you can "open" directories and "read" certain information about them, you can't actually use ReadFile. If you want to read the DirName::$INDEX_ALLOCATION information, you'll have to use a different approach.

Running Freepascal hashing functions over Physical Disks using CreateFileW on Windows

I use Lazarus 1.2.2 and Freepascal 2.6.4.
I have a program called QuickHash that hashes files and, when I run it on Linux, it can be used to hash physcial disks too (/dev/sdXX). However, I'd like to add the ability to the Windows version.
I gather that to access physcial devices, like disks, one has to use CreateFile. Specifically, CreateFileW.
So, the user clicks a button which scans the computer for disks and lists them in a List Box. The one the user double clicks is then parsed (ListBox.GetSelectedText) for the string '\.\PhyscialDiskX' and that is assigned to a string variable,
strDiskID := getDiskID(Listbox.GetSelectedText);
That works fine.
I then try to create a handle to that disk :
hSelectedDisk := Windows.CreateFileW(PWideChar(strDiskID), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, 0);
Based on this article, specifcally "You must use both the CreateFile() FILE_SHARE_READ and FILE_SHARE_WRITE flags to gain access to the drive" I have also tried the other two combinations below :
All three successfully assign a handle. But, the top syntax and the bottom syntax eventually generate an error (explained below). The middle option immediately returns the default initialisation hash for a zero byte file, i.e. DA39... for SHA1.
My problem is I am unable to pass that handle (which is an integer) to the SHA1File and MD5FILE functions of the Freepascal md5 and SHA1 units. They expect a filename, which has to be a string.
So, if I pass it the strDiskID ('\.\PhyscialDiskX') (which defeats the objects of assigning a handle at all) I do get disk activity and the program appears to be working.
strDiskHashValue := SHA1Print(SHA1File(strDiskID));
But even when run on really small disks like a 500Mb USB drive, it takes many minutes and eventually returns "Run Error 1117" which according to this means
1117 (0x45D)
The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error."
However, I have tried it on several working disks and the error continues.
So, my question, ultimately, is how on earth do I pass that successfully assigned THandle to the hashing functions? (UI have also asked the question at the Lazarus forums but sometimes I get answers here from members who don't see the threads there)
You aren't going to be able to pass volume handles to functions that aren't expecting volume handles. These are very special handles with quite stringent requirements on their use. Not the least of which is that you must read blocks that are sector aligned, and whose sizes are multiples of the sector size.
So the solution is for you to take charge of reading the data. Read it into a buffer, and then pass that buffer to the hashing library. This means that you'll need a hashing library that can be called repeatedly to process new data. All comprehensive hashing libraries will offer such functionality.
The share mode flags are combined with bitwise or:
I would create the handle like this:
hSelectedDisk := CreateFileW(PWideChar(strDiskID), FILE_READ_DATA,
First of all I would concentrate on reading the content of the volume. Once you can do that, hashing will be routine.
It seems from the comments that you are having some trouble writing the hashing code. First of all you need to allocate a buffer that is a multiple of the sector size:
Buffer: Pointer;
GetMem(Buffer, BufferSize);
Use IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY to find out the sector size. And take note of this text from the documentation:
To read or write to the last few sectors of the volume, you must call DeviceIoControl and specify FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO. This signals the file system driver not to perform any I/O boundary checks on partition read or write calls. Instead, boundary checks are performed by the device driver.
Now that you have a buffer, you can read and hash the content.
ctx: TSHA1Context;
Digest: TSHA1Digest;
BytesRead: DWORD;
if not ReadFile(hSelectedDisk, Buffer^, BufferSize, BytesRead, nil) then
// handle error, raise exception
SHA1Update(ctx, Buffer^, BytesRead);
until BytesRead < BufferSize;
SHA1Final(ctx, Digest);
I've not attempted to compile or test this code. It's not meant to be complete or comprehensive. It is just intended to show you how to tackle the problem.

