I tried to write a prolog code that can understand student program written in C#. Now I'm stuck in the process of recognizing the 'if' statement in student's program. For example:
The following is the code that I expect from the student.
int d = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // value d is inputted by user
int s = 0;
if (d>0)
s = 2;
else if (d==0)
s = 1;
s = 0;
I defined the goal of this expected code as:
hasVarName(Vid_s, s),
hasVarName(Vid_d, d),
hasVarValue(Vid_d, Vd),
((not(gt(Vd,0)); hasVarValue(Vid_s, 2)), %eq: [Vd>0] -> [val_s = 2]
((gt(Vd,0); not(eq(Vd,0)); hasVarValue(Vid_s, 1)), %eq: [~(Vd>0)^(Vd=0)] -> [val_s = 1]
((gt(Vd,0); eq(Vd,0); hasVarValue(Vid_s, 0). %eq: [~(Vd>0)^~(Vd=0)] -> [val_s = 0]
The problem is how can I represent the above student code in prolog facts and rules, to find out that the goal is satisfied for any possible conditions.
I tried to change the first part of the student code to become facts like the following, but don't really know how to represent the student's 'if' statement as facts/rules in prolog (I guess, I should not change it to prolog 'if', right?)
hasVarName(varID_d, d)
hasVarValue(varID_d, val_d) %it is unknown, so I represent it as symbol 'val_d'
hasVarName(varID_s, s)
hasVarValue(varID_s, 0)
And another one, in my goal, when I have comparison such as gt(Vd,0) I think I cannot use the prolog greater than operator, neither Vd> 0 nor Vd #> 0 cause the value in Vd is actually a certain value entered by user, but it is represented as symbolic value (in this case it is: val_d).
Note: using the above goal, I think the defined goal will be satisfied if student code is changed to the following code.
int d = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // value d is inputted by user
int s = 0;
if (d>0)
s = 2;
else if (d==0)
s = 1;
int d = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // value d is inputted by user
int s = 10; // any random initialization
if (d>0)
int x = 2; // unnecessary step, but still Ok.
s = x;
else if (d==0)
s = 1;
s = 0;
But again, I need help/idea how this code can be represented in prolog as action/rule/fact to meet the goal.
Any help is really appreciated.
Many thanks
I guess you tried to model if-then-else via implication, using
the following boolean identity:
A -> B == ~A v B.
Instead of using conjunctions of implications, it is easier
to use disjunction to choose between branches, and conjunction
along the control flow. But that you exclude previous if-conditions
via negation is still necessary.
Take your example:
if (d>0)
s = 2;
else if (d==0)
s = 1;
s = 0;
You can use CLP( * ) to model it. Add extra variables so that
variables are not overridden, but this is not a problem in the
small above snippet. In CLP( * ) the above snippet becomes, I
am using CLP(FD) for simplicity:
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 6.3.0)
Copyright (c) 1990-2012 University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam
?- use_module(library(clpfd)).
?- [user].
that_if(D, S) :-
(D #> 0, S #= 2;
D #=< 0, D #= 0, S #= 1;
D #=< 0, D #\= 0, S #= 0)
In a decent CLP( * ) system you can arbitrarily instantiate or
constrain D or S in a query. We get for example already
in CLP(FD):
/* What conditions give result S #= 1 ? */
?- S #= 1, that_if(D, S).
S = 1,
D = 0 .
/* What results give condition D #= 1 */
?- D #= 1, that_if(D, S).
D = 1,
S = 2 ;
/* What conditions give a result S #=< 1 */
?- S #=< 1, that_if(D, S).
S = 1,
D = 0 ;
S = 0,
D in inf.. -1.
/* What results give a condition D #>= 0 */
?- D #>= 0, that_if(D, S).
S = 2,
D in 1..sup ;
D = 0,
S = 1 ;
Usually a language implementation requires an abstract syntax tree, where it's convenient to specify the semantic actions that implements the constructs we are allowed to express.
You seem skipping the phase of building the syntax tree, and (by hand?) represent the intermediate level of the program.
If you stick to such medium level representation, you can use a recursive term (an abstract tree, in effect) like if(Condition, Then, Else) where each var it's in turn a syntax tree.
