sorting text lines Google Apps Script - sorting

Sorry for this extreme beginner question. I have a string variable originaltext containing some multiline text. I can convert it into an array of lines like so:
lines = originaltext.split("\n");
But I need help sorting this array. This DOES NOT work:
The array remains unsorted.
And an associated question. Assuming I can sort my array somehow, how do I then convert it back to a single variable with no separators?

Your only issue is a small one - sort is actually a method, so you need to call lines.sort(). In order to join the elements together, you can use the join() method:
var originaltext = "This\n\is\na\nline";
lines = originaltext.split("\n");
joined = lines.join("");


How to use wildcard with a variable?

I need to evaluate the output to see if it starts with a specific sequence.
For example if Cat1 = (A)
I want to verify that the entry begins with the value of Cat1 and can contain any text after it. If so then to output that entry.
I don't exactly know how to use wildcards in conjunction with the variable to allow entries such as
(A) First assignment
(A) Second assignment
to be selected and then to be transferred.
The portion that is in question is the following in my code:
if(assign.title == ){
SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url).getSheetByName(shet).appendRow([assign.title, marks.assignedGrade,
Your issue can be solved by using Regular Expressions which essentially are special text strings used to describe a search pattern.
Therefore, if you want to search for the entries which begin with (A) and appendRow() like you mentioned above, you should use the following code snippet:
function theFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("YOUR_URL").getSheetByName("YOUR_SHEET_NAME");
var regEx = /((A)).*/;
//Getting the assign & marks variables
if (assign.title.match(regEx))
appendRow([assign.title, marks.assignedGrade, assign.maxPoints]);
The regular expression here is represented by the var regEx = /((A)).*/; which searches for a string to see if it starts with the (A) string.
Furthermore, I suggest you take a look at these links since they might be of help:
Syntax for Regular Expressions;
Regular Expressions Tester.

VB6 what is the best way to check the ending characters of different lengths

Lets say I have several strings I have to inspect. Here is a list of them:
Lets say the name of the variable that holds each string is strUrls
I need to filter out strings that end with ; and ;? and ';?
Is there a more efficient way to do so than this one below?
if right(strUrls,1) = ";" or right(strUrls,2) = ;? or right(strUrls,3) = ';?

Freemarker: Output comma separated list as an array

I have a table that has a field that contains a comma separated list of order IDs. What I am trying to do is output each of those IDs separately so that I can use them to look up their corresponding order details in another table.
Does anyone know of a good way to do this?
So far I have tried:
<#data Alerts_test_table as alerts_test>
<#fields AD_ID_LIST>
<#assign seq = ['${alerts_test.AD_ID_LIST}']>
<#list seq?chunk(1) as row><#list row as cell>
</#list> </#list>
But this just outputs it as a line of text.
Let's say you have comma separated ID-s in idsString, and you want to iterate though the ID-s one by one. Then:
Data-model (with syntax):
idsString = "11, 22, 33"
<#list idsString?split(r'\s*,\s*', 'r') as idString>
However, in the template you have posted I see many strange things, so some ideas/pointers:
Be sure that alerts_test.AD_ID_LIST is indeed a String, not a List that you can list directly, without ?split-ing. If it's a String, then '${alerts_test.AD_ID_LIST}' is ultimately the same as alerts_test.AD_ID_LIST. In general, you never need an empty string literal and an ${} in it. It's not useful (but sometimes harmful, as it converts non-string values to string).
?chunk(1) is not useful. The point of ?chunk is to slice a list to smaller lists, but if those smaller lists are to be 1 long, then you might as well just list the items of the original list.
There are no such directives as #data and #filter. Is this some forked FreeMarker version?
If the ID is a number that you need to pass to some API that expects a number, then you will have to convert it to number like idString?number.

Replacing a word in text using Ruby

I know how to do it by using this code
poem['sleepy'] = 'busy'
What the above object type called? Is it an Array?
How can I assign the poem to the first line of the text in order to replace the word "sleepy" that is sitting on that specific line?
It's not an array, it's String's []= method. If you want to only replace on a certain line, you can split the poem string and get an array by using the split method:
lines = poem.split("\n")
You could then make the replacement on the line you wish:
lines[3]["sleepy"] = "busy"
And then you can use Array's join method to join the Array into a String again:
poem = lines.join("\n")

String that can contain multiple numbers - how do I extract the longest number?

I have a string that
contains at least one number
can contain multiple numbers
Some examples are:
I need a way to extract the longest number from the string. So for the 3 strings above, it would extract
How can I do this?
#get the lines first
text = <<ENDTEXT
lines = text.split("\n")
#this bit is the actual answer to your question
lines.collect{|line| line.scan(/\d+/).sort_by(&:length).last}
Note that i'm returning the numbers as strings here. You could convert them to numbers with to_i
parse the list (to get an int array), then use the Max function. array.Max for syntax.
s = ""
s.scan(/\d+/).max{|a,b| a.length <=> b.length}.to_i
