MvvmCross vNext: Using System.IO.Compression in PCL - windows-phone-7

I have some Model code that requires some methods from the System.IO.Compression namespace. However it is not present when using a PCL that targets VSMonoTouch and MonoAndroid as well. I see that some stuff is TypeForwarded in the MvvmCross solution, though when creating a similar project I can't seem to find out how to use it.
I created a MonoAndroid library project and added a Forward.cs class with the following content:
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.IO.Compression.GZipStream))]
I have set the namespace of the project to System.IO.Compression. Trying to add it as a reference to the PCL project I have with my Model code which contains ViewModels, Services and what not it of course says that it can only reference other PCL projects and assemblies.
I especially need GZipStream and I cannot seem to find out how to add it to my project, so the question is how do I do that?

PCL Extension route
How to do this by extending PCL... I'm not entirely sure! One of the PCL guys might be able to assist with that.
Plugin route
The way I'd go about this is by defining the functionality I want in an interface and wrapping the code in a plugin.
For example in Cheesebaron.Plugins.Gzip.dll you could create an interface like:
public interface IGZipStreamFactory
Stream Decompress(Stream binaryStream);
This interface would then get plugged inside a PCL library that just contained this interface and the pluginmanager class.
Your PCL Core project can then reference this PCL plugin library and your ViewModel can use code like:
followed by
var service = this.GetService<IGZipStreamFactory>();
var unzipped = service.Decompress(inputStream);
For each actual platform implementation, you then prepare a platform specific library, you implement the GZip factory interface, and you provide a simple Plugin class implementation.
For example, for Droid you might create Cheesebaron.Plugins.Gzip.Droid.dll:
public class MyDroidGZipStreamFactory : IGZipStreamFactory
// the implementation
And you'd then add:
public class Plugin
: IMvxPlugin
, IMvxServiceProducer
public void Load()
this.RegisterServiceInstance<IGZipStreamFactory>(new MyDroidGZipStreamFactory));
Finally... to pull it all together, for MonoDroid you then reference both the PCL and the platform specific implementation in your UI project - and it should all work!
Note that there is a little convention based magic going on behind the scenes here - the framework loads the Assembly Cheesebaron.Plugins.Gzip.Droid.dll based on the PCL Plugin namespace being Cheesebaron.Plugins.Gzip
(For WP7 and other platforms, there's one additional step - there's a setup method to override which registers the plugin)
Note you can register as many services as you want to inside a single PlugIn, and you can perform extra common initialization/setup code too. This can help to reduce some project maintenance overhead: you can put your CheeseBaron IoC objects inside one single CheeseBaron.Plugins.Utils project if you like and then share just this one plugin across all your apps.
The DownloadCache Plugin provides a small sample of this - it registers all of IMvxHttpFileDownloader, IMvxImageCache and IMvxLocalFileImageLoader.
The downside with doing this is: eventual linked exe size - you're potentially adding unneeded code to each app.
Obviously this plugin approach has a little bit of a learning curve... and it does add a little project maintenance - but the good news is that these plugins can be used over and over again between projects - and can be shared between organisations (at least, that's my hope!)
More on creating plugins at:
MvvmCross vnext: merge plugins with monodroid
For examples of plugins (not all available on all platforms), see
Other routes
If you don't want to use Plugins - e.g. if you are ever in a hurry or if you are writing code for a module that you don't want to reuse, then there are alternatives:
You can define an interface like IGZipStreamFactory in your share Core PCL library. You can then provide a platform specific implementation of this interface within each UI project, and can then use normal IoC/DI in the ViewModel/Model/Service layer in order to locate the correct implementation at runtime.
You can just dump the shared PCL core library and create separate platform-specific DLLs into which you then manually link in platform-specific files (I try never to do this, but others like it)