Otherwise, a more practical representation (usually applied for imperative language), use the concepts of basic blocks (an instruction sequence without jumps) and then labels, to describe the execution flow.
The result it's a graph, and the behaviour of the program is determined by the 'topology' of that representation.
hasVarName(Vid_s, s),
hasVarName(Vid_d, d),
hasVarValue(Vid_d, Vd),
%eq: [Vd>0] -> [val_s = 2]
((not(gt(Vd,0)); hasVarValue(Vid_s, 2), goto(label(0))),
%eq: [~(Vd>0)^(Vd=0)] -> [val_s = 1]
((gt(Vd,0); not(eq(Vd,0)); hasVarValue(Vid_s, 1), goto(label(0))),
%eq: [~(Vd>0)^~(Vd=0)] -> [val_s = 0]
((gt(Vd,0); eq(Vd,0); hasVarValue(Vid_s, 0)), % the goto is useless here...
Note that I didn't pay any attention to describe correctly your sample program, just placed the jumps to show this possibility...
edit I think that the general problem can't be solved, being equivalent to the halting problem for a Turing Machine. For the particular case at hand, without loops, I would attack the problem using abstract interpretation on the AST. I.e. an interpreter that computes what's interesting.
If it's feasible depends on the generality of your target programs. You should be able to partition the integer domain for each variable involved in each condition point. Things become rapidly complex...
Specifically, at the condition point of the IF THEN ELSE attempt to partition the domain. Using such approach, let Prolog execute the IF testing both branches, propagating the values. But, as I said, is not really easy...
I've written some predicates which take the length of a list and attaches some constraints to it (is this the right vocabulary to be using?):
clp_length([], 0).
clp_length([_Head|Rest], Length) :-
Length #>= 0, Length #= Length1 + 1,
clp_length(Rest, Length1).
clp_length2([], 0).
clp_length2([_Head|Rest], Length) :-
Length #= Length1 + 1,
clp_length2(Rest, Length1).
The first terminates on this simple query, but the second doesn't:
?- Small in 1..2, clp_length(Little, Small).
Small = 1,
Little = [_1348] ;
Small = 2,
Little = [_1348, _2174] ;
?- Small in 1..2, clp_length2(Little, Small).
Small = 1,
Little = [_1346] ;
Small = 2,
Little = [_1346, _2046] ;
% OOPS %
This is strange to me, because Length is pretty clearly greater than 0. To figure that out you could either search, find the zero, and deduce that adding from zero can only increase the number, or you could propagate the in 1..2 constraint down. It feels like the extra clause is redundant! That it isn't means my mental model of clpfd is pretty wrong.
So I think I have two questions (would appreciate answers to the second as comments)
Specifically, why does this additional constraint cause the query to work correctly?
Generally, is there a resource I can use to learn about how clpfd is implemented, instead of just seeing some examples of how it can be used? I'd prefer not to have to read Markus Triska's thesis but that's the only source I can find. Is that my only option if I want to be able to answer questions like this one?
1mo, there is the issue with naming. Please refer to previous answers by
and me recommending relational names. You won't go far using inappropriate names. So list_length/2 or list_fdlength/2 would be an appropriate name. Thus we have list_fdlength/2 and list_fdlength2/2.
2do, consider the rule of list_fdlength2/2. Nothing suggests that 0 is of relevance to you. So that rule will be exactly the same if you are using 0 or 1 or -1 or whatever as base case. So how should this poor rule ever realize that 0 is the end to you? Better, consider a generalization:
list_fdlength2(fake(N), N) :- % Extension to permit fake lists
N #< 0.
list_fdlength2([], 0).
list_fdlength2([_Head|Rest], Length) :-
Length #= Length1 + 1,
list_fdlength2(Rest, Length1).
This generalization shows all real answers plus fake answers. Note that I have not changed the rule, I added this alternative fact only. Thus the fake solutions are actually caused by the rule:
?- list_fdlength2(L, 1).
L = [_A]
; L = [_A, _B|fake(-1)]
; L = [_A, _B, _C|fake(-2)]
; ... .
?- list_fdlength2(L, 0).