Serial I/O Overlapped/Non-Overlapped with Windows/Windows CE

I'm sorry this isn't much of a question, but more of to help people having problems with these particular things. The problem I'm working on requires the use of Serial I/O, but is primarily running under Windows CE 6.0. However, I was recently asked if the application could also be made to work under Windows too, so I set about solving this problem. I did spend quite a lot of time looking around to see if anyone had the answers I was looking for and it all came across as a lot of misinformation and things that were just basically wrong in some instances. So having solved this problem, I thought I'd share my findings with everyone so anyone encountering these difficulties would have answers.
Under Windows CE, OVERLAPPED I/O is NOT supported. This means that bi-directional communication through the serial port can be quite troublesome. The main problem being that when you are waiting on data from the serial port, you cannot send data because doing so will cause your main thread to block until the read operation completes or timeouts (depending on whether you've set timeouts up)
Like most people doing serial I/O, I had a reader serial thread set up for reading the serial port, which used WaitCommEvent() with an EV_RXCHAR mask to wait for serial data. Now this is where the difficulty arises with Windows and Windows CE.
If I have a simple reader thread like this, as an example:-
UINT SimpleReaderThread(LPVOID thParam)
DWORD eMask;
WaitCommEvent(thParam, &eMask, NULL);
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Thread Exited"), TEXT("Hello"), MB_OK);
Obviously in the above example, I'm not reading the data from the serial port or anything and I'm assuming that thParam contains the opened handle to the comm port etc. Now, the problem is under Windows when your thread executes and hits the WaitCommEvent(), your reader thread will go to sleep waiting for serial port data. Okay, that's fine and as it should be, but... how do you end this thread and get the MessageBox() to appear? Well, as it turns out, it's not actually that easy and is a fundamental difference between Windows CE and Windows in the way it does its Serial I/O.
Under Windows CE, you can do a couple of things to make the WaitCommEvent() fall through, such as SetCommMask(COMMPORT_HANDLE, 0) or even CloseHandle(COMMPORT_HANDLE). This will allow you to properly terminate your thread and therefore release the serial port for you to start sending data again. However neither of these things will work under Windows and both will cause the thread you call them from to sleep waiting on the completion of the WaitCommEvent(). So, how do you end the WaitCommEvent() under Windows? Well, ordinarily you'd use OVERLAPPED I/O and the thread blocking wouldn't be an issue, but since the solution has to be compatible with Windows CE as well, OVERLAPPED I/O isn't an option. There is one thing you can do under Windows to end the WaitCommEvent() and that is to call the CancelSynchronousIo() function and this will end your WaitCommEvent(), but be aware this can be device dependent. The main problem with CancelSynchronousIo() is that it isn't supported by Windows CE either, so you're out of luck using that for this problem!
So how do you do it? The fact is, to solve this problem, you simply can't use WaitCommEvent() as there is no way to terminate this function on Windows that is supported by Windows CE. That then leaves you with ReadFile() which again will block whilst it is reading NON OVERLAPPED I/O and this WILL work with Comm Timeouts.
Using ReadFile() and a COMMTIMEOUTS structure does mean that you will have to have a tight loop waiting for your serial data, but if you're not receiving large amount of serial data, it shouldn't be a problem. Also an event for ending your loop with a small timeout will also ensure that resources are passed back to the system and you're not hammering the processor at 100% load. Below is the solution I came up with and would appreciate some feedback, if you think it could be improved.
typedef struct
UINT8 sync;
UINT8 op
UINT8 dev;
UINT8 node;
UINT8 data;
UINT8 csum;
COMSTAT cs = {0};
DWORD byte_count;
ZeroMemory(&cd, sizeof(COMMDAT));
bool recv = false;
ClearCommError(comm_handle, 0, &cs);
if (cs.cbInQue == sizeof(COMMDAT))
ReadFile(comm_handle, &cd, sizeof(COMMDAT), &byte_count, NULL);
recv = true;
} while ((WaitForSingleObject(event_handle, 2) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) && !recv);
ThreadExit(recv ? : 0xFF);
So to end the thread you just signal the event in the event_handle and that allow you to exit the thread properly and clean up resources and works correctly on Windows and Windows CE.
Hope that helps everyone who I've seen has had difficulty with this problem.
Since I think there was a misunderstanding in my comment above, here's more detail on two possible solutions that don't use a tight loop. Note that these use runtime determination and aretherefore fine under both OSes (though you have to compile for each target separately anyway) and since neither use an #ifdef it's less likely to end up breaking the compiler on one side or the other without you noticing immediately.
First, you could dynamically load CancelSynchonousIo and use it when present in the OS. Even optionally doing something instead of the Cancel for CE (like maybe closing the handle?);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CancelIo)(HANDLE hThread);
BOOL CancelStub(HANDLE h)
// stub for WinCE
void IoWithCancel()
CancelIo cancelFcn;
cancelFcn = (CancelIo)GetProcAddress(
// if for some reason you want something to happen in CE
if(cancelFcn == NULL)
cancelFcn = (CancelIo)CancelStub;
hPort = CreateFile( /* blah, blah */);
// do my I/O
if(cancelFcn != NULL)
The other option, which takes a bit more work as you're going to likely have different threading models (though if you're using C++, it would be an excellent case for separate classes based on platform anyway) would be to determine the platform and use overlapped on the desktop:
void IoWithOverlapped()
DWORD overlapped = 0;
version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
if((version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS)
|| (version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT))
// create a receive thread
hPort = CreateFile(

