unoconv not working on ubuntu 12.04 server - shell

I am using unoconv to convert different file formats to pdf. It is working well on my local machine for all formats. But on my ubuntu 12.04 server unoconv is failing for some formats such as xls, ppt, pptx etc. However it is working fine for doc files. It shows the following error for the ppt conversion.
$unoconv -f pdf Googling.ppt
unoconv: UnoException during conversion in <class ''>: Unsupported URL <file:///home/pythonuser/almamapper/media/library/files/c1cb92e62ce54b29a017a6e8eaa23c/Googling.ppt>: ""
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/unoconv", line 790, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/unoconv", line 769, in main
File "/usr/bin/unoconv", line 679, in convert
error("ERROR: The provided document cannot be converted to the desired format. (code: %s)" % e.ErrCode)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 337, in _uno_struct__getattr__
return __builtin__.getattr(self.__dict__["value"],name)
AttributeError: ErrCode
I know I have to install openoffice-headless version on my server. But from this link I understand that Ubuntu switched to libreoffice instead of openoffice quite a while ago. So I installed libreoffice by the following command.
apt-get install libreoffice-core libreoffice-writer libreoffice-calc
But still am getting the same error. Am I missing something to install? Do anyone have any thoughts on this issue?

I fixed the above issue by installing latest version of unoconv. I tried updating libreoffice and installing complete version, neither helped.
I was using unoconv 0.3, and the latest available version is 0.6. So I installed the latest one and it solved the issue.
Here is the steps i followed:
apt-get remove --purge unoconv (remove the old unoconv first)
git clone
(download latest version of unoconv from github.)
now cd to unoconv directory and do sudo make install
Note: pls do git clone, dont download the tar file. In my case the installation failed when I downloaded the tar.

I had the same general problem after doing apt-get install unoconv, an additional apt-get install libreoffice fixed it. Probably your limited install of only some libreoffice components is the reason it only works for some formats. Certainly I would expect it to need libreoffice-impress for ppt conversion?

Related not available, aws lambda using rdkit

Thanks for putting a pip install of rdkit together.
When I went to run my code i observed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 12, in <module> from rdkit.Chem import Draw
File "/var/lang/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rdkit/Chem/Draw/",
line 21, in <module> from rdkit.Chem.Draw import rdMolDraw2D
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
normally this could be treated (i think) with
sudo apt-get install libxrender1
based on
however, if one wanted to use a docker build (as I do) from some public image such as
I dont think this is possible.
This thread
recommends using a specific conda forge channel.
My plan is to rebuild the docker image using the miniconda base image. I suspect that this might not play well with AWS Lambda/Serverless approaches to app deployment.
I will report back with my workaround. Please let me know if I have missed something.
Core issue was that the base docker image that i chose did not include the libxrender1 package nor the apt-get install command. Setting based image to
FROM python:3.8
resolved the issue

PyMesh problems with Setup on Windows10 and Error using Docker Version

I want to install PyMesh on a Windows 10 PC, if possible it should be installed in the side-packages of an interpreter delivered with the IDE we use.
I tried the way to run the setup discribed here
so the part :
git clone
cd PyMesh
git submodule update --init
worked without any problems.
I am not sure on windows if I now just can write
set PYMESH_PATH = path
and if i can use the path "...\PyMesh\PyMesh" here?
so i left out this part
I installed numpy and scipy (allready installed)
and nose because it is mentioned in the requirements.txt.
So my numpy scipy and nose versions are
numpy 1.19.1
scipy 1.6.0
nose 1.3.7 (same as requirenments)
and just run the with admin rights
python .\ install
which also seemed to work but i got an error trying
python -c "import pymesh; pymesh.test()"
from the PyMesh folder
saying ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyMesh'
or if i go up one Folder doing the same
saying AttributeError: module 'PyMesh' has no attribute 'triangle'
I found this link ImportError: No module named PyMesh
but i just dont know what i should type in there
I tried to install via pip by using pip install pymesh
but pip Installer gives me a different library.
So i tried in the docker version and in docker i tried the pymesh.load_mesh method with an stl File
but got
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape
I dont know if this is just the stl format (expecting binary getting ascii or vice versa)
The stl file itself can be opened so shouldnt be corrupted.
So is there a different way to install pymesh? A wheel would be great. Is it possible to install pymesh to the side-packages of a given Interpreter? Did someone else allready had the same error in Docker and knows the issue
thank you for your help

Why can't pip find pysvn?