L = []
; L = [_A|fake(-1)]
; L = [_A, _B|fake(-2)]
; ... .
Each clause tries to contribute to the solutions just in the scope of the clause. But there is no way to derive (by the built-in Prolog execution mechanism) that some rules are no longer of relevance. You have to state that explicitly with redundant constraints as you did.
Now, back to your original solution containing the redundant constraint Length #>= 0. There should not be any such fake solution at all.
list_fdlength(fake(N), N) :-
N #< 0.
list_fdlength([], 0).
list_fdlength([_Head|Rest], Length) :-
Length #>= 0,
Length #= Length1 + 1,
list_fdlength(Rest, Length1).
?- list_fdlength(L, 1).
L = [_A]
; L = [_A, _B|fake(-1)] % totally unexpected
; false.
?- list_fdlength(L, 0).
L = []
; L = [_A|fake(-1)] % eek
; false.
There are fake answers, too! How ugly! At least, they are finite in number. But, you could have done it better by using
Length #>= 1 in place of Length #>=0. With this little change, there are no longer any fake solutions when N is non-negative and thus also your original program will be better.
I am about to implement a prover for logical terms in Prolog. My current code is not really presentable, therefore, I will just state, what I want my program to do and hopefully you can give me some good advice for that :)
It should take a list of variables (so to say the logical arguments) and secondly a logical formula containing these arguments (e.g. 'not'(A 'and' B) 'or' 'not'(B 'and' C) 'or' ... and so forth).
As output I would like my program to respond with the possible consistent assignments. The single arguments can either be true (1) or false (0).
So I aim for a return like A=0, B=0, C=0 ; A=1 and so forth.
I am happy for every help concerning my program :)
There are several ways one could approach this. One way that is convenient in terms of syntax would be to define operators, something like this:
:- op(500, fx, not).
:- op(600, xfx, and).
:- op(700, xfx, or).
(I am just guessing at reasonable precedence settings here, but just for illustration. See the op documentation for details.)
Having done that, you can write an expression such as: A and B and Prolog will "see" it as and(A, B):
| ?- write_canonical(A and B).
From there, you need to have a way to evaluate an expression. There are lots of questions on SO here in this regard (do a search in this site on [prolog] boolean expression evaluation), but I'll provide a simple example. It's now all about how you want to represent a result, and about recursion.
When it comes to representing a result, you could use Prolog's success/fail mechanism since you are dealing with boolean results. Or, you can have an explicit result, such as 0 and 1. Let's try 0 and 1 since that's your representation for true and false.
% Describe a valid boolean
% The evaluation of a valid boolean is itself
exp_eval(X, X) :- bool(X).
% Evaluation of an 'and' expression
exp_eval(and(A, B), Result) :-
exp_eval(A, ResultA),
exp_eval(B, ResultB),
Result #= ResultA * ResultB.
% Evaluation of an 'or' expression
exp_eval(or(A, B), Result) :-
exp_eval(A, ResultA),
exp_eval(B, ResultB),
% Just a little trick to get 1 if either ResultA or ResultB or both are 1
Result #= (ResultA + ResultB + 1) // 2.
% Evaluation of a 'not' expression
exp_eval(not(A), Result) :-
exp_eval(A, ResultNot),
Result #= 1 - ResultNot. % 0 ---> 1, and 1 ---> 0
Instead of calculating "boolean" 1/0 results as I've done above, you could, instead, assert them as facts like so:
bool_not(0, 1).
bool_not(1, 0).
bool_and(0, 0, 0).
bool_and(0, 1, 0).
bool_and(1, 0, 0).
bool_and(1, 1, 1).
bool_or(0, 0, 0).
bool_or(0, 1, 1).
bool_or(1, 0, 1).
bool_or(1, 1, 1).
And then, for example, instead of Result #= (ResultA + ResultB + 1) // 2 you could just have, bool_or(ResultA, ResultB, Result).
Now that we can evaluate expressions, we want a solver:
solve(Exp) :-
term_variables(Exp, Variables),
maplist(bool, Variables), % Variables should be valid booleans
exp_eval(Exp, 1). % We only want true results for the expression
Note that in the original problem statement, it's said that the variable list would be given as an argument, but you can use term_variables/2 to obtain the variables from an expression.
