When should I use 'for update nowait' in cursors? - oracle

In which case do we need to use for update nowait in cursors.

Using for update nowait will cause the rows to be busy and acquires a lock until a commit or rollback is executed.
Any other session that tries to acquire a lock will get an Oracle error message like ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired instead of waiting the lock to release.
CURSOR abc_cur
select * from dept where deptno =10 for update nowait;
Here the rows are locked until the cursor is closed or a commit/rollback gets executed. If, meanwhile, another user from session 2 tries to access the same records then this will throw an error as shown below:
select * from dept where deptno =10 for update nowait;
This user cannot even update or delete the same records that have been locked by the first session.
ERROR at line 1:
`ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired`
Now if you want to do some manipulation on certain sets of records and you don't want another user from another session to override your data then you must first lock the records(using for update nowait) and then do your manipulation. After you're done with your manipulation, close the cursor and commit.
Suppose there are 10 rows in temp and I execute the following script in my session 1 :
cursor abc is select * from temp for update nowait;
temp abc%rowtype;
open abc;
-- do slow stuff here
close abc;
In session 2, I execute the following while the script in session 1 is still running
select * from temp;
10 rows found
If I execute the same script, in session 2, while the script in session 1 is still running
cursor abc is select * from temp for update nowait;
temp abc%rowtype;
open abc;
-- do slow stuff here
close abc;
Then I get ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired instead of waiting the lock to release.

Using for update without the nowait clause. will do the following:
check if the record in question (or records in question) are locked
if they are locked then wait until they are no longer locked
lock the records with a new lock that will keep records locked until a commit or rollback is executed.
Using for update with the nowait clause. will do the following:
check if the record in question (or records in question) are locked
if they are locked then do not wait, but exit with an error message
if the records are not locked then lock the records with a new lock that will keep records locked until a commit or rollback is executed.
The examples in the previous answer would also work if session 1 gets a lock for update without the nowait clause, while session 2 uses the nowait clause.
Hope that helps.


Is there any alternative of skip locked for update in oracle

I have 5 rows in table. And some of the rows are locked in some sessions .
I don't want to generate any error, Just want to wait until any row will become free for further processing
I tired with nowait and skip locked:-
nowait , But there is a problem with nowait. query has written in cursor , when I used "nowait" under cursor , query will return null and control will go out with an error by saying- resource busy
I tried with skip locked with for update-But if table contain 5 rows and all
5 rows are locked then it is giving error.
CURSOR cur_name_test IS
SELECT def.id , def.name
FROM def_map def
WHERE def.id = In_id
FOR UPDATE skip locked;
Why don't use select for update only ? The below is being test locally in plsql developer.
in first sesssion I do the below
SELECT id , name
FROM ex_employee
in second session i run the below however it hang.
SET serveroutput ON size 2000
declare curSOR cur_name_test IS
SELECT id , name
FROM ex_employee
WHERE id = 1
for i in cur_name_test loop
dbms_output.put_line('inside cursor');
end loop;
when I commit in the first session , the lock will be released and the second session will do its work. i guess that you want , infinite wait.
However such locking mechanism (pessimistic locking) can lead to deadlocks if its not managed correctly and carefully ( first session waiting second session , and second session waiting first session).
As for the nowait its normal to have error resource busy, because you are saying for the query don't wait if there are locking. you can instead wait 30, which will wait 30 second then output error but thats not what you want(I guess).
As for skip locked, the select will skip the locked data for example you have 5 rows , and one of them is locked then the select will not read this row . thats why when all the data is locked its throwing error because nothing can be skipped. and I guess is not what you want in your scenario.
This sounds like you need to think about transaction control.
If you are doing work in a transaction then the implication is that that unit of work needs to complete in order to be valid.
What you are saying is that some of the work in my update transaction doesn't need to complete in order for the transaction to be committed.
Not only that but you have two transactions running at the same time performing operations against the same object. In itself that may be valid but
if it is then you really need to go back to the first sentence and think hard about transaction control and process flow and see if there's a way you can have the second transaction only attempt to update rows that aren't being updated in the first transaction.

