VS 2008 Setup changed, having two installations in Control Panel - visual-studio

My Visual Studio 2008 setup project is changed so that merge modules for MFC and VC have replaced DLL's that were installed manually in the installation folder. I'm okay with merge modules, but there is a problem. In previous setup user could choose between "Everyone" and "Just me". In new setup this choice has no effect, and installation is always for everyone because of merge modules, which must be installed for everyone. So, if previous installation was "just for me" then new installation does not remove DLL's of previous installation, and in Control Panel there are two installations with the same name.
In setup project of new version ProductCode is changed, UpgradeCode is not, RemovePreviousVersion is set to true, and Version is higher than it was before.
If I exclude merge modules from setup, and install new version "just for me" then all is well. Old files are removed, and there's only one installation in Control Panel. But I would rather not burden users with separate installation of redistributable packages.
How can I in Visual Studio 2008 setup have both merge modules, and instruct setup to remove previous version, even though previous version was "just for me", and new is for "everyone"?
Mаybe better question would be what would you do in my place to resolve this issue?

Windows Installer (handler of MSI files) will not uninstall one product during the installation of another. Also, the same installation is viewed as two different products when installed both per user ("just me") and per machine ("everyone"). It is therefore nothing you can do from .msi to uninstall old per user installation if new is to be installed per machine.
Options are, ordered by preference:
Make bootstrapper installation (.exe) that would seek and uninstall all that needs uninstalling. Bootstrapper is also preferred way to install prerequisites, instead of doing with merge modules.
From .msi you can just detect that something is wrong, and stop the installation. I've done this, but will work on first option as well.
Ignore the problem, say it's by design, and do nothing. It's all in the hands of the user.


VisualStudio 2010 setup project to InstallShield seamless transition

I just installed VS2013. As there is no longer the Setup Project, I installed InstallShield LE. I used integrated import wizard and hoped any newer build would automatically update older versions created with VS Setup project. Well, I used to alter the Product Version, which prompted me to alter the Product Code, and that was it. Now I thought this should work with InstallShield as well, so I updated the product version and manually generated the product code. I had the older application installed and tried to reinstall it with this new IS LE setup. And the result is: There are two applications installed, which have exactly the same name and path (it installed in the same directory), but different version. I can really see 2 programs with the same name in "Programs and Features". I checked the upgrade code, it is the same for both. What did I do wrong?
Check the installation type, i.e. per user or per machine. It must be the same for both versions, otherwise Windows Installer will skip removing the old versions and you will end up with both versions on your machine.
A verbose log created when you install the new version should also be helpful, you can search for FindRelatedProducts and RemoveExistingProducts standard actions in it, to see why the old version is not removed.
Well finally we were able to solve the problem. You need to place an entry to the Upgrades Path section. Oddly enough You need to do this manually and it's not done automatically by the IS import wizard.

WIX UI Installer Project in Visual Studio, Now Mange Updates?

I have a fresh WIX UI Install project in VS which compiles down into an MSI. Everything is working great with it.
It installs/uninstalls the files I want successfully. For example, it drops 3 DLLs into a Program Files folder, installs a Windows Service, and GAC's a DLL.
Now let's say I install on this in a given environment. Then one of our DLLs change and we need to upgrade this install without affecting other files already installed (such as the service) So my thought would be I would need a patch/upgrade MSI that would target that one DLL and just overwrite that particular file.
What is the simplest way to accomplish this? Do I need VS projects essentially for each patch/update MSI? Below is my current 2 WIX related projects (installer + custom action)
For updating just the DLL a patch is recommended. Visual Studio doesn't support patches, but you can try using WiX: http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix2/patch_building.htm
Please note that patches have some restrictions: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa367850(VS.85).aspx
A MSI which overwrites just one file is a bad mistake because you are not using the Windows Installer update mechanism.
If you want a MSI, it will have to be a major upgrade. A major upgrade will automatically uninstall the old version before installing the current one.

Visual Studio: How to automatically uninstall previous installed version?