Then you can run the solver:
| ?- solve(not(A and B) or not(B and C)).
A = 0
B = 0
C = 0 ? a
A = 0
B = 0
C = 1
A = 0
B = 1
C = 0
A = 0
B = 1
C = 1
A = 1
B = 0
C = 0
A = 1
B = 0
C = 1
A = 1
B = 1
C = 0
| ?-
I don't know what your representation is for an expression. But whatever it is, you can map it to the above solution. What I've shown is simple and clear. You could skip the op/3 stuff and use standard term expressions, like, or(not(and(A,B)), not(and(B,C))) using the above code. If you have your input as some kind of token sequence, like, [not, (, A, and, B, ...] then you'll have to do a little list processing.
I have a List with Integers and anonymous variables and I try to find the index of a special values. Problem is as soon I'm using nth1/3 to find the indices Prolog assigns values to the anonymous variables and therefore I find way too indices.
List = [1,\_,1], where I want as result X = 1, X = 3 from nth1(X,List,1), but as stated before I get X = 1, X = 2, X = 3.
There is a somewhat problematic issue hidden in your requirements: They violate an important declarative property called monotonicity. By this we mean that adding constraints can at most make the solution more specific, never more general.
For example, with the solution you posted, we get:
?- list_el_index([_], 1, N).
Now I add a constraint by imposing an additional requirement on the hitherto free anonymous variable:
?- Var = 1, list_el_index([Var], 1, N).
Var = 1,
N = 0 .
I mean: Come on! We have added a constraint, and as a result get more solutions than before? Such a result is unfortunate and prevents us from reasoning in a logical way about this program.
The program also fails us in other respects. For example, let us ask: Which solutions are there at all?
?- list_el_index(Ls, El, I).
Ideally, we would like the program to generate solutions in such cases! This generality is one of the foremost attractions of logic programming, and distinguishes it from more low-level paradigms.
One way to solve such issues is to symbolically distinguish the different kinds of elements that appear in your list.
For example, let us use:
u for an unknown value.
i(I) for an integer I.
With this new representation, your solution becomes:
list_el_index([i(I)|_], I, 0).
list_el_index([_|Tail], Element, Index) :-
list_el_index(Tail, Element, Index0),
Index #= Index0+1.
I have also taken the liberty to replace (is)/2 by (#=)/2, to advertise and stick to more general integer arithmetic that lets us more freely reorder the goals, if necessary. Depending on your Prolog implementation, you may have to import a library to benefit from (#=)/2.
With this representation, your initial case becomes:
?- list_el_index([i(1),u,i(1)], 1, Index).
Index = 0 ;
Index = 2 ;
This works as desired!
Importantly, we can use the predicate also more generally, namely to generate possible answers:
?- list_el_index(Ls, El, I).
Ls = [i(El)|_2994],
I = 0 ;
Ls = [_2992, i(El)|_3000],
I = 1 ;
Ls = [_2992, _2998, i(El)|_3006],
I = 2 ;
Ls = [_2992, _2998, _3004, i(El)|_3012],
I = 3 .
Due to the program's monotonicity, we can fairly enumerate solutions by iterative deepening:
?- length(Ls, _), list_el_index(Ls, El, I).
Ls = [i(El)],
I = 0 ;
Ls = [i(El), _4812],
I = 0 ;
Ls = [_4806, i(El)],
I = 1 ;
Ls = [i(El), _4812, _4818],
I = 0 ;
This has become possible by using a representation that lets us distinguish the cases by pattern matching. Consider using this approach to make your programs usable in all directions, and to make logical reasoning applicable. It is quite easy to apply by using the appropriate wrapper or constant, and greatly increases the generality of your programs.
This works :
- L = [1,_,1], nth1(X, L, Y), ground(Y), Y= 1.
L = [1,_310914,1],
X = Y, Y = 1 ;
L = [1,_310914,1],
X = 3,
Y = 1.
Thanks to lurkers hint, I came up with this solution.
list_el_index([El1|_], El2, 0) :-
El1 == El2.
list_el_index([_|Tail], Element, Index) :-
list_el_index(Tail, Element, Index1),
Index is Index1+1.
