Show div if validation fails - validation

I want this div to show if the form validation is unsuccessful.
<div class="alert">
<strong>Warning!</strong> #Html.ValidationSummary(false, "Fix these errors:")
I tried to wrapped it inside
if(! ViewData.ModelState.IsValid)
but div is not displayed when submitting the form. Probably because there is not post back due jquery validation. The validation logic seems alright, if i remove the if-statement validation summary list all incorrect input fields.
How can I toggle the visibility of the div based on the validation?

I rewrote the accepted answer. If the server connection is slow the error div will be visible during the server request. Even if there is no errors. I changed it to check if the form is valid when submitting the form. This code snippet assumes you have one form.
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".alert").hide(); //hides the div on page load
$("form").submit(function () {
if (!$(this).valid()) {

You can apply this simple script. It's not very sophisticated, but it should do the trick
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.alert').hide(); //hides the div on page load
$('#submit').click(function () { //assumes your submit button has id="submit"
$('.alert').show(); //shows the div when submit is clicked
As you can see, this doesn't actually care about the validation. It simply makes the 'alert' div visible when the submit button is clicked. If there are validation errors, the div will show with your warnings. If the form is valid, I'm assuming a refresh, or redirect, so the div will never actually have a chance to show.


How can I change the style of a div on return from a form submit action in Razor MVC3?

I have a Razor/ASP/MVC3 web application with a form and a Submit button, which results in some action on the server and then posts back to the form. There is often some delay, and it's important that users know they should wait for it to complete and confirm before closing the page or doing other things on the site, because it seems users are doing that and sometimes their work has not been processed when they assume it has.
So, I added a "Saving, Please Wait..." spinner in a hidden Div that becomes visible when they press the Submit button, which works very nicely, but I haven't been able to find a way to get the Div re-hidden when the action is complete.
My spinner Div is:
<div id="hahuloading" runat="server">
<div id="hahuloadingcontent">
<p id="hahuloadingspinner">
Saving, Please Wait...<br />
<img src="../../Content/Images/progSpin.gif" />
Its CSS is:
I get the "please wait" spinner to appear in a JS method for the visible button, which calls the actual submit button like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#submitVisibleButton").click(function () {
$(this).prop('disabled', true);
And my view model code gets called, does things, and returns a string which sets the usermessage content which shows up fine, but when I tried doing some code in examples I saw such as:
// Re-hide the spinner:
Response.write (hahuloading.Attributes.Add("style", "visibility:hiddden"));
It tells me "hahuloading does not exist in the current context".
Is there some way I am supposed to define a variable in the view model which will correspond to the Div in a way that I can set its visibility back from the server's action handler?
Or, can I make the div display conditional on some value, in a way that will work when the page returns from the action?
Or, in any way, could anyone help me figure out how to get my div re-hidden after the server action completes?
Is this done with ajax? I would assume so because the page is not being redirected. Try this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#submitVisibleButton").click(function () {
$(this).prop('disabled', true);
$("#hahuloading").ajaxStop(function () {
As an aside, you no longer need runat=server.

jQuery.validate stops my form from being submitted

jQuery.validate stops my form from being submitted. I would like it to just show the user what is wrong but allow them to submit anyway.
I am using the jquery.validate.unobtrusive library that comes with ASP MVC.
I use jquery.tmpl to dynamically create the form and then I use jquery.datalink to link the input fields to a json object on the page. So my document ready call looks something like this.
jQuery(function ($) {
// this allows be to rebind validation after the dynamic form has been created
// submit the answers
$("form").submit(function(e) {
return true;
I note that there is an option
$("form").validate({ onsubmit: false });
but that seems to kill all validation.
So just to recap when my form is rendered I want to show all errors immediately but I don't want to prevent the submit from working.
So after some research (reading the source code) I found I needed to do 2 things
add the class cancel to my submit button
<input id="submitButton" type="submit" class="cancel" value="OK" />
This stops the validation running on submit.
To validate the form on load I just had to add this to my document ready function
Hope this helps someone else

JQuery for Push-down form

Is there a JQuery plugin that allows me to 'unhide' a form by after clicking a link? Like I have an invite link that can take me to a one text field form for an email address but I want this form to just drop down (pushing the rest of the content down also) and shows the form to submit the email. If you guys can think of a JQuery plugin that lets me do this, please let me know
So I did this
<div class='add-link'>
<div id='invite_link'><a href=''>Invite User</a></div>
<div id='invitation_form'>
<input type='text'/>
and my jquery looks like
<script type="text/javascript">
$("table").tablesorter({sortList:[[0,0],[2,1]], widgets: ['zebra']});
$('#invite_link').click(function() {
Do you guys see any error that causes the form not to slide down. It hides the form when the page loads but when I click the link it is not sliding down.
$('a.mylink').click(function() {
I don't think you need a jQuery plugin for this. The base jQuery library should be sufficient.
$('#showFormLink').click(function () {
If you're looking for animation, that's possible as well by passing in a duration argument to slideDown.
Take a look at the jQuery show documentation.

