Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Installs Unwanted Tools - visual-studio-2010

I am installing Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and I am doing a custom installation where I can choose the tools I want and install it in the preferred installation directory.
I am only in need of visual c++ and the graphics library. That's all i need as I am just starting to learn c/c++. Despite choosing just two tools, it installed SQL server compact and a bunch of other components which I didn't ask for. This is consuming a lot of disk space in the C: drive where Windows is installed. I need at least 5 GB of free space on the C: drive for future Windows update but now I am left with only 3 GB.
1)Why does visual studio install sql server along with the c/c++ compiler? And why did it occupy space in the directory which I didn't specify?
2) Is it safe to uninstall sql server and its components?
I am aware that .NET framework is necessary for visual studio to run.

SQL Server Compact is used internally by some Visual Studio components. I think InteliSense database is one of them, storing metadata information about projects in your solution (look for *.sdf files, those are SQL Server Compact databases). So I would definitely not advise you to uninstall SQL Server Compact.
The same is true for other SQL Server components installed by Visual Studio, although maybe to lesser degree. Visual Studio components using them may not be needed in your case, and if they are needed they should let you know by giving you the right error message. One component I wouldn't touch is SMO (SQL Server Management Objects).
If you installed SQL Server Express (not Compact) it is absolutely safe to get it uninstalled.

1) Why does visual studio install sql server along with the c/c++ compiler?
And why did it occupy space in the directory which I didn't specify?
It installs only Express version of Sql Server and it comes by default with intention that your application development will need Sql Server Express.
2) Is it safe to uninstall sql server and its components?
Yes, you can uninstall it if you don't need Sql Server.


Build SQL Server Data Tools (for Visual Studio 2013) project on build server without Visual Studio

We have a C# web project authored in Visual Studio 2013 which incorporates a Database Project, and I've set up a number of TeamCity build configurations to do Continuous Integration.
Team City is working well for us at the moment with all of our code checkins going automatically into the integration environment.
SSDT is also working well for us, we are easily able to share and publish database changes within the development team.
What I want to do now is get TeamCity to automatically build the Database Project and deploy it into the integration environment.
We do not have VS2013 on the build server, and would rather not install it there. We are all running SQL Server 2012.
I have read a few questions and articles about "headless" builds of *.sqlproj projects e.g:
How to build .sqlproj projects on a build server?
These approaches seem to be quite manual and fiddly and related to SSDT 2012 - has anyone got a reliable configuration for the versions we're using?
We've got SSDT working on our build server without requiring a copy of Visual Studio. In our case, we did a full install of SSDT because that will give you the necessary components, including the Visual Studio IDE shell. It was also a bit less fiddly than trying to make the admin install point and install just those bits. We added the folder containing sqlpackage to the path and made sure that we could get to the latest MSBuild executable (part of the .NET framework). There's no need to install a full copy of Visual Studio unless you happen to need it for some other reason on that machine.
This article goes into a bit more detail:
Summarizing that article, here's what you need:
Install the Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Data-Tier Application Framework
Install the Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Transact-SQL ScriptDom
Install the Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Transact-SQL Compiler Service
Install the Microsoft® System CLR Types for Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012
Install the SQL Server Data Tools Build Utilities from the Administrative
install point. (this is where we used the full install)
It's been a while, but you might be able to just make sure that machine is connected to the Internet and run the latest SSDT installer to install SSDT and all of the pre-reqs. At that point, you've got the necessary bits to build SQL Projects.

Install SQL Server 2008 Express with Visual Studio 2010

I am doing a custom install of Visual Studio 2010 onto a new development box.
The target machine already has SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 installed.
I see one of the components is SQL Server 2008 Express Service however this machine already has SQL Server installed on it. Its a 1.6 GB disk space savings plus I dont like to add unnecessary services (or installs) if I do not have to.
So my question is, would I want to still install the "express service" even though I have the full Developer Version of SQL Server 2008 R2 already installed? And if so, why? Is there a future benefit or is this somewhat redundant and can I save space and keep this box better tuned?
Just wanted to update this as I eventually learned that I did not need to install the express service of SQL Server 2008 because I already had the full developer version installed. There have been no ill effects and I was able to save the disc space required for the express service plus the RAM needed to run and maintain that instance.

