Replacing Tuxedo calls with JDBC - jdbc

I have been tasked with replacing some Tuxedo services with the equivalent JDBC calls.
Considering a single Tuxedo service, I have started by creating a JDBC DAO, which implements the same interface as the existing Tuxedo DAO. I am calling methods on this from a new Service layer. I am planning to use the Spring #Transactional annotation on my Service layer to handle JDBC transactions.
Tuxedo handles transactions internally, hence a single Tuxedo DAO method call is comparable to multiple method calls on a JDBC DAO, which would be called from the new Service layer.
Given the above it makes sense to me that the Tuxedo DAO should really be a service level entity. Does that make sense?
Any thoughts on the best way to lay this out from a Service/DAO layer perspective would be appreciated. I need to keep the Tuxedo DAO for legacy purposes, but refactoring this into the Service layer should not be an issue if required.

It makes a lot of sense. In fact, a Tuxedo Service (depending if it's only a DB access or if it has some more business logic) could be replaced by a simple DB-DAO or by some sort of service (EJB, WebService, etc. depending on the standard technologies used in the enterprise).
I would try starting by classifying the services so you can decide what to do with each one of them and maybe fix some strategies. Something like "DB-DAO", "OTHER-DATASTORE-DAO", "MORE COMPLEX SERVICE".
After you did this work, you can build your direct DAO's and services. If you decide to deploy the services on a different infrastructure (scaling issues or just because many applications will use them and you want to keep a clean visibility), you can still write DAOs to consume them and respect the original calling interface, but with a new implementation behind.


Using a Transaction between Two different Ports in Hexagonal Architecture

We're using a hexagonal architecture in one of our microservice. Spring Boot is the framework implementing the service.
For a use case, we need to update a database table (relational) and send a message to a Kafka topic. Quite usual. We don't want to use any CDC or Outbox Pattern, but we want to rely on the transactional manager of Spring.
However, we need some clarification about how to implement this scenario. We don't want to have any dependency on the framework in the application layer (service/use case). How can we implement transactionality? Should we use the #Transactional annotation on the controller? Should we have a single output port, for example, saveAndPublish (I don't like this solution), and put the transaction management in the implementing adapter?
I know that every use case should be transactional by design.

Transaction management in microservices

We are rewriting legacy app using microservices. Each microservice has its own DB. There are certain api calls that require to call another microservice and persist data into both DBs. How to implement distributed transaction management effectively in this case?
Since we are not migrated completely to the new micro services environment, we still writeback data to old monolith. For this when an microservice end point is called, we call monolith service from microservice api to writeback same data. How to deal with the same problem in this case as well.
Thanks in advance.
There are different distributer transaction frameworks usually included and maintained as part of heavy application servers like JBoss and WebLogic.
The standard usually used by such services is Jakarta Transactions (JTA; formerly Java Transaction API).
Tomcat and Spring don't support distributed transactions out-of-the-box. You can add this functionality using third party framework like Atomikos (just googled, I've never used it).
But remember, microservice with JTA ist not "micro" anymore :-)
Here is a small overview over available technologies and possible workarounds:
If you can afford to write to the legacy system later (i.e. allow some latency between updating the microservice and the legacy system) you can use the outbox pattern.
Essentially that means that you write to the microservice database in a transactional way both to the tables you usually write and an additional "outbox" table of changes to apply and then have a separate process that reads that table and updates the legacy system.
You can also achieve something similar with a change data capture mechanism on the db used in the microservice(s)
Check out this answer on "Why is 2-phase commit not suitable for a microservices architecture?":

