ZF2 and EntityManager (Doctrine) - doctrine

I have a problem. I try to get the Entity-Manager without a Controller, but I found no way.
At this time, I get the Entity-Manager like this:
public function getEntityManager()
if (null === $this->_em) {
$this->_em = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager');
return $this->_em;
public function getEntityManager()
if($this->_em == null){
$this->_em = $this->getController()->getServiceLocator()->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default');
return $this->_em;
You see, I need allways a controller. But, if I need the EntityManager in a model, i have a problem. I can give the model the controller, but I think this is really a bad way.
Have you any idea to get the EntityManager without a controller?

The way I handle Doctrine is through Services, i do it like the following:
//some Controller
public function someAction()
$service = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('my_entity_service');
return new ViewModel(array(
'entities' => $service->findAll()
The Service->findAll() would look something like this:
public function findAll()
return $this->getEntityRepository()->findAll();
Now we need to define the my_entity_service. I do this inside my Module.php
public function getServiceConfig()
return array(
'factories' => array(
'my_entity_service' => 'Namespace\Factory\MyServiceFactory'
Next I create the Factory (note: this could also be done via anonymous function inside the Module.php)
namespace Namespace\Factory;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Namespace\Model\MyModel;
class MyServiceFactory implements FactoryInterface
* Create service
* #param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
* #return mixed
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$myModel= new MyModel();
return $myModel;
Now this is a lot to chew :D I totally get that. What is happening here is actually very simple though. Instead of creating your model and somehow get to the EntityManager, you call ZF2's ServiceManager to create the Model for you and inject the EntityManager into it.
If this is still confusing to you, I'll gladly try to explain myself better. For further clarification however I'd like to know about your use case. I.e.: what for do you need the EntityManager or where exactly do u need it.
This code example is outside of the question scope
Just to give you a live example of something I do via ServiceFactories with forms:
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$form = new ReferenzwertForm();
$form->setHydrator(new DoctrineEntity($serviceLocator->get('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager')))
->setObject(new Referenzwert())
->setInputFilter(new ReferenzwertFilter())
->setAttribute('method', 'post');
return $form;

Your real question is "How to get an Instance of ServiceManager in my own classes"
For this, take a look at the docu: (bottom of page http://zf2.readthedocs.org/en/latest/modules/zend.service-manager.quick-start.html)
By default, the Zend Framework MVC registers an initializer that will
inject the ServiceManager instance, which is an implementation of
Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface, into any class
implementing Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface. A
simple implementation looks like the following.
so implent the ServiceLocatorInterface in your classes and then inside your class you can call:
or any other service you have registered.


Mocking a service class inside controller

I am trying to write a Feature test for my controller. To simplify my current situation, imagine my controller looks like this:
public function store(Business $business)
try {
(new CreateApplicationAction())->execute($business);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return response()->json(['message' => 'error'], 500);
return response()->json(['message' => 'success']);
What I am trying to achieve is, instead of testing CreateApplication class logic inside my integration test, I want to write another unit test for it specifically.
Is there a way I can simply say CreateApplicationAction expects execute() and bypass testing inside it? (without executing the code inside execute())
/** #test */
public function can_create_application()
$business = Business:factory()->create();
$mock = $this->mock(CreateApplicationAction::class, function (MockInterface $mock) use ($business) {
$response = $this->post('/businesses/3/application', $data);
I saw online that people create "MockCreateApplicationAction" class but if possible I don't want to create another class as I don't want any logic to be inside it at all.
Is it possible?
class CreateApplicationAction
public function execute($business) {
// Business Logic...
So when I do the Mock, dd() should never be called. Or I am going in the wrong direction?
You will need to use Laravels container to resolve your class. The basic approach is to use the resolve() method helper. PHP does not have dependency injection, so you need to use one to make it possible, in Laravel the container solves that.
On constructors, controller methods, jobs, events, listeners and commands (rule of thumb if the method is named handle), you can inject classes into the parameters and they will resolve through the container.
public function store(Business $business, CreateApplicationAction $applicationAction)
try {