I have a simple Web Setup project that reads from a Deployable Project.
Even though I have set the Setup to DetectNewerInstalledVersion to false I always get that annoying alert box that a previous installation exists and I need to go to the Control Panel and find the software to remove it...
Is there a way to add a script in a new new installation Dialog that could say A previous version was found, press NEXT to uninstall it. ?
Older versions are uninstalled automatically if you increase your Product Version and change the Package Code. This needs to be done each time you modify the setup project and build a new package.
If you keep the same version and Product Code, older builds cannot be uninstalled automatically. They are detected by Windows Installer before your new package is actually launched. So you need to uninstall them manually.
In my case I found out that the setup project wasn't part of the configuration manager.
Therefore, it wasn't rebuld on solution rebuilds and setup file with the new version and ProductCode wasn't generated.
The solution is simply to right click on the setup project and click rebuild.
Hope this help to future readers :)
The answer is not to use the Visual Studio setup project that's already integrated. I'm having the exact same problem: it won't remove previous versions even though I up the version, set it to remove previous version, check for previous version and rebuild, I can install but the files aren't updated. There are some good tools for this out there, check out bitrock, inno setup or wix.
Also Visual Studio 2010 was the last version with setup project support. It's not included in 2012.
I struggled with this for a long time but it is very simple.
Go to manage VS Extensions (VS2019) and install 'Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Project' v0.9.9
Right click on your installer project and go to properties. Keep the UpgradeCode variable in the properties window the same for different versions of the same product.
Change your ProductCode variable between different builds.
Now when you install the product with the same UpgradeCode already on the system, the installer will upgrade your existing product and you will only have one program in the Add/Remove window.
Create a .bat file
Write this code:
wmic product where name="SetupProgramName" call uninstall /nointeractive
cd Debug
Put this file in installer directory.

Web setup project removes files after upgrade from VS2008 to VS2010

I have a web setup project built using VS2008. I've converted my solution to VS2010 and now when I build my new installer and run the install from the MSI it installs fine, then at the last step, removes all the files it's just installed.
I have RemovePreviousVersions set to true. If I turn this off the files remain in place (but I get multiple instances in the Programs and Features in the control panel).
If I run the install again, the files reappear. From then on, the files always remain, even when installing another version. So, the problem seems to be with running an installer built using VS2008 and then running the same installer built by VS2010. The upgrade GUIDs on each installer are the same.
What is the cause and how can I fix this?
I haven't tried porting a setup from VS2008 to 2010, but having the same upgrade code for different build versions will cause problems; simple explanation is the msiexec installer fails when it tries to remove the old components because the older components have the same upgrade version as the newer components being installed. There is a VS project setting where you can automatically generate a new upgrade code each time you rebuild your .msi; I generally select this and saves a lot of these versioning headaches.
Uninstall all copies of your app using
add/remove programs
Delete the contents of your %TEMP% folder ( to
get rid of any "old" (VS2008) copies
of your .msi)
Update the GUID for the VS2010 version (I think you do this by right clicking on the
GUID in the properties window and clicking "genereate new GUID")
rebuild the project and try again!
I just encountered this error. Had the exact problem when upgrading. I tried the solution at:
I edited my MSI-file in Orca resequenced RemoveExistingProducts right after InstallInitialize (sequence number 1501). This was found in the InstallExecuteSequence table. This was originally sequence number 6550.
That solved my problem.
What I've discovered is that changing the UpgradeCode will prevent the files from being removed, however it's then treated as a separate installed program - i.e. in the control panel (Programs and Features) my program appears twice. Logically, I think, this is because it's not the same program.
My only option seems to be to programmatically uninstall the old version in the installer of the new version by writing a custom action.
I've submitted a bug to Microsoft Connect and they've confirmed it's reproducible.

How to upgrade via msi

I want to upgrade my product via msi setup.
The Upgrade Code of both msi remains the same because it's the same product family. Even if I change Version/Product Code of the msi for updating it just tells me the product is already installed or asks me to repair it. it doesn't ever provide an update option that replaces the current installation.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Pro to generate the msi setup
When you change the Version property in your Setup project, Visual Studio should prompt you to also change the ProductCode. You must do this. Then, you must also set the RemovePreviousVersion property to true. Make sure the UpgradeCode stays the same.
This is probably the easiest way and, from reading your question, what you are looking for. Note that this is more of an uninstall, then reinstall, than an "upgrade" per se.
