Rotating the image of a picturebox that only has an ImageLocation - image

I have a card game program that when a card gets discarded and is found to be a certain type of card, it goes into my DefeatedChars pile, which is just a PictureBox named DefeatedChars. Currently all my images are loaded during runtime using ImageLocation which is the string of some website that stores all the card images. I want to know how to load this string to the PictureBox's Image property so I can rotate it because trying to rotate gives me a null pointer exception because Image is nothing, at least I think that's why. I do know through debugging that when DefeatedChars.Image is nothing. My question is, is there a way to rotate the ImageLocation after it's been loaded or is there a way to move the image found at the ImageLocation into the image property. Ultimately, when I'm done with the game, I want the image found at the image location to be stored somewhere locally so that if the website changes, which it does, the cards will retain their images and properties, but that's a question for later down the road. Here is the code I am stuck at that gives me a null pointer exception. I'm coding in Visual Studio.
DefeatedChars.ImageLocation = tempCard.ImageLocation

I tried this...
DefeatedChars.Image = Image.FromFile(tempCard.ImageLocation)
But I ran into a "URI formats are not supported error". Then I found this little gem on the internet, which replaces the first line of code above.
DefeatedChars.Image = Image.FromStream(System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(tempCard.ImageLocation).GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
It turns the URL into a stream so it can be used by the Image property and it works like a charm.


Images turning green-blackish when passing them to dataloaders

I'm working with fastai, trying to pass some images to a dataloader. The original images are kind of pinkish, but after passing them they appear mostly as green-black (see image in link below):
Original pinkish image (up) and example images (down) after passing them to dataloader, and the code.
The code I've used for the datablock and to show the images is:
example = DataBlock(
blocks=(ImageBlock, CategoryBlock),
item_tfms=Resize(128)) #already tried it without item_tfms just in case, still black-green
dls = example.dataloaders(path)
dls.show_batch(nrows=1, ncols=3)
I tried with .tif and .jpeg images, and both show the same problem. The only thing that comes to my mind is that somewhat somewhere is not reading correctly the color format (RGB according to my original files), or maybe transforming it; but I'm not able to figure it out.
Just in case it's important, I'm working in a Jupyter notebook with a MackBook Air M1.

Add markers to image similar to what the mapping apps do - Xamarin.Forms

I am currently using Xamarin.Forms and I would like to import an image and be able to add markers to it. Similar to what the mapping apps do, but want to be able to do it from an uploaded image or from taking a photo. I would also Like to be able to set a scale on it after the image was uploaded by placing two or more markers and then entering a measurement between those markers.
When displaying an image/photo I would like to place markers on them that would have more info about the pinned location on the image. These pins must be saved in a database so that the next time it's opened the markers will be in the correct location as they were placed the first time.
If anyone knows how I can get started on this, or know of any libraries that allow you to this, it would really be appreciated.
Loading the image from file, camera or url is simple enough.
Zooming in and out after the image is loaded was simple enough too. Altering the scale size of the Image by making use of the PinchGesture.
Moving the image around ended up being simple too, and it was achieved by using the PanGesture and altering the TranslationX and TranslationY.
.......Still searching for a working and reliable solution for adding Pins/Markers at a location on the image and the markers need to have a click or tap event attached to it.

Part of Image Missing From Data URL

Backstory to the below issue:
I'm using the jQuery plugin Cropit to produce an image which I get in data URL form (the user uploads an image and Cropit allows them to manipulate it, when the user is happy, Cropit exports the final image).
This data URL is attached to the product (this is a Shopify website) via Shopify properties (in a similar way you would attach text for an engraved product) and then when the order is created, I have an app listening for new orders and I pull the data URL from the order.
From testing, I can confirm that the data URL is wrong / corrupted / broken at the time the order is placed and not being broken in transit.
Original Question
I have a bit of a weird situation and I can't find any similar situations online.
I'm being sent an image in data URL format (from Shopify if it's relevant, I have written a private app and their webhook is sending me an image)
The image is in a data URL format that starts with, as an example,
The problem I am having is sometimes (and it's maybe less than 10% of the time) when I get the image and try to print it, it's missing the bottom chunk of the image. In a PDF, it considers the image corrupt, and in a web browser, it just sees the bottom of the image as transparent, however much is missing.
This is what it looks like in Inspect Element on Google Chrome when you hover over the image URL (image has been purpled out for anonymity)
My question is, does anyone know why?
We can't find a correlation with browser or device type. And I'm not sure if it's because part of the data URL is somehow missing (maybe a character limit, because it's a really long string!) or if it's the type of image. Might possibly be something going wrong in the upload process?
Is anyone able to shed any light? It's such a weird issue I'm not even sure what to google!
And just to confirm, the image absolutely has to be sent in this format for a whole series of reasons, mainly Shopify restrictions so I can't send the image in file format.

Check if an image contains another image

Im trying to check if a screenshot contains an image that is saved in the project resources, I need to find a 100% match only and would like to not use any extra libraries, now with that being said, I have no idea how to do so.
heres a few questions:,
do I compare the two buffered images together? do I change them into something else?
Il have to compare it atleast once a second or so. (just as general information)
I have a resource folder under my project in eclipse and the .png files are shown as text, is there a way to change that? I tried tinkering with the settings, no luck yet.
public static BufferedImage screenshot(){
BufferedImage capture = robot.createScreenCapture(screenSize);
return capture;
this is my screenshot, another bufferedimage is for example "compare", where the size of the compared image is smaller than the screenshot. how will I be able to check if the image contain the second image?
*For those who wondering, im trying to make a simple program that clicks a certain image once it pops up.

Silverlight: Set one image source equal to another

I'm building a very simple video player in Silverlight (using Expression Blend 4), and I want to have an Image that comes from the same image file as another Image. (The image files are just in the root of my project.) If someone selects my first video thumbnail in one area, the detail view for the selected video also includes this thumbnail.
I'd love to just do this (in the C# code-behind):
videoDetailImage.Source = _currentThumb.Source;
But it seems to have no effect. I've played around with:
videoDetailImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("t01-artifact.jpg", UriKind.Relative));
And that doesn't work either. I've even tried grabbing images from the web and going UriKind.Absolute - still nothing shows up.
Update: I actually gave up on this and did a very lazy thing of just putting all the images I needed into the app and toggling their Visible / Collapsed states. It's a piece of junk, but all that mattered was that it work.