partially mocking a class without affecting the private properties in PHP

I have a class with a lot of methods in which I need to mock only one method due to some sql incompatibility between mysql and in-memory sqlite database.
class OrderService implements OrderServiceContract
protected $deliveryService;
public function __construct(Delivery $deliveryService) // DI injected object
$this->deliveryService = $deliveryService;
public function methodNeedstoBeMocked()
....some sql related code...
public function returnToWarehouse($orderId)
DB::transaction(function() use ($orderId) {
$this->deliveryService->someOtherMethod($orderId); // problematic external service call
Now in my test I partially mock this class according to this doc link, and I call the returnToWarehouse from test but then it says that
Error : Call to a member function returnToWarehouse() on null.
meaning that the property $deliveryService doesn't exist on mock.
My test Implementation is as follows.
* #test
public function an_order_can_be_returned_to_warehouse()
$this->partialMock(OrderService::class, function ($mock) {
$orderService = app(OrderService::class);
$orderService->markOrderReturnedToWarehouse($order->id); // here is the problem gets triggered.
What might be going wrong here? and what are some ways to mitigate this? Appreciate your help in advance.
The issue here is that partial test doubles from Mockery do not call the original constructor. For more information, please read the documentation here.
Alternatively, you could consider mocking the "problematic" method a bit differently. For example, you could extract that logic to a repository (since you mention that it is dealing with the database layer) that can then be mocked during your test.
Usually, When I have to mock some third party services I set up a Mock Like this.
This way you can set up easily your DI services
if (app()->environment('testing')) {
$this->app->bind(Delivery::class, static function () {
$service = \Mockery::mock(Delivery::class);
return $service;

How to mock a paypal transaction in laravel with phpunit?

While testing:
While checkout items from my website, need to mock confirmation... so we can then continue processing the order. Where the testing can be done..
How would i swap out good code for a mock? such as:
$gateway = Omnipay::create('paypal');
$response = $gateway->purchase($request['params'])->send();
if ($response->isSuccessful()) { ... etc ...
How is this possible?
While i have created tests, my knowledge in the area of mocking is basic
As far as it depends t mocking, you don't need to know exact response, you just need to know inputs and outputs data and you should replace your service (Paypal in this case) in laravel service provider. You need some steps like bellow:
First add a PaymentProvider to your laravel service provider:
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register any application services.
* #return void
public function register()
$this->app->bind(PaymentProviderInterface::class, function ($app) {
$httpClient = $this->app()->make(Guzzle::class);
return new PaypalPackageYourAreUsing($requiredDataForYourPackage, $httpClient);
Then in your test class you should replace your provider with a mock version of that interface:
class PaypalPackageTest extends TestCase
/** #test */
public function it_should_call_to_paypal_endpoint()
$requiredData = $this->faker->url;
$httpClient = $this->createMock(Guzzle::class);
$paypalClient = $this->getMockBuilder(PaymentProviderInterface::class)
->setConstructorArgs([$requiredData, $httpClient])
$this->instance(PaymentProviderInterface::class, $paypalClient);
$this->assertInstanceOf($httpClient, $paypalClient->pay());
This is the approach I usually take when I have to mock methods that contain calls to external libraries (such as Omnipay in your case).
Your snippet isn't very extensive, but I'll assume your class looks something like this:
class PaymentProvider
public function pay($request)
$gateway = Omnipay::create('paypal');
$response = $gateway->purchase($request['params'])->send();
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
// do more stuff
What I would do is refactor the class, so that the call to the external library is inside a separate method:
class PaymentProvider
protected function purchaseThroughOmnipay($params)
$gateway = Omnipay::create('paypal');
return $gateway->purchase($params)->send();
public function pay($request)
$response = $this->purchaseThroughOmnipay($request['params']);
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
// do more stuff
Then, after this refactoring, in the test class we can take advantage of the many possibilities PHPunit's getMockBuilder gives us:
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class PaymentProviderTest extends TestCase
protected $paymentProvider;
protected function setUp()
$this->paymentProvider = $this->getMockBuilder(\PaymentProvider::class)
public function testPay()
// here we set up all the conditions for our test
$omnipayResponse = $this->getMockBuilder(<fully qualified name of the Omnipay response class>::class)
$request = [
// add relevant data here
// call to execute the method you want to actually test
$result = $this->paymentProvider->pay($request);
// do assertions here on $result
Some explanation of what's happening:
$this->paymentProvider = $this->getMockBuilder(\PaymentProvider::class)
This gives us a mock instance of the Payment class, for which pay is a "real" method whose actual code is actually executed, and all other methods (in our case, purchaseThroughOmnipay is the one we care about) are stubs for which we can override the return value.
In the same way, here we are mocking the response class, so that we can then control its behavoir and influence the flow of the pay method:
$omnipayResponse = $this->getMockBuilder(<fully qualified name of the Omnipay response class>::class)
The difference here is that we are not calling setMethods, which means that all the methods of this class will be stubs for which we can override the return value (which is exactly what we are doing for isSuccessful).
Of course, in case more methods of this class are called in the pay method (presumably after the if), then you will probably have to use expect more than once.