Create a Xamarin.Forms library from a Xamarin.Android / Xamarin.IOS library

Maybe this is a very basic question but here it is :
I have 2 libraries :
1 Xamarin.Android library
1 Xamarin.iOS library
What's the simplest way to create a Xamarin.Forms library that wraps the native libraries and will call them when needed?
I assume you mean actual platform libraries and not apps.
If you do mean the apps:
You're thinking of the projects backwards. The X.Forms library doesn't reference or call the platform libraries (X.Android & X.iOS); the platform libraries call the Xamarin.Form library. Just make sure both platform implementations implements the same interface and code against that interface in the Xamarin.Forms project.
If you're creating something like a plugin or control to use in Xamarin.Forms then you need to jump through a few hoops. I would suggest following James Montemagno's pattern(s). (He's a PM for Xamarin that makes a ton of nugets)
Use the old Visual Studio Extension that will stub out the projects for you. Unfortunately it uses PCLs.
Use the pattern he uses for Xamarin.Essentials. It uses fancy build conditions and only has one project.
If you want to hand roll a reusable control/nuget it yourself, you will need an abstraction to code against in your Xamarin.Forms library and some form of Dependency Injection to get to the native implementation.
Here is a good blog post about PCL bait and switch (which is what happens with the nugets)
You will need dependency injection. If aren't already using it, use the DependencyService that comes with Xamarin.Forms.
Assuming both the libraries do the same thing: you can use the strategy pattern to expose those libraries to X.Forms:
1.) In your X.Forms project, create a common Interface that exposes the methods you want to call in the libraries:
public interface ICommonService
void DoSomething();
void DoSomethingElse();
2.) In both of your platform projects, provide a concrete implementation of this interface:
public class CommonService : ICommonService
public void DoSomething(){...}
public void DoSomethingElse(){...}
Because the concrete implementation are in your platform projects, they have access to the Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS libraries you want to leverage.
3.) Use dependency injection to create an instance of the service in your X.Forms project. One way is to use the DependencyService in your X.Forms project:
Depending on if you are running the iOS or Android app, this will call the provided concrete implementation.
Note: If you plan on using DependencyService, you will need to register your concrete implementations first.
The following documentation has a very nice walkthrough of how to use the Xamarin.Forms DependencyService to achieve the strategy pattern:

How to use Localization in Shared Project? Xamarin.Forms

I want to make a multilanguage program via using resources(.resw files).
Its really easy for PCL but I dont know how to do it in Shared Project?
Create a Portable Class Library (PCL, or just Class Library Project) using .NET Standard, in order to localize resources in a Xamarin.Forms shared project.
Create the PCL, and then reference it from all 3 projects (Android, iOS, UWP).
Using a naming convention like AppResource.resx for the main resource, select that code generation should be Public, from inside the resource editor (in the top toolbar, there is a drop-down.)
Afterward, create a resource filed named for French, for example. Always use the format ResourceFile.Language.resx.
Code generation will automatically be disabled for the localized resource when you name it, by the project manager. Keep it that way. It doesn't need code generation.
VoilĂ ! You can now access localized resources from a shared Xamarin.Forms app using a Portable Class Library.
Now you can follow the rest of This Tutorial From Microsoft from within the PCL.
I've faced some day ago the same problem (and with .net standard there isn't documentation about it).
I've created a library to do quickly the localization also in shared project.
Hope it helps:

EventHandlerList missing in PCL project but available on platform library projects (Android/iOS)

I have small problem - I'm trying to implement class that needs to contain a lot of events. Due to memory concerns I planned to implement EventHandlerList which is available for me in my Android Library project target also in my iOS Library project target but is not available for me inside PCL Project. Tried to change PCL Target project to most commonly used but none of them contained what i needed.
Type missing for my case :
Is there any possibility to write such class once or I'm forced to write it two times because of missing PCL Target.
You will need Inversion Of Control (IoC) to use platform specific features or non-portable methods
Please take a look at this IoC example
Another option if you want to avoid IoC is to use Shared Project in Xamarin