I'm working on a project which was written in Python 2, and I'm upgrading it to Python 3. So far, I've just been finding minor syntax errors which are easily fixable. What I've done is created a new project in Python 3, ensured that it worked, and copies chunks of code from the old project into the new one.
Right now, I'm having trouble with pysvn. Initially, I was getting this error:
ImportError: No module named 'pysvn'
At this point, I tried using pip install pysvn, which didn't work. I got the following:
pip install pysvn
Collecting pysvn
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pysvn (from versions:)
No matching distribution found for pysvn
So then after a bit of research, I went to the pysvn download site and tried:
>pip install --index-url pysvn, which gave me this error:
Collecting pysvn
The repository located at is not a trusted or secure host and is being ignored. If this repository is available via HTTPS it is recommended to use HTTPS instead, otherwise you may silence this warning and allow it anyways with '--trusted-host'.
and also the same error as when I tried >pip install pysvn.
My next step was to manually download the .exe file for the version I needed, and I was able to successfully install pysvn. I have checked the site-packages directory, and pysvn is indeed there, but pip still can't tell me anything about it:
>pip show pysvn
When I do this for another installed module, selenium for example, I get the following:
pip show selenium
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: selenium
Version: 2.49.2
Summary: Python bindings for Selenium
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: UNKNOWN
Location: ...\lib\site-packages
I was able to verify that the installation of pysvn was successful because my project now runs instead of giving me that ImportError.
So why can pip not give me information for another module in the same directory that was successfully installed?
As it turns out, because I didn't use pip install for pysvn, pip didn't know that pysvn existed. Because it wasn't available from PyPI (the Python Package Index), there was no way that pip could see it (because that's where pip goes first to find packages that it's attempting to install).
From the pip user guide:
pip supports installing from PyPI, version control, local projects, and directly from distribution files.
Since I had eventually downloaded pysvn from its own download site (which was not any of the above 4 options) and ran the .exe manually, pip simply doesn't know about it even though it's in the same directory as other packages installed by pip.
I suppose I could've also retrieved the distribution files and used pip with those, but my workaround did the trick.
My way on linux:
Get sources from here
tar -zxf pysvn-1.9.10.tar.gz
apt-get install subversion libsvn1 libsvn-dev make g++
cd pysvn-1.9.10/Source
python configure --pycxx-dir=/pysvn-1.9.10/Import/pycxx-7.1.3/
Here i've got errors below:
Compile: /pysvn-1.9.10/Import/pycxx-7.1.3/Src/cxxsupport.cxx into cxxsupport.o
/pysvn-1.9.10/Import/pycxx-7.1.3/Src/cxxsupport.cxx:42:10: fatal error: Src/Python3/cxxsupport.cxx: No such file or directory
#include "Src/Python3/cxxsupport.cxx"
Compile: /pysvn-1.9.10/Import/pycxx-7.1.3/Src/cxxextensions.c into cxxextensions.o
/pysvn-1.9.10/Import/pycxx-7.1.3/Src/cxxextensions.c:42:10: fatal error: Src/Python3/cxxextensions.c: No such file or directory
#include "Src/Python3/cxxextensions.c"
It is needed to edit that files:
vi /pysvn-1.9.10/Import/pycxx-7.1.3/Src/cxxsupport.cxx
change #include "Src/Python3/cxxsupport.cxx" to
#include "Python3/cxxsupport.cxx"
and same on second file. Than make again:
make clean && make
Compile: /code/pysvn-1.9.10/Import/pycxx-7.1.3/Src/cxxextensions.c into cxxextensions.o
Compile: /code/pysvn-1.9.10/Import/pycxx-7.1.3/Src/IndirectPythonInterface.cxx into IndirectPythonInterface.o
Compile: /code/pysvn-1.9.10/Import/pycxx-7.1.3/Src/cxx_exceptions.cxx into cxx_exceptions.o
Link pysvn/
Then just copy it to the site-packages (change to yours directory):
mkdir /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pysvn
cp /code/pysvn-1.9.10/Sources/pysvn/ /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
cp /code/pysvn-1.9.10/Sources/pysvn/_pysvn*.so /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/