How to add an Action to Account Controller in Shopware

How to add a custom action to an existing Controller in Shopware?
Examples (url structure):
Usually it's easier and cleaner to create a new controller for that purpose, but in some cases it's necessary.
You should not replace the "account" controller.
You can define you own action for existing controller with following:
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'Enlight_Controller_Action_Frontend_Account_MyBonus' => 'onAccountMyBonus',
and then
public function onAccountMyBonus(\Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args)
your code here
Spoiler: Replace the controller
There is no cleaner way than to replace the whole controller and extend it's functionality, so it's nearly as clean as Shopware's hooks.
Add a new Subscriber to your Plugin
class AccountSubscriber implements SubscriberInterface
* #return array
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
'Enlight_Controller_Dispatcher_ControllerPath_Frontend_Account' => 'getAccountController'
* #return string
public function getAccountController()
return $this->getPath() . '/Controllers/Frontend/AccountExtended.php';
* #return string
public function getPath()
$plugin = Shopware()->Container()->get('kernel')->getPlugins()['AcmeYourPlugin'];
return $plugin->getPath();
Unfortunately some controller have private methods which impact the logic. Like the Account Controller. So it's not always possible to simply extend the controller.
In the end, try to add a new controller with a new route.
It's easier, and cleaner.
There is a cleaner way than replacing the whole Controller.
It is also not recommended to replace a whole controller due to the lack of update compatibility.
In the worst case something like that could kill the whole website.
A while ago I created a thread in the shopware forum (german) discussing the exact same issue. I wanted to extend an existing finishAction() in the checkout Controller.
public function onPostDispatchCheckout(\Enlight_Controller_ActionEventArgs $args)
/** #var \Enlight_Controller_Action $controller */
$controller = $args->getSubject();
/** #var \Enlight_Controller_Request_Request $request */
$request = $controller->Request();
if ($request->getActionName() !== 'finish') {
// do your stuff here
So even though it is not the exact same issue you have, the procedure is quite the same.
First off you subscribe to the controller (in my case the PostDispatchCheckout Controller) afterwards you edit the controller in your Bootstrap.php
To make sure, that it just alters a specific action you have to use the if-construction so your code gets just triggered on the wished action [in my case the finishAction()].
I hope this helps. What wonders me though is why you have to add a new action to an already existing controller. I can think of no situation where something like that is more practicable than creating a complete new custom controller.
Kind regards,

laravel-4 way to inject an object that requires configuration into a controller

I would like to find a good way to pass a pre-configured object to a controller. I know that I can use the IoC like below:
Mycontroller extends extends \Illuminate\Routing\Controllers\Controller {
//i can only use one config uless i pass Request data
$this->config = App::make('MyconfigObject');
but this seems to have the limitation of only being able to use one config. I would rather do something like the following:
Route::get('some-route', function()
$config = Config::get('some.config');
$object = new MyConfigObject($config);
The reason I would like to do this is that I would like to dispatch the same controller, but with different configuration for several routes.
I'm not totally satisfied with this method but its the best I've come up with so far, using the IoC's automatic resolution.
* bindings to the IoC container
$app->singleton('MyNamespace\Transfer\TransferStategyInterface', function() {
$config = Config::get('transfer-strategy');
return new LocalTransferStrategy($config);
use MyNamespace\Transfer\TransferStategyInterface;
use MyNamespace\Transfer\TransferStategyInterface;
class TransferController extends BaseController {
protected $transferStrategy;
public function __construct(TransferStategyInterface $transferStrategy = null)
$this->transferStrategy = $transferStrategy;