Xamarin portable library - how to share classes

I'm building a project that includes an MVC Web Api hosted in Azure and an iOS app. I'm trying to use Xamarin to build the app. As I understand it, I should use a portable class library in my Xamarin project to allow me to share the code between my Web Api project and the Xamarin app, as well as any future apps on other platforms like android.
So right off the bat I would want to put my models in the portable library. The app and the web api will pass those models back and forth. But the portable library doesn't have the Azure Table Storage library. It doesn't even have some very basic stuff. My models need to reference the Azure Storage Library so I can save instances to storage.
What is the best way to make this code shareable? Obviously I need to duplicate my model classes so they can exist in each location. But should those in the PCL inherit from those in the Web Api project? Vice versa? Should there be an interface that both inherit from (actually the Azure Table Storage library requires the classes to inherit from ITableEntity already...). Just looking for the best way to share these classes between the Web Api project and the PCL used by the Xamarin project.
Using a PCL - Portable Class Library is a great way to get started! There are a few quirks that you may want to understand prior to sharing your code.
The PCL Profile is a limited set of APIs available. Meaning that certain classes/assemblies might not be included. You can typically look up the class/assembly via MSDN and see if it has a PCL icon next to the class name.
If the library you are trying to use has assemblies not inside the current PCL Profile but can be found on the native platforms, you will want to use the IoC/DI pattern.
Hopefully the library you're using supports PCL. Otherwise, you will need a library that does support the PCL Profile. (You can check this by downloading the .nupkg, extracting, and looking at the libs folder). Note: You may want to check the Prerelease NuGet channel for PCL support. Sometimes you can find an open source project and remove/replace certain assemblies/code to make it Portable.
General Guidelines:
Keep your POCO classes simple in the PCL. If you have platform specific quirks you need to add to the models, make a Model layer on that platform that inherits from your simple PCL models. EX: Your Web API has a specific [Attribute] tag or interface that you need to apply to your model. You might already have a Model such as Person which is a simple POCO class in your PCL, and then you can create a PersonApiEntity model which might inherit Person and any platform-specific APIs you need to apply to it.
It seems ITableEntity/TableEntity is not supported in the PCL Profile.
Seeing the source at a quick glance(

MvvmCross with two core libraries

Is it possible to link two Core libraries into your app?
I would like to create one Common.Core library that has login and account view models.
I would like another one Domain.Core library that has some domain view models in it.
These could be used across a couple different projects.
In my app, I do a new Setup().Initialize().
My Setup class overrides CreateApp() ...
public class Setup : MvxPhoneSetup
protected override IMvxApplication CreateApp()
return new Common.Core.App();
// TODO: can I setup a Domain.Core library here too?
I have tried doing this ...
but I'm getting a ReflectionTypeLoadException when I try to resolve a domain model from there.
Anyone tried something like this?
Yes, using multiple 'core' projects should work.
The ReflectionTypeLoadException occurring on Resolve suggests that maybe your second Assembly requires another Assembly that isn't available? Do you get the same problem with a very simple second core project? Can you get any more information about the exception? Which platform is this occurring on?
If you want to load ViewModel types from multiple assemblies, then there is a Setup method you can override - The default ViewModelLocator in MvvmCross gets its list of ViewModels from the assemblies listed in Setup - see MvxSetup.cs
(Sorry this list is in the ui project - should really be in the main core project)
For cross-platform compatibility, I don't recommend using Assembly.Load - better to use a more static method like typeof(Domain.Core.Something).Assembly
Working on 'packaged application' platforms like and (especially) xamarin.ios I don't recommend using Assembly.Load - this will only work on the iOS platforms if the assembly is referenced statically and has already been loaded - that's the reason plugins have a special bootstrap file on iOS. Also be aware that the name used in Assembly.Load is different on different platforms - eg in Android you must use the filename ending in .dll - see MvxAndroidSetup.cs. For other platforms like WP and winRT, then Assembly.Load may work more conventionally though - although I've personally spent hours/days/weeks swearing at this sort of code in the last year.