Thread model for Async API implementation using Spring

I am working on the micro-service developed using Spring Boot . I have implemented following layers:
Controller layer: Invoked when user sends API request
Service layer: Processes the request. Either sends request to third-part service or sends request to database
Repository layer: Used to interact with the
Methods in all of above layers returns the CompletableFuture. I have following questions related to this setup:
Is it good practice to return Completable future from all methods across all layers?
Is it always recommended to use #Async annotation when using CompletableFuture? what happens when I use default fork-join pool to process the requests?
How can I configure the threads for above methods? Will it be a good idea to configure the thread pool per layer? what are other configurations I can consider here?
Which metrics I should focus while optimizing performance for this micro-service?
If the work your application is doing can be done on the request thread without too much latency, I would recommend it. You can always move to an async model if you find that your web server is running out of worker threads.
The #Async annotation is basically helping with scheduling. If you can, use it - it can keep the code free of the references to the thread pool on which the work will be scheduled. As for what thread actually does your async work, that's really up to you. If you can, use your own pool. That will make sure you can add instrumentation and expose configuration options that you may need once your service is running.
Technically you will have two pools in play. One that Spring will use to consume the result of your future, and another that you will use to do the async work. If I recall correctly, Spring Boot will configure its pool if you don't already have one, and will log a warning if you didn't explicitly configure one. As for your worker threads, start simple. Consider using Spring's ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
Regarding which metrics to monitor, start first by choosing how you will monitor. Using something like Spring Sleuth coupled with Spring Actuator will give you a lot of information out of the box. There are a lot of services that can collect all the metrics actuator generates into time-based databases that you can then use to analyze performance and get some ideas on what to tweak.
One final recommendation is that Spring's Web Flux is designed from the start to be async. It has a learning curve for sure since reactive code is very different from the usual MVC stuff. However, that framework is also thinking about all the questions you are asking so it might be better suited for your application, specially if you want to make everything async by default.

What is the use of service layer in Spring Boot applications?

I am new to Spring Boot and I am creating a RESTful API with no UI.
I am thinking if I should use business service and call repository from there or just call the repository directly from my REST controller?
Separation of concerns is the key:
The controller (presentation layer, or port) is a protocol interface which exposes application functionality as RESTful web services. It should to that and nothing more.
The repository (persistence layer, or adapter) abstracts persistence operations: find (by id or other criteria), save (create, update) and delete records. It should to that and nothing more.
The service layer (domain) contains your business logic. It defines which functionalities you provide, how they are accessed, and what to pass and get in return - independent on any port (of which there may be multiple: web services, message queues, scheduled events) and independent on its internal workings (it's nobody's business that the service uses the repository, or even how data is represented in a repository). The service layer may translate 1:1 from the repositiory data, or may apply filtering, transformation or aggregation of additional data.
The business logic may start simple in the beginning, and offer not more that simple CRUD operations, but that doesn't mean it will forever stay this way. As soon as you need to deal with access rights, it's no longer a matter of routing requests from the controller directly to the repository, but checking access and filtering data as well. Requests may need validation and consistency checks before hitting the database, rules and additional operations may be applied, so your services get more value over time.
Even for simple CRUD cases, I'd introduce a service layer, which at least translates from DTOs to Entities and vice versa.
Keep your controllers/repositories (or ports and adapters) stupid, and your services smart, and you get a maintainable and well-testable solution.
Service layer is not a concept exclusive from Spring Boot. It's a software architectural term and frequently referred as a pattern. Simple applications may skip the service layer. In practical terms, nothing stops you from invoking a repository method from the controller layer.
But, I strongly advise the usage of a service layer, as it is primarily meant to define the application boundaries. The service layer responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
Encapsulating the business logic implementation;
Centralizing data access;
Defining where the transactions begin/end.
Quoting the Service Layer pattern from Martin Fowler's Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture:
A Service Layer defines an application's boundary and its set of available operations from the perspective of interfacing client layers. It encapsulates the application's business logic, controlling transactions and coor-dinating responses in the implementation of its operations.

Distributing business logic across different servers(like JBoss/Glassfish) using Spring and still under one transaction

I am willing to create an example(code) using Spring in which business logic to be distibuted across different servers like JBoss or Glassfish and still under one transaction? First of all is this possible in Spring. I know using EJB has this option. Likewise do we have a similar technique in Spring also? I am looking for Synchronous communication approach and not using asynchronous message oriented middleware. Any help/pointer appreciated.
Spring has support for RMI or provides its own remoting mechamism HttpInvoker but according to the doc they don't provide any remote transaction propagation.
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