How to read each and every row of csv by single user in JMeter? - jmeter

I have a CSV file which contains 10 server names. I want to read entire 10 rows by each and every thread of my thread group.
Thread 1 reads row1,row2....row 10
Thread 2 reads row1,row2....row 10
But currently my test script read the file as below,
Thread 1 reads row1
Thread 2 reads row2
Thread 3 reads row3

There are two options:
CSV Data Set Config with Sharing Mode=Current Thread
Variables From CSV File
Read docs and see which one will be better for you.

Use the below function instead of variable:
You don't need to use the CSV reader as you want entire file content to be stored in a variable. The below image explains how the entire file content is passed as a parameter value to the HttpRequest.


Can I use the same CSV file for multiples Thread groups?

could find a precise answer to my question.
I have multiple Threads groups on my Test Plan, in all of them I created a CSV file to read a list of cars, for example:
Thread group 1 cars_thread_1.csv
Thread group 2 cars_thread_2.csv
Thread group 3 cars_thread_3.csv
But the list of cars didn't change inside the CSV files.
What's the recommended approach? Keep it like that or I can create a single CSV cars.csv and all of the threads read it?
Sure you can, just place it at the same level as Thread Groups so all of them would be in the CSV Data Set Config's scope
By default each thread will read next line from the file on each iteration, if this behaviour is not something you're looking for - you can amend Sharing Mode setting of the CSV Data Set Config.

How can i fetch data sequentially each row on each iteration fron csv file config on j meter

I have set 4 virtual user on thread group and i have set csv file config having 2 rows of data.when i run the test the first iteration 2 virtual user is fetching data sequentially but in the next iteration the remaining 2 virtual user is fetching ramdom data not sequentially.I want to fetch data sequentially on the next iteration (1 user->first row,2 user->second row) next itetation(3user->first row,4user->second row) how can i achieve that?
I don't think you can achieve this using CSV Data Set Config as in case of concurrency you might run into the situation when pre-allocated entry for the user will be not sequential when it comes to test results.
If you want to have the following sequence:
line 1
line 2
line 1
line 2
no matter how many users/iterations you have and what is response times fluctuation you need to consider switching to __StringFromFile() or __CSVRead() functions instead of CSV Data Set Config

JMeter CSV data set split into threads (users)

What I want to do:
I would like to test behavior of the system for 50 users. Each user has to do the same action X times,
with different input ( X - depends on how many records I have in the CSV file, so if the file contains 1000 records, each user will do the action 20 times).
What I actually did to do that:
I set up CSV Data Set Config (with CSV file with 1000 lines) and ofc set up Number of Threads to 50
What is my problem:
Now I'm quite not sure how to share the CSV file so that all user will have unique poll of the lines from the file. (so each user will have his unique lines from the CSV)
What can I do to workaround:
I can copy thread groups to make 50 thread groups, and add them separated CSV files, but it sounds ridiculous...
Given you set the following values in the CSV Data Set Config
Recycle on EOF: False
Stop thread on EOF: True
Sharing mode: All threads
then each thread (virtual user) will fetch new value(s) from the CSV file which will guarantee uniqueness of the test data
You can check this yourself by using __threadNum() function and ${__jm__Thread Group__idx}; variable
More information: CSV Data Set Config in Sharing Mode - Made Easy
In thread group under thread properties, we can set
number of threads = 50
ramp up period = 1
loop count = 20
So, here each thread after a sec will take next line from csv file and execute it.
This way the same csv file will be shared among different threads.
I would recommend to create multiple CSV files for your test plan and assign the variables accordingly for smooth execution of the script. Using same CSV file can not solve the problem as there are times when few threads executing much faster and others are slow in that case action will start replicating between different threads.

JMeter- Reading One row of CSV file to Multiple rows of another csv file

How can I loop one csv file to another csv file in JMeter, where the first csv file contains all the login data and the other csv file contains the transaction data. I am supposed to run where 1 teller should process 30 transaction.
Go for __CSVRead() function.
You will not be able to use CSV Data Set Config as it is a Configuration Element and according to the JMeter Test Elements Execution Order all the configuration elements are being initialised at the very beginning of the test while your requirement is to read data based on user dynamically.
Check out How to Pick Different CSV Files at JMeter Runtime article for comprehensive information on using __CSVRead() function

JMeter CSV file does not loop through sequentially

My Jmeter script is taking all the values from CSV but when I see it in the HTTP request output, they are not been displayed sequentially. For e,g- 50th row in CSV does not correspond to 50th HTTP request.
Thank you!
This should be fine when you have more than 1 thread and all threads are sharing the same CSV file.
Each thread executes the test plan independently - but share the same csv file. these threads do not wait for each other. Ex: Thread 3 does not have to wait for thread 2 to pick the second row. It is like first come and first serve! Whichever thread is ready to pick the data - it gets the data from csv. Rest assured all the csv rows will be read sequentially ie..not random rows.