Oracle parallel query returns before actual job finishes

A VB 6 program is processing records and inserting in a temporary table, then these records are moved from this temporary table to actual table as
The temporary table is then truncated when records are moved
connection.Execute "TRUNCATE TABLE TEMP_TABLE"
This is working fine untill I use PARALLEL hint for INSERT query. I receive this error on TRUNCATE
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout
It looks to me that parallel query returns before completing the job and TRUNCATE command is issued causing the lock.
I checked the number of records inserted as below and found that it is far less than the number of records in temporary table
connection.Execute "INSERT /*+ PARALLEL */ INTO MAIN_TABLE SELECT * FROM TEMP_TABLE", recordsAffected
Is there any way to wait for INSERT to complete?
Delete may be slower but Truncate is DDL which you can't run at the same time as DML. In fact, Truncate requires exclusive access to the table. DML on tables will request a share mode lock on the table which means you can't do DDL against the table at the same time.
A possible alternate solution would be to use synonyms. You have your table A
and a synonym S pointing to A
create table B as select * from A where 1=0;
create or replace synonym S for B
Your app now uses B instead of A so you can do what you want with A.
Do this every time you want to "truncate"
This assumes you're using ADO - though I now notice you don't have
that tag in your question.
Can you monitor the connection state with a loop waiting for executing to finish?
Something like
EDIT - Fix Boolean Add to use + instead of "AND"
While Conn.State = (adStateOpen + adStateExecuting)
Sleep 500 ' uses Sleep API command to delay 1/2 second
Sleep API declare
Edit - Add Asynch Hint/Option
Also - it might help the ADO connection to give it a hint that its running asynchronously, by adding the adAsyncExecute to end of your execute command
ie. Change the execute sql command to look like
conn.execute sqlString, recordsaffected, adAsyncExecute

Can a table be locked by another table?

We're encountering issues on our oracle 11g database, regarding table lock.
We have a procedure that is executed via sql*plus, which truncates a table, let say table1.
We sometimes get a ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT error during execution of the procedure at the part when the table is to be truncated. We have a webapp that is in a tomcat server, which when restarted (to kill sessions to the database from tomcat), the procedure can be re executed successfully.
table1 isn't used, not even in select, in the source code for the webapp, but a lot of parent table of table1 is.
So is it possible that an uncommitted update to one of its parent table is causing the lock?. If so, any suggestions on how I can test it?
I've checked with the DBA during times when we encounter the issue, but he can't get the session that is blocking the procedure and the statement that caused the lock.
Yes, an update of a parent table will get a lock on the child table. Below is a test case demonstrating it is possible.
Finding and tracing a specific intermittent locking issue can be painful. Even if you can't trace down the specific conditions it would be a good idea to modify any code to avoid concurrent DML and DDL. Not only can it cause locking issues, it can also break SELECT statements.
If removing the concurrency is out of the question, you may at least want to enable DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT so that the truncate statement will wait for the lock instead of instantly failing: alter session set ddl_lock_timeout = 100000;
--Create parent/child tables, with or without an indexed foreign key.
create table parent_table(a number primary key);
insert into parent_table values(1);
insert into parent_table values(2);
create table child_table(a number references parent_table(a));
insert into child_table values(1);
--Session 1: Update parent table.
update parent_table set a = 2 where a = 2;
end loop;
--Session 2: Truncate child table. Eventulaly it will throw this error:
--ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired
execute immediate 'truncate table child_table';
end loop;
any suggestions on how I can test it?
You can check the blocking sessions when you get ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT error.
Blocking sessions occur when one sessions holds an exclusive lock on an object and doesn't release it before another sessions wants to update the same data. This will block the second until the first is either does a COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
v$session s
blocking_session IS NOT NULL;
For example, see my similar answer here and here.