Differentiating between USB flash drive and USB hard drive on Windows

I'm trying to differentiate between a USB flash drive and a USB hard drive on Windows using the Win32 API.
The GetDriveType() function will return DRIVE_REMOVABLE if the drive is removable, and USB flash drives are of course removable. But I'm thinking that Windows probably considers USB hard drives removable as well (unfortunately I don't have access to a USB hard drive to test it out).
Thanks in advance.
If you want to determine that a device is USB device, you can open its handle and send IOCTL queries using DeviceIoControl() to get bus type a device is connected to.
EnumUsbDrivesLetters - the post is in Russian but it contains C++ source code, so the matter could be understood easily.
// Method OpenVolume
// Purpose: Open volume for removal. Change to ::CreateFile(volumeName, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, 0);
// if you just want to inquire if it's removable.
HANDLE OpenVolume(const char& driveLetter)
char volumeName[8] = "";
char* volumeFormat = "\\\\.\\%c:";
sprintf(volumeName, volumeFormat, driveLetter);
DWORD bytesReturned = 0;
if (::DeviceIoControl(volume, IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_HOTPLUG_INFO, 0, 0, &Info, sizeof(Info), &bytesReturned, NULL))
if (!(Info.MediaRemovable || Info.DeviceHotplug))
return volume;
Actually windows doesn't, GetDriveType returns 3 (DRIVE_FIXED) for both my usb hard-drives.
Windows returns DRIVE_FIXED for external USB hard drives and usually returns DRIVE_REMOVABLE for USB flash sticks. For this reason if you want to access multiple partitions on a flash memory you have to install a filter driver to tell windows it's not a DRIVE_REMOVABLE but a DRIVE_FIXED instead. Windows only "sees" the first partition on flash sticks causing a lot of trouble for ESXi boot usb stick users ;-)
I thinks the key is drive properties, eg Cylinder count. You can use WMI interface to determine such information. Here is an example
The drive type is ultimately determined by the drivers; there's no fail-safe way to make the sort of determination that you're looking for.
I can say, however, that while I have seen a USB flash stick return DRIVE_FIXED, I have never seen a normal hard drive return DRIVE_REMOVEABLE. That's not to say that it's completely impossible for that to happen, but I've never seen it.
I'd say relying on those two values is probably the closest that you're going to get. will let you send raw SCSI commands to the device - you want to send down either INQUIRY or MODE SENSE to find out what you're looking for. However, a far better alternative may be the VDS APIs, if it will provide you correct information (I'm not sure whether it will in this case)