Making MITM proxy run on Mac

I need to make use of python's mitmproxy. I have installed it successfully. However when I run mitmproxy command on my terminal it gives me a stack trace like the below :
File "/usr/local/bin/mitmproxy", line 9, in load_entry_point('mitmproxy==0.13', 'console_scripts','mitmproxy'()
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 558, in load_entry_pointreturn get_distribution(dist).load_entry_point(group, name)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 2682, in load_entry_point return ep.load()
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 2355, in load return self.resolve()
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 2361, in resolve module = import(self.module_name, fromlist=['name'], level=0)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/libmproxy/", line 7, in from . import version, cmdline
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/libmproxy/", line 5, in from netlib import http
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/netlib/", line 7, in from . import odict, utils, tcp, http_status
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/netlib/", line 26, in 'TLSv1.2': SSL.TLSv1_2_METHOD, AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TLSv1_2_METHOD'
I tried debugging the issue through some Googling and looks like I needed to upgrade my pyOpenSSL.
To know the current version of my PyOpen SSL I did the following on the Python prompt and got the ouptut as shown below to be 0.13:
>>> import OpenSSL
>>> print OpenSSL.__version__
So I tried upgrading the my pyOpenSSL using the below :
sudo pip install --upgrade pyOpenSSL
ans successfully did so, as when I ran the above again I received the following in the first line of the output :
Requirement already up-to-date: pyOpenSSL in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
Just to cross verify I went to the above path and found the PyOpenSSL dir as PyOpenSSL-0.15.1.dist-info. So am guessing PyOpenSSL was actually upgraded to the latest version.
However, when I ran the below on Python prompt again I received the version again as 0.13. Ideally I was expecting it to give the updated version now.
>>> import OpenSSL
>>> print OpenSSL.__version__
Some blogs suggested that if I have a virtualevn installed, it might interfere with the above. So I uninstalled virtualenv as well using
sudo pip uninstall virtualenv
I am still not able to get mitmproxy running. And when I run mitmproxy, I still get the same error as above.
Please let me know what am I missing and how to get mitmproxy running.
So it happens yet again. :P I could figure out the problem with the above approach and the solution to it as well on my own - OF COURSE - with the help of some friends and blogs !
So appears that the problem was actually because of MANY out-dated dependencies : -
Outdated OpenSSL -
current version displayed using OpenSSL version -a
Awesome help found # to update OpenSSL and from a friend ( who pointed out the issue itself initially.
Outdated pyOpenSSL - upgraded using the below which of course upgraded the same.
sudo pip install --upgrade pyOpenSSL
Then why was the below still showing an outdated version ?
import OpenSSL
print OpenSSL.version
because there were 2 different OpenSSLs in the system. One that was installed by pip and the other that was by default present in OSX. Again awesome help found #
some useful commands that helper were :
pip show pyOpenSSL - gives as output :
Name: pyOpenSSL
Version: 0.15.1
Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
as part of the output - indicating that the OpenSSL installed using pip is actually 0.15.1
cross verify using :
ls /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ | grep OpenSSL - gives as output:
Now the path below also had another copy of OpenSSL :
/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/OpenSSL and cat in the above dir gave the below as part of output :
version = '0.13.1'
indicating that the cause of the issue with the import statement showing the outdated python version.
And the above itself was the root cause for mitmproxy also not working
because mitmproxy was unable to use the latest version on OpenSSL.
So solved the problem by just replacing the OpenSSL in the above path (which was outdated) with the updated one from /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
cat ./OpenSSL/ gave as output (once again just to cross-verify)
version = '0.15.1'
And now the import statement reported the right version of OpenSSL.
Uninstalled mitmproxy using sudo pip uninstall mitmproxy - successfully uninstalled. Also uninstalled virtualenv. (not sure of the above 2 was required !)
Reinstalled mitmproxy as sudo pip install mitmproxy - Successfully done !
And ran mitmproxy now from the terminal wihtout a glitch ! :)