alter table constraint on unlock oracle

I am trying to write a script to be executed by a client who has no real knowledge of pl/sql,
I do a bunch of transactions in PL/sql to clean up their landscape and then have to add in some constraints to keep this from happening again, I commit automatically after the cleaning, and would like to finish my PL block with adding these constraints
only issue is I have no guarantee that the tables will not be locked when trying to add constraints to them, is there a wait until unlock type of command in oracle?
thank you, new to oracle and cannot seem to find this, I have combed through a bit of API but am at the point of time sensitivity and is proving very difficult to find when i think it seems like it would be a pretty regular issue with DB management
in your pl/sql block before execute any DDL you should call via execute immedaite :
where is number of seconds to wait.
But bear in mind even if you get lock after your first ddl it will be released because DDL commits automatically. So there is no way to guarantee that list of DDL commands will be executed one-by-one as in one transaction.
The command would be:
This will wait indefinitely if there is another session with a similar lock (which there should not be).
You can lock a table explicitly (with "WAIT") prior to a DDL, but that won't necessarily solve all of your problems if you are worried about another session holding an exclusive lock. Sounds more like you may have experienced an ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired due to a DML transaction in another session. This will eventually finish, so issuing the above lock command prior to ALTER TABLE will help you here. Just be aware that if there is a hung session elsewhere the LOCK TABLE command can wait indefinitely unless you have set a timeout.
So lets do an example:
In session A I start a transaction on tab
In session B I attempt to add a constraint to the table.
SQL> alter table tab add constraint uk_name unique(name);
alter table tab add constraint uk_name unique(name)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expire
So I'd have to try again. But instead if you precede your DDL with a LOCK ... EXCLUSIVE (WAIT)
SQL> lock table tab in exclusive mode;
-- indefinite period while the session A transaction blocks session B
Then session A commits or rolls back
SQL> commit;
Session B immediately continues when we see the lock command return Table(s) locked
Table(s) Locked.
SQL> alter table tab add constraint uk_name unique(name);
Table altered. (**comment Lock is released by the implicit commit issued the DDL statement)
Since the DDL statement releases the lock, each DDL will need to be preceded with a fresh LOCK statement. If you want to use this, I recommend adding a timeout (as suggested in comments by Justin). Lets wait up to a minute before giving up.
SQL> lock table tab in exclusive mode WAIT 60;
Although if this is an unattended script on a busy database, I'd probably go with something more than 60 seconds. Just log everything to a spool file, and check the log later for errors.
Anything more than this sort of maintenance probably requires that you quiesce your database first, else just deal with the contention on a case by case basis.

ORA 54 resouce busy error

I have a job running in production which abends randomnly with the error ORA 54. When I checked the code, I could see that the presence of NOWAIT is causing the issue. Now I decided to test it and wrote an anonymous block as follows.
cursor c1 is
select * from table where column_1=2 and column_2=2 and column_3=6
for update of column_4 nowait;
record_locked exception;
pragma exception_init (record_locked, -54);
open c1;
when record_locked then
dbms_output.put_line('Faced a locked record. Waiting for 2 minutes..');
open c1;
when others then
dbms_output.put_line('Exception Occured '||SQLCODE||SQLERRM);
I opened one session and ran the below query
select * from table
where column_1=2 and column_2=2 and column_3=6
for update of column_4 nowait;
I didn't commit or rollback and kept the session open. Now I ran the above anonymous block in another session. After waiting for 2 minutes, it failed with ORA 54 error. So my assumption is correct I believe.
Now the thing is when I ran the entire job code containing the first anonymous block in test environment in the same manner, it waited long for the locked records without abending. When I released the lock by rolling back, it updated the records and completed successfully.
I wish to know why?
You get different results from test and production because your table contents are different. Your test table doesn't contain any rows that match the where clause, therefore your sessions don't block each other.
Try adding at least one row to your test table that matches the criterion, and you should get the same results as in production.
