xquery full search text of children - full-text-search

Is it possible to do a search for a key words in an exist-db using xquery?
I've tried using
//foo//#val[. &= $param]
But this returns an error because this isn't supported with my version of exist-db (1.4.2)
What is the best way to do a search over a number of nodes?
<foo #val='test1'>
<bar #val='test2'>
<thunk #val='test3'/>
So with my example XML, how can I do
let $result :=
if //xml/foo[contains(#val,$param)] or
//xml/foo/bar[contains(#val,$param)] or
return $result

Either of these should work:
//foo//#val[. eq $param]
However, there are obviously issues to consider when using contains() instead of equals. Also, if the paths will always be constrained as you describe in your example, and you are only checking to see if any of those are true (as opposed to actually getting all the elements), then this should be a faster and more efficient query:
((//xml/foo[#val eq $param])[1] or (//xml/foo/bar[#val eq $param])[1] or (//xml/foo/bar/thunk[#val eq $param])[1])
Untested, but the [1] should short-circuit the xpath evaluator after it gets its first result from the query, and the ORs should short-circuit the expression when any one of them returns a value.


Need XPath and XQuery query

I'm working on Xpath/Xquery to return values of multiple child nodes based on a sibling node value in a single query. My XML looks like this
I need to get values of Score and Identifier based on Name value. I'm currently trying with below query but not working as desired
for $Identifier in fn:distinct-values(FilterResults/FilterResult/Analysis[Name="XXXX"])
return fn:string-join((//Identifier,//Score),'-')),',')
The output i'm looking for is this
Your question suggests some fundamental misunderstandings about XQuery, generally. It's hard to explain everything in a single answer, but 1) that is not how distinct-values works (it returns string values, not nodes), and 2) the double slash selections in your return statement are returning everything because they are not constrained by anything. The XPath you use inside the distinct-values call is very close, however.
Instead of calling distinct-values, you can assign the Analysis results of that XPath to a variable, iterate over them, and generate concatenated strings. Then use string-join to comma separate the full sequence. Note that in the return statement, the variable $a is used to concat only one pair of values at a time.
let $analyses := FilterResults/FilterResult/Analysis[Name="XXXX"]
for $a in $analyses
return $a/concat(Identifier, '-', Score),
=> qwerty-0,xyz-0

xpath expression to read value based on value of sibling

I've below xml and would like to read the value of 'Value' tag whose Name matches 'test2'. I'm using the below xpath , but did not work. Can someone help.
/*[ local-name()='OutputData']/*[ local-name()='OutputDataItem']/*[ local-name()='Name'][normalize-space(.) = 'test2']//*[local-name()='Value']/text()
You were close, but because the get:name and get:value are siblings, you need to adjust your XPath a little.
Your XPath was attempting to address get:value elements that were descendants of get:name, rather than as siblings. Move the criteria that is filtering the get:name into a predicate, then step down into the get:value:
/*[ local-name()='OutputData']/*[ local-name()='OutputDataItem']
[*[ local-name()='Name'][normalize-space(.) = 'test2']]/*[local-name()='Value']/text()
You could also combine the criteria of the predicate filter on the get:name and use an and:
/*[ local-name()='OutputData']/*[ local-name()='OutputDataItem']
[*[ local-name()='Name' and normalize-space(.) = 'test2']]/*[local-name()='Value']/text()
This should work I think:
//*[local-name()="get:Name" and text()="test2"]/following-sibling::*[local-name()="get:Value"]/text()

Using xsl:key to store result of boolean expression

In my transformation there is an expression some elements are repeatedly tested against. To reduce redundancy I'd like to encapsulate this in an xsl:key like this (not working):
<xsl:key name="td-is-empty" match="td" use="not(./node()[normalize-space(.) or ./node()])" />
The expected behaviour is the key to yield a boolean value of true in case the expression is evaluated successfully and otherwise false. Then I'd like to use it as follows:
<xsl:template match="td[not(key('td-is-empty', .))]" />
Is this possible and in case yes, how?
I think with XSLT 1.0 a key value is always of type string so in your sample the key value with either be the string true or the string false. You could then call key('td-is-empty', 'true') to find all td element nodes for which the expression is true and key('td-is-empty', 'false') to find all td elements for which the expression is false.
You seem to want to do something differently with your key however, like storing the result of the use expression for each td node, based on node identity. I don't think that is how keys work in XSLT.
You might however be able to express your requirement as
<xsl:template match="td[count(. | key('td-is-empty', 'false')) = count(key('td-is-empty', 'false'))]">...</xsl:template>
That matches those td elements which are a member of the set of elements found by key('td-is-empty', 'false').

Does xpath query has Limit option like mysql

I want to limit number of result I receive from xpath query.
For example:-
$info = $xml->xpath("//*[firstname='Sheila'] **LIMIT 0,100**");
You see that LIMIT 0,100.
You should be able to use "//*[firstname='Sheila' and position() <= 100]"
Given the following XML:
<country.php desc="country.php" language="fr|pt|en|in" editable="Yes">
<cityList desc="cityList" language="in" editable="Yes" type="Array" index="No">
<element4> Ahmednagar</element4>
You can use the following XPath to get the first three cities:
Node element0 Abu
Node element1 Agartala
Node element2 Agra
If you want to limit this to nodes that start with element:
//cityList/*[substring(name(), 1, 7) = 'element' and position()<=3]
Note that this latter example works because you're selecting all the child nodes of cityList, so in this case Position() works to limit the results as expected. If there was a mix of other node names under the cityList node, you'd get undesirable results.
For example, changing the XML as follows:
<country.php desc="country.php" language="fr|pt|en|in" editable="Yes">
<cityList desc="cityList" language="in" editable="Yes" type="Array" index="No">
<element4> Ahmednagar</element4>
and using the above XPath expression, we now get
Node element0 Abu
Note that we're losing the second and third results, because the position() function is evaluating at a higher order of precedence - the same as requesting "give me the first three nodes, now out of those give me all the nodes that start with 'element'".
Ran into the same issue myself and had some issue with Geoffs answer as it, as he clearly describes, limits the number of elements returned before it performs the other parts of the query due to precedence.
My solution is to add the position() < 10 as an additional conditional after my other conditions have been applied e.g.:
//ElementsIWant[./ChildElementToFilterOn='ValueToSearchFor'][position() <= 10]/.
Notice that I'm using two separate conditional blocks.
This will first filter out elements that live up to my condition and secondly only take 10 of those.

How to get H1,H2,H3,... using a single xpath expression

How can I get H1,H2,H3 contents in one single xpath expression?
I know I could do this.
and so on.
/html/body/*[self::h1 or self::h2 or self::h3]/text()
The following expression is incorrect:
//html/body/*[local-name() = "h1"
or local-name() = "h2"
or local-name() = "h3"]/text()
because it may select text nodes that are children of unwanted:h1, different:h2, someWeirdNamespace:h3.
Another recommendation: Always avoid using // when the structure of the XML document is statically known. Using // most often results in significant inefficiencies because it causes the complete document (sub)tree roted in the context node to be traversed.