Python - cant find pip.ini or pip.conf in Windows

I got Python 2.7.8 installed on my Win7 machine, which comes with pip already pre-installed. I'm successfully able to install new packages from pip and now I need to add custom repository url to the install list of pip
To do so I need to modify pip.ini which is in %APPDATA%\pip\pip.ini according to the Official Manual
However there are no pip folder anywhere (not in Roaming, not in Local, not in LocalLow)
nor there exists PyPa folder in: C:\ProgramData\PyPA\pip\pip.conf
Could you tell me where do i search for pip.ini? how to add foreign repo to the install list?
Instead of checking a list of well-known locations, you can ask pip to list the valid locations:
pip config -v list
Fun fact
On the same machine, with the same pip version, the valid locations can vary based on the actual Python version.
Environment: Win 7 x64, the HOME environment variable is set to D:\Home
Python 3.7.3:
> pip config -v list
For variant 'global', will try loading 'C:\ProgramData\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'user', will try loading 'D:\Home\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'user', will try loading 'C:\Users\foobar\AppData\Roaming\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'site', will try loading 'C:\Python37\pip.ini'
Python 3.8.0:
> pip config -v list
For variant 'global', will try loading 'C:\ProgramData\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'user', will try loading 'C:\Users\foobar\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'user', will try loading 'C:\Users\foobar\AppData\Roaming\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'site', will try loading 'C:\Python38\pip.ini'
Finally got it sorted.
Apparently for Windows users pip.ini config file is not created, however can be added manually!
just create new %APPDATA%\pip\pip.ini and content of custom repository:
find-links = https://<login>:<password>
A bit late, but for reference:
Try adding the pip.ini file in %USERPROFILE%\pip\pip.ini (usually: C:\Users\<username>\pip\pip.ini).
On windows pip.exe looks for "pip.ini" in this order:
It's been 7 years, and I think there's now a better answer for most people -- but it does depend on version of pip. For the most recent pips I'm using:
$ pip config -v debug
lists where it's looking and you can decide which location is
most useful for what you've got in mind. It does look like a fairly recent
change: On a year-old docker image I had with pip 20.1
I got "ERROR: Need an action (edit, get, list, set, unset) to
perform." On that system, pip config -v list gave a list of files it would try, this is supposed to be 'global', 'user' or 'site' variants of pip.ini locations.
For Windows 10, for pip 21.2.4 on both 3.9.6 and 3.6.8, I get response below with pip config -v debug, while pip config -v list is silent (unless a pip.ini is found).
C:\ProgramData\pip\pip.ini, exists: False
c:\py\myvenv\pip.ini, exists: False
C:\Users\myname\pip\pip.ini, exists: False
C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\pip\pip.ini, exists: False
From a downloaded image I got from dockerhub in June 2021 with pip 21.2.2 and python 3.6.10:
pip config -v debug
/etc/xdg/pip/pip.conf, exists: False
/etc/pip.conf, exists: True
global.extra-index-url: http://trynexs:8081/repository/repo_group/simple
/usr/local/pip.conf, exists: False
/home/tanhauser/.pip/pip.conf, exists: False
/home/tanhauser/.config/pip/pip.conf, exists: False
Pip changed the location of the config file in windows starting in pip 6.0 the pip config docs explain the location of the config files as follows.
pip --version >= 6 (as of version 18.1 hasn't changed again yet)
pip --version < 6
Inside a virtual env
Site-wide win7+ (same as of win10)
Site-wide winxp (note windows vista side wide not supported)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\pip\pip.ini
NOTE: If multiple configuration files are found by pip then they are combined in the following order:
The site-wide file is read
The per-user file is read
The virtualenv-specific file is read
Also pip added a config command starting in pip 10.
pip config --help
I know this is a bit late, however, this post is high on the rankings when searching. Inside a virtual environment pip.ini can also be in the root of the virtual environment. From the docs and
Inside a virtualenv:
On Unix and macOS the file is $VIRTUAL_ENV/pip.conf
On Windows the file is: %VIRTUAL_ENV%\pip.ini
All the answers are partially wrong and right.
It depends on how your system is configured. The only way (for me) to find out was to patch site-packages/pip/ at the point where site_config_files is assigned (around line 120 for pip 9.0.1)
print('########## ' + str(site_config_files))
and then run pip search foo
On my system it printed ########## ['C:\\ProgramData\\pip\\pip.ini'], of which location I assumed I could not create/edit. But it just worked.
Btw, for my system %APPDATA% points to C:\Users\MYUSER\AppData\Roaming, which is not looked at when running pip on my system.
Rather than guessing first check if you have any default global/local config which is read by pip with the below command:
pip config list
This will give all details of the default config loaded by python.
If the above command doesn't give any output please try to find where pip tries to find for the global config file with the below command:
pip config --editor <path to editor of your choice> edit
The above command will open the config file which pip reads by default or else it will give an error saying that the file doesn't exist.
If there's an error please go ahead and create the exact directory and file structure as show in the error. Once the file has been created please make your changes e.g.
cert = /path/to/base64/ssl/certificate.pem
proxy = http://username:password#ipaddress:port
Save the file and please try to check (the above mentioned check command) if the configs are loaded by pip or not.
For more info please follow pip config documentation
Make sure you acually have a pip.ini file, not pip.ini.txt.
For me (Windows 8, pip 9.0.1, python 3.5.3), the correct path was
c:\Users\<UserName>\.pypirc <- sic!, even on windows
Windows 10:
I had to create 'pip' directory inside
then create pip.ini file inside that 'pip' directory:
No other location worked for me.
For Windows, python will load the config from path below. So, if pip.ini file is not exist in these paths you can create the new file by refer these path depend on environment scopes (global, user & site) that you need python execute.
For variant 'global', will try loading 'C:\ProgramData\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'user', will try loading 'C:\Users\MyName\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'user', will try loading 'C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'site', will try loading 'c:\python39-32\pip.ini'
By the way, you can check the paths as above by
pip config -v list
On a Windows 10 machine with multiple users I used this:
c:\users\all users\pip\pip.ini
Using pip version 22.3.1 with python version 3.10.4..