I am attempting a past paper question for a Prolog exam. I drew a 'tree' for how I believed Prolog ought to behave given the program and a certain goal. However, Prolog does not behave as I expected, and given a query for which I believed it would return 'true', it actually returned 'false'.
Here is my program:
sum(Term,N) :- Term = 0, N = 0.
sum(Term,N) :- Term = f(M,Subterm), number(M), sum(Subterm,N-M).
My query and search tree are as follows (goals are bracketed and in bold):
[ sum(f(1,0),1) ]
Using Rule 1, let Term = 0, N = 0, tries to unify [ 1 = 0, 1 = 0 ] fail.
Redo: using Rule 2, let Term = f(1,0), N=1 [ f(1,0) = f(M,Subterm), number(M), sum(Subterm,1-1) ]
Unifying, let M=1 and Subterm=0 [ number(1), sum(0,0) ]
Using Rule 1, this should succeed. However (SWI) Prolog says 'false'.
If someone can point out to me why my reasoning is flawed (and how I can learn from this in future), I would be very grateful.
Since your program is almost a pure1 one, you can locate the error in a systematic manner without using a debugger. The idea is to generalize your program by removing goals, one-by-one. I came up with the following pure generalization which I obtained by "commenting" out some goals like so:
:- op(950, fy, *).
sum(Term,N) :-
Term = 0,
N = 0.
sum(Term,N) :-
* Term = f(M,Subterm),
* number(M),
?- sum(Term, N).
Term = 0, N = 0
; false.
Also the query above is more general than yours. This is a very useful technique in Prolog: Instead of thinking about concrete solutions, we
first let Prolog do all the work for us.
The answer was quite clear: There is exactly one solution to this relation, even if the relation is now generalized.
So the problem must be somewhere in the remaining visible part. Actually, it's the -. Why not write instead:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
sum(0, 0).
sum(Term, N0) :-
Term = f(M, Subterm),
N0 #= M+N1,
sum(Subterm, N1).
I find that program much easier to understand. If I read a name sum, I immediately look for a corresponding +. Of course, if you insist, you could write N0-M #= N1 instead. It would be exactly the same, except that this requires a bit more thinking.
Fine print you don't need to read
1) Your original program used number/1 which is not pure. But since the problem persisted by removing it, it did not harm our reasoning.
To be more accurate, the first rule tries to unify f(1,0) = 0 and 1 = 0, which of course fails.
Analysis of rule 2 is also incorrect. Partly, it's because Prolog does not evaluate arithmetic expressions inline. The term N-M is just a term (short-hand for '-'(N, M). It does not result in M being subtracted from M unless the evaluation is done explicitly via is/2 or an arithmetic comparison (e.g., =:=/2, =</2, etc).
The analysis of rule 2 would go as follows. Step 5 is where your logic breaks down due to the above.
Call sum(f(1,0), 1) results in Term = f(1,0) and N = 1.
In rule 2, Term = f(M, Subterm) becomes f(1,0) = f(M, Subterm) which results in M = 1 and Subterm = 0.
number(N) becomes number(1) and succeeds (since 1 is a number)
The call sum(Subterm, N-M) becomes sum(0, 1-1).
Prolog matches sum(0, 1-1) with the head of rule 1 sum(Term, N) :- Term = 0, N = 0., but it fails because 1-1 = 0 (which is the same as '-'(1, 1) = 0 unification fails.
Prolog matches sum(0, 1-1) with the head of rule 2, and unifies Term = 0 and N = 1-1 (or N = '-'(1, 1)).
Term = f(M, Subterm) becomes 0 = f(M, Subterm) which fails because 0 cannot match the term f(M, Subterm).
No more rules to attempt, so the predicate call fails.
The easy fix here is a common, basic Prolog pattern to use a new variable to evaluate the expression explicitly:
sum(Term,N) :-
Term = f(M,Subterm),
R is N - M,
sum(Subterm, R).
You can also tidy up the code quite a bit by unifying in the heads of the clauses. So the clauses could be rewritten:
sum(0, 0).
sum(f(M, Subterm), N) :-
R is N - M,
sum(Subterm, R).