What is the proper installation order for VS2010 components? (IIS Express, SQL CE, MVC3, SP1 Beta)

After I went to to get the IIS Express and SQL CE my machine has been acting strange. VS2010 intellisense is lost, and now I've lost my HTML designer. It doesn't load.
Maybe it's because the Microsoft Web Platform the free developer express alongside VS2010 Ultimate. Maybe the issues are relating to any of the other components I have installed: SP1, MVC 3, or maybe even the Azure SDK. Now that I'm starting from a clean Virtual PC, I want to do it correctly. Can someone look at my components below and let me know what problems or conflicts I'll run into?
My current base install is a clean VS2010 Ultimate install with Windows 7. What is the proper installation order for the following components:
IIS Express
Azure Service Bus
Azure App Fabric (production, not labs)
VS2010 SP1 Beta
Office Tools
Also I think it's a good idea to install the SQL 2010 Administrative Tools as well, since I can manage my SQL Express instances with that as well. What is your opinion?
Am I required to install Visual Studio Web Developer Express (free edition?)
Start by installing VS2010 (the edition you would choose would obviously depend on your budget). As far as the other components are concerned the order in which they are being installed is not really important.

installing visual studio 2005 after 2008 already installed

I have a machine with VS 2008/Sql 2008 already installed. I now need to install an instance of vs 2005/Sql 2005 for two reasons.
The main reason is for reporting Services 2005. All of the report servers are sql 2005.
Now to create a SSRS compatible with 2005 do I just need to install Sql Server 2005 and work with it in VS 2008 or do I also need to install VS 2005.
The second reason is the off-site team that I am consulting with do not want the project upgraded yet.
So without rebuilding the whole box is there a safe way to install VS 2005 on a box that already contains 2008?
Same question for Sql Server 2005?
I have 2005 (VS/SQL), 2008 (VS/SQL) and 2010 (VS only) installed side by side and it works fine. However, it can become confusing exactly which version of SQL is which (if anyone has a good tip for that let me know). I didn't have any particular issues, just installed out of the box and it worked.
Having said that, the Virtual PC route that AaronLS recommends is worth considering.
I personally would use VirtualPC and install the SQL server in a virtual machine. You can use the Microsoft Loopback Connector to connect your local host machine to the guest machine.
VS and SQL Server 2008/2005 work fine side by side, and I believe you don't need anything special to make it work. You'll have to use an instance name that isn't taken for SQL Server, but that's about it.
Installing VS 2005 first and then installing Sql 2005 with the command switch SKUUPGRADE=1 seems to have done it.

Can several suites of the same version of Visual Studio be installed Side by Side?

I would like to know if I can install say Visual Studio 2008 Pro and Visual Studio 2008 standard on the same machine. I have tried to install the pro (trial edition available on MSDN) after the express, and it seems to require them to be installed in the same directory. Is this specific to the express edition ?
The reason why I am asking this is to support automatic detection of VS compilers on a given machine for a build tool (scons), and I am not so familiar with non express versions of VS. IOW, I don't want to run them side by side, I only need to know if I should handle side by side installation in my detection scheme.
I wouldn't recommend installing multiple editions of the same version side-by-side. I can imagine it playing havoc with the registry. If you just need to have all the different editions available for testing, I'd use VMs.
You can, however, install multiple editions (e.g. 2003, 2005 and 2008) side-by-side.
I know I have installed the express version and the professional version on the same machine.
You could also use Microsoft Virtual PC and install other versions on virtual machines.
You can install Visual Studio and each of the Express Editions side by side, but not a bunch of Visual Studios.
If you need to have them close, I would agree with the Virtual Machine idea.