jquery with boxy plugin - load and submit a form via ajax

I am using JQuery with Boxy plugin.
When a user clicks on a link on one page, I call Boxy.load to load a form onto the pop-up. The form loads and is displayed inside the pop-up without problems.
However, I can't bind the form to a submit event, since I can't select the form element.
This is the event handler:
$('#flag-link a.unflagged').click (function(e) {
url = $('href');
Boxy.load(url, {behaviours: function(r) {
alert ($("#flag-form").attr('id'));
The alert reads "undefined" when it is displayed.
And this is the form:
<form id="flag-form" method="POST" action="somepage">
<tr><td><input type="text" name = "name"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="submit" value="OK"></td></tr>
What am I doing wrong?
First (a minor point, but a potential source of trouble), it should be id="flag-form" not id = "flag-form" (no spaces).
Second, you shouldn't need r.find(). Just do $("#flag-form").attr("id")
As far as I understand, live() method must be used to bind an element to an event in this case:
$("#flag-form").live("submit", function(){ ... }
Presently, live method is documented to be not supporting the submit event. However, I could work it out with Chrome and FF. On the other hand, I couldn't get it working in IE. A better way for cross-browser compatibility seems to be binding the submit button of the form to the click event.
$("#flag-form-submit").live("click", function(){
I learnt that declaring methods in behaviours: function (e) {} works, in addition to using live() methods.
$('#flag-link a.unflagged').click (function() {
Boxy.load(this.href, {
behaviours: function(r) {
r.find('#flag-form').bind('submit', function() {
// do on submit e.g. ajax calls etc.
return false;
Boxy opens the URL (url = $('href');) in an iframe. So you cannot find the form from the opening page(parent page). Your code to bind the form should be in the child page (ie, the Boxy iframe). You can check the iframe URL using your code, url = $('href');

jquery ajax post callback - manipulation stops after the "third" call

EDIT: The problem is not related to Boxy, I've run into the same issue when I've used JQuery 's load method.
EDIT 2: When I take out link.remove() from inside the ajax callback and place it before ajax load, the problem is no more. Are there restrictions for manipulating elements inside an ajax callback function.
I am using JQuery with Boxy plugin.
When the 'Flag' link on the page is clicked, a Boxy modal pops-up and loads a form via ajax. When the user submits the form, the link (<a> tag) is removed and a new one is created from the ajax response. This mechanism works for, well, 3 times! After the 3rd, the callback function just does not remove/replace/append (tested several variations of manipulation) the element.
The only hint I have is that after the 3rd call, the parent of the link becomes non-selectable. However I can't make anything of this.
Sorry if this is a very trivial issue, I have no experience in client-side programming.
The relevant html is below:
<div class="flag-link">
<img class="flag-img" style="width: 16px; visibility: hidden;" src="/static/images/flag.png" alt=""/>
<a class="unflagged" href="/i/flag/showform/9/1/?next=/users/1/ozgurisil">Flag</a>
Here is the relevant js code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div.flag-link a.unflagged').live('click', function(e){
return false;
function doFlag(e) {
var link = $(;
var url = link.attr('href');
Boxy.load(url, {title:'Inappropriate Content', unloadOnHide:true, cache:false, behaviours: function(r) {
$("#flag-form").live("submit", function(){
var post_url = $("#flag-form").attr('action');
boxy = Boxy.get(this);
$.post(post_url, $("#flag-form").serialize(), function(data){
par = link.parent();
alert (par.attr('class')); //BECOMES UNDEFINED AT THE 3RD CALL!!
par.children('img.flag-img').css('visibility', 'visible');
return false;
Old and late reply, but.. I found this while googling for my answer, so.. :)
I think this is a problem with the "notmodified" error being thrown, because you return the same Ajax data.
It seems that this is happening even if the "ifModified" option is set to false (which is also the default).
Returning the same Ajax data three times will cause issues for me (jQuery 1.4). Making the data unique (just adding time/random number in the response) removes the problem.
I don't know if this is a browser (Firefox), jQuery or server (Apache) issue though..
I have had the same problem, I could not run javascript after I call boxy. So I put all my javascript code in afterShow:function one of boxy attributes. I can run almost except submit my form. My be my way can give you something.
