For my project I am required to write jmeter test plan from the command line in a non-interactive mode and save the result to file and then export it to mysql database.
Any idea how to go about?
You usually don't write script in non gui mode.
You run them in non gui mode.
Save them as CSV and inject data after load test in a database using manually written code or some load tool oracle or other db propose.
I am currently trying to automatically record a JMeter script using Selenium. Therefore i start Jmeter in GUI-Mode through Jenkins (using a batch file) with activated Script Recorder.
Then i run a Selenium-test also through Jenkins and a batch file. The requests that this Selenioum script is doing are successfully being recorded.
The only step that i was not able to figure out yet is to save the recorded JMX-Script and close JMeter.
Is there a way to do this through command line, batch file or other? Doing it manually is not an option since JMeter is running on a remote node through Jenkins.
I was able to close JMeter through a system exit/kill command but this way the jmx-file is not being saved.
I don't think it's possible as of JMeter 5.2.1, you will need to automate JMeter GUI separately using Appium or Sikuli or ldtp
However I believe it will make more sense to reconsider your approach and go for one of the following options:
Replay your Selenium test using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder as the proxy
Use Taurus tool which has Proxy2JMX Converter
If above 2 options for some reason cannot be used in your environment you can automate i.e. JMeter Chrome Extension from Selenium (check out 6 Easy Steps to Testing Your Chrome Extension With Selenium for details) so you will be able to start the recording and export resulting .jmx script directly from your browser without having to communicate with the remote Jenkins/JMeter instances.
I have a Java program which works on backend .It's a kind of batch processing type where I will have a text file that contains messages.The Java program will fetch message from text file and will load in to DB or Mainframe.Instead of sequential fetching we need to try parallel fetching .How can I do through Jmeter?
I tried my converting the program to a Jar file and calling it through class name.
Also tried by pasting code and in argument place we kept the CSV (the text file converted to .CSV).
Both of this giving Sampler client exception..
Can you please help me how to proceed or is there something we are missing or other way to do it.
The easiest way to kick off multiple instances of your program is running it via JMeter's OS Process Sampler which can run arbitrary commands and print their output + measure execution time.
If you have your program as an executable jar you can kick it off like:
See How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter article for more information on the approach
I have three slaves (jmeter-servers) running on EC2 instances, and in one case – (1) JMeter GUI on a local laptop, on another – same test plan (2) running from a command line on yet another EC2 instance.
In case of GUI I can see all the aggregated numbers for Throughput, 99%, etc. in – well, GUI. I'm creating a jtl file with Aggregate Report listener.
From watching Datadog charts monitoring the application server parameters (CPU usage, memory, etc.) I see that in case of a command line and everything on EC2 load is more than twice higher than when my local laptop is communicating with the jmeter-servers, meaning probably that the network becomes a bottleneck. So I want to run everything on EC2.
But then – how do I get access to the same aggregated numbers when I'm running from the command line when all four machines are EC2 instances? The huge jtl file contains records for each transaction, not the aggregated one line of the entire run result.
On an attempt to download that jtl from EC2 and open it in GUI on a local laptop it generates some error instead of showing aggregated data.
Am I using a wrong listener to get to the summary data? (Tried Summary Report – it creates even larger jtl file, not the one line I'm looking for.)
Problem in this case is not running scripts via JMeter GUI. Instead it is related to network.
I had a similar distributed setup in EC2-environment and I successfully executed heavy load tests in GUI mode. In my case, all my JMeter (master/slaves) were running on EC2 instances (windows environment). So, I will recommend you to setup your JMeter (Master) on EC2 and run scripts via GUI mode.
If you still want to run in command line mode then you simply need to pass command to create jtl file while the script runs on command line. Later on you can use this JTL to generate any JMeter report as per requirement. For more details check..
Jmeter - Run .jmx file through command line and get the summary report in a excel
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/test.jmx -l /path/to/results/file.jtl
Please refer to Dmitri answer in following question to reduce JTL size.
How can we control size of JTL file while running test from Non GUI Mode
Need a help in jmeter. When we run jmeter from GUI mode, we can see the instant results in UI and that gets auto refreshed in milliseconds or lesser.
But when I run jmeter from command line , in non GUI mode it still creates the result file and I can view it by another jmeter and with the adding an aggregate report listener to it. It opens the results with a pop up alert message but does not refresh it. For getting the updated results , need to browse and open it again .
So is there any way/plugin to open the file to view with auto refreshed as we can view while running in GUI mode.
It is not recommended to use listeners during test run, even if it is done via another instance of JMeter. Wait for the test to finish and then perform the analysis.
If for some reason looking into interim stats is absolutely required I would recommend running your JMeter test using Taurus tool as a wrapper, you'll be able to see some statistics and graphs this way:
Is there a way to create a JMeter test plan without going through the GUI?
I.E. can you create a script with pure code?
In a way - yes. You can create the JMX file in a text editor, but it would require knowing what every component needs.
You're better off creating in GUI mode and modifying the JMX file manually as needed.
Yes it's possible to write a test plan just by writing JAVA code.
The key classes to look into are:
StandardJMeterEngine - the main class which configures the Test Plan and executes it
HashTree - a special collection which holds Test Plan elements
A minimum of JMeter Controllers necessary to run the test.
I can write and run JMeter without GUI. JMeter use JMX file, as you can here.
Not entirely sure why you would want to write a JMX in this way? ... But yes, entirely possible if you understand the structure of the document.
You could use any basic text editor to achieve this (notepad / notepad++ for example).
A JMX file is a saved JMeter project in XML format. ~ Ref
Depending on your needs you could the browser editor from the JMeter Plugins website.
Or simply save a basic JMX as a template and spend loads of time learning the structure, syntax and namings etc.