EDIT: My answer is intended to guide you through a walk through of your existing logic. Other than correcting the misunderstanding regarding expression evaluation, I did not analyze your solution for overall correctness.
I have this scenario wherein I get a linear equation in the Prolog query like below:
?- myquery( 3X + 5Y = 10, Result).
So my query has an equation 3X + 5Y = 10, which in general assumes the form AX + BY = C, where A=3, B=5 and C=10.
Now, in my prolog program, I am trying to define a predicate that can take in the expression mentioned in the query above. That is, I somehow want to get A, B and C values and also the operator involved (in the above case the plus operator) stored and then used on the logic that I define withing the program. I am wondering how this can be done.
To be more generic, the question is how do I identify the constants and the operator involved in an equation that is passed on through the goal/query?
SWI-Prolog has a constraint library clp(Q,R) that solve at symbolic level these equations:
[debug] ?- [library(clpq)].
% library(clpq) compiled into clpq 0,27 sec, 992 clauses
?- {3 * X + 5 * Y = 10}.
{Y=2-3 rdiv 5*X}.
Eclipse will surely have something more advanced. These libraries aren't simple, tough...
Of interest to you, the Prolog syntax is used, as a host language, so the usual builtins could be applied for identify vars, constants, and the like.
The following transcript may prove illuminating:
32 ?- Term = (3*_X + 5*_Y = 10), functor(Term,F,A).
Term = 3*_G527+5*_G530=10
F = =
A = 2
33 ?- Term = (3*_X + 5*_Y = 10), arg(Arg,Term,Val).
Term = 3*_G459+5*_G462=10
Arg = 1
Val = 3*_G459+5*_G462 ; % user pressed ';' interactively
Term = 3*_G459+5*_G462=10
Arg = 2
Val = 10 ; % user pressed ';' interactively
35 ?- Term = (3*_X + 5*_Y = 10), arg(1,Term,Val1), functor(Val1,F1,A1),
Term = 3*_G693+5*_G696=10
Val1 = 3*_G693+5*_G696
F1 = +
A1 = 2
Val12 = 5*_G696
The last query reads: for Term as given, 1st arg of Term is Val1, the functor of Val1 is F1 with arity A1 (meaning, it has A1 args - subparts - itself), and 2nd arg of the term in Val1 is stored under Val12 name. To clarify, any symbolic data in Prolog is in the form of fff(aa,bb,cc,...) where fff is some name, called functor, and the "arguments" in that expression can be accessed through the arg call.
That means that the original expression (3*_X + 5*_Y = 10) is actually stored in Prolog as '='( '+'( '*'(3,_X), '*'(5,_Y)), 10). When you get to the atomic parts (functors with arity 0), you can check them further:
47 ?- arg(1,(3*X),V), functor(V,F,A), number(V).
X = _G441
V = 3
F = 3
A = 0
EDIT: to answer your other question (from the comments):
1 ?- (3*_X + 5*_Y = 10) = (A*X + B*Y = C).
A = 3
X = _G412
B = 5
Y = _G415
C = 10
If you insist on not writing out the multiplication sign * explicitly, you will have to represent your terms as strings, and to analyze that string. That would be a much more involved task.
EDIT: another thing to try is =.. predicate, called "Univ":
4 ?- (3*_X + 5*_Y = 10) =.. X.
X = [=, 3*_G454+5*_G457, 10]
5 ?- (3*_X + 5*_Y = 10) =.. X, X=[X1,X2,X3], X2 =.. Y.
X = [=, 3*_G545+5*_G548, 10]
X1 = =
X2 = 3*_G545+5*_G548
X3 = 10
Y = [+, 3*_G545, 5*_G548]
You can for example use term inspection predicates: arg/3, functor/3, var/1, (=..)/2 etc.
You might want to take a look at examples of symbolic differentiation implemented using term rewrite rules; they handle such expressions.
Here's a chapter (minus 1 page) from the book Clause and Effect that you might find useful:
Clause and Effect - Chapter Six: Term Rewriting
Another from The art of Prolog: advanced programming techniques
23 An equation solver
Programming in Prolog also has a section (7.11) on symbolic differentiation